Motor Speed Too High When Homing With Pronterface
June 22, 2014 05:49PM
I'm currently building my first reprap, and have finally finished the hardware and am trying to get the software setup. I installed the latest version of Marlin as my firmware, and have been using Pronterface/Printrun as my G-Code sender.

I have been running into a weird issue where the default motor speed is to high for my motors (NEMA17s), and they just emit a high pitched whine when i try to move them. When i turn the motor speed down though (~900mm/min for X&Y, and ~140mm/min for Z), the motors all move fine when i manually control them. The issue comes when I run the homing. It seems that homing uses the default speed instead of the one i have selected, as the motors don't move and just whine.

Does anyone know how i might be able to adjust the homing speed to use my manually set speeds? Or alternately, is there something i did wrong that is preventing the motors from working at the default speeds that i can fix?
Re: Motor Speed Too High When Homing With Pronterface
June 23, 2014 03:31PM
Looks like you should first adjust your maximum feedrates in your firmware. Marlin has the habit to set it ridiculoulsy high instead of starting with low, safe values.

Teacup firmware starts on the safe side (and adjusts homing feedrates adaptively), the result are many complaints "my printer is too slow". That's why Marlin does it this way.

Generation 7 Electronics Teacup Firmware RepRap DIY
Re: Motor Speed Too High When Homing With Pronterface
June 24, 2014 12:08PM
Ah, that will do it. I thought I had adjusted my firmware configuration, but apparently hadn't. I used a Marlin Configuration Calculator ( to make sure I got all the right settings, and now it seems to be working fine. Thanks for the help
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