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Stepper motors move to home then stop

Posted by RiaanLR 
Stepper motors move to home then stop
April 13, 2015 10:40AM
I have built the Prusa i3 Steel. Did the Marlin config as described.
I can get the stepper motors to move to the home position. But from there i can not move them manually with Repitier to do the calibration. I have set the pots on the A4899 driver boards to .72-.76v. It was around .95 before.
I am new at this so sorry for the little info.
Would appreciate some input please.
Re: Stepper motors move to home then stop
April 13, 2015 01:49PM
If you can get your steppers to home, then check your other end endstops with M119 in pronterface or Repetier host, most likely are triggered and the reason why your steppers won't move.
Re: Stepper motors move to home then stop
April 14, 2015 03:07AM

Indeed thy were triggered. I had to change the value in Marlin and all was good.
The stepper motor for the extruder has a slight hesitation on it. I recon this can be of low voltage to the motor and i just need to slightly adjust the voltage little bit higher. I saw it was not the hobbed bolt that was slipping.

Thanks for your speedy reply previously.
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