Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 05, 2015 01:22AM
Hey all, I found out the hard way that if I switch off my fluorescent magnifier lamp next to my printer my printer stops cold. Beware.
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 05, 2015 02:41AM
That's probably a consequence of the ground loop that is usually formed when you connect a PC to a 3D printer over USB. Possible remedies include:

1. Connect the PC and the printer, and nothing else, to the same power distribution block.

2. If the printer has an Ethernet interface, use that instead of USB.

3. Print from SD card so that you can disconnect the USB cable

4. Using a USB cable with a ferrite bead on it may prevent the printer electronics from crashing when a ground transient occurs , although it won't prevent corruption of any data being transmitted.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 05, 2015 06:48PM
Thanks DC, I guess this adds to the argument over advantages of printing from SD.
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 05, 2015 06:49PM
Uh-oh. That's a hornet's nest you don't want to stir up!

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 06, 2015 12:56AM
I was thinking of you when i said it.
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 06, 2015 10:06PM
My first printer did this and I finally changed the power supply and it stopped. I think the grounding internally was not good.
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 07, 2015 12:25AM
Likely it's not grounding at all, but rather filtering and regulation . . . in any case, a better supply will help.

- Tim
Re: Fluorescent lights killing prints
August 07, 2015 01:50AM
Likely it's not grounding at all, but rather filtering and regulation . . . in any case, a better supply will help.

- Tim

That's easy to test. Confirm that the problem still exists by setting a print going and turning the light on and off. Then set a print going from SD card, disconnect the USB cable, and try the light again.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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