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X and Y Axis Drifts

Posted by psneddon 
X and Y Axis Drifts
October 10, 2015 12:38PM
This has been going on for a while, but I don't know what's causing it.

I have an I3 Rewok printer and run CURA from my laptop through USB port.

I load a model into CURA and hit the "Print with USB" icon and wait for the Pronterface UI print window to come up and for the printer to connect (temperatures are shown for hotend and bed).

If I try to raise my print head with the +Z Tool Up interface the X and Y motors will "drift" away from their end stops for about 10 steps or so and then stop. I Home the X & Y axis and after that I can access all of the controls without any issues. I've also had this occur when trying to extrude PLA (when doing extruder calibration) - same issue where the X and Y motors will "drift" away from their end stops for about 10 steps or so and then stop. Then I can run everything normally

I thought this was a quirk with CURA, so I just lived with the issue. However, I have been having print issues lately and decided to try a different printing software so I decided to give Repetier Host a try since most of the calibration procedures/tutorials seem to be geared around RH. I had everything ready to go - model loaded, temps ready to go, Gcode generated, etc. I hit the RUN button and waited. The printer homed okay, Z axis went down and up and back down - so far so good - and then it moved in the X and Y axis a bit like it was gong to print and then is stopped and the head started slowly drifting away from the X-axis end stop and kept going until I hot the emergency stop button! sad smiley

I turned everything off and tried again with the same results. Any Ideas what's going on?? Am I going to be stuck with CURA for my printing needs? If so, does anyone know of any really good tutorials that correspond to the terminology used in the "standard" calibration settings/steps for most printers?
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