Prusa i3 Mendel 3DP11: Help with firmware
January 03, 2016 03:11PM

I recently received a Prusa Mendel i3 printer as a gift for christmas. The part number is labeled on Amazon 3DP11, but in the box I received they have the machine labeled as part number 3DP08. So I have two different part numbers for the same machine, and it makes it confusing to try to find out any further information on the machine since I do not know the correct part number.

Amazon link to printer: []
HIC Technology link to printer: []

I was following the instructional videos on youtube about installing the firmware, and as I followed along, my printer screen ended up displaying nothing but two block lines going horizontally through my LCD screen. This was after I installed the firmware that was provided on the installation CD. My printer also made a high pitched beeping noise at the same time. I then went through the CD that was included and found a PDF that never even instructs me to add a firmware to my machine before printing. This really makes me mad because I never would have tried to install a new firmware if I knew I could have printed without installing a new one.I have read in other forums that when the LCD screen displays these two lines and makes this high pitched noise, it means that the wrong firmware is installed.

Before the LCD screen was messed up I was able to turn on the print bed heater, the extruder temp, the auto home, and every other feature that the screen provided, and now i have nothing but two lines going through the screen. I am not to sure what the board of this machine is since it is not labeled on the amazon website or on the HIC webpage, so it is hard for me to find the right firmware.

I am wondering if the firmware is the problem, and if it is, what is the correct firmware/firmware installation process for this printer?
Can anyone please send me the correct firmware for my 3DP11 and the 3DP08, so I can figure out which one is the correct one?
Will Installing this new firmware fix the display problem with my screen?
What board is my printer using?

Thank you for your time,

Justin M

Re: Prusa i3 Mendel 3DP11: Help with firmware
January 03, 2016 06:33PM
The most popular firmware for this style of printer is Marlin.
However you need to change some the configuration.h file parameters depending on the printers pullet type, z-axis threaded rod type, extruder type, LCD type etc.
To tune and calibrate the printer it's a good idea to know these parameters rather than using a setup from someone else.

Post the configuration.h file from the firmware you installed, also pictures of the board etc, what's not working and people will be able to help


My updated Instructable on our Prusa i3 Build
Re: Prusa i3 Mendel 3DP11: Help with firmware
January 05, 2016 01:51PM
Thank you, Steve. Here is a pic of the board and the non-working LCD screen. I have also attached the file to the firmware I installed.
open | download - Marlin2.ino (2 KB)
Re: Prusa i3 Mendel 3DP11: Help with firmware
January 05, 2016 02:05PM
Sorry, but the files are too large to post the pictures on here. I would happily send them to your email if you can provide it to me.
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