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Moving X, Y, and Z Axis on Pronterface

Posted by MrDrPr_127 
Moving X, Y, and Z Axis on Pronterface
February 25, 2016 12:51PM
I just finished building my Replikeo Prusa i3 and am now working on the software aspect of it. I have Arduino and Pronterface downloaded. I can make all the axis move by pressing the home buttons like "y-home" or "z-home" but when I try to move them steps at a time using the "y+" or "x-" commands, it gives me an error. Also, the printer is ignoring min and max positions I have defined in configuration.h. It will travel past max distances and run into endstops or the edges of the axis and keep trying to move through them. I defined the home position, direction and max and min positions in configuration.h, but it is ignoring them. The only way I can get it to move is by clicking the home buttons and even then, they don't home, they just travel the distance I set as their max position to travel after homing.
Re: Moving X, Y, and Z Axis on Pronterface
February 25, 2016 01:08PM
You need to check if the endstops are working as you want them to.

In pronterface with the axis off their endstops send the printer a M119 command
What does it show?

Then manually trigger each endstop in turn and send the printer the M119 command when triggered
What does it show?
Re: Moving X, Y, and Z Axis on Pronterface
February 25, 2016 01:34PM
I have already configured them. When I run M119 they all show up as open and when I hold one down and run it, the endstop shows as triggered. They all work like this and light up when I press them. The problem is when the printer hits them, it does not stop.
Re: Moving X, Y, and Z Axis on Pronterface
February 25, 2016 05:59PM
If they don't stop you normally have the wrong endstop on the wrong plug. (presuming its a ramps like board)

min endstops a X left, Y back and Z down
max endstops are X right, Y front and Z up

make sure you have set these correctly (and homing direction in firmware to match)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2016 06:03PM by Dust.
Re: Moving X, Y, and Z Axis on Pronterface
February 29, 2016 05:09PM
The axis directions are incorrect.
I have a Replikeo also. I purposefully put the Y end stop on the back side. And I found I had to reverse the firmware direction of the X axis.

And now the bad news:
If your extruder mounts as a single print part, this means no moving parts and no tensioning you are going to experience bad feed anomalies.

At this stage of my build I have the axis' all working correctly and have done test prints that didn't turn out correctly. This led me to replacing the extruder feeds and hot ends.
I now have herringbone extruders with E3d v6 hot ends mounted. In order to replace the hot ends I had to design a hot end mount and get it printed else where. This brought to a single head instead of the dual that I had. But I have a dual mount on the board. Just wait till you see what you have to go through to level two heads of the Mk types that came with the kit.
I now am waiting for the Molex cable connectors to connect the new end to the existing extension cables that came with the unit.

My Preshiousssss...

Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 02/29/2016 05:21PM by Giantkiller.

Replikeo Prusa I3 Rework, Ramps 1.4, Marlin, Pronterface, Tinkercad.
Plan B is always to be somebody else.
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