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New printer build under-way!

Posted by NumberSix 
New printer build under-way!
January 07, 2011 06:41PM
Hi all,
Just a quick note to say hello to the RepRap world and declare another printer 'under construction'! smiling smiley

I'll blog my journey here: [numbersixreprap.blogspot.com] and post questions on occasion if people don't mind yet more 'beginners' questions! smiling smiley

I plan to build as much as I can with DIY tools and buy the motors and electronics.

I'm located in Ireland and especially happy to hear from anyone in the neighbourhood embarking on the RepRap journey.

Re: New printer build under-way!
January 08, 2011 12:55AM
I'll blog my journey here: [numbersixreprap.blogspot.com] and post questions on occasion if people don't mind yet more 'beginners' questions!

That's what we're here for. grinning smiley

Only two criticisms:
At this stage, it's probably more a RepStrap than a RepRap since I'm using wooden joints.
Yay! smiling bouncing smiley

(You read the http://reprap.org/wiki/Wooden_Mendel#Important_Cultural_Note ? )

But once under way, the plan is to replace wood with plastic, just for authenticity if nothing else.
Boo! eye rolling smiley If you do that, you only have one machine. If you use the plastic parts to build a second reprap, you have two machines. Having two machines is even better than having one machine!

That's more a style point than anything else. (But I am very firmly of the opinion that everyone should have 2 repraps rather than just one.)

The more important criticism: joined reprap-dev yet? It's probably our official mailing list "friendly and technical" so you should probably join it since you're probably an official developer and all that. (It's compulsory tongue sticking out smiley )

-Sebastien, RepRap.org library gnome.

Remember, you're all RepRap developers (once you've joined the super-secret developer mailing list), and the wiki, RepRap.org, [reprap.org] is for everyone and everything! grinning smiley
Re: New printer build under-way!
January 08, 2011 02:22PM
Thanks for the reply Sebastien, points taken. I've just subscribed to the developer mailing list, but calling me a developer is stretching it. It's more 'monkey see on-line, monkey do' approach really! smiling smiley

It is RepStrap for sure right now. I did read the Cultural Note and examined the WolfStrap, but the simplicity of design drew me back to the wedge style frame. I know there are those out there frowning at the use of wooden joints on a 'reprap' design for various reasons, but i'm happy to see how it goes for me. Progress has been good. I have some more picts to post to my blog so people can see my approach.

Regards and thanks,
Re: New printer build under-way!
January 10, 2011 04:02AM
you sound like a hacker already - "thanks for your great idea, I researched, contemplated and decided to stick with what I was doing in the first place" winking smiley

make sure you check out prusa mendel, will be massively easier to make

Wooden Mendel
Teacup Firmware
Re: New printer build under-way!
January 10, 2011 06:42PM
Made some good progress over the weekend and have updated 'the blog' with picts and chat.
Tks to all for the advice and encouragement!

Re: New printer build under-way!
January 11, 2011 04:44PM
Good Job 6, Looking good.

Re: New printer build under-way!
January 22, 2011 07:25PM
Latest updates on construction progress now updated to the blog for anyone who's interested in a newbie's progress! smiling smiley

Re: New printer build under-way!
January 29, 2011 09:52PM
I'll be reading your blog. I own a ToM and I'm starting my first Mendel build on Monday when the electronics arrive. I'm printing the plastic on my ToM but it is good to know that I can fabricate with wood too if I get in a bind.
Re: New printer build under-way!
January 31, 2011 07:10PM
Best of luck with your build Thaed. What electronics have you gone for?
I've gone with Gen6 and just waiting on the electronics and motors to arrive now so I can crack on with construction.
You should start a blog or post a few photos as you go! Everyone's interested in how builds are coming along. Worth sharing your progress.

Re: New printer build under-way!
February 08, 2011 07:53AM
Hi number 6,
You may be just the person to help me. I have just posted a request for help to get the plans for a machine and after looking at your blog, I can see that you have made a great job with your first machine.
Could you help me please?
Re: New printer build under-way!
February 10, 2011 05:15PM
Hi Tony,
Welcome to the world of RepRap! I see from your other post that you plan to build a Huxley. Why have you chosen that model? I'm building a Prusa-Mendel 'repstrap'. Not quite a 'reprap' since I'm using wood instead of plastic.

My starting point was to study the construction and critical components of the Prusa Mendel from the pictures and videos that are out there, then I did my own drawings, old-school style, which I have on my blog. The lengts and BOM for all the rods, threaded bar, nuts and bolts are on the RepRap.org site. I don't know how well my approach will work until I finally get to print something but it's coming along nicely. My approach has avoided the whole CAD and drawings requirement. I could have bought the plastic but I'm happy as I am. You are welcome to adopt my approach but it's not tried or tested.

Not sure how I can help but you are welcome to throw questions if you like! smiling smiley

Re: New printer build under-way!
April 01, 2011 06:19PM
Quick update... progress has been steady these past few weeks, with a significant milestone passed recently. I got the electronics connected up and the printer moving enough to check x,y and z directions and rough caligrations. Also, I have the optos fitted so it's travelling to an x,y,z home position when I hit the 'Home all' button in RepSnapper software.

I've no extruder built or fitted yet so for most folks my little video I posted to the blog will be a bit of a non-event but for others it might be of some value! For me it's given a little sense of achievement that encourages me on with my repstrap build! smiling smiley


Re: New printer build under-way!
April 01, 2011 11:52PM
Excellent! Yes, we understand the sense of accomplishment - it's alive, I am a creator! You'll get just as much of a kick from your first blob of melted plastic. Then the real fun begins...
Re: New printer build under-way!
May 04, 2011 07:21PM
Extruder design and construction well under way at the moment. Not exactly an off-the-shelf approach so I expect to have to do quite a bit of testing and tweaking! All good fun! smiling smiley

Re: New printer build under-way!
August 01, 2011 04:45AM
Progress report... This past weekend saw a singnificent milestone reached as I got my repstrap to print for the first time!
Happy days! smiling smiley

More detail on my blog: [numbersixreprap.blogspot.com]


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