Auto bed leveling with servo "need help"
August 16, 2016 06:10AM
I'm a mechanic not electrician. My problem is that I have a printer that uses a mega 2560 and ramps 1.4 I have a twin extruder which servo occupies PIN D11. D5 and D6 pins D4 takes hub for additional fans. But I would like to connect servo for auto bedleveling _. Anyone knows _ the option where to connect a second servo to 1.4 Ramps and how to adjust Marlin firmware? Thank you in advance for your advice.  Sorry for my English.
Re: Auto bed leveling with servo "need help"
August 26, 2016 03:28PM
I have used the I2C PINS 20 AND 21 to control external boards. So what I did was used those pins to control two external tinkerkit mosfet boards for my hotends. I have the info on my thingiverse. LINK

I am not sure if those pins could handle a servo amp draw so use at your own risk. Maybe you could swap some things around though to be safer like how I did mine. The I2C pins are right next to the end stops.
Re: Auto bed leveling with servo "need help"
August 31, 2016 11:01PM
I have used a servo for auto level before switching to inductive sensor.

Check the picture, you can see where the servero is connected.

Place a a jumper like you can see in the pruple circle, do not forget this!

Edit: Sorry i didn't realize you are using those pins for extra fan's, i can't help then.

Why don't you order an inductive sensor? its much more user friendly, you buy them for like 2 euro's.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2016 11:05PM by Govahnator.
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