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PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.

Posted by heauxmbru 
PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 20, 2016 04:18PM
I just replaced the hot end and got everything set up and started a simple print to see if all is good. Not a chance!!! Now the PLA is just sticking to the nozzle with nothing sticking to the bed. My temperature was set to 200 for the first layer with the bed heat at 70. I thought maybe it was too high so I changed to 180 but it stuck to the nozzle just the same.

I'm curious what could be the problem.
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 20, 2016 04:39PM
I'm just wondering if the humidity has anything to do with it. We've has a lot of rain lately and the humidity is high.
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 20, 2016 11:18PM
It's the filament curling up? What hotend did you installed? And all metal? Does it have a cooling fan? It's on all the time?

Your hotend nozzle might be of poor quality and it might pulling the filament up, did you assembled it or just installed as it came?

Your nozzle to bed distance might be too high for the filament to attach to the bed.

Need to provide a lot more info to try to help you.
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 21, 2016 12:27PM
I had to assemble it, which means I put everything on the block and set screwed them in place. the brass nozzle was already threaded onto the barrel which is metal and has some material i assume to be porcelain in it (it is white). there is a fan that is on all the time with a heat sink between it and the hot end assembly. i had a little trouble with the bed height being too far away from the nozzle at first. went from the nozzle tearing up the tape on the bed to the filament just being dragged across the tape. but i finally go the height close (at least I think so). i actually use a sheet of printer paper to set the height (same as i did before which worked fine). i think the extruder motor may be slightly off calibration, but not enough to worry about until i can get this hotend to print something at least.

I bought it through Amazon which listed the seller as: RepRap Champion
Metal DIY Hot End for RepRap 3D Printer 1.75mm Filament, 0.4mm Nozzle, 12V 40W Heater, NTC 3950 Thermistor Hotend

This is the second one I bought. The first one was fully assembled and turned out to be defective. Both the thermister and the heater cartridge were shorted out. I think someone else probably damaged it and returned it and I ended up with it. I still have it. Anyway, the second one was not assembled and seemed to be OK so I assembled it and installed it. Everything works with the exception of the PLA loading up on the nozzle.
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 22, 2016 12:46AM
If your Z axis is too high it will do that. The PLA needs to be squeezed between the bed and the nozzle. There should be just enough room between the nozzle and bed to slide a piece of paper between them with a little friction.
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 22, 2016 07:41AM
I just replaced the hot end and got everything set up and started a simple print to see if all is good. Not a chance!!! Now the PLA is just sticking to the nozzle with nothing sticking to the bed. My temperature was set to 200 for the first layer with the bed heat at 70. I thought maybe it was too high so I changed to 180 but it stuck to the nozzle just the same.

I'm curious what could be the problem.

The hot end temperature is within the right range for PLA 180-200 and I would reduce the bed temp to 60. Also check your z-height as already suggested and the first layer is mostly done slower than the future layers to help with sticking. Also ensure bed it's flat, level and clean using 99.9% IPA as grease/oils will stop the PLA from sticking.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2016 07:42AM by orictosh.

Supporting 3D Printers with Parts and Build services.
Printer: Ormerod 2 (528.4) Duel extruder set-up with Aluminium X-Rib, RRPro Firmware v1.11-ch (2016-04-08)
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 22, 2016 08:15PM
The white tube inside is a PTFE liner. Ok so most likely the problem you have is the nozzle to bed height.

Without filament on your printer, load a file and hit print, as soon as it start "printing" hit stop and check the distance between nozzle and bed (a piece of paper should drag in between, if not then adjust it till is perfect.

Slow your first layer to 50% of rest of print.

Add some purple glue stick to the painters tape to improve adhesion.
Re my extruded motor won't feed.
August 27, 2016 12:53PM
I got a new motor and it still won't feed the filament.it starts to feed the motor makes a clicking noise the the filament just goes back and forth.could it be the motor needs calibrating,if sohow do I do t?i have a rep rap i3.
Can anyone help.also I have checked and cleaned everything.
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
August 27, 2016 10:35PM
The stepper driver in the board have a trim pot, with a multimeter measure voltage between ground and top of pot (dial) and adjust according to your stepper motor requirements.

Without a multimeter turn it clockwise until the stepper start to make high pitch noise the slowly back it until noise disappear, if driver gets too hot while in operation, back the pot some more.

Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
September 11, 2016 10:57PM
turn off the heated bed use school glue on glass if possible and make sure the nozzle to bed gap is good too low it scrapes and extruder clicks stop the print tighten the bed down a little and retry until you get a line of filament to stick on the bed the first layer must stick or it will just curl around the nozzle and yes calibrate extruder and filament diameter I use 200 C first layer and 195 C after no heated bed on a glass plate with glue water soluble stick glue. # 1 is nozzle to bed gap 0.1mm paper thickness

Anonymous User
Re: PLA is just sticking to the nozzle.
September 20, 2016 02:44AM
firstly,I think you should check your temperature of the hot end,it should be in the range of your filament printing temperature.
secondly,you can check the shape of your filament,it shouldn't scrolled up. If that, it says your nozzle have been blocked
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