I recently installed a y-splitter on my printer and mechanically that all works out well.
The one persistent issue that these systems have is the stringing caused by the filament when it gets retracted.
After I figured out that the stringing is mainly caused by moist PLA, I started building my own filament drying storage and while thats on the way I ordered some PETG sample that came recommended as being non-stringy. However after one day the samples took on moisture as well and now behaved the same as PLA.
Over on the smoothie forum I had an interesting discussion about that and one of the guys there recommended an extra steps a so called purge trail that the prometheus y splitter guys are recommending for their products.
I cant imagine why and how that would help but im interested in general what tool change scripts you all use?
Im using mainly "retract - push back in - retract all the way" from 3dator [
wiki.3dator.com] but thats not effective in reducing strings. Im not even sure of the strings can be reduced at all by a tool change script.