Hi, Im new to the forum and I have some questions about the fabrication of the 3d printer.
I am kind of wanting to start the project of building this 3d printer but where I am from either some parts are really expensive or either there are not to be found anywhere, so, if anyone can help me:
About NEMA 17 motors:
I know that this printer uses this kind of motors but they are extremely expensive where I live (more or less around US$ 50 EACH) and if I purchase them from abroad I might have problem letting them in into the country due to its foreign policies. So I was wondering if I could replace this motors with another one, in that case please tell me which one. A friend of mine suggested me of using the step motors for the printers, which in that case I will select those who are more like the NEMA 17 and if possible, to be taken from same brand of printers, if this brings future problems or needs another configuration in the drivers or the softer I would be kind if you could tell me.
About the Plastic Parts Needed:
According to the RepRap page I need some parts (such as a gear) which where printed from another 3d printer but they are either too expensive or very hard to find, my doubt was if I could carve in wood this pieces in order to build my own plastic pieces and then replace them.
About the Arduino and the RAMPS:
Arduino as the motors are VERY expensive and I might get problems with getting them also. But as I got some friends you studied electronic I want to know if the RAMPS and the Arduino are REALLY necessary or they can be replace with our own plaque? I ask this because I saw in the RepRap page about the "Alternative Electronics" (http://reprap.org/wiki/Alternative_electronics) I want to know if theese alternatives options are compatible with the Prusa i3.
Thanks very much in advande