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New printer needs help

Posted by Lycanthe 
New printer needs help
July 07, 2016 08:39AM
Hi everybody.

I've discovered the world of 3D printer during the Paris 's MarkerFaire in 2015.
From that time i've always wanted to have one.

A friend that owned one lend his machine 2 weeks ago. And From this time, i've tried many thing in order to make it works but i've failed each time.

My OS is Xubuntu 14.04 and the machine is an Ordbot
The Software I use is Repsnapper (found in the "Logithèque" (in french))

But I cannot connect the printer with the computer. Each time it write : "Error opening port /dev/ttyUSB0"

I apologize for my bad english but I'm french and it's a long time since i've talk that language.

Thanks the help
Re: New printer needs help
July 08, 2016 01:39AM
Hello, are you sure its at /dev/ttyUSB0 ?
Bonjour, êtes -vous sûr de son / dev / ttyUSB0 ?

Open command and type LS USB
Ouvrir commande et tapez LS USB

Sorry french is rusty and using Google translate.
Re: New printer needs help
July 08, 2016 03:46AM

I suppose you use Arduino.
I had found this post in the official forum: Error opening serial port '/dev/ttyUSBx' on Ubuntu (See first respond)
Also, take care that last versions of Marlin (again I assume you are using Marlin with your Arduino) runs at 250000 bauds and some Linux drives can have problem with this configuration. If ths is the case there are several websites with information to fix it (sorry I use Windows)
Re: New printer needs help
July 08, 2016 04:55AM
make sure your user is in the group dialout


sudo adduser {your_user_name} dialout
Re: New printer needs help
July 08, 2016 07:55PM
could also be permissions, try

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0


sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

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