Upgrading Marlin to 1.1.9 - Z axis not working
August 03, 2019 12:46PM
Hi there,
Prusa I3 Steel, no z-probe or other fancy things. I am updating marlin from 1.0.1 to 1.1.9, and after initial configuration (only basic changes to the default configuration.h, much of it copying values from old one) and first connecting to Pronterface I am having some problems with Z axis: I first tested the endstops with M119 command and they are working ok. If I command a little movement to any axis using the GUI they all work nice, and they home ok too, except Z homing. Then the printer starts shaking VERY and the Z motor makes a not-good noise. if I manually press the endstop then it stops, but with a message in pronterface:

"Errortongue sticking out smileyrinter halted. kill() called!
[ERROR] Errortongue sticking out smileyrinter halted. kill() called!"

I have no idea what could be causing this. any help?
by the way, the boards is a RAMPS 1.3

UDPATE: I have tried lowering the value for HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z from the default (4*60) to (3*60) (the noise and vibration have go down), then to (1*60) and there's no more noise or vibration, but it still is not homing ok and still gives the same kill() error... (by the way, at this value it seems to me now it moves z axis when homing at aprox. the same speed as it did before 1.1.9... but in my old marlin 1.0.1 this value was 4*60, so I dont understand anything here...

also another thing I am noticing is that pre-1.1.9, when homing, after touching the endstop, it would raise a bit then go down again. now with 1.1.9, this second "go down" is done MUCH slower, and it goes down beyond the point it should...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2019 01:56PM by gerbo.
Re: Upgrading Marlin to 1.1.9 - Z axis not working
August 03, 2019 01:56PM
most likly is the max Z feedrate is set too high
check for this line in config.h
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE { 300, 300, 5, 25 }

change the 5 to a 2 or 3
Re: Upgrading Marlin to 1.1.9 - Z axis not working
August 03, 2019 02:35PM
thanks for the reply, I just changed DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE from { 300, 300, 5, 25 } to { 300, 300, 2, 25 } but nothing changed... I tried with 1 also, but nothing...

by the way, is it normal that the second "go down" after touching the Z endstop, is at a different (much slower) speed than the first movement when clicking the z-home button? (in 1.0.1. it did it at the same speed)
Re: Upgrading Marlin to 1.1.9 - Z axis not working
August 03, 2019 03:13PM

is it normal that the second "go down" after touching the Z endstop, is at a different (much slower) speed than the first movement when clicking the z-home button?


Though you can change in configuration.h


By removing or changing the divisor

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2019 03:18PM by Roberts_Clif.

Computer Programmer / Electronics Technician
Re: Upgrading Marlin to 1.1.9 - Z axis not working
August 03, 2019 05:10PM
great, thanks
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