Need help uploading
September 20, 2016 08:27PM
Replacing dead solidoodle2 electronics with ramps 1.4 and mega2560.
Arduino compiled and uploaded Marlin successfully but lcd display is only backlit.
Board "connected" with Repetier-host but no manual control of printer.
Any ideas where to start?.
Re: Need help uploading
September 20, 2016 08:37PM
It sounds like you don't have the LCD Panel configured in the Configuration.h file. The LCD stuff is towards the bottom of the file.
Re: Need help uploading
September 20, 2016 09:00PM
So looking at the display section of configuration.h, when I do find the correct display/adapter do I just delete the "//"?
Re: Need help uploading
September 20, 2016 10:23PM
The display is LCD12864 which I don't see in configure.h
Is the SSD1306 OLED compatable? "#define U8GLIB_SSD1306" is very similar to recommended driver.
Re: Need help uploading
September 21, 2016 04:13PM
If its a standard LCD display just uncomment

#If defined statements will setup the required files
Re: Need help uploading
September 22, 2016 12:17PM
It is a standard LCD with push/rotary input and SD card.

Pretty sure part of my trouble is the library.
The vendor supplied a compressed file U8glib.rar and I can't seem to grasp what to do with it.

All responses appreciated.
Re: Need help uploading
September 26, 2016 08:28AM
Just to make sure, have you already seen text on the display or is it the first time you power it up.
Because if it is, there is a little pot meter on the back of the display and you have to rotate it to change the contrast of the letters.
The first time if tried my lcd i couldn't see any text. But when I changed the pot value a bit I could read the text.

This is probably not the problem, but just to be sure :p
Re: Need help uploading
September 26, 2016 11:05AM
Thanks for the input. It was the zipped format of U8glib.rar library file (and location) that hung me up.
Some configuration troubles still, as for the new brain "It's Alive!"
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