Hi reprap peoples,
Decided to get involved in the reprap scene and build a 3d printer, got everything going mostly sweet minus the MK2A heated pcb bed (200x200) which i can not just seem to get to work when connected via my Ramps 1.4 Board running marlin RC7. I have confirmed that the heatbed does work as i can plug it straight into the 12V 30A PSU and it heats up as well that the thermistor (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/5-pcs-lot-100K-ohm-NTC-3950-Thermistors-with-dupont-head-for-3D-Printer-Mend-Free/32360326755.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.4YtxEy) also works as it was reporting the temperature change of the bed while plugged into the psu and the idle room temp. I have tried the same marlin build on another ramps board and received the same error so it makes me believe that most likely it is my config that is the issue.
It always results in this error reporting in repetier and on the LCD when trying to heat the heatbed, (the hotend D10, hotend fan D9 work fine fyi)
15:55:15.593 : Error:Heating failed, system stopped! Heater_ID: bed
15:55:15.597 : Error

rinter halted. kill() called!
Other possible thoughts is that it could be the manufacturer as both boards are from the same cheap chinese supplier? I probably should use a multimeter to check the voltage between the input and output but electronics is not my main forte so not sure which combo to use or setting on the multimeter to not cause it to short circuit.
Any help would be most appreciated as I have been stumped by this for the last 4 days, about to try a couple options with the thermal runaway protection turned off but the mere idea seems like a poor option/solution.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/20/2016 07:52AM by VooDoo.maGiK.