Min Temp not lower than 76ºC
January 09, 2017 02:59PM

This problem does not really affect my prints, but my curiosity would come down if I understand why this is happening.
I am currently using a P3Steel printer running with Arduino Mega, RAMPS 1.4 and Marlin Firmware.
When my extruder is cold, the min temp showed on the LCD display is always 76º. It´s never going below that even if I unplug the thermistor, but when it gets hot the temperature is shown correctly, printing with good quality.
I guess this is a marlin configuration I dont have correct, but I´ve searched and looked into the code and still not knowing why this is happening. I am affraid that eventualy the thermistor cable will fail and the MINTEMP error wont´t work, giving me an extreme heat to the extruder and the consecuences after that...

Thanks in advance!
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