Extrusion Issues when updating to Marlin 1.1
August 27, 2017 01:12PM
I have an “old” printer (Bukobot circa 2014) which has an Azteeg X3 board running Marlin from about that same period. I don’t have the code that the board was installed with, but I do have the “documented” changes made when the Marlin was configured. I have been able to integrate the previous documented changes and figure out a few others to get my printer almost working:
  • X movement works correctl.y (+,-,home)
  • Y movement works correctl.y (+,-,home)
  • Z movement works correctl.y (+,-,home)
  • Hot end appears to work hitting and maintaining temp. (no real confirmation, my IR temp gun is on order)
  • Bed temps appear to work hitting and also maintaining set temps.
I’ve been using the latest version Arduino IDE to flash my printer and Proterface to test on macOS 10.12.

The next problem I’m trying to overcome is extrusion...

In Pronterface, whenever I select “Extrude”, Pronterface responds with "Extruding 1.000000mm of filament.” but the printer actually retracts.

When I press “Retract”, Pronterface responds with: "Reversing 1.000000mm of filament.”, but the printer extrudes.

Now, this was a working printer before the update so none of the wiring has changed, just the firmware.

What setting do I change to invert extruder operation?

[edit] corrected the "Extrude" response from Pronterface. (copy/paste error).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/27/2017 01:50PM by gdahilig.
open | download - Configuration_adv.h (56.7 KB)
Re: Extrusion Issues when updating to Marlin 1.1
August 27, 2017 08:09PM
find in configuration.h

// For direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false.
#define INVERT_E0_DIR false

The comment is crap as it depends which way around your stepper plug is.

If INVERT_E0_DIR is false change it to true, If it is true change it to false.
Re: Extrusion Issues when updating to Marlin 1.1
August 28, 2017 12:03AM

That was it!!! And, I laughed when I saw your reply. I looked right at that setting and thought for sure (because of the comment) that it did not apply. But, I flipped that bit and sure enough, it extrudes and retracts correctly.

Thanks a bunch! Now it's time for some real print tests!

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