Question on UBL and Fade Height August 24, 2018 05:46AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 231 |
Re: Question on UBL and Fade Height August 26, 2018 11:14PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 552 |
So, let's say I just homed, so I'm at X0, Y0, and Z2. Now I raise the carriage to Z10, and do a G1 X185 Y185. There was no change in the Z compensation on that move. Now if I lower the print head to Z0, does the Z compensation get applied? If it does, then theoretically, I should be able to check that point with my feeler gauge and it should still be the same as when I did the initial mesh calibration.
Also, if I want to do some G29 P4 fine tuning of the mesh, should I deactivate UBL first and re-home before attempting this, or does the code automatically figure it out?