Hi guys,
using the latest bugfix-1.1.x, I enabled EMERGENCY_PARSER to be able to use M108 in headless mode, via host, to resume from M600 pause.
The issue I am seeing now is that on some hosts (e.g. Pronterface) the firmware halts on M109 heatup. It heats up, displays "paused for user" and holds the temperature. Only if I send M108 the print starts (since that sets wait_for_user to false I suppose).
Since Pronterface caused this issue and OctoPrint did not, I noticed that OctoPrint uses the recommended way of M155 for temperature polling while Pronterface floods the printer with M105. This seems to cause a lock up on the M109 heating period.
Is there any way of preventing those commands of causing the firmware to wait for user input?
Thanks in advance!