driver DM542Y - Configurare Marlin
September 14, 2020 09:40AM
Hi, I'm new to the forum, I would like to ask you my question:

I am building a delta for printing with clay, I used a Bigtreetech skr 1.3 card with TMC2209 driver and nema 17 motors for the x, y, z axes

and Marlin-bugfix 2.0 firmware.

So far everything ok, I did a blank print run and everything seems to go smoothly.

For the extruder I instead opted for a nema 23 and DM542Y driver as per link:

[]- stepper-motor.html

to connect it to skr 1.3 there are the appropriate pins (EN DIR STP GND)

it is also necessary to set the 1: 1 step in the firmware, since it will be the external driver that generates the microstep pulses, setting it through the appropriate switches.

And here is the question: the DM542Y driver It is not among the drivers listed in Marlin, how do I configure it?

I'm afraid to test by setting another driver, I have no idea what might happen.


Options: A4988, A5984, DRV8825, LV8729, L6470, TB6560, TB6600, TMC2100,
*: ['A4988', 'A5984', 'DRV8825', 'LV8729', 'L6470', 'TB6560', 'TB6600', 'TMC2100', 'TMC2130', 'TMC2130_STANDALONE', 'TMC2160', 'TMC2160_STANDALONE' , 'TMC2208', 'TMC2208_STANDALONE', 'TMC2209', 'TMC2209_STANDALONE', 'TMC26X', 'TMC26X_STANDALONE', 'TMC2660', 'TMC2660_STANDALONE', 'TMC5130', 'TMC5130', 'TMC5130_STANDONE'
* /
#define X_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Y_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
#define Z_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
// # define X2_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define Y2_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define Z2_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define Z3_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
#define E0_DRIVER_TYPE <<<<<<< ???
// # define E1_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define E2_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define E3_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define E4_DRIVER_TYPE A4988
// # define E5_DRIVER_TYPE A4988

thank you

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2020 09:42AM by t0t0.
Re: driver DM542Y - Configurare Marlin
September 14, 2020 10:04AM
You have made life really difficult for yourself by getting a stepper driver that is not supported.

Leave #define E0_DRIVER_TYPE commented out.

You need to set timing manually, you need to extract the data from the stepper drivers datasheet.

In Configuration_adv.h find the following and set to your drivers requirements.

 * Minimum delay before and after setting the stepper DIR (in ns)
 *     0 : No delay (Expect at least 10µS since one Stepper ISR must transpire)
 *    20 : Minimum for TMC2xxx drivers
 *   200 : Minimum for A4988 drivers
 *   400 : Minimum for A5984 drivers
 *   500 : Minimum for LV8729 drivers (guess, no info in datasheet)
 *   650 : Minimum for DRV8825 drivers
 *  1500 : Minimum for TB6600 drivers (guess, no info in datasheet)
 * 15000 : Minimum for TB6560 drivers (guess, no info in datasheet)
 * Override the default value based on the driver type set in Configuration.h.

 * Minimum stepper driver pulse width (in µs)
 *   0 : Smallest possible width the MCU can produce, compatible with TMC2xxx drivers
 *   0 : Minimum 500ns for LV8729, adjusted in stepper.h
 *   1 : Minimum for A4988 and A5984 stepper drivers
 *   2 : Minimum for DRV8825 stepper drivers
 *   3 : Minimum for TB6600 stepper drivers
 *  30 : Minimum for TB6560 stepper drivers
 * Override the default value based on the driver type set in Configuration.h.

 * Maximum stepping rate (in Hz) the stepper driver allows
 *  If undefined, defaults to 1MHz / (2 * MINIMUM_STEPPER_PULSE)
 *  5000000 : Maximum for TMC2xxx stepper drivers
 *  1000000 : Maximum for LV8729 stepper driver
 *  500000  : Maximum for A4988 stepper driver
 *  250000  : Maximum for DRV8825 stepper driver
 *  150000  : Maximum for TB6600 stepper driver
 *   15000  : Maximum for TB6560 stepper driver
 * Override the default value based on the driver type set in Configuration.h.
//#define MAXIMUM_STEPPER_RATE 250000
Re: driver DM542Y - Configurare Marlin
September 15, 2020 02:55AM
Luckily all the data is written on the driver itself:

You have made life really difficult for yourself by getting a stepper driver that is not supported.

Leave #define E0_DRIVER_TYPE commented out.

You need to set timing manually, you need to extract the data from the stepper drivers datasheet.

In Configuration_adv.h find the following and set to your drivers requirements.

 * Minimum delay before and after setting the stepper DIR (in ns)
 *     0 : No delay (Expect at least 10µS since one Stepper ISR must transpire)
 *    20 : Minimum for TMC2xxx drivers
 *   200 : Minimum for A4988 drivers
 *   400 : Minimum for A5984 drivers
 *   500 : Minimum for LV8729 drivers (guess, no info in datasheet)
 *   650 : Minimum for DRV8825 drivers
 *  1500 : Minimum for TB6600 drivers (guess, no info in datasheet)
 * 15000 : Minimum for TB6560 drivers (guess, no info in datasheet)
 * Override the default value based on the driver type set in Configuration.h.

 * Minimum stepper driver pulse width (in µs)
 *   0 : Smallest possible width the MCU can produce, compatible with TMC2xxx drivers
 *   0 : Minimum 500ns for LV8729, adjusted in stepper.h
 *   1 : Minimum for A4988 and A5984 stepper drivers
 *   2 : Minimum for DRV8825 stepper drivers
 *   3 : Minimum for TB6600 stepper drivers
 *  30 : Minimum for TB6560 stepper drivers
 * Override the default value based on the driver type set in Configuration.h.

 * Maximum stepping rate (in Hz) the stepper driver allows
 *  If undefined, defaults to 1MHz / (2 * MINIMUM_STEPPER_PULSE)
 *  5000000 : Maximum for TMC2xxx stepper drivers
 *  1000000 : Maximum for LV8729 stepper driver
 *  500000  : Maximum for A4988 stepper driver
 *  250000  : Maximum for DRV8825 stepper driver
 *  150000  : Maximum for TB6600 stepper driver
 *   15000  : Maximum for TB6560 stepper driver
 * Override the default value based on the driver type set in Configuration.h.
//#define MAXIMUM_STEPPER_RATE 250000
Re: driver DM542Y - Configurare Marlin
September 17, 2020 04:32AM
Thanks for the reply.
your procedure is certainly the most correct.
I solved with a little luck in the following way:

1) I set the TB6600 as stepper driver
#define E0_DRIVER_TYPE TB6600
2) I used the pins near the driver soket (EN DIR STP GND)
connecting them to the driver in the following way:
stp> PU +
gnd> PU-
Dir> DR +
gnd> DR-
en> MF +
gnd> MF-

for now it seems to work well, I don't have any problems with loss of step or other anomalies. When I have finished assembling the printer I will try to extrude the clay, and if I find anomalies I will try the settings you suggest.

thank you so much
Re: driver DM542Y - Configurare Marlin
September 17, 2020 04:32AM
Thanks for the reply.
your procedure is certainly the most correct.
I solved with a little luck in the following way:

1) I set the TB6600 as stepper driver
#define E0_DRIVER_TYPE TB6600
2) I used the pins near the driver soket (EN DIR STP GND)
connecting them to the driver in the following way:
stp> PU +
gnd> PU-
Dir> DR +
gnd> DR-
en> MF +
gnd> MF-

for now it seems to work well, I don't have any problems with loss of pace or other anomalies. When I have finished assembling the printer I will try to extrude the clay, and if I find anomalies I will try the settings you suggest.

thank you so much
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