Scuba, I am currently running Marlin firmware on RAMPS 1.4 Justblair, I would love to see your schematics if you get a chance. I am off to check out the test branch of the Marlin firmware now. The Card Detect pin was one of the things that I was unsure DanKimble7 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I am currently running the Marlin Firmware on my Repstrap. I would like to add an interface something like this. Ultipanel with rotary encoder Is there anyone currently running with a setup like this? If so, How did you wire it up?/What pins did you use?by DanKimble7 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
I'm from NW Ohio. If you get something going, I'll be DanKimble7 - General
Pointedstick, I will keep that in mind if my belt drive Z axis doesn't work out. Currently, when I kill power to the Z axis, it just softly glides down to the hard stop. No slamming of anything that might suggest that it could damage anything. I will likely put a rubber bumper at the bottom of the stroke just to make sure. Royco, I guess great minds think alike. I would be interested to seeby DanKimble7 - General
Mazaw, I machined the non extruded aluminum parts on a CNC machine at work. I designed them to possibly be printed on a Reprap. Although I have yet to try the Z Carriage, I have printed the vertices in ABS. They work good, I just chose to make the current ones from aluminum, because when I made them, I was at work, and my Repstrap is at home. Andrew, Ya I have concerns about that as well. Thby DanKimble7 - General
I made some more progress. It's Alive! Check out my blog for updated pics and a video. I need to come up with a name for this thing. If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, comments or criticisms, I would love to hear DanKimble7 - General
The hot end/s will be sandwiched between two aluminum plates mounted on the top and bottom of the carriage. Up to 4 hot ends could be used, one in each quadrant. Although I only plan on using 2 for DanKimble7 - General
I made the frame first to see how sturdy it would be. I can stand on it. The aluminum extrusions are 1"x1" and the individual parts are machined square on both ends, and bolts draw everything tight. I plan to install lexan windows in the channels. Maybe a heated chamber of DanKimble7 - General
Hello Everyone. I have been hard at work designing/building another RepStrap. ( This is addictive!) Please check it out on my blog. It is a work in progress. Any comments, suggestions, criticisms etc. welcome. DanKimble7 - General
QuoteBuback I think Forrest Higgs Sampo is similar, albeit Darwin based. This setup still forces one axis to carry the weight of the stepper motor and drive of the other axis. With a single belt H-bot setup, both the X and Y axis stepper motors would be stationary. The touch screen however is very DanKimble7 - General
QuoteVDX The main advantage was the positioning of both motors (X,Y) on the base-plate, so the Y- and Z-axes had reduced mass and could be moved faster than with motors and electronics on them ... Exactly, eliminate the mass of the motors/drive train, this would translate into faster motion. Also the single belt H-bot setup uses both X and Y motors for all moves, this could, in some situationsby DanKimble7 - General
I was wondering if anyone had done anything similar to this before. Or is there is any interest in doing something like this. I am envisioning a Darwin/Ultimaker type machine with this type of XY movement. I would like to pursue this idea, but I don't know enough about programming to modify a Ramps Firmware to control the X and Y stepper motors in this way. Could this be a simple modification,by DanKimble7 - General
Please excuse my off topic post, but how are you able to adjust printing speed in the middle of a print? I have just started printing things with my repstrap. I use Skeinforge to slice and send it to the printer with Pronterface. I'm using the Sprinter firmware RAMPS 1.2 and was thinking that a speed control knob would be great. I watched the videos and saw you change the speed and flow rates onby DanKimble7 - General
Awesome, thanks nophead. I'll check it out DanKimble7 - General
Thank you for the encouraging words gentlemen. Tonight I finished the heating block for my hot end. I put a picture of it on my blog. If it looks familiar, I can only say that "Imitation is the purest form of flatory" or something like that. I will be researching the construction of a Bowden style extruder to push some plastic. I just need to lay my hands on another old printer (salvaged stepby DanKimble7 - General
I just got around to adding some pictures to My Blog. Check it out and tell me what you all think. I was sucessful in getting my firmware to communicate with Repstrapper, but no luck with the Host software yet. I have not crashed or burned anything up yet so I guess I am not trying hard DanKimble7 - General
I purchased an Arduino Mega 2560 and some Pololu A4988's from, a RAMPS pcb from tijnekind on ebay(Thanks). I got the stuff to popuate the board from Digikey. Soldered it up, I currently have the "Sprinter" firmware loaded I am using the RepRap Mini-Host to test out the stepper motors. I have had a time trying to get any Host to communicate.(Windows 7 Starter, Netbook).by DanKimble7 - General
Hello, my name is Dan. I'm the new guy. (Actually I have been lurking here for a few months.) I just started on a RepStrap build. So far I have only managed to destroy one stepper motor. So I think i'm doing good. I am a Mech Engineer, so the mechanical stuff is coming along good. Electrically, I chose to go the Arduino Mega 2560\RAMPS route. If anyone has any sage advice, I would love to heaby DanKimble7 - General