Hey guys, just thought I would post this up here listed at $650 on CL but here I would drop it down to $550 this is a blomker reprap 1.5. Everything works I just don't use it... Questions text (601) 837-1426by rajien2 - For Sale
Anyone else who is having issues getting reprap to move the other way check your end stopsby rajien2 - General
For fucks sakes..... Really Just wiring them up like they are already worked... WTF I spent the last 7 hours matching wires and I never found that pattern!! thanks man... Now I just need to figure out why I can only go + not - but that should be easy Thanks again everone!!! ohioplastics Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Six wire steppers are compatible with fby rajien2 - General
Also not wiring the stops would not cause this issue would it?by rajien2 - General
Okay well hooking it up correctly It becomes kinda hard to turn but when you tell it to go a direction nothing happens... How ever if you hook both A+ and B+ to a single coil if becomes nearly impossible to turn and when you tell it to turn a direction it jumps around randomly.... How can I rule out a Ramps board hardware or software issue... I think the stepper is fine, how ever If not im okay bby rajien2 - General
I have the same motors..... The issues im having is they jump around and turn in any way they feel like.... How the hell did you get them to work... Im about to throw them out the dam window.. Im using a ramps 1.4 Ramps has 2b,2a,1a,1b The stepper has PIN1= B- PIN2= B COMMON PIN3= B PIN4= A PIN5= A COMMON PIN6= A- WTF am i doing wrong here... nic0laz Wrote: ------------------------------by rajien2 - General Mendel Topics
here is the ebay link with pic if it helpsby rajien2 - General
yeah somthing like Type 17PM-J034-P2VS Minebea Co. LTD. Part# FH5-1043by rajien2 - General
Im having issues with wiring my Nema 17s, I have the ramps 1.4. The issues is im just guessing at the connections and im worried im gonna blow somthing... Im told the moter is PIN1= B- Orange PIN2= B COMMON NO WIRE PIN3= B Blue PIN4= A Red PIN5= A COMMON NO Wire PIN6= A- Yellow My ramps says 2B 2A 1A 1B Pby rajien2 - General