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Thank you everyone for the help is getting this sorted out. While digging through the settings in Slic3r I came to the Advanced option under Print Settings and the "Top solid infill" option was set to 90%. I changed it to 0 for default and the printer is working great now. Here's a picture of it printing the last top solid layer and a picture of the setting I changed.
How that option got set
Thank you for the help. Please see below for print speeds. The part in the picture above was printed in eSun PETG 1.75mm at 250*C with the bed at 90*C.
I tried adjusting the nozzle width in the software to .42 (.40x1.05) and I got the exact same results. Around the boarder where the infill begins and ends it has a nice surface and adhesion to the previous layer. It's only in the middle
I'm not really sure where to begin as I'm still fairly new to 3D printing so I'll try my best. I have a Printrbot 1405 that I converted into my own designed larger printer (180x180x180). Essentially the only parts I reused from the Printrbot are the stepper motors, X/Y stop switches, z-probe, and Printrboard. My printer is still setup to perform the 3 point z-probe for autolevel of the print bed.