The first issue was done using adobe tools. Illustrator, Indesign and photoshop. We are considering the opensorce alternatives, Inkscape, Scribus and Gimp. Cheersby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
We are doing a how to/guidelines that will be publish in issue 2, but for now a simple word document is fine. Pauloby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
So i ended up with this settings: // Center-to-center distance of the holes in the diagonal push rods. #define DELTA_DIAGONAL_ROD 222.0 // mm // Horizontal offset from middle of printer to smooth rod center. #define DELTA_SMOOTH_ROD_OFFSET 175.0 // mm // Horizontal offset of the universal joints on the end effector. #define DELTA_EFFECTOR_OFFSET 33.0 // mm // Horizontal offset of the universaby pdesigns - Delta Machines
Hi guys We are very glad that the magazine is getting so many good comments and feedback! The advices and suggestions already made will be taken under consideration during the development of the project, and always feel free to send us an email. As for the first edition, well we missed some typos..our apologies. We have reviewed some that were mentioned and made the pdfs already available forby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
I think i´m beginning to understand the principals. Having that gap between the hinge and the bearings optimizes the build space, but has the down side of the torsional loads you mentioned.To reduce this torsional effects i would have to bring the smooth rods closer to the center of the printer. If i put the hinge right next to the bearings (without the gap) the build area will be smaller (on thby pdesigns - Delta Machines
An idea is to just take your printer to the closest design school, put it on a desk and start printing...My guess is that you would have to be answering questions for a couple of hours.. In my understanding guerrilla marketing and viral marketing and very close to each other, and the powerful thing they can achieve is to make people talk about the product, service or idea it pdesigns - General
I will have to look at scad first (never used it) and see the rostock scad files. I´ve been wanting to try and use it, but i´ve been missing a little motivation..I´m more a man of nurbs and sufaces modelling.. Nothing like necessity to give us a little push But this give me the idea of doing one article/tutorial about the rostock and/or kossel. Aimed at the noob level..a mix between something lby pdesigns - Delta Machines
Ok. I have 500mm smoth rods, i did the diagonal rods with 210mm (from center to center of the ball ends) and i can get one arm completely vertical when the other 2 are completely horizontal. Now i have 410mm where the vertical carriages can travel, so if i´m not wrong i should be able to get something around 150mm of printing height. I will also do the math to see what i pdesigns - Delta Machines
Thanks VDX I shall look into it later on tonight!by pdesigns - Delta Machines
Hi I´m trying to build a Rostock, and i have doubts on the dimensions of the rods and the resulting printing area. I have 500mm smooth rods, and i wanted to ask how can i determine the diagonal rods length and the resulting printing area? If possible i would like to get something arround 200x200x200.How can i see if its possible to get this printing envelop?by pdesigns - Delta Machines
Hi Just to update the email. For general contacts, sending pictures, articles and other content use: Developers can also send an email to be in our database for future contacts to: editorial@rby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
Hi, its been a while, but i went to check and i did not found the ramps 3d model on grabcad neither, so probably i was mixing things up and downloaded it from the links that archistrong posted pdesigns - General
i will give this a more in depth thinking, and will consider all this input. Tanks for this little discussion. Solidworks is totally out of my budget, i´m using it at my workplace (currently this is a period with little work in Portugal...). But it is a great software for some uses, for organic 3d and fast 3d concepts it might be better to use a polymodeling based one like pdesigns - General
James i don´t think i understand your point. The hotend is a j-head (its not 100% right on the measurements but it is very close). I haven't done the connection of the tube to the hotend, but are you saying that it needs even more space and cooling between the extruder head and the tube? (see the images on my second post). Well i´m sure i want to try the bowden extruder also, but not necessarilyby pdesigns - General
i´m using solidworks 2012. The model of ramps is from pdesigns - General
well the printer current footprint is 400x500x355 (excluding the spools). Its current over the limits i set before and i will still try to reduce the size. I also think it as to many exterior screws, and thats also an aspect i want to redesign. The hotends are about 60mm from the x smooth rods, and now that you mention that point i will do a little review and reduce that distance (switch the hotby pdesigns - General
hi guys, I´m designing my next 3d printer, and i´m doing this just because it´s fun an i like it ! But i do have a question. I´m trying to go for a basic setup using dual extrusion (and trying to have an easy hotend replace system) so that i can have 2 nozzle sizes or two colors. I´ve design it using a bowden extruder, with an adapted wade extruder, and i currently have a 200x200x200 printingby pdesigns - General
Hi everyone After the initial post about the interest of a 3d printing magazine and motivated by the shown interest we have assemble a team and are currently working on the first issue. There is a gallery section dedicated to show all those great prints out there. So if you have one and want to submit it to possible publication on the magazine please send us some pictures (max of 3 pictures perby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
It's good to see this on going discussion, indicating several possible paths. At this point i´m working up with on the basic plan for the project. This a bit of a struggle... And to set off the ground with the project i will start to try to assemble a small team.This will be the base team to run the project for the long term. Ideal basic profile is people with knowledge and experience. In theby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
vdx you are right. i will search for a balanced pdesigns - RepRap magazine
Johnrpm does are good points to ask about. They concern me to. I really wish it to be by the community and for the community. Makes no sense to me to work on the project unless thats the basic principle sustaining it. As to advertising in my opinion there is space for that in this project. There are always new members arriving, and it could be helpful for them to have some pub from web-shops iby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
Good to see the general interest! I´m studying the best way to set this project on. Nudel your comics are great, and certainly will have a space! Dale Dunn, yes the main focus would be on reprap machines, not pure commercial pdesigns - RepRap magazine
what i had in mind was not so much a website like, witch is good, but i what i was thinking was really on the mag format, and dealing with specific topics (pretty much the sections richrap listed). This would be an on-line edition, pdf or similar, and possibly a small web page for support in the beginning. I would like it to be a mag for both experience users, for new users and to briby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
i´ve given a some more thoughts about this idea, and decided to give it a serious approach. in the next days i will be writing and sketching on the needs and requirements of such project. in the mean time feel free to leave your thoughts about this in this post or send me a message. Jody sorry but for me this is a project that makes sense if it is build by this community and for this communityby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
good to see theres some interest. richrap possible sections pretty much sums what i had in mind.i would also add a section for web resources and links. And it would be a little like the Magpi example gary mentioned. if i could get a handful of people to compromise to do one test edition, selection of the sections and writing one article i would give the time and make all those into a pdesigns - RepRap magazine
I´m just wondering if there is anyone interested in making a 3d printing magazine? I was thinking on a project similar to the digital photography magazines. A free web-magazine, new editions every month or so, with general articles, how to, tips, reviews and so on... i´m a designer so i could handle that dimension of the project.. anyone interested or think that there is any interest in develoby pdesigns - RepRap magazine
tanks the problem was solved. i had to replace one pdesigns - Reprappers
my pcb mk2 heated bed was working fine. I set it up to 110 to print abs, and around 70º it stopped working, and does not heat up now. i've disconnected it and check the wires, and used a hair dryer to see if the thermistor was working and it does. i´using a sanguinololu 1.3. what can i do to identify the problem?by pdesigns - Reprappers
this problem was solve! tanks for the help. it was a code problem after all... i had this: //#define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN tanks for the help! Now off to calibration!!by pdesigns - General
ok. i will check up the wiring.. lets see if i can fix this tonight!by pdesigns - General