Not really sure I like the idea of bouncing my G-code files onto the cloud and back, but how about something similar just pointing the Duet to a local network folder, then, if there are any new files .G or .GCODE files in the folder, or a file time stamp changes then upload bgkdavis - Ormerod
Windows file manager has FTP client functionality built in... sometimes it can be a little limited compared to a full blown FTP client, but generally worksby bgkdavis - Ormerod
I think you will find there is a difference between loading a file to a drive or SD card and loading a file into memory. When loading files to a drive or SD card its generally not a good idea...and usually not possible to actually use the file before it has been completely loaded. On the other hand I doubt the controller has the capacity to actually load an entire file to memory, and probably oby bgkdavis - Ormerod
Maybe for large builds you can have a second piece of glass. Keep the glass with targets on for smaller builds, but when you need the extra build volume take the targeted glass out and put your large build volume glass in. If two pieces of glass is extravagant maybe use both sides of the same piece. Alternatively try homing with targets on the aluminium and compensate for the glass bgkdavis - Ormerod
I was getting some inconsistencies with my RRP Z probe, but found that what was happening was sometimes a print would fail and the debris would get caught between the bed and the Z probe knocking it out of line, so I've printed a protector block that holds the probe head in position better and protects it from getting knocked. The idea of Putting targets under the glass is questionable the proby bgkdavis - Ormerod
ah OK easy mistake I guess, all the documentation on the Ormerod only say it can have two extruders, and RRP only sell a Dual colour upgrade for the Ormerod as opposed to the Tri Colour upgrade available for the Mendle 3, I know the Duet can handle 3 extruders, and I'm fairly sure that many people can fit a third Extruder... it just appears that RRP don't want to use a third extruder as a sellingby bgkdavis - Ormerod
OK.... here's a word for the RepRapPro Mendel 3, A lot of what Kim says doesn't apply to this machine, just older Mendels, when I looked at the options I opted against the cantilever design of the Ormerod 1) The firmware and hardware is identical, they both use the Duet controller which in comparison to others I've seen is excellent, 2) It can fit three extruders as opposed the the Ormerods bgkdavis - Ormerod
I tried reducing the Standby temperature to 150C and had a print temp of 195, but was finding that the heat up/cool down times were huge, this print took 45min with a standby and extruder temp of 195C, setting a low standly temp can triple this time! Retraction in Z didn't help at all, you still got ooze that would deposit once the printer returned to level, and even with a 15mm retraction on Eby bgkdavis - Ormerod
I spent some more time with S3Ds settings for my MEndel 3 tri colour and have some success' When using Slic3er I was having some serious ooze problems, that was leading me to doubt the wisdom of a tri extruder printer the problem I was getting can be seen on the failed print on the left, a lot of ooze artifacts which can still be seen after fettling. The cones at the back you can see look grby bgkdavis - Ormerod
well Ive given Simplify3D a go and this is what the print looks like with the ooze shield still on the bed, you can see there are a lot of ooze artifacts, but they are all attached to the shield Once I peel the ooze shield off then it looks like this, a LOT better. For most single extruder prints I think Slic3r is perfectly adequate, but it clearly lacks some multi extruder functionality thatby bgkdavis - Australia, Brisbane RepRap User Group
Actually I think I've found the 'rouge setting' its the Speed overrides on the coolingby bgkdavis - Ormerod
The settings that are giving the most grief are the speeds, it appears the S3D pritnts a LOT slower than Slic3r, but the speeds I see in the program don't make a great deal of sense when I compare them to the settings and the settings in Slic3r... of course this could just be pointing out that my actual problem with slic3r was it was printing too fastby bgkdavis - Ormerod
good point.... I forgot you have to depin some of the connectors, there are instructions for this in the instructionsby bgkdavis - Ormerod
I've built a Mendel 3 tri colour and can understand you confusion with the Omerod instructions, (its the same for both) yes many of the colurs are wrong! Part of the confusion is the extruders are numbered 0,1,2 and the heaters/thermisters are 1,2,3 (heater/thermister 0 are presumably the bed Extruder0/thermister1/heater1 Extruder1/thermister2/heater2 The hot end fan is the one bolted to theby bgkdavis - Ormerod
I bought Simplify3d for my Mendle 3 Tricolour as I was having a lot of problems with ooze when printing three colours on each level, but have been having problems setting up the settings, also the Dual Extruder feature of Simplify3d doesn't extend to three extruder and appears to only work with certain printers. Anyone got a setting file that may help?by bgkdavis - Ormerod
I've been looking at Simplift3D, but whilst they do a lot for dual extruder printers their tri extruder printer support is not too hot, it does have some nice features though, will look forward to them extending the same level of support they have for dual extruders to tri colouredby bgkdavis - Australia, Brisbane RepRap User Group
Im just using PLA and the bed is Kapton tape, I think I've got a handle on the detachment issues, but the artifacts are a real pain, particularly when printining a part that has multiple colours per level.... heres what I mean You see the cones are great, but the cube which prints great in single colour just looks really bad in multi colour even after I fettle it.... the failed print on the lby bgkdavis - Australia, Brisbane RepRap User Group
Warner lakes I'm Still getting to grips with it, had a few issues with the homing and orthographic compensation, but I've managed to print some pretty cool traffic cones , and have printed a replacement part for my busted shower head, which has worked pretty well. I've been trying to print some gyro cubes but have not had a great deal of success, getting lots of artifacts and parts coming detaby bgkdavis - Australia, Brisbane RepRap User Group
Just built a Tri-Colour Mendel bgkdavis - Australia, Brisbane RepRap User Group
Whilst commissioning the second and third extruders on my RepRapPro Mendel 3 I came to the conclusion that the instructions were lacking so decided to design a method for quickly setting and checking the position of the nozzles. During the development of this test I also realized that I had a pretty good way of setting and checking the XY orthogonal accuracy of my printer, so have included thatby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics
looks pretty dead round here, is there any RepRap life remaining in Brissyby bgkdavis - Australia, Brisbane RepRap User Group
Having just built a Mendel 3 tri-colour myself I just found and read your article with interest. Disappointingly many of the screw length problems you reported back in may are still current nearly 2 moths later.... however, one of my extruder packs did include an extra set of screws with a note advising they are replacements for screws that are two long. the problems I encountered with the builby bgkdavis - General Mendel Topics