I am having a bit of trouble setting up my printer to use the sd card support. Using repetier and slicr, I can save the g-code of an object to the card. However, when I put the card into the sd slot in the 2004 lcd display, it will not recognize any files. Is this a firmware issue?by Yakantosh - Prusa i3 and variants
What printers would you recommend looking at in that price range?by Yakantosh - Reprappers
I want to get into 3d printing this summer and am looking for a prusa kit under 500 usd. For the most part I have narrowed it down between the Wilson II and the Folger Tech I3. Is the Wilson worth the extra money over the Folgertech? Are there any other kits out there that will compete with these within my price range? Would a Delta design function better for the price?by Yakantosh - Reprappers