Prusa i3 Rework Y axis assembly
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Introduction | Bill of materials | Y-axis assembly | X-axis assembly | Connecting X-axis and Z-axis | Motor assembly
X and Y-axis motions | Heated bed assembly | Extruder assembly | Electronics and wiring | Marlin Firmware
Heated bed mount
Needed parts :
- Heated bed mount
- Y Belt Holder
- 3x Linear bearing LM8UU
- 2x M3x14 mm screw
- 2x Ø3 mm washer
- 2x M3 nut
Mount the Y Belt Holder with two M3x14 mm screws (since the aluminum is 6mm thick and the Y Belt Holder is 4mm thick the screws are too long by 4mm since you must NOT have the screws coming out of the other side (the heated bed side) and this means you will have to trim the two screws down by 4mm), two Ø3 mm washers and two M3 nuts. Y Belt Holder orientation doesn’t matter.
Place three LM8UU linear bearings into their respective slots and attach them in place with three zip-ties.
Transverse parts
Needed parts :
- 4x Y Corner
- Y Idler
- Y Motor
- 1x Ball bearing 608
- 4x Threaded rod M10x210 mm
- 22x M10 nut
- 22x Ø10 mm washer
- 1x M8x30 mm screw
- 1x M8 nut
- 2x Ø8 mm wahser
- 1x M4x20 mm screw
- 1x M4 nut
Step 1
Drill with a 10 mm drill the four Y Corner holes (displayed in green). Set counterclockwise rotation and drill progressively and carefully along the axis.
Step 2
Y Idler assembly: place a M4 nut inside and put a M4x20 mm screw. In case of difficulty, slightly heat the nut using a lighter or a blowtorch and place it with a clamp. Insert a 608 ball bearing into the groove and slide and M8x30 mm screw with two Ø8 mm washers and a M8 nut. You may have to force the screw into the part. Tighten slightly.
Step 3
Slide the Y Idler assembly in the middle of a threaded rod M10x210 mm and between two Ø10 mm washers and two M10 nuts. Do not tighten the nuts. Thread a M10 nut and washer about 30 mm on both ends. Do the same with a threaded rod M10x210 mm.
Step 4
Slide two threaded rods M10x210 mm on the Y Motor and fix it with four M10 nuts and four Ø10 washers. Do not tighten the nuts. Thread a M10 nut and washer about 30 mm on both ends.
Step 5
Take two Y Corners, the Y Idler assembly and the threaded rod M10x210 mm and fix them with four Ø10 washers and four M10 nuts. Do the same with the Y Motor assembly with two Y Corners. In both cases, adjust the distance between two Y corners (186 mm). Slightly tighten the nuts.
Assembly with the longitudinal parts
Needed parts :
- Heated bed mount assembly
- Transverse parts
- 2x Smooth rod Ø8x350 mm
- 2x Threaded rod M10x380 mm
- 12x M10 nut
- 12x Ø10 mm washer
Step 1
Take two threaded rods M10x380 mm, slide on two Ø10 mm washers and thread two M10 nuts into the middle of each rod. Thread a M10 nut and washer about 30 mm on both ends of each rod.
Step 2
Insert the rods into one of the transverse assemblies. Ensure the open end of slots on the top of the Y Corners face down the length of the rods.
Fix each rod using a Ø10 mm washer and an M10 nut. Do not tighten the nuts yet.
Step 3
Insert a smooth rod Ø8x350 mm into each Y Corner top, slide the rod all the way the end of the slot.
With the bearings facing downwards, carefully guide the smooth rods through the bearings on the heated bed mount assembly. Slide the heated bed assembly onto the smooth rods.
Step 4
Insert the other transverse side onto the Ø8 smooth rods and M10 threaded rods. Fix with two M10 nuts and two Ø10 mm washers. Fasten the smooth rods to each Y Corner with four zip-ties.
Using a wrench, tighten the entire assembly with care. Make sure that all four Y Corners touch the ground. Do not tighten the Y Motor and Y Idler nuts.
To finish, make sure that the Y-axis moves smoothly. If not, check that the distance between the lateral faces of the Y Corners is 186 mm.