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Эта страница описывает особенности G-кодов, которые используются в прошивках принтеров RepRap, и как эти коды работают. Основной целью является аддитивное производство с использованием процессов FFF. Коды для движения печатающей головки придерживаются стандарта G-кода NIST RS274NGC, поэтому прошивки RepRap вполне пригодны для фрезерования с ЧПУ и также для аналогичных приложений. См. также Wikipedia's G-code article.

Существует несколько различных способов подготовки G-кода для принтера. Один из способов заключается в использовании программы слайсинга, например Slic3r, Skeinforge или Cura. Эти программы импортируют модель САПР, разрезают ее по слоям и выводят G-код, требуемый для печати каждого слоя. Слайсеры - это самый простой способ перейти от 3D-модели к напечатанной детали, однако пользователь жертвует некоторой гибкостью при их использовании. Другой вариант для получения G-кода, является использование библиотеки более низкого уровня, вроде mecode. Библиотеки, такие как mecode, дают вам точный контроль над траекторией инструмента, и, следовательно, полезны, если у вас есть сложная печать, которая не подходит для бесхитростного слайсинга. Последний вариант - просто написать G-код самостоятельно. Это может быть лучшим выбором, если необходимо выполнить несколько тестовых линий при калибровке принтера.

Поскольку существует много различных прошивок и их разработчики, как правило, реализуют новые функции без обсуждения стратегии или не глядя на то, что делали другие до них, на протяжении многих лет разрабатывались различные варианты, специфичные для 3D-печати. Данная страница является главной страницей RepRap. Nowhere in here should the same code be used for two different things; there are always more numbers to use... Правило: добавьте здесь новый код, а затем реализуйте его.

Unfortunately human nature being what it is, the best procedures aren't always followed, so some multiple uses of the same code exist. The rule which should be followed is that later appearances of a code on this page (later than the original use of a code), are deprecated and should be changed, unless there is a good technical reason (like the general G-Code standard) why a later instance should be preferred. Note that the key date is appearance here, not date of implementation.



Типичный фрагмент G-кода, отправленный на RepRap устройство, может выглядеть следующим образом:

N3 T0*57
N4 G92 E0*67
N5 G28*22
N6 G1 F1500.0*82
N7 G1 X2.0 Y2.0 F3000.0*85
N8 G1 X3.0 Y3.0*33

G-код также может храниться в файлах на SD-картах. Файл, содержащий RepRap G-код, обычно имеет расширение .g , .gco или .gcode . Файлы для BFB/RapMan имеют расширение .bfb . G-код, сохраненный в файле или создаваемый слайсером, может выглядеть следующим образом:

G92 E0
G1 F1500
G1 X2.0 Y2.0 F3000
G1 X3.0 Y3.0

Смысл всех этих символов и цифр (в большей степени) объясняется ниже.

Slicers will (optionally?) add GCode scripts to the beginning and end of their output file to perform specified actions before and/or after a print such as z-probing the build-area, heating/cooling the bed and hotend, performing ooze free "nozzle wipe" startup routine, switching system power on/off, and even "ejecting" parts. Подробнее на Start GCode routines и End GCode routines страницах.

To find out which specific Gcode(s) are implemented in any given firmware, there are little tables attached to the command descriptions, like this one:

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? deprecated ???
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет ??? Да ??? Да automatic ??? ???

Это означает:

G-код полностью поддерживается микропрограммным обеспечением.
{{Частично}} или {{Экспериментально}}
Существует определенная поддержка G-кода. Often it is required to check out the source code branch for the firmware (usually stored in a different branch) or to flip configuration switches on the mainboard.
Прошивка автоматически обрабатывает этот G-код, поэтому нет необходимости отправлять команду. Например G-код (M80/M81) включения/выключения электропитания в прошивке Teacup
Неизвестно, поддерживает ли прошивка этот G-код. Вы можете проверить это сами, прежде чем использовать его в производстве.
Микропрограмма не поддерживает этот G-код.
The firmware deprecated this Gcode. The firmware author(s) should amend the deprecated Gcode on this page with workarounds (if needed) and the last supported firmware version that will accept this Gcode.

For the technically minded, Gcode line endings are Unix Line Endings (\n), but will accept Windows Line Endings (\r\n), so you should not need to worry about converting between the two, but it is best practice to use Unix Line Endings where possible.


RepRap G-код - это список полей, разделенных пробелами или разрывами строк. Поле можно интерпретировать как команду, параметр или для любых других специальных целей. Оно состоит из одной буквы, за которой непосредственно следует число, или может быть только автономной буквой (флагом). Буква дает информацию о значении поля (см. список ниже в этом разделе). Числа могут быть целыми (128) или дробными (12.42), в зависимости от контекста. For example, an X coordinate can take integers (X175) or fractionals (X17.62), but selecting extruder number 2.76 would make no sense. В этом описании числа в полях представлены nnn в качестве заполнителя.

В RepRapFirmware за некоторыми параметрами может следовать более одного числа, причем двоеточие используется для их разделения. Typically this is used to specify extruder parameters, with one value provided per extruder. If only one value is provided where a value is needed for each extruder, then that value is applied to all extruders.

Буква Значение
Gnnn Стандартная команда G-кода, например перемещение в точку
Mnnn RepRap-defined command, such as turn on a cooling fan
Tnnn Выбор инструмента nnn. In RepRap, a tool is typically associated with a nozzle, which may be fed by one or more extruders.
Snnn Command parameter, such as time in seconds; temperatures; voltage to send to a motor
Pnnn Command parameter, such as time in milliseconds; proportional (Kp) in PID Tuning
Xnnn Координата X, обычно для перемещения. Это может быть целое или дробное число.
Ynnn Координата Y, обычно для перемещения. Это может быть целое или дробное число.
Znnn Координата Z, обычно для перемещения. Это может быть целое или дробное число.
U,V,W Additional axis coordinates (RepRapFirmware)
Innn Parameter - X-offset in arc move; integral (Ki) in PID Tuning
Jnnn Parameter - Y-offset in arc move
Dnnn Parameter - used for diameter; derivative (Kd) in PID Tuning
Hnnn Parameter - used for heater number in PID Tuning
Fnnn Feedrate in mm per minute. (Speed of print head movement)
Rnnn Параметр - используется для температур
Qnnn Параметр - в данный момент не используется
Ennn Length of extrudate. This is exactly like X, Y and Z, but for the length of filament to consume.
Nnnn Номер строки. Used to request repeat transmission in the case of communications errors.
*nnn Контрольная сумма. Используется для проверки ошибки связи.

Чувствительность к регистру

The original NIST GCode standard requires gcode interpreters to be case-insensitive, except for characters in comments. However, not all 3D printer firmwares conform to this and some recognise uppercase command letters and parameters only.

Firmwares that are known to be case-insensitive
Версия RepRapFirmware 1.19 и позже (за исключением строк в кавычках)
Firmwares that are known to be case-sensitive
Версия RepRapFirmware 1.18 и ранее

Строки в кавычках

В RepRapFirmware некоторые команды поддерживают кавычки при предоставлении имен файлов и других параметров строки. This allows file names, WiFi passwords etc. to contain spaces, semicolons and other characters that would otherwise not be permitted. Double-quote characters are used to delimit the string, and any double-quote character within the string must be repeated.

Unfortunately, many gcode sender programs convert all characters to uppercase and don't provide any means to disable this feature. Therefore, within a quoted-string, the single-quote character is used as a flag to force the following character to lowercase. If you want to include a single quote character in the string, use two single quote characters to represent one single quote character.

Example: to add SSID MYROUTER with password ABCxyz;" 123 to the WiFi network list, use command:

M587 S"MYROUTER" P"ABCxyz;"" 123"

или если не удается отправить символы нижнего регистра:

M587 S"MYROUTER" P"ABC'X'Y'Z;"" 123"


Комментарии G-кода начинаются с точки с запятой и заканчиваются в конце строки:

N3 T0*57 ; Это комментарий
N4 G92 E0*67
; Так это
N5 G28*22

Some firmwares also obey the CNC GCode standard, which is to enclose comments in round brackets. Comments of this form must start and end on the same line:

(Home some axes)
G28 (here come the axes to be homed) X Y

Comments and white space will be ignored by your RepRap Printer. It's better to strip these out on the host computer before sending the Gcode to your printer, as this saves bandwidth.

Специальные поля

N: Номер строки

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да ??? Да Да Да Да ??? ???

При наличии номер строки должен быть первым полем в строке. Для G-кода, хранящегося в файлах на SD-картах, номер строки обычно опускается.

If checking is supported, the RepRap firmware expects line numbers to increase by 1 each line, and if that doesn't happen it is flagged as an error. But you can reset the count using M110 (see below).

Although supported, usage of N in Machinekit is discouraged as it serves no purpose.

*: Контрольная сумма

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да ??? Да ??? Нет Да ??? ???

Пример: *71

If present, the checksum should be the last field in a line, but before a comment. Для G-кода, хранящегося в файлах на SD-картах, контрольная сумма обычно опускается.

Микропрограммное обеспечение сравнивает контрольную сумму с локально вычисленным значением. Если они отличаются, он запрашивает повторную передачу строки.


Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да ??? Да ??? Нет Да ??? ???
N123 [...G Code in here...] *71

Микропрограммное обеспечение RepRap проверяет номер строки и контрольную сумму. You can leave both of these out - RepRap will still work, but it won't do checking. Вы должны иметь оба или ни того, ни другого. Если отображается только один, возникает ошибка.

The checksum "cs" for a GCode string "cmd" (including its line number) is computed by exor-ing the bytes in the string up to and not including the * character as follows:

int cs = 0;
for(i = 0; cmd[i] != '*' && cmd[i] != NULL; i++)
   cs = cs ^ cmd[i];
cs &= 0xff;  // Defensive programming...

and the value is appended as a decimal integer to the command after the * character.


Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? Да ??? Да Да ??? ???

If buffering is supported, the RepRap firmware stores some commands in a ring buffer internally for execution. This means that there is no (appreciable) delay while a command is acknowledged and the next transmitted. In turn, this means that sequences of line segments can be plotted without a dwell between one and the next. As soon as one of these buffered commands is received it is acknowledged and stored locally. If the local buffer is full, then the acknowledgment is delayed until space for storage in the buffer is available. This is how flow control is achieved.

Typically, the following moving commands are buffered: G0-G3 и G28-G32. The Teacup Firmware buffers also some setting commands: G20, G21, G90 и G91. All other G, M or T commands are not buffered.

RepRapFirmware also implements an internal queue to ensure that certain codes (like M106) are executed in the right order and not when the last move has been added to the look-ahead queue.

When an unbuffered command is received it is stored, but it is not acknowledged to the host until the buffer is exhausted and then the command has been executed. Thus the host will pause at one of these commands until it has been done. Short pauses between these commands and any that might follow them do not affect the performance of the machine.


G0 & G1: Перемещение

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? Да
  • G0 : Rapid Move
  • G1 : Линейное перемещение
G0 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Ennn Fnnn Snnn
G1 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Ennn Fnnn Snnn
Not all parameters need to be used, but at least one has to be used
Xnnn The position to move to on the X axis
Ynnn The position to move to on the Y axis
Znnn The position to move to on the Z axis
Ennn The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
Fnnn The feedrate per minute of the move between the starting point and ending point (if supplied)
Hnnn (RepRapFirmware) Flag to check if an endstop was hit (S1 to check, S0 to ignore, S2 see note, default is S0)1
Snnn Laser cutter/engraver power. In RepRapFirmware, when not in laser mode S in interpreted the same as H.
G0 X12               ; move to 12mm on the X axis
G0 F1500             ; Set the feedrate to 1500mm/minute
G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E22.4 ; Move to 90.6mm on the X axis and 13.8mm on the Y axis while extruding 22.4mm of material

The RepRap firmware spec treats G0 and G1 as the same command, since it's just as efficient as not doing so.2

Most RepRap firmwares do subtle things with feedrates.

G1 F1500           ; Set feedrate to 1500mm/m
G1 X50 Y25.3 E22.4 ; Move and extrude

In the above example, we first set the feedrate to 1500mm/m, then move to 50mm on X and 25.3mm on Y while extruding 22.4mm of filament between the two points.

G1 F1500                 ; Скорость подачи 1500mm/m
G1 X50 Y25.3 E22.4 F3000 ; Ускорение до 3000mm/m

However, in the above example, we set a feedrate of 1500 mm/m, then do the same move, but accelerating to 3000 mm/m. Everything stays synchronized, so extrusion accelerates right along with X and Y movement.

The RepRap spec treats the feedrate as simply another variable (like X, Y, Z, and E) to be linearly interpolated. This gives complete control over the acceleration and deceleration of the printer head in a way that ensures everything moves smoothly together and the right volume of material is extruded at all points.3

To reverse the extruder by a given amount (for example to reduce its internal pressure while it does an in-air movement so that it doesn't dribble) simply use G0 or G1 to send an E value that is less than the currently extruded length.


1Some firmwares allow for the RepRap to enable or disable the "sensing" of endstops during a move. Please check with whatever firmware you are using to see if they support the S parameter in this way, as damage may occur if you assume incorrectly. In RepRapFirmware, using the S1 or S2 parameter on a delta printer causes the XYZ parameters to refer to the individual tower motor positions instead of the head position, and to enable endstop detection as well if the parameter is S1.

2In the RS274NGC Spec, G0 is Rapid Move, which was used to move between the current point in space and the new point as quickly and efficiently as possible, and G1 is Controlled Move, which was used to move between the current point in space and the new point as precise as possible. In RepRapFirmware, G1 is always a linear move but G0 may not be linear (e.g. on a SCARA machine); however a G0 move will never go below the lower of the initial and final Z height of the move.

3Some firmwares may not support setting the feedrate inline with a move.

4RepRapFirmware provides an additional 'R1' parameter to tell the machine to go back to the coordinates a print was previously paused at. If this parameter is used and the code contains axis letters, an offset will be added to the pause coordinates (e.g. G1 R1 Z5).

Some older machines, CNC or otherwise, used to move faster if they did not move in a straight line. This is also true for some non-Cartesian printers, like delta or polar printers, which move easier and faster in a curve.

G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да1 Да Да3 Да2 ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Нет Нет Да Экспериментально Нет Да Нет
G2 Xnnn Ynnn Innn Jnnn Ennn Fnnn (Clockwise Arc)
G3 Xnnn Ynnn Innn Jnnn Ennn Fnnn (Counter-Clockwise Arc)
Xnnn The position to move to on the X axis
Ynnn The position to move to on the Y axis
Innn The point in X space from the current X position to maintain a constant distance from
Jnnn The point in Y space from the current Y position to maintain a constant distance from
Ennn The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
Fnnn The feedrate per minute of the move between the starting point and ending point (if supplied)
G2 X90.6 Y13.8 I5 J10 E22.4

(Move in a Clockwise arc from the current point to point (X=90.6,Y=13.8), with a center point at (X=current_X+5, Y=current_Y+10), extruding 22.4mm of material between starting and stopping)

G3 X90.6 Y13.8 I5 J10 E22.4

(Move in a Counter-Clockwise arc from the current point to point (X=90.6,Y=13.8), with a center point at (X=current_X+5, Y=current_Y+10), extruding 22.4mm of material between starting and stopping)


1In Marlin Firmware not implemented for DELTA and SCARA printers.

G4: Dwell

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? Да

Приостановка машины на некоторое время.

Pnnn Time to wait, in milliseconds (In Teacup, P0, wait until all previous moves are finished)
Snnn Time to wait, in seconds (Only on Repetier, Marlin, Smoothieware, and RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
G4 P200

In this case sit still doing nothing for 200 milliseconds. During delays the state of the machine (for example the temperatures of its extruders) will still be preserved and controlled.

On Marlin, Smoothie and RepRapFirmware, the "S" parameter will wait for seconds, while the "P" parameter will wait for milliseconds. "G4 S2" и "G4 P2000" являются эквивалентными.

G6: Direct Stepper Move

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Применяйте G1 S2 или G1 H2 instead ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Perform a direct, uninterpolated, and non-kinematic synchronized move of one or more steppers directly. Units may be linear (e.g., mm or inches on DELTA) or specified in degrees (SCARA). This command is useful for initialization, diagnostics, and calibration, and should be disabled on production equipment. This type of move can be potentially dangerous, especially for deltabots, so implementations should do their best to limit movement to prevent twerking and damaging the carriage assembly.

Annn Stepper A position or angle
Bnnn Stepper B position or angle
Cnnn Stepper C position or angle
R Флаг относительного перемещения
SCARA примеры
G6 A45     ; Move SCARA A stepper to the 45° position
G6 B20 R   ; Move SCARA B stepper 20° counter-clockwise
DELTA пример
G6 C10 R   ; Move DELTA C carriage up by 10mm

G10: Set tool Offset and/or workplace coordinates and/or tool temperatures

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???
G10 Pnnn Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Rnnn Snnn1
Pnnn Номер инструмента
Lnnn Offset mode (optional)5
Xnnn координата X
Ynnn координата Y
Znnn координата Z2
U,V,W,A,B,Cnnn other axis offsets4
Rnnn Standby temperature(s) (RepRapFirmware)
Snnn Действительная температура(ры) (RepRapFirmware)
G10 P2 X17.8 Y-19.3 Z0.0

(sets the offset for tool 2 to the X, Y, and Z values specified)

G10 P1 R140 S205

(RepRapFirmware only - set standby and active temperatures3 for tool 1)

Remember that any parameter that you don't specify will automatically be set to the last value for that parameter. That usually means that you want explicitly to set Z0.0. RepRapFirmware will report the tool parameters if only the tool number is specified.

The precise meaning of the X, Y (and other offset) values is: with no offset this tool is at this position relative to where a tool with offset (0, 0, 0) would be. So if the tool is 10mm to the left of a zero-offset tool the X value would be -10, and so on.

The R value is the standby temperature in oC that will be used for the tool, and the S value is its operating temperature. If you don't want the tool to be at a different temperature when not in use, set both values the same. See the T code (select tool) below. In tools with multiple heaters the temperatures for them all are specified thus: R100.0:90.0:20.0 S185.0:200.0:150.0 .

См. также M585.


1Marlin uses G10/G11 for executing a retraction/unretraction move. Smoothie uses G10 for retract and G10 Ln for setting workspace coordinates. RepRapFirmware interprets a G10 command with no P or L parameter as a retraction command.

2It's usually a bad idea to put a non-zero Z value in as well unless the tools are loaded and unloaded by some sort of tool changer or are on indepedent carriages. When all the tools are in the machine at once they should all be set to the same Z height.

3If the absolute zero temperature (-273.15) is passed as active and standby temperatures, RepRapFirmware will only switch off the tool heater(s) without changing their preset active or standby temperatures. RepRapFirmware-dc42 does not support this setting.

4Tool offsets are applied after any X axis mapping has been performed. Therefore if for example you map X to U in your M563 command to create the tool, you should specify a U offset not an X offset. If you map X to both X and U, you can specify both offsets.

5L1 (the default) sets the offsets of the current tool relative to the head reference point to the specified values. L2 sets the current workplace coordinate offsets to the specified values. L20 adjusts the current workplace coordinate offsets so that the current tool head position has the specified coordinates.

G10: Retract

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92 Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn retract length (S1 = long retract, S0 = short retract = default) (Repetier only)

Retracts filament according to settings of M207 (Marlin, RepRapFirmware) or according to the S value (Repetier).

RepRapFirmware recognizes G10 as a command to set tool offsets and/or temperatures if the P parameter is present, and as a retraction command if it is absent.

G11: Unretract

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92 Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn retract length (S1 = long retract, S0 = short retract = default) (Repetier only)

Unretracts/recovers filament according to settings of M208 (Marlin, RepRapFirmware) or according to the S value (Repetier).

G12: Очистить Инструмент

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 Use a macro instead ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
[P<0|1>] [S<count>] [T<count>]
G12 Pnnn Snnn Tnnn
Pnnn1 Pattern style selection
Snnn Number of strokes (i.e. back-and-forth movements)
Tnnn Количество повторений

G12 ; stroke pattern (default)

To generate a three triangle zig-zag pattern which will be stroked three times time use the following command. G12 P1 S3 T2 ; zig-zag pattern with 2 triangles


1In Marlin firmware and Derivatives Mk4duo this is implemented by hard-coded firmware behaviours As defined for variables NOZZLE_CLEAN_STROKES, NOZZLE_CLEAN_START_POINT, NOZZLE_CLEAN_END_POINT and NOZZLE_CLEAN_PARK.

With NOZZLE_CLEAN_PARK enabled, the nozzle will automatically return to the XYZ position after G12 is run.

More on this behaviour is documented inside of the code base.

The use of G12 for tool cleaning clashes with the established use of G12 for circular pocket milling on CNC machines. For this reason, RepRapFirmware does not support G12.

G17..19: Plane Selection (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да:1.1.4 Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? ??? ???

These codes set the current plane as follows:

  • G17 : XY (по умолчанию)
  • G18 : ZX
  • G19 : YZ

This mode applies to G2/G3 arc moves. Normal arc moves are in the XY plane, and for most applications that's all you need. For CNC routing it can be useful to do small "digging" moves while making cuts, so to keep the G-code compact it uses G2/G3 arcs involving the Z plane.

These commands are supported in Marlin 1.1.4 and later with ARC_SUPPORT and CNC_WORKSPACE_PLANES enabled.

G20: Установить единицы измерения в дюймах

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Нет Да Да Нет Да ??? ???

Единицы измерения теперь в дюймах.

G21: Установить единицы измерения в миллиметрах

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? ???

Теперь единицы измерения в миллиметрах. (Это значение RepRap по умолчанию.)

G22 & G23: Firmware controlled Retract/Precharge

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???
G22 ; Retract
G23 ; Unretract/Precharge

Relying on machine's firmware to execute extrusion retract/precharge move, instead of having slicer generating to E axis G1 movement. The retract/precharge length, velocity is handled by the machine firmware.

G26: Mesh Validation Pattern

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
G26 C P O2.25 ; Do a typical test sequence

The G26 Mesh Validation Pattern is designed to be used in conjunction with various Mesh Bed Leveling systems – those that adjust for an uneven —rather than just tilted— bed. The G26 command prints a single layer pattern over the entire print bed, giving a clear indication of how accurately every mesh point is defined. G26 can be used to determine which areas of the mesh are less-than-perfect and how much to adjust each mesh point.

G26 has large feature list, including a built-in test that extrudes material onto the bed. By default this is configured for PLA temperatures and a nozzle size of 0.4mm. (This will be adjustable in an upcoming version of Marlin.)

See the G26_Mesh_Validation_Tool.cpp file in the Marlin source code for full documentation of the G26 parameter list.

G28: Move to Origin (Home)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да1
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? Да
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
X Flag to go back to the X axis origin
Y Flag to go back to the Y axis origin
Z Flag to go back to the Z axis origin
G28     ; Home all axes
G28 X Z ; Home the X and Z axes

When the firmware receives this command, it quickly moves the specified axes (or all axes if none are given) to the endstops, backs away from each endstop by a short distance, and slowly bumps the endstop again to increase positional accuracy. This process, known as "Homing", is required to determine the position of the print carriage(s). Some firmware may even forbid movement away from endstops and other operations until the axes have been homed.

The X, Y, and Z parameters act only as flags. Любые заданные координаты игнорируются. For example, G28 Z10 results in the same behavior as G28 Z. Delta printers cannot home individual axes, but must always home all three towers, so the X Y Z parameters are simply ignored on these machines.

Marlin firmware (version 1.1.0 and later) provides an option called Z_SAFE_HOMING for printers that use a Z probe to home Z instead of an endstop. With this option, the XY axes are homed first, then the carriage moves to a position –usually the middle of the bed– where it can safely probe downward to home Z.

RepRapFirmware uses macro files to home either all axes or individual axes. If all axes are homed, the file homeall.g is processed. For individual axes the homex.g, homey.g, or homez.g file will be used. On Delta printers, G28 command will always home all three towers by processing the homedelta.g file, regardless of any X Y Z parameters.

Because the behavior of G28 is unspecified, it is recommended not to automatically include G28 in your ending GCode. On a Cartesian this will result in damaging the printed object. If you need to move the carriage at the completion of a print, use G0 or G1.


1 MK4duo has a B parameter that tells the printer to return to the coordinates it was at before homing.
2 Original Prusa i3 Mk2/Mk3 supports a W parameter to suppress mesh bed leveling. If W is omitted, G28 will home and perform mesh bed leveling.

G29: Detailed Z-Probe

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.91.7 Нет: см. G32 ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет ??? ???

This command uses a probe to measure the bed height at 3 or more points to determine its tilt and overall flatness. It then enables compensation so that the nozzle will remain parallel to the bed. The printer must be homed with G28 before using this command.

Each firmware behaves differently and depends on the type of bed leveling that's been configured. For example, Marlin 1.0.2 provides 3 different types of automatic bed leveling (probe required) and a manual bed leveling option. See your firmware's documentation for the specific options available.

G29 Snnn
Snnn Firmware-dependent behavior
Pfile.csv Optional file name for bed height map file (RepRapFirmware only)
G29    ; Probe the bed and enable compensation
G29 S2 ; Special operation - see below
G29 P1 ; UBL automated probe - see below
G29 Auto Bed Leveling (Marlin)

Marlin 1.0.2 and earlier provides three options for automatic bed leveling:

  • The 3-point method probes the bed at three points to produce a matrix, adjusting for a flat but tilted bed.
  • The planar grid method (non-Delta) probes a grid pattern to produce a matrix by the "least-squares" method, adjusting for a flat but tilted bed.
  • The bilinear grid method (Delta only) probes a grid pattern to produce a mesh, using bilinear interpolation to adjust for an uneven bed.

Marlin 1.1.0 and later allows the bilinear grid (i.e., "mesh") method to be used on all types of machines, not just deltas. This is the recommended leveling method going forward.

Also in Marlin 1.1.0 and later, the PROBE_MANUALLY option allows all forms of Auto Bed Leveling to be used without a probe. The procedure is similar to that of MESH_BED_LEVELING (see below). Begin the process with G29 to move the nozzle to the first point. Adjust the Z axis using G1 or your host software. Send G29 again to move to the next point and repeat until all points have been sampled.

P Set the size of the grid that will be probed (P x P points). Not supported by non-linear delta printer bed leveling. Пример: G29 P4
S Set the XY travel speed between probe points (in units/min)
D Dry-Run mode. Just evaluate the bed Topology - Don't apply or clean the rotation Matrix. Useful to check the topology after a first run of G29.
V Set the verbose level (0-4). Пример: G29 V3
T Generate a Bed Topology Report. Пример: G29 P5 T for a detailed report. This is useful for manual bed leveling and finding flaws in the bed (to assist with part placement). Not supported by non-linear delta printer bed leveling.
F Set the Front limit of the probing grid
B Set the Back limit of the probing grid
L Set the Left limit of the probing grid
R Set the Right limit of the probing grid
Глобальные параметры
E By default G29 will engage the Z probe, test the bed, then disengage. Include E or E1 to engage/disengage the Z probe for each sample. (This has no effect for fixed probes.)
G29 Unified Bed Leveling (Marlin)

Marlin firmware (version 1.1.0 and later) includes the AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL option for Unified Bed Leveling. UBL combines mesh leveling, tilted plane adjustment, 3-point leveling, and manual editing tools all together in a single package. To accomplish so much, UBL overloads `G29` with several new parameters and provides an additional G26 Mesh Tuning feature.

See the MarlinFW website for a dedicated Unified Bed Leveling page and complete documentation on `G29` for UBL and `G26` Mesh Validation.

G29 UBL Parameters (synopsis)
A     Activate   Activate the Unified Bed Leveling system. (i.e., M420 S1)
D     Disable    Disable the Unified Bed Leveling system. (i.e., M420 S0)

B#    Business   Do Manual Probing in 'Business Card' mode.
H#    Height     Height to raise the nozzle after each Manual Probe of the bed.

C     Continue   Continue, Constant, or Current Location, depending on Phase.
E     Every      Stow the probe after every sampled point.
F#    Fade       Fade leveling compensation gradually, until it ceases at the given height.
I#    Invalidate Invalidate a specified number of Mesh Points (X and Y).
J#    Grid       Do a grid (planar) leveling of the current Mesh using a grid with n points on a side.
K#    Kompare    Compare (diff) current Mesh with stored Mesh #, replacing current Mesh with the result.

L     Load       Load Mesh from the previously activated location in the EEPROM.
L#    Load       Load Mesh from the specified location in the EEPROM.
S     Store      Store the current Mesh in the Activated area of the EEPROM. Also save all settings.
S #   Store      Store the current Mesh at the specified area in EEPROM, set as the Activated area.
S -1  Store      Store the current Mesh as a print-out suitable to be fed back into the system.

O     Map        Display the Mesh Map Topology.

P0    Phase 0    Zero Mesh Data and turn off the Mesh Compensation System.
P1    Phase 1    Invalidate the Mesh and do Automatic Probing to generate new Mesh data.
P2    Phase 2    Probe unpopulated areas of the Mesh (those that couldn't be auto-probed).
P3    Phase 3    Fill unpopulated Mesh points with a fixed value. No 'C' for "smart fill" extrapolation.
P4    Phase 4    Fine tune the Mesh. ** Delta Mesh Compensation requires an LCD panel. **
P5    Phase 5    Find Mean Mesh Height and Standard Deviation.
P6    Phase 6    Shift Mesh height. All Mesh points are adjusted by the amount specified with 'C'.

Q     Test       Load specified Test Pattern to help check system operation.

R #   Repeat     Repeat the command the specified number of times. Default: grid points X * Y.

T     3-Point    Perform a 3-Point Bed Leveling on the current Mesh.

U     Unlevel    Perform a probe of the outer perimeter to assist in physically leveling the bed.

W     Что?      Print a report of Unified Bed Leveling stored data.

X #              The X location for the command
Y #              The Y location for the command

Z     Zero       Do a single probe to set the Z Height of the nozzle.
Z #   Zero       Raise/lower the entire Mesh to conform with the specified difference (plus zprobe_zoffset).
G29 Manual Bed Leveling (Marlin)

Marlin firmware (version 1.0.2 and later) also provides a MESH_BED_LEVELING feature that can be used to perform bed leveling on machines lacking a probe. This form of bed leveling compensates for uneven Z height across the surface of the bed using a mesh and bilinear interpolation.

Manual Bed Leveling Usage
G29 S1 ; Move to the first point and wait for a measurement
G29 S2 ; Store the current Z, move to the next point
G29 S3 Xn Yn Zn.nn ; Modify the Z height of a single point
Options for the S parameter
S0 Produces a mesh report
S1 Start probing mesh points
S2 Probe the next mesh point
S3 Xn Yn Zn.nn Manually modify a single point
S4 Zn.nn Set z offset. Positive away from bed, negative closer to bed.
G29 Auto Bed Leveling (Repetier-Firmware)

Repetier firmware since v0.91 supports G29 with the optional Snnn parameter as described below. Useful to simply detect the Z bed angle so you can manually readjust your bed and get it as close to in plane as possible. If you wish to apply automatic software Z plane compensation on Repetier, use G32 instead with firmware 0.92.8 and above.

S0 Значение по умолчанию. Z bed heights are calculated at the measured points, relative to current Z position before issuing G29.
S1 Same as S0, except printer immediately moves to Z maximum position (Z max endstop required!), and calculates new Z maximum height. You must first issue G28 Z to home to Z maximum position before issuing G29 Snnn for this to work correctly, or the printer height will be invalid.
S2 Same as S1, except new calculated Z height is also stored to EEPROM.
G29 Mesh Bed Compensation (RepRapFirmware)


S0 (default if no S parameter) Probe the bed, save the height map in a file on the SD card, and activate the height map. The default folder for the height map file is /sys and the default file name is heightmap.csv.
S1 Load the height map from file and activate bed compensation. The default folder and filename as for S0.
S2 Clear the currently-loaded bed height map

To define the grid, see M557.

G29.1: Set Z probe head offset

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???
G29.1 X30 Y20 Z0.5

Set the offset of the Z probe head. The offset will be subtracted from all probe moves.

G29.2: Set Z probe head offset calculated from toolhead position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???
G29.2 Z0.0

Set the offset of the Z probe head. The offset will be subtracted from all probe moves. The calculated value is derived from the distance of the toolhead from the current axis zero point.

The user would typically place the toolhead at the zero point of the axis and issue the G29.2 command.

G30: Single Z-Probe

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да1
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет: Применяйте G28 и G92 ??? ???
G30 Pnnn Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Hnnn Snnn
Pnnn Probe point number
Xnnn X координата
Ynnn Y координата
Znnn Z координата
Hnnn Коррекция высоты
Snnn Установить параметр
Примеры (RepRapFirmware)
G30                          ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered, set the Z coordinate to the probe trigger height.
G30 S-1                      ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered, do not adjust the Z coordinate.
G30 P0 X20 Y50 Z-99999       ; Probe the bed at X20 Y50 and save the XY coordinates and the height error as point 0
G30 P3 X180 Y180 Z-99999 S4  ; Probe the bed at X180 Y180, save the XY coordinates and the height error as point 3 and calculate 4-point compensation or calibration
G30 P3 X180 Y180 Z-99999 S-1 ; As previous example but just report the height errors

In its simplest form probes bed at current XY location.

RepRapFirmware supports additional behaviour: if a Pn field is specified the probed X, Y, and Z values are saved as point n on the bed for calculating the offset plane or for performing delta printer calibration. If X, Y, or Z values are specified (e.g. G30 P1 X20 Y50 Z0.3) then those values are used instead of the machine's current coordinates. A silly Z value (less than -9999.0) causes the machine to probe at the current point to get Z, rather than using the given value. If an S field is specified (e.g. G30 P1 Z0.3 S) the bed plane is computed for compensation and stored. The combination of these options allows for the machine to be moved to points using G1 commands, and then probe the bed, or for the user to position the nozzle interactively and use those coordinates. The user can also record those values and place them in a setup GCode file for automatic execution.

RepRapFirmware uses the value of the S parameter to specify what computation to perform. If the value is -1 then the Z offsets of all the points probed are printed, but no calibration is done. If the value is zero or not present, then this specifies that the number of factors to be calibrated is the same as the number of points probed. Otherwise, the value indicates the number of factors to be calibrated, which must be no greater than the number of points probed. In version 1.09, the number of factors may be 3, 4 or 5 when doing auto bed compensation on a Cartesian or CoreXY printer, and 3, 4, 6 or 7 when doing auto calibration of a Delta printer.

RepRapFirmware supports an optional H parameter, which is a height correction for that probe point. It allows for the Z probe having a trigger height that varies with XY position. The nominal trigger height of the Z probe (e.g. at bed centre) is declared in the Z parameter of the G31 command in the config.g file. When you probe using G30 and the probe triggers, the firmware will assume that the nozzle is at the nominal trigger height plus the value you have in the H parameter.

1MK4duo Firmware support an optional parameter for Delta.

G30 Xnnn Ynnn S Z P
Xnnn X координата
Ynnn Y координата
Sn Stows the probe if 1 (default=1)
Zn <bool> with a non-zero value will apply the result to current delta_height
Pn <bool> with a non-zero value will apply the result to current zprobe_zoffset

G31: Set or Report Current Probe status

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.91.7 Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
G31 Pnnn Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Cnnn Snnn
Pnnn Значение триггера
Xnnn Probe X offset1
Ynnn Probe Y offset1
Znnn Trigger Z height
Cnnn Температурный коэффициент2
Snnn Калибровка температуры2
Tnnn (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later) Z probe type to which these parameters apply, defaults to the current Z probe type as defined by M558 P parameter
G31 P500 Z2.6
G31 X16.0 Y1.5

When used on its own this reports whether the Z probe is triggered, or gives the Z probe value in some units if the probe generates height values. If combined with a Z and P field (example: G31 P312 Z0.7) this will set the Z height to 0.7mm when the Z-probe value reaches 312 when a G28 Z0 (zero Z axis) command is sent. The machine will then move a further -0.7mm in Z to place itself at Z = 0. This allows non-contact measuring probes to approach but not touch the bed, and for the gap left to be allowed for. If the probe is a touch probe and generates a simple 0/1 off/on signal, then G31 Z0.7 will tell the RepRap machine that it is at a height of 0.7mm when the probe is triggered.

In RepRapFirmware, separate G31 parameters may be defined for different probe types (i.e. 0+4 for switches, 1+2 for IR probes and 3 for alternative sensors). To specify which probe you are setting parameters for, send a M558 command to select the probe type before sending the G31 command, or use the T parameter.

In Repetier, G31 supports no parameters and simply prints the high/low status of the Z probe.


1X and Y offsets of the Z probe relative to the print head (i.e. the position when the empty tool is selected) can be specified in RepRapFirmware. This allows you to calculate your probe coordinates based on the geometry of the bed, without having to correct them for Z probe X and Y offset.

2In RepRapFirmware, additional parameters 'S' (bed temperature in oC at which the specified Z parameter is correct, default is current bed temperature) and 'C' (temperature coefficient of Z parameter in mm/oC, default zero) can be set for the alternative (ultrasonic) sensor. This is useful for probes that are affected by temperature. This facility is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future version of RepRapFirmware.

G31: Dock Z Probe sled

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???

G32: Probe Z and calculate Z plane

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. G29 Да ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92.8 Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
G32           ; Probe and calculate
G32 Snnn      ; Each firmware has its own parameters
G32 Snnn Pnnn ; Refer to their specific documentation

This command is implemented as a more sophisticated form of bed leveling (which uses a transformation matrix or motorized correction. Smoothieware uses this code instead of `G29`.

Each firmware behaves differently. For example, Repetier firmware allows for motorized rotation of the bed whilst ReprapFirmware probes the bed with a transformation matrix.

Probe and calculate in Reprapfirmware

RepRapFirmware executes macro file bed.g in response to the G31 command. The bed.g file is typically used to probe the bed and then perform delta calibration if the printer is a delta, or to perform individual leadscrew adjustment to level the bed if the printer has multiple independently-controlled Z motors, or to advise the user on how much to adjust each bed levelling adjustment screw.

Probe and calculate in Repetier firmware

This command probes the bed at 3 or more pre-defined points and implements bed leveling compensation by either moving the A axis during printing (as with regular bed leveling, G29) or by tilting the bed with motors.

Snnn Метод выравнивания стола
Pnnn Метод коррекции стола

The values for Snnn and Pnnn are as follows:

S0 This method measures at the 3 probe points and creates a plane through these points. If you have a really planar bed this gives the optimum result. The 3 points must not be in one line and have a long distance to increase numerical stability.
S1 This measures a grid. Probe point 1 is the origin and points 2 and 3 span a grid. We measure BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE points in each direction and compute a regression plane through all points. This gives a good overall plane if you have small bumps measuring inaccuracies.
S2 Bending correcting 4 point measurement. This is for cantilevered beds that have the rotation axis not at the side but inside the bed. Here we can assume no bending on the axis and a symmetric bending to both sides of the axis. So probe points 2 and 3 build the symmetric axis and point 1 is mirrored to 1m across the axis. Using the symmetry we then remove the bending from 1 and use that as plane.
P0 Use a rotation matrix. This will make z axis go up/down while moving in x/y direction to compensate the tilt. For multiple extruders make sure the height match the tilt of the bed or one will scratch. Это по умолчанию.
P1 Моторизованная коррекция. This method needs a bed that is fixed on 3 points from which 2 have a motor to change the height. The positions are defined in firmware by BED_MOTOR_1_X, BED_MOTOR_1_Y, BED_MOTOR_2_X, BED_MOTOR_2_Y, BED_MOTOR_3_X, BED_MOTOR_3_Y Motor 2 and 3 are the one driven by motor driver 0 and 1. These can be extra motors like Felix Pro 1 uses them or a system with 3 z axis where motors can be controlled individually like the Sparkcube does. This method requires a Z max endstop.

G32: Undock Z Probe sled

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???

G33: Зависит от прошивки

G33: Measure/List/Adjust Distortion Matrix (Repetier - Redeem)
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: v0.92.8 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
G33 Lnnn
G33 Rnnn
G33 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn
L0 List distortion matrix in a report
R0 Reset distortion matrix
X[pos] Y[pos] Z[zCorrection] Set correction for nearest point
G33 R0

When used with no parameters, G33 will measure a grid of points and store the distortion dips and valleys in the bed surface, and then enable software distortion correction for the first few or several layers. The values will be stored in EEPROM if enabled in firmware. You must previously have G28 homed, and your Z minimum/maximum height must be set correctly for this to work. Use the optional parameters to list, reset or modify the distortion settings. Distortion correction behavior can be later turned on or off by code M323.

G33: Delta Auto Calibration (Marlin 1.1.x or MK4duo)
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

End-stops and tower angle corrections are normalized (P0);

Performs a 1-4-7 point calibration of delta height (P1), end-stops, delta radius (P2) and tower angle corrections (P>=3) by a least squares iteration process based on the displacement method.

G33 Pn T Cx.xx Fn Vn E
Pn Number of probe points: n*n (n= 0-10), when P is omitted the default set in Configuration.h is used.
T Do not calibrate tower angle corrections (if used with P>=3); do not use the probe points near the towers, but the probe points opposite to the towers (if used with P=2)
Cx.xx Force the iterations to stop when a standard deviation from the zero plane less then x.xx mm is achieved; when C is omitted the iterations go on until the best possible standard deviation is reached.
Fn Force to run at least n iterations (n=1-30) and take the best result
Vn Verbose level: (n=0-3) 0 = dry run without calibration; 1(default) = settings at start and end; 2 = settings at all iterations; 3 = settings and probe results
E Engage the probe for each point
G33 : calibrates with the default settings.
G33 Автоматическая калибровка
Проверка... AC
.Высота:297.77    Ex:+0.00  Ey:+0.00  Ez:+0.00    Радиус:100.00
.Tower angle :    Tx:+0.00  Ty:+0.00  Tz:+0.00
Повтор : 01                                    std dev:0.306
Повтор : 02                                    std dev:0.049
Повтор : 03                                    std dev:0.033
Повтор : 04                                    std dev:0.031
Calibration OK                                    rolling back.
.Height:297.69    Ex:-0.10  Ey:-0.12  Ez:+0.00    Radius:100.91
.Tower angle :    Tx:-0.03  Ty:+0.25  Tz:+0.00
Save with M500 and/or copy to Configuration.h
G33 P6 V0 : probes 36 points in dry run mode.
G33 Автоматическая калибровка
Проверка... AC (DRY-RUN)
.Высота:297.77    Ex:+0.00  Ey:+0.00  Ez:+0.00    Радиус:100.00
.Tower angle :    Tx:+0.00  Ty:+0.00  Tz:+0.00
.      c:+0.03     x:+0.32   y:+0.34   z:+0.41
.                 yz:+0.37  zx:+0.32  xy:+0.17
End DRY-RUN                                       std dev:0.306
G33 P4 C0.05 T : probes 16 points and
                 stops when a standard deviation of 0.05mm is reached;
                 calibrates delta height, endstops and delta radius,
                 leaves the tower angle corrections unaltered.
G33 Автоматическая калибровка
Проверка... AC
.Высота:297.78    Ex:+0.00  Ey:+0.00  Ez:+0.00    Радиус:100.00
Повтор : 01                                    std dev:0.317
Повтор : 02                                    std dev:0.059
Calibration OK                                    std dev:0.042
.Height:297.66    Ex:-0.17  Ey:-0.13  Ez:+0.00    Radius:100.91
Save with M500 and/or copy to Configuration.h
G33 P2 : probes center and tower positions and
         calibrates delta height, endstops and delta radius.
G33 Автоматическая калибровка
Проверка... AC
.Высота:297.78    Ex:+0.00  Ey:+0.00  Ez:+0.00    Радиус:100.00
Повтор : 01                                    std dev:0.374
Повтор : 02                                    std dev:0.054
Повтор : 03                                    std dev:0.007
Calibration OK                                    rolling back.
.Высота:297.68    Ex:-0.14  Ey:-0.14  Ez:+0.00    Радиус:101.23
Save with M500 and/or copy to Configuration.h
G33 P1 : probes the center and calibrates the delta height only.
G33 Автоматическая калибровка
Проверка... AC
.Height:261.40                                Offset:+0.30
Calibration OK                                std dev:0.000
.Height:261.58                                Offset:+0.10
Save with M500 and/or copy to Configuration.h

"примечание: Height = delta height; Ex, Ey, Ez = end-stop corrections; Radius = delta radius; Tx, Ty, Tz = tower angular corrections; c, x, y, z, yz, zx, xy = probe results at center, towers and opposite to towers; std dev = standard deviation of the probe results towards the zero plane.

G34: Set Delta Height calculated from toolhead position (only DELTA)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???

The values specified are added to the calculated end stop position when the axes are referenced. The calculated value is derived from the distance of the toolhead from the current axis zero point. The user would typically place the toolhead at the zero point of the axis and issue the G34 command. This value can be saved to EEPROM using the M500 command.

G38.x Straight Probe (CNC specific)

G38.2 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact, signal error if failure
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???
G38.3 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???
G38.4 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact, signal error if failure
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???
G38.5 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???

G40: Compensation Off (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? ??? ???

G40 turns off cutter compensation. If tool compensation was on the next move must be a linear move and longer than the tool diameter. It is OK to turn compensation off when it is already off.

G42: Move to Grid Point

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.2 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

G42 does a fast move in XY to any of the intersection points in the bed calibration grid. This is useful during calibration to align the nozzle or probe.

Inn Grid X index (zero-based). If omitted, the nearest latitude.
Jnn Grid Y index (zero-based). If omitted, the nearest longitude.
P Probe flag. Moves the probe to the grid point (instead of the nozzle).
Fnnn Feedrate (mm/m)
G42 I3 J4 P F3000 ; Move the probe to grid coordinate 3, 4

G53..59: Выбор системы координат (для ЧПУ)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? ??? ???

См. linuxcnc.org для получения дополнительной помощи

Not all builds of RepRapFirmware support these commands. For those that do (e.g. Duet WiFi/Ethernet and Duet 3), from firmware version 2.02 the workplace coordinate offsets are included in the data saved to config-override.g by the M500 command.

G60: save current position to slot

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
G60 Snn
Snn <nn> specifies memory slot # (0-based) to save into (default 0)

Implementation in RepRapFirmware:

  • Slots 0, 1 and 2 are available from RepRapFirmware 1.21, also slots 4 and 5 in RRF 2.02. When a print is paused the coordinates are saved to slot 1 automatically, and at the start of a tool change the coordinates are saved to slot 2 automatically. Use G0 or G1 with the R0, R1 or R2 parameter to move the current tool to a saved position.

G61: Apply/restore saved coordinates to the active extruder.

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
G61 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Ennn Fnnn Snn
Xnnn X координата
Ynnn Y координата
Znnn Z координата
Ennn E координата
Fnnn F Установить скорость подачи
Snn S specifies memory slot # (0-based)

G80: Cancel Canned Cycle (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???

It cancel canned cycle modal motion. G80 is part of modal group 1, so programming any other G code from modal group 1 will also cancel the canned cycle.

G90: Set to Absolute Positioning

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? Да

All coordinates from now on are absolute relative to the origin of the machine. (This is the RepRap default.)

G91: Set to Relative Positioning

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Нет Да Да Да Да ??? Да

All coordinates from now on are relative to the last position. Примечание: RepRapFirmware latest revision firmware uses M83 to set the extruder to relative mode: extrusion is NOT set to relative by ReprapFirmware on G91: only X,Y and Z are set to relative. By contrast, Marlin (for example) DOES also set extrusion to relative on a G91 command, as well as setting X, Y and Z.

G92: Задать положение

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? Да
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Xnnn новое положение оси X
Ynnn новое положение оси Y
Znnn новое положение оси Z
Ennn новое положение экструдера
G92 X10 E90

Allows programming of absolute zero point, by reseting the current position to the values specified. This would set the machine's X coordinate to 10, and the extrude coordinate to 90. No physical motion will occur.

A G92 without coordinates will reset all axes to zero on some firmware. This does not apply to RepRapFirmware.

G92.x: Reset Coordinate System Offsets (CNC specific)
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???
  • G92.1 - reset axis offsets to zero and set parameters 5211 - 5219 to zero. (X Y Z A B C U V W)
  • G92.2 - reset axis offsets to zero.

G93: Feed Rate Mode (Inverse Time Mode) (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???

G93 is Inverse Time Mode. In inverse time feed rate mode, an F word means the move should be completed in (one divided by the F number) minutes. For example, if the F number is 2.0, the move should be completed in half a minute.

When the inverse time feed rate mode is active, an F word must appear on every line which has a G1, G2, or G3 motion, and an F word on a line that does not have G1, G2, or G3 is ignored. Being in inverse time feed rate mode does not affect G0 (rapid move) motions.

G94: Feed Rate Mode (Units per Minute) (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? ???

G94 is Units per Minute Mode. In units per minute feed mode, an F word is interpreted to mean the controlled point should move at a certain number of inches per minute, millimeters per minute, or degrees per minute, depending upon what length units are being used and which axis or axes are moving.

G100: Calibrate floor or rod radius

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
X Flag to set floor for X axis
Y Flag to set floor for Y axis
Z Flag to set floor for Z axis
Rnnn Radius to add
G100 X Y Z ; set floor for argument passed in. Number ignored and may be absent.
G100 R5    ; Add 5 to radius. Adjust to be above floor if necessary
G100 R0    ; Set radius based on current z measurement. Moves all axes to zero

G130: Set digital potentiometer value

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Да
G130 X10 Y18 Z15 A20 B12

Set the digital potentiometer value for the given axes. This is used to configure the current applied to each stepper axis. The value is specified as a value from 0-127; the mapping from current to potentimeter value is machine specific.

G131: Remove offset

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.91 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

G132: Calibrate endstop offsets

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.91 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

G133: Measure steps to top

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.91 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

G161: Home axes to minimum

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? Да
X Flag to home the X axis to its minimum position
Y Flag to home the Y axis to its minimum position
Z Flag to home the Z axis to its minimum position
Fnnn Desired feedrate for this command
G161 X Y Z F1800

Instruct the machine to home the specified axes to their minimum position. Similar to G28, which decides on its own in which direction to search endstops.

G162: Home axes to maximum

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? Да
X Flag to home the X axis to its maximum position
Y Flag to home the Y axis to its maximum position
Z Flag to home the Z axis to its maximum position
Fnnn Desired feedrate for this command
G162 X Y Z F1800

Instruct the machine to home the specified axes to their maximum position.

G425: Perform auto-calibration with calibration cube

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
2.0.x or later1 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

This performs an automatic calibration of backlash, positional errors and nozzle offset by touching the nozzle on the sides of a bed mounted, electrically conductive cube, washer or bolt.

B Perform calibration of backlash only.
Tnnn Perform calibration of toolhead only.
V Probe cube and print position, error, backlash and hotend offset.
Unnn Uncertainty, how far to start probe away from the cube (mm)
Примеры (Marlin)
G425                ; Perform full calibration sequence
T1                  ; Switch to second nozzle
G425 V              ; Validate by showing report for T1
T0                  ; Switch to second nozzle
G425 V              ; Validate by showing report for T0

1 Implemented in Lulzbot Marlin 2.0.x (devel branch), currently awaiting merge into Marlin 2.0.x


M0: Stop or Unconditional stop

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Да Да Нет Да ??? ???
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Pnnn Time to wait, in milliseconds1
Snnn Time to wait, in seconds2

The RepRap machine finishes any moves left in its buffer, then shuts down. Все двигатели и нагреватели выключены. It can be started again by pressing the reset button on the master microcontroller, although this step is not mandatory on RepRapFirmware. См.также M1, M112.

The Marlin Firmware does wait for user to press a button on the LCD, or a specific time. "M0 P2000" waits 2000 milliseconds, "M0 S2" waits 2 seconds.

RepRapFirmware executes cancel.g if this file is present, if the print is paused and if the axes are homed. Otherwise stop.g is run and the drives are put into idle mode. Also the heaters are turned off if no 'H1' parameter is specified.


1Not available in RepRapFirmware, but as a work-around G4 can be run before M0.

2Only available on Marlin.

M1: Sleep or Conditional stop

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ??? ???

The RepRap machine finishes any moves left in its buffer, then shuts down. Все двигатели и нагреватели выключены. It can still be sent G and M codes, the first of which will wake it up again. См. также M0, M112.

The Marlin Firmware does the same as M0.

If Marlin is emulated in RepRapFirmware, this does the same as M25 if the code was read from a serial or Telnet connection, else the macro file sleep.g is run before all heaters and drives are turned off.

M2: Program End

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? Да

Teacup firmware does the same as M84.

M3: Spindle On, Clockwise (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???
Snnn Spindle RPM
M3 S4000

The spindle is turned on with a speed of 4000 RPM.

Teacup firmware turn extruder on (same as M101).

RepRapFirmware interprets this code only if a Roland mill has been configured.

In Repetier-Firmware in laser mode you need S0..S255 to set laser intensity. Normally you use S255 to turn it on full power for moves. Laser will only fire during G1/G2/G3 moves and in laser mode (M452).

M4: Spindle On, Counter-Clockwise (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M4 S4000

The spindle is turned on with a speed of 4000 RPM.

M5: Spindle Off (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

Шпиндель выключен.

Teacup firmware turn extruder off (same as M103).

M6: Tool change

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

M7: Mist Coolant On (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: Применяйте M106 ??? ???

Mist coolant is turned on (if available)

Teacup firmware turn on the fan, and set fan speed (same as M106).

M8: Flood Coolant On (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: Применяйте M106 ??? ???

Flood coolant is turned on (if available)

M9: Coolant Off (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: Применяйте M106 ??? ???

All coolant systems are turned off.

M10: Vacuum On (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: Примененяйте M106 ??? ???

Dust collection vacuum system turned on.

M11: Vacuum Off (CNC specific)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: Примененяйте M106 ??? ???

Dust collection vacuum system turned off.

M17: Enable/Power all stepper motors

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

M18: Disable all stepper motors

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: Вызов M84 Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да: Вызов M84
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Да: Применяйте M2 ??? Да
This command can be used without any additional parameters.1
X ось X
Y ось Y
Z ось Z
E Extruder drive(s)2
M18 X E0

Disables stepper motors and allows axes to move 'freely.'

On Marlin, M18 is a synonym of M84, so it can also be used to configure or disable the idle timeout.

M18 S10  ; Idle steppers after 10 seconds of inactivity
M18 S0   ; Disable idle timeout

1Some firmware implementations do not support parameters to be passed, but at least Marlin and RepRapFirmware do.

2RepRapFirmware allows stepper motors to be disabled selectively. For example, M18 X E0:2 will disable the X, extruder 0 and extruder 2 motors.

M20: Список файлов SD-карты

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Snnn Output style1
Pnnn Directory to list2
M20 S2 P/gcodes/subdir

This code lists all files in the root folder or G-code directory of the SD card to the serial port. One name per line, like:


On Marlin, a file list response is usually encapsulated. Standard configurations of RepRapFirmware mimic this style in emulation mode:

Начало списка файлов:
Конец списка файлов

If RepRapFirmware emulates no firmware compatibility, a typical response looks like:

Файлы G-кода:
"Traffic cone.g","frog.gcode","calibration piece.g"

Note that some firmwares list file names in upper case, but - when sent to the M23 command (below) they must be in lower case. Teacup and RepRapFirmware have no such trouble and accept both. RepRapFirmware always returns long filenames in the case in which they are stored.


1If the S2 parameter is used on RepRapFirmware, then the file list is returned in JSON format as a single array called "files" with each name that corresponds to a subdirectory preceded by an asterisk, and the directory is returned in variable "dir".

M20 S2 P/gcodes
{"dir":"\/gcodes","files":["4-piece-1-2-3-4.gcode","Hinged_Box.gcode","Hollow_Dodecahedron_190.gcode","*Calibration pieces"]}

2This parameter is only supported by RepRapFirmware and defaults to the 0:/gcodes directory, which is the directory that printable gcode files are normally stored in.

M21: Инициализация SD карты

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???
Pnnn номер SD-карты (только RepRapFirmware, по умолчанию 0)
M21 P1

Указанная SD-карта инициализируется. Если при включении устройства установлена SD-карта, это произойдет по умолчанию. SD card must be initialized for the other SD functions to work.

M22: Извлечение SD карты

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???
Pnnn номер SD-карты (только RepRapFirmware, по умолчанию 0)
M22 P1

The specified SD card is released, so further (accidental) attempts to read from it are guaranteed to fail. Полезно, но не обязательно, перед физическим удалением карты .

M23: Выбор файла на SD

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???
M23 имя_файла.gco

The file specified as filename.gco (8.3 naming convention is supported) is selected ready for printing. RepRapFirmware поддерживает длинные имена файлов, а также формат 8.3.

M24: Start/resume SD print

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да ??? ???

Устройство печатает данные из файла, выбранного с помощью команды M23. Если печать ранее была приостановлена с помощью M25, печать возобновляется с этого момента. Чтобы перезапустить файл с самого начала, используйте M23 для его сброса, затем M24.

When this command is used to resume a print that was paused, RepRapFirmware runs macro file resume.g prior to resuming the print.

M25: Pause SD print

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да ??? ???

The machine pauses printing at the current position within the file. To resume printing, use M24. Do not use this code to pause the print in a G-code file, use M226 instead.

Prior to pausing, RepRapFirmware runs macro file pause.g. This allows the head to be moved away from the print, filament to be retracted, etc.

RepRapFirmware 1.20 and later also save the current state of the print to file /sys/resurrect.g. This is so that if the printer is turned off after pausing, the print can subsequently be resumed.

M26: Set SD position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да aborts ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn File position from start of file in bytes
Pnnn (Optional, RepRapFirmware only) Proportion of the first move to be skipped, default 0.0, must be less than 1.0
M26 S49315

Set the file offset in bytes from the start of the SD card file selected by M23. The offset must correspond to the start of a GCode command.

M27: Report SD print status

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
C Report the open file's name and long name (Marlin 1.1.9 and up)
Sn Set the auto-report interval (Marlin 1.1.9 and up)

Report SD print status.

Marlin and RepRapFirmware report the number of bytes processed in this format, which can be processed by Pronterface:

SD printing byte 2134/235422

If no file is being printed, only this message is reported:

Not SD printing.

In Marlin 1.1.9 and up M27 C reports the open file's DOS 8.3 name and long filename, if any.

M27 C
Current file: filena~1.gco Filenagotcha.gcode

In Marlin 1.1.9 and up M27 Sn sets the auto-report interval. This requires the AUTO_REPORT_SD_STATUS configuration option to be enabled. Marlin reports this capability in M115 as Cap: AUTO_REPORT_SD_STATUS 1 when this option is available.

M27 S2 ; Report the SD card status every 2 seconds

M28: Начать запись на SD карту

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M28 имя_файла.gco

File specified by filename.gco is created (or overwritten if it exists) on the SD card and all subsequent commands sent to the machine are written to that file.

M29: Остановить запись на SD карту

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M29 имя_файла.gco

File opened by M28 command is closed, and all subsequent commands sent to the machine are executed as normal.

M30: Удалить файл на SD-карте

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Да Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
> M30 имя_файла.gco
> имя_файла.gco удален.
М30 в grbl

M30 exchange pallet shuttles and end the program. Pressing cycle start will start the program at the beginning of the file.

M31: Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

The response looks like:

 echo:54 min, 38 sec

M32: Выбор файла и запуск печати с SD-карты

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M32 имя_файла.gco

Он может быть использован при печати с SD-карты и делает то же самое, что и M23 и M24.

tba available in marlin(14/6/2014)

M33: Get the long name for an SD card file or folder

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Get the long name for a file or folder on the SD card from a dos path. Introduced in Marlin firmware 1.1.0 September 2015.

M33: Stop and Close File and save restart.gcode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? Нет: Применяйте M25 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Stop the printing from SD and save all position in restart.gcode for restart printing in future

M34: Set SD file sorting options

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Enable and disable SD card file-sorting, and/or set the folder sorting order. Предложено прошивкой Marlin, май 2015 года.

M35: Загрузка прошивки NEXTION с SD-карты

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

M36: Возвращает информацию о файле

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
M36 имя_файла.gco

Returns information for the specified SD card file in JSON format. Пример ответа:

{"err":0,"size":436831,"lastModified":"2017-09-21T16:58:07","height":5.20,"firstLayerHeight":0.20,"layerHeight":0.20,"printTime":660,"simulatedTime":1586,"filament":[1280.7],"generatedBy":"Simplify3D(R) Version 4.0.0"}

The "err" field is zero if successful, nonzero if the file was not found or an error occurred while processing it. The "size" field should always be present if the operation was successful. The presence or absence of other fields depends on whether the corresponding values could be found by reading the file. The "filament" field is an array of the filament lengths required from each spool. The size is in bytes, the times are in seconds, all other values are in mm. 'printTime' is the printing time estimated by the slicer, 'simulationTime' is the time measured when the print was simulated by the firmware. The fields may appear in any order, and additional fields may be present.

If the file name parameter is not supplied and a file on the SD card is currently being printed, then information for that file is returned including additional field "fileName". This feature is used by the web interface and by PanelDue, so that if a connection is made when a file is already being printed, the name and other information about that file can be shown.

M37: Режим моделирования

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
S1 Enter simulation mode
S0 Leave simulation mode
P"filename" (optional) Simulate printing a file from SD card
M37 S1
M37 P"MyModel.g"

Used to switch between printing mode and simulation mode. Simulation mode allows the electronics to compute an accurate printing time, taking into account the maximum speeds, accelerations etc. that are configured.

M37 S1 enters simulation mode. All G and M codes will not be acted on, but the time they would take to execute will be calculated.

M37 S0 leaves simulation mode and prints the total time taken by simulated moves since entering simulation mode.

M37 with no S parameter prints the time taken by the simulation, from the time it was first entered using M37 S1, up to the current point (if simulation mode is still active) or the point that the simulation was ended (if simulation mode is no longer active).

M37 P"filename" enters simulation mode, prints the specified file, exits simulation mode, reports the print time, and appends it to the GCode file as a comment for later retrieval.

M38 Compute SHA1 hash of target file

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Used to compute a hash of a file on the SD card. Примеры:

> M38 gcodes/myfile.g
> Не удается найти файл
> M38 www/reprap.htm
> 91199139dbfadac15a18cfb962dfd4853db83999

Returns a hexadecimal string which is the SHA1 of the file. If the file cannot be found, then the string "Cannot find file" is returned instead.

M39 Report SD card information

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да: 1.20.1 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pn SD slot number, default 0
Sn Response format. S0 returns a plain text response, S2 returns a response in JSON format.
M39  ; report information for SD card 0 in plain text format
M39 P1 S2 ; report information for SD card 1 in JSON format

This command returns information about the SD card in the specified slot in the requested format. At least the following is returned:

  • Whether or not a usable card is present in the slot
  • The capacity of the card in bytes (if a card is present)
  • The amount of free space on the card in bytes (if a card is present)

The JSON response has the following format (more fields may be added in future):


The capacity, free space and cluster size are in bytes, and the interface speed is in bytes/second.

M40: Извлечь

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

If your RepRap machine can eject the parts it has built off the bed, this command executes the eject cycle. This usually involves cooling the bed and then performing a sequence of movements that remove the printed parts from it. The X, Y and Z position of the machine at the end of this cycle are undefined (though they can be found out using the M114 command, q.v.).

See also M240 and M241 below.

M41: Loop

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

If the RepRap machine was building a file from its own memory such as a local SD card (as opposed to a file being transmitted to it from a host computer) this goes back to the beginning of the file and runs it again. So, for example, if your RepRap is capable of ejecting parts from its build bed then you can set it printing in a loop and it will run and run. Use with caution - the only things that will stop it are:

  1. When you press the reset button,
  2. When the build material runs out (if your RepRap is set up to detect this), and
  3. When there's an error (such as a heater failure).

M42: Переключение контактов ввода/вывода

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Pnnn Номер контакта
Snnn Pin value
M42 P7 S255

M42 switches a general purpose I/O pin. Use M42 Px Sy to set pin x to value y, when omitting Px the LEDPIN will be used.

In Teacup, general purpose devices are handled like a heater, see M104.

In RepRapFirmware, the S field may be in the range 0..1 or 0..255. The pin reference is an internal firmware reference named "digital pin", see Duet pinout. It maps on different connector pins depending the hardware. On Duet 0.6 and 0.8.5 hardware using pre-1.16 firmware, the supported pin numbers and their names on the expansion connector are:

Duet M42 P value to Expansion Port Pin Mapping
P Имя Expansion Port Pin
16 TXD1 11
17 RXD1 12
18 TXD0 13
19 RXD0 14
20 TWD1 35
21 TWCK1 36
23 PA14 10
36 PC4 18
52 AD14 41
67 PB16 32

В прошивке 1.16 изменилась нумерация контактов.

Duet 0.6 and 0.8.5 v1.16+ M42 P value to Expansion Port Pin Mapping
P Имя Expansion Port Pin
60 PA10/RXD0 14
61 PA11/TXD0 13
62 PA12/RXD1 12
63 PA13/TXD1 11
64 PA14/RTS1 10
65 PB12/TWD1 35
66 PB13/TWCK1 36
67 PB16/DAC1* 32
68 PB21/AD14 41
69 PC4 18
  • Also used as CS signal on external SD card socket
Duet WiFi v1.16+ M42 P value to Expansion Port Pin Mapping
P Название сигнала Expansion Connector Label Expansion Pin
60 CS5 CS5 50
61 CS6 E3_STOP 9
62 CS7 E4_STOP 14
63 CS8 E5_STOP 19

See Using servos and controlling unused I/O pins for all pin definitions.

Pre-1.16 example:

M42 P20 S1 ;set the connector pin 35 to high.

On RADDS hardware running RepRapFirmware-dc42, the supported Arduino Due pin numbers and their names are:

5 TIOA6, 6 PWML7, 39 PWMH2, 58 AD3, 59 AD2, 66 DAC0, 67 DAC1, 68 CANRX0, 69 CANTX0, 70 SDA1, 71 SCL1, 72 RX LED, 73 TX LED.

See also M583.

M43: Stand by on material exhausted

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

If your RepRap can detect when its material runs out, this decides the behaviour when that happens. The X and Y axes are zeroed (but not Z), and then the machine shuts all motors and heaters off except the heated bed, the temperature of which is maintained. The machine will still respond to G and M code commands in this state.

M43: Pin report and debug

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M43 En Pnnn Wn In
En Enable / disable background endstop monitoring
Pnnn Pin to read or watch. If omitted, read/watch all pins
Wn bool watch pins -reporting changes- until reset, click, or M108
In bool Flag to ignore pin protection
You must have PINS_DEBUGGING uncommented in your Configuration_adv.h file for M43 to work.

M44: Codes debug - report codes available

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
In G-code list
Jn M-code list

M48: Measure Z-Probe repeatability

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pnnn number of points
Xnnn position on the X axis
Ynnn position on the Y axis
Vnnn verbosity
E engage
Lnnn legs of travel
S schizoid

As with G29, the E flag causes the probe to stow after each probe.

The S flag will result is a random sized, 5 pointed star, being traced (X and Y axis) between each sample. Usually a user will get worse repeat-ability numbers with S specified because the X axis and Y axis movements will add to the machine's positioning errors.

M49: Turn on or off G26 debug flag for verbose output

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

M70: Display message

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. M117 Нет: См. M117 ??? ??? ??? Нет: См. M117 Нет: См. M117 ??? Нет: См. M117
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет: См. M117 Нет ??? Да
M70 P200 Сообщение

Instruct the machine to display a message on its interface LCD. P is the time to display message for.

M72: Воспроизведение тона или песни

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. M300 Нет: См. M300 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет: См. M300
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Да
M72 P2

Instruct the machine to play a preset song. Acceptable song IDs are machine specific. P is the ID of the song to play.

M73: Set build percentage

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Да
M73 P50

Instruct the machine that the build has progressed to the specified percentage. The machine is expected to display this on it's interface board. If the percentage is exactly 0, then a Build Start Notification is sent. If the percentage is exactly 100, then a Build End notification is sent.

M75: Start the print job timer

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

M76: Pause the print job timer

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

M77: Stop the print job timer

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

M78: Show statistical information about the print jobs

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

M80: Питание ATX включено

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет automatic ??? ???
M80    ; Turn on the power supply
M80 S  ; Report power supply state (Marlin 1.1.1)

Turns on the ATX power supply from standby mode to fully operational mode. No-op on electronics without standby mode.

  • Marlin requires the POWER_SUPPLY configuration option to be set to a non-zero value to enable M80.
  • Some firmwares (e.g., Teacup) handle power on/off automatically, so this is redundant there. Also, see RAMPS wiring for ATX on/off.

M81: Питание ATX выключено

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да automatic ??? ???
P quit the daemon (redeem only)
R restart the daemon (redeem only)
Sn n=0 turn power off immediately (default), n=1 turn power off when all thermostatic fans have turned off (RepRapFirmware 1.20 and later only)
M81 ; немедленное выключение питания
M81 S1 ; turn power off when everything has cooled down (RepRapFirmware)

Выключает питание ATX. Counterpart to M80.

M82: Set extruder to absolute mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

Makes the extruder interpret extrusion as absolute positions.

This is the default in repetier.

M83: Set extruder to relative mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

Makes the extruder interpret extrusion values as relative positions.

M84: Stop idle hold

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да ??? ???
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Innn Reset flags1

Stop the idle hold on all axis and extruder. In some cases the idle hold causes annoying noises, which can be stopped by disabling the hold. Be aware that by disabling idle hold during printing, you will get quality issues. This is recommended only in between or after printjobs.

On Marlin, Repetier and RepRapFirmware, M84 can also be used to configure or disable the idle timeout. For example, "M84 S10" will idle the stepper motors after 10 seconds of inactivity. "M84 S0" will disable idle timeout; steppers will remain powered up regardless of activity.


1RepRapFirmware-dc42 and other firmware may not support this parameter.

M85: Set inactivity shutdown timer

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M85 S30

Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S<seconds>. "M85 S0" will disable the inactivity shutdown time (default)

M92: Set axis_steps_per_unit

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
Xnnn Steps per unit for the X drive
Ynnn Steps per unit for the Y drive
Znnn Steps per unit for the Z drive
Ennn Steps per unit for the extruder drive(s)
Snnn Defines in which microstepping the above steps per unit are given. If omitted it will use the microstepping currently set by M350.1
M92 X87.489 Y87.489 Z87.489
M92 E420:420

Allows programming of steps per unit (usually mm) for motor drives. These values are reset to firmware defaults on power on, unless saved to EEPROM if available (M500 in Marlin) or in the configuration file (config.g in RepRapFirmware). Очень полезно для калибровки.

RepRapFirmware will report the current steps/mm if you send M92 without any parameters.


1 Only available in RepRapFirmware >=2.03

M93: Send axis_steps_per_unit

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M98: Вызов макроса/подпрограммы

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Pnnn Macro filename
M98 Pмой_макрос.g 

Runs the macro in the file mymacro.g. In conventional G Codes for CNC machines the P parameter normally refers to a line number in the program itself (P2000 would run the Macro starting at line O2000, say). For RepRap, which almost always has some sort of mass storage device inbuilt, it simply refers to the name of a GCode file that is executed by the G98 call. That GCode file does not need to end with an M99 (return) as the end-of-file automatically causes a return. RepRapFirmware supports nested macro calls up to a depth of 5.

Certain machine parameters are saved at the start of the macro call and restored at the end. For RepRapFirmware these are: axis movement relative/absolute mode, extruder movement absolute/relative mode, feed rate.

RepRapFirmware also allows the filename to include a path to a subdirectory. For relative paths, the default folder is /sys, but some implementations may check the /macros directory too. Absolute file paths are supported on RepRapFirmware too.

M99: Return from Macro/Subprogram

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Returns from an M98 call.

RepRapFirmware closes the currently active macro file. If a nested macro is being run, RepRapFirmware goes up one stack level.

M98: Get axis_hysteresis_mm

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Deprecated - clashes with the G Code standard M98 above


Report the current hysteresis values in mm for all of the axis.

Предложено для Marlin

M99: Set axis_hysteresis_mm

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Deprecated - clashes with the G Code standard M99 above

M99 X<mm> Y<mm> Z<mm> E<mm>

Allows programming of axis hysteresis. Mechanical pulleys, gears and threads can have hysteresis when they change direction. That is, a certain number of steps occur before movement occurs. You can measure how many mm are lost to hysteresis and set their values with this command. Every time an axis changes direction, these extra mm will be added to compensate for the hysteresis.

Предложено для Marlin

M101: Turn extruder 1 on (Forward), Undo Retraction

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да: 1.17c и позже ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

В прошивке Teacup: If a DC extruder is present, turn that on. Else, undo filament retraction, which means, make the extruder ready for extrusion. Complement to M103.

В прошивке BFB/RapMan: Turn extruder on (forward/filament in).

In RepRapFirmware: undo filament retraction. Длина и скорость задаются командой M207. RepRapFirmware supports this command for compatibility with Simplify3D.

В других прошивках: Deprecated. Regarding filament retraction, see G10, G11, M207, M208, M227, M228, M229.

M102: Turn extruder 1 on (Reverse)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

В прошивке BFB/RapMan: Turn extruder on Reverse (Still to add)

В других прошивках: Deprecated.

M103: Turn all extruders off, Extruder Retraction

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да: 1.17c и позже ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???

В прошивке Teacup: If a DC extruder is present, turn that off. Else, retract the filament in the hope to prevent nozzle drooling. Complement to M101.

В прошивке BFB/RapMan: Выключается экструдер.

In RepRapFirmware: retract filament. Длина и скорость задаются командой M207. RepRapFirmware supports this command for compatibility with Simplify3D.

В других прошивках: Deprecated. Regarding filament retraction, see G10, G11, M207, M208, M227, M228, M229.

M104: Установка температуры экструдера

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? Да
Snnn Целевая температура
M104 S190

Set the temperature of the current extruder to 190oC and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the extruder). Duet-dc42 and other firmware also supports the optional T parameter (as generated by slic3r) to specify which tool the command applies to. См. также M109.

This is deprecated because temperatures should be set using the G10 and T commands (q.v.).

Deprecation is subject to discussion. --Traumflug 11:33, 19 July 2012 (UTC)

M104 в прошивке Teacup

In Teacup Firmware, M104 can be additionally used to handle all devices using a temperature sensor. It supports the additional P parameter, which is a zero-based index into the list of sensors in config.h. Для устройств без датчика температуры см. M106.

M104 P1 S100

Set the temperature of the device attached to the second temperature sensor to 100°C.

M105: Получить температуру экструдера

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Да Нет Да Да ??? Да
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Rnnn Response sequence number1
Snnn Response type1
M105 S2

Request the temperature of the current extruder and the build base in degrees Celsius. The temperatures are returned to the host computer. For example, the line sent to the host in response to this command looks like:

ok T:201 B:117

Expansion/generalization of M105 to be considered using S1 parameter as noted in Pronterface I/O Monitor

In Repetier and MK4duo you can add X0 (X1 MK4duo) to get raw values as well:

M105 X0
==> 11:05:48.910 : T:23.61 /0 @:0 T0:23.61 /0 @0:0 RAW0:3922 T1:23.89 /0 @1:0 RAW1:3920

Recent versions of RepRapFirmware also report the current and target temperatures of all active heaters.


1These parameters are only supported by RepRapFirmware, which returns a JSON-formatted response if parameter S2 or S3 is specified. Additionally, parameter Rnn may be provided, where nn is the sequence number of the most recent G-code response that the client has already received. M105 S2 is equivalent to M408 S0, and M105 S3 is equivalent to M408 S2. Usage of these forms of M105 is deprecated, please use M408 instead.

M106: Включение вентилятора

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Да Да Да Да Да ??? ???
Pnnn Fan number (optional, defaults to 0)2
Snnn Fan speed (0 to 255; RepRapFirmware also accepts 0.0 to 1.0))
Extra Parameters
Innn Invert signal, or disable fan1 3
Fnnn Set fan PWM frequency, in Hz1 3
Lnnn Set minimum fan speed (0 to 255 or 0.0 to 1.0)1 3
Xnnn Set maximum fan speed (0 to 255 or 0.0 to 1.0)1 3
Bnnn Blip time - fan will be run at full PWM for this number of seconds when started from standstill1
Hnn:nn:nn... Select heaters monitored when in thermostatic mode1 3
Rnnn Restore fan speed to the value it has when the print was paused1
Tnnn Set thermostatic mode trigger temperature
Cnnn Set custom name (RRF > 2.01 only)1
M106 S127
Примеры (RepRapFirmware)
M106 P1 I1 S87
M106 P1 T45 H1:2
M106 P2 B0.1 L0.05

Первый пример включает охлаждающий вентилятор по умолчанию с половиной скоростью. The second one inverts the cooling fan signal of the second fan and sets its value to 1/3 of its maximum. The third one sets the second fan to a thermostatic fan for heaters 1 and 2 (e.g. the extruder heaters in a dual-nozzle machine) such that the fan will be on when either hot end is at or above 45C.

Mandatory parameter 'S' declares the PWM value (0-255). M106 S0 turns the fan off. In some implementations like RepRapFirmware the PWM value may alternatively be specified as a real fraction: M106 S0.7.


1These parameters are only available in RepRapFirmware.

2Marlin 1.0 to 1.1.6 only supports a single fan. Marlin 1.1.7 и выше поддерживает до 3 вентиляторов.

3These parameters are only available in MK4duo.

M106 в RepRapFirmware

If an S parameter is provided but no other parameter is present, then the speeds of the print cooling fans associated with the current tool will be set (see the F parameter in the M563 command). If no tool is active then the speed of Fan 0 will be set. Either way, the speed is remembered so that it can be recalled using the R2 parameter (see below).

If no S parameter is given but the R1 parameter is used, the fan speed when the print was last paused will be set. If the R2 parameter is used, then the speeds of the print cooling fans associated with the current tool will be set to the remembered value (see above).

The T and H parameters allow a fan to be configured to operate in thermostatic mode, for example to use one of the fan channels to control the hot end fan. In this mode the fan will be fully on when the temperature of any of the heaters listed in the H parameter is at or above the trigger temperature set by the T parameter, and off otherwise. Thermostatic mode can be disabled using parameter H-1.

The B parameter sets the time for which the fan will be operated at full PWM when started from cold, to allow low fan speeds t be used. Обычно достаточно значения 0.1 секунды.

Параметр L определяет минимальное значение ШИМ, которое может использоваться с этим вентилятором. If a lower value is commanded that is not zero, it will be rounded up to this value. The X parameter defines the maximum PWM value that is allowed for this fan. If a higher value is commanded, it will be rounded down to this value.

The I parameter causes the fan output signal to be inverted if its value is greater than zero. This makes the cooling fan output suitable for feeding the PWM input of a 4-wire fan via a diode. If the parameter is present and zero, the output is not inverted. If the I parameter is negative then in RRF 1.16 and later the fan is disabled, which frees up the pin for use as a general purpose I/O pin that can be controlled using M42.

M106 в прошивке Teacup

Кроме того, прошивка использует M106 для управления общими устройствами. It supports the additional P parameter, which is an zero-based index into the list of heaters/devices in config.h.

M106 P2 S255

Turn on device #3 at full speed/wattage.

Примечание: When turning on a temperature sensor equipped heater with M106 and M104 at the same time, temperature control will override the value given in M106 quickly.

Note well: The ambiguous text in the note above needs to be reworded by someone who knows the actual functioning. Below is my interpretation based on language use, not practical experience or code inspection.

Note: If M104 is (or becomes) active on a heater (or other device) with a feedback sensor it will correct any M106 initiated control output value change in the time it takes for the PID (of other feedback) loop to adjust it back to minimum error. It may not be easy to observe a change in the temperature (process value) due to this brief change in the control value

M107: Выключение вентилятора

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Да Да Да Да Нет ??? ???

Deprecated in Teacup firmware and in RepRapFirmware. Use M106 S0 instead.

M108: Отмена нагрева (Marlin)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Breaks out of an M109 or M190 wait-for-temperature loop, continuing the print job. Use this command with caution! If cold extrusion prevention is enabled (see M302) and the temperature is too low, this will start "printing" without extrusion. If cold extrusion prevention is disabled and the hot-end temperature is too low, the extruder may jam.

This command was introduced in Marlin 1.1.0. As with other emergency commands [e.g., M112] this requires the host to leave space in the command buffer, or the command won't be executed until later.

M108: Установить скорость экструдера (BFB)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Устанавливает скорость двигателя экструдера. (Deprecated in FiveD firmware, see M113)

M109: Установка температуры экструдера и ожидание

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Да Да Да ??? Да
Snnn minimum target temperature, waits until heating
Rnnn maximum target temperature, waits until cooling (Sprinter)
Rnnn accurate target temperature, waits until heating and cooling (Marlin)
M109 S215
M109 в Teacup

Not needed. To mimic Marlin behaviour, use M104 followed by M116.

M109 in Marlin, MK4duo, Sprinter (ATmega port), RepRapFirmware

Set extruder heater temperature in degrees celsius and wait for this temperature to be achieved.

M109 S185

RepRapFirmware also supports the optional T parameter (as generated by slic3r) to specify which tool the command refers to (see below).

M109 in Sprinter (4pi port)

Параметры: S (optional), set target temperature value. If not specified, waits for the temperature set by M104. R (optional), sets target temperature range maximum value.

M109 S185 R240 ; set extruder temperature to 185 and wait for the temperature to be between 185 - 240.

If you have multiple extruders, use T or P parameter to specify which extruder you want to set/wait.

Another way to do this is to use G10.

M109 в MakerBot
M109 S70 T0

Sets the target temperature for the current build platform. S is the temperature to set the platform to, in degrees Celsius. T is the platform to heat.

M110: Установить номер текущей строки

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Да ??? ???
Nnnn Номер строки
M110 N123

В этом примере задается номер текущей строки 123. Таким образом, ожидаемая следующая строка после этой команды будет 124.

M111: Установить уровень отладки

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Да Debug ??? ???
Pnnn Отлаживаемый модуль1
Snnn Отладка вкл/выкл
M111 S6
M111 P1 S1

Включение или отключение функций отладки в прошивке. Реализация может выглядеть по-разному для каждой микропрограммы.


1 Этот параметр доступен только в RepRapFirmware.

M111 в RepRapFirmware

RepRapFirmware allows debugging to be set for each module. If the optional 'P' parameter is not specified, debugging will be enabled for all modules. For a list of modules, send M111 S1 P15.

M111 в Repetier

Set the level of debugging information transmitted back to the host to level 6. The level is the OR of three bits:

#define DEBUG_ECHO (1<<0)
#define DEBUG_INFO (1<<1)
#define DEBUG_ERRORS (1<<2)
#define DEBUG_DRYRUN (1<<3) // repetier-firmware
#define DEBUG_COMMUNICATION (1<<4) // repetier-firmware

Thus 6 means send information and errors, but don't echo commands. (This is the RepRap default.)

For firmware that supports ethernet and web interfaces M111 S9 will turn web debug information on without changing any other debug settings, and M111 S8 will turn it off. Web debugging usually means that HTTP requests will be echoed to the USB interface, as will the responses.

M112: Аварийный останов

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Да Да ??? ???

Any moves in progress are immediately terminated, then RepRap shuts down. Все двигатели и нагреватели выключены. It can be started again by pressing the reset button on the master microcontroller. See also M0 and M1.

M113: Установка ШИМ экструдера

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Set the PWM for the currently-selected extruder. On its own this command sets RepRap to use the on-board potentiometer on the extruder controller board to set the PWM for the currently-selected extruder's stepper power. With an S field:

M113 S0.7

it causes the PWM to be set to the S value (70% in this instance). M113 S0 turns the extruder off, until an M113 command other than M113 S0 is sent.

M114: Получить текущую позицию

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Да Нет Да Да ??? Да

This causes the RepRap machine to report its current X, Y, Z and E coordinates to the host.

For example, the machine returns a string such as:

ok C: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00

In Marlin first 3 numbers is the position for the planner. The other positions are the positions from the stepper function. This helps for debugging a previous stepper function bug.

X:0.00 Y:0.00 RZ:0.00 LZ:0.00 Count X:0.00 Y:0.00 RZ:41.02 LZ:41.02

M115: Get Firmware Version and Capabilities

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Да Нет Да Да ??? Нет
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Pnnn Electronics type1
M115 P2

Request the Firmware Version and Capabilities of the current microcontroller The details are returned to the host computer as key:value pairs separated by spaces and terminated with a linefeed.

sample data from firmware:


This M115 code is inconsistently implemented, and should not be relied upon to exist, or output correctly in all cases. An initial implementation was committed to svn for the FiveD Reprap firmware on 11 Oct 2010. Work to more formally define protocol versions is currently (October 2010) being discussed. See M115_Keywords for one draft set of keywords and their meanings. See the M408 command for a more comprehensive report on machine capabilities supported by RepRapFirmware.


1This parameter is supported only in RepRapFirmware and can be used tell the firmware about the hardware on which it is running. If the P parameter is present then the integer argument specifies the hardware being used. The following are currently supported:

M115 P0   Automatic board type selection if supported, or default if not
M115 P1   Duet 0.6
M115 P2   Duet 0.7
M115 P3   Duet 0.85

M116: Ожидание

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Да Да ??? Да
This command can be used without any additional parameters.1
Pnnn Номер инструмента
Hnnn Номер нагревателя
Cnnn Chamber number
M116 P1

Wait for all temperatures and other slowly-changing variables to arrive at their set values if no parameters are specified. См. также M109.


1Most implementations don't support any parameters, but RepRapFirmware version 1.04 and later supports an optional 'P' parameter that is used to specify a tool number. If this parameter is present, then the system only waits for temperatures associated with that tool to arrive at their set values. This is useful during tool changes, to wait for the new tool to heat up without necessarily waiting for the old one to cool down fully.

Recent versions of RepRapFirmware also allow a list of the heaters to be specified using the 'H' parameter, and if the 'C' parameter is present, this will indicate that the chamber heater should be waited for.

M117: Get Zero Position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет: См. M70

This causes the RepRap machine to report the X, Y, Z and E coordinates in steps not mm to the host that it found when it last hit the zero stops for those axes. That is to say, when you zero X, the x coordinate of the machine when it hits the X endstop is recorded. This value should be 0, of course. But if the machine has drifted (for example by dropping steps) then it won't be. This command allows you to measure and to diagnose such problems. (E is included for completeness. It doesn't normally have an endstop.)

M117: Сообщение на дисплее

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? Нет
M117 Привет Мир

This causes the given message to be shown in the status line on an attached LCD. The above command will display Hello World. If RepRapFirmware is used and no LCD is attached, this message will be reported on the web interface.

M118: Echo message on host

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да:1.1.4 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Use this code to print a visible message to the host console, preceded by 'echo:'.

M118 Цвет меняется на синий

M118: Negotiate Features

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M118 P42

This M-code is for future proofing. NO firmware or hostware supports this at the moment. It is used in conjunction with M115's FEATURES keyword.

See Protocol_Feature_Negotiation for more info.

M119: Get Endstop Status

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да ??? ???

Returns the current state of the configured X, Y, Z endstops. Takes into account any 'inverted endstop' settings, so one can confirm that the machine is interpreting the endstops correctly.

In redeem, M119 can also be used to invert end stops.

M119 X1 1

This will invert end stop X1 (Inverted means switch is connected in Normally Open state (NO))

M120: Push

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Push the state of the RepRap machine onto a stack. Exactly what variables get pushed depends on the implementation (as does the depth of the stack - a typical depth might be 5). A sensible minimum, however, might be

  1. Current feedrate, and
  2. Whether moves (and separately extrusion) are relative or absolute

RepRapFirmware calls this automatically when a macro file is run. In addition to the variables above, it pushes the following values on the stack:

  1. Current feedrate
  2. Extruder positions

M121: Pop

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Recover the last state pushed onto the stack.

M120: Enable endstop detection

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M121: Disable endstop detection

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M122: Зависит от прошивки

M122: Diagnose (RepRapFirmware)
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Sending an M122 causes the RepRap to transmit diagnostic information, for eaxmple via a USB serial link.

If RepRapFirmware is used and debugging is enabled for the Network module, this will also print LWIP stats to the host via USB.

M122: Set Software Endstop (MK4duo)
Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Disabled or Enabled Software Endstop M122 S<0/1>

M123: Tachometer value

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Sending an M123 causes the RepRap to transmit filament tachometer values from all extruders.

M124: Immediate motor stop

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Immediately stops all motors.

M126: Open Valve

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Да
M126 P500

Open the extruder's valve (if it has one) and wait 500 milliseconds for it to do so.

M126 в MakerBot
M126 T0

Enables an extra output attached to a specific toolhead (e.g. fan)

M127: Close Valve

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Да
M127 P400

Close the extruder's valve (if it has one) and wait 400 milliseconds for it to do so.

M127 в MakerBot
M127 T0

Disables an extra output attached to a specific toolhead (e.g. fan)

M128: Extruder Pressure PWM

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M128 S255

PWM value to control internal extruder pressure. S255 is full pressure.

M129: Extruder pressure off

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M129 P100

In addition to setting Extruder pressure to 0, you can turn the pressure off entirely. P400 will wait 100ms to do so.

M130: Set PID P value

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. M301 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет: См. M301 ??? Нет: См. M301
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: См. M301 Да ??? ???
Pnnn Номер нагревателя
Snnn proportional (Kp)
M130 P0 S8.0  ; Sets heater 0 P factor to 8.0

Teacup can control multiple heaters with independent PID controls. For the default shown at https://github.com/Traumflug/Teacup_Firmware/blob/master/config.default.h, heater 0 is the extruder (P0), and heater 1 is the bed (P1).

Teacup's PID proportional units are in pwm/255 counts per quarter C, so to convert from counts/C, you would divide by 4. Conversely, to convert from count/qC to count/C, multiply by 4. In the above example, S=8 represents a Kp=8*4=32 counts/C.

M131: Set PID I value

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. M301 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет: См. M301 ??? Нет: См. M301
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: См. M301 Да ??? ???
Pnnn Номер нагревателя
Snnn Интеграл (Ki)
M131 P1 S0.5  ; Sets heater 1 I factor to 0.5

Teacup's PID integral units are in pwm/255 counts per (quarter C*quarter second), so to convert from counts/qCqs, you would divide by 16. Conversely, to convert from count/qCqs to count/Cs, multiply by 16. In the above example, S=0.5 represents a Ki=0.5*16=8 counts/Cs.

M132: Set PID D value

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. M301 Нет: См. M301 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет: См. M301 ??? Нет: См. M301
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да: См. M301 Да ??? Да
Pnnn Номер нагревателя
Snnn Производная (Kd)
M132 P0 S24  ; Sets heater 0 D factor to 24.0

Teacup's PID derivative units are in pwm/255 counts per (quarter degree per 2 seconds), so to convert from counts/C, you would divide by 4. Conversely, to convert from count/qC to count/C, multiply by 8. In the above example, S=24 represents a Kd=24*8=194 counts/(C/s).

M132 в MakerBot
M132 X Y Z A B

Loads the axis offset of the current home position from the EEPROM and waits for the buffer to empty.

M133: Set PID I limit value

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет: См. M301 Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет: См. M301
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет: См. M301 Да ??? Да
Pnnn Номер нагревателя
Snnn Интегральный предел (Ki)
M133 P1 S264  ; Sets heater 1 I limit value to 264

Teacup's PID integral limit units are in quarter-C*quarter-seconds, so to convert from C-s, you would multiply by 16. Conversely, to convert from qC*qs to C*s, divide by 16. In the above example, S=264 represents an integral limit of 16.5 C*s.

M133 в MakerBot
M133 T0 P500

Instruct the machine to wait for the toolhead to reach its target temperature. T is the extruder to wait for. При наличии P, задает ограничение по времени.

M134: Запись значений PID в EEPROM

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет: См. M500 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет: См. M504 ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Да ??? Да
М134 в принтере MakerBot
M134 T0 P500

Instruct the machine to wait for the platform to reach its target temperature. T is the platform to wait for. При наличии P, задает ограничение по времени.

M135: Установить интервал выборки PID

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Да
Snnn Heat sample time in seconds
M135 S300

Set the PID to measure temperatures and calculate the power to send to the heaters every 300ms.

М135 в принтере MakerBot
M135 T0

Instructs the machine to change its toolhead. Also updates the State Machine's current tool_index. T is the toolhead for the machine to switch to and the new tool_index for the state machine to use.

M136: Print PID settings to host

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Debug ??? ???
M136 P1  ; print heater 0 PID parameters to host

M140: Set Bed Temperature (Fast)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Да Да Да Да ??? Да
Pnnn Bed heater index1
Hnnn Номер нагревателя1
Snnn Активная/Целевая температура
Rnnn Standby temperature1
M140 S55

Set the temperature of the build bed to 55oC and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the bed).


1 These parameters are only supported in RepRapFirmware. RepRapFirmware allows the bed heater to be switched off if the absolute negative temperature (-273.15) is passed as target temperature. In this case the current bed temperature is not affected:

M140 S-273.15

There is an optional R field that sets the bed standby temperature: M140 S65 R40.

Recent versions of RepRapFirmware also provide an optional 'H' parameter to set the hot bed heater number. If no heated bed is present, a negative value may be specified to disable it.

M141: Установка температуры камеры (Быстро)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Индекс камеры1
Hnnn Номер нагревателя1
Snnn Активная/Целевая температура
Rnnn Standby temperature1
M141 S30
M141 H0

Set the temperature of the chamber to 30oC and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the chamber).


1 These parameters are only supported in RepRapFirmware and work just like in M140.

M142: Holding Pressure

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M142 S1

Set the holding pressure of the bed to 1 bar.

The holding pressure is in bar. For hardware which only has on/off holding, when the holding pressure is zero, turn off holding, when the holding pressure is greater than zero, turn on holding.

M143: Максимальная температура нагревателя

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
H Heater number (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later, default 1 which is normally the first hot end)
S Максимальная температура
M143 S275      ; set the maximum temperature of the hot-end to 275°C
M143 H0 S125   ; set the maximum bed temperature to 125C

The default maximum temperature for all heaters was 300°C prior to RepRapFirmware version 1.13, and 262°C from 1.13 onwards. From RepRapFirmware 1.17 onwards, the default maximum temperatures are 262C for extruders and 125C for the bed.

When the temperature of the heater exceeds this value, countermeasures will be taken.

M144: Bed Standby

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pnn Bed heater number, default 0
Sn 0 = set bed heater to standby (default), 1 = set bad heater active

Switch the bed heater to its standby temperature. M140 S1 turns it back to its active temperature.

M146: Set Chamber Humidity

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Rnnn Relative humidity in percent
M146 R60

Set the relative humidity of the chamber to 60% and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that humidity has been reached by the chamber).

M149: Установить единицы измерения температуры

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет
C флаг для обработки температуры в градусах Цельсия
K флаг для обработки температуры в градусах Кельвина
M149 K

It affects the S or R values in the codes M104, M109, M140, M141, M143, M190 and G10. The default is M149 C.

M150: Установить цвет дисплея

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да См. ниже ??? Нет1 ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет
Rnnn красный
Unnn зеленый
Bnnn синий
Snnn number of LEDs in strip to set, default 1 (RepRapFirmware only)
M150 R255 U128 B192

Set BlinkM Color via I2C. Диапазон значений: 0-255

RepRapFirmware uses this command to control DotStar LED strips, on controllers that provides a connector for this purpose.

Marlin also appears to use parameters P and W in some configurations.

M155: Автоматически передавать температуры

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn включить отправку температур = 1, отключить = 0
M155 S1

Hosts normally monitor printer temperatures by sending M105 every x seconds. This not only adds traffic, but also only works while printer is not blocked by waiting commands. So frequency more depends on frequency you can send new commands and creates extra traffic. As a solution, firmware can be told to automatically send temperatures every second. This function is disabled by default for best compatibility with existing hosts. To indicate the availability of this function, M115 will add an extra line:


so hosts know about the presence of the function.

M160: Number of mixed materials

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M160 S4

This command has been superseded by the tool definition command M563 (see below).

Set the number of materials, N, that the current extruder can handle to the number specified. Значение по умолчанию: 1.

When N >= 2, then the E field that controls extrusion requires N values separated by colons ":" after it like this:

M160 S4
G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E2.24:2.24:2.24:15.89
G1 X70.6 E0:0:0:42.4
G1 E42.4:0:0:0

The second line moves straight to the point (90.6, 13.8) extruding a total of 22.4mm of filament. The mix ratio for the move is 0.1:0.1:0.1:0.7.

The third line moves back 20mm in X extruding 42.4mm of filament.

The fourth line has no physical effect.

M163: Set weight of mixed material

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: RC7 ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92 Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn Номер экструдера
Pnnn Вес

Set weight for this mixing extruder drive.
See Repetier Color Mixing for more informations.

M164: Store weights

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: RC7 Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92 Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn virtual extruder number
Pnnn store to eeprom (P0 = no, P1 = yes)

Store weights as virtual extruder S.

M165: Set multiple mix weights

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: RC7 ??? ??? ??? Нет: Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Параметры A B C D H I
A[factor] Mix factor for extruder stepper 1
B[factor] Mix factor for extruder stepper 2
C[factor] Mix factor for extruder stepper 3
D[factor] Mix factor for extruder stepper 4
H[factor] Mix factor for extruder stepper 5
I[factor] Mix factor for extruder stepper 6
  • Set multiple mix factors for a mixing extruder.
  • Factors that are left out will be set to 0.
  • All factors together must add up to 1.0.

M170: Set clock values

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: Custom unit only Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет: Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Parameters A B C
A[factor] Value for clockA
B[factor] Value for clockB
C[factor] Value for clockC
  • Set multiple timing factors for repetitive cyclic processes.
  • All factors initially set to 0.

M190: Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Да Да Нет: См. M116 ??? ???
Snnn minimum target temperature, waits until heating
Rnnn accurate target temperature, waits until heating and cooling (Marlin)
M190 S60

This will wait until the bed temperature reaches 60 degrees, printing out the temperature of the hot end and the bed every second.

M191: Wait for chamber temperature to reach target temp

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да: 1.17 и позже ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???
M191 P60

Set the temperature of the build chamber to 60 °C and wait for the temperature to be reached.

В MK4duo:

Snnn minimum target temperature, waits until heating
Rnnn accurate target temperature, waits until heating and cooling (Marlin)
M191 S60

M200: Установка диаметра филамента

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да: 1.19 и позже ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???


Daaa:bbb:ccc... Sets filament diameter to aaa for extruder 0, bbb for extruder 1 and so on. If any of aaa, bbb etc. are zero then volumetric extrusion is disabled for that extruder.
Daaa Sets filament diameter (or disables volumetric extrusion) for all extruders
M200 D0  ; disable volumetric extrusion on all extruders
M200 D1.75  ; set al extruder filament diameters to 1.75mm
M200 D1.75:3.0:1.75  ; set extruder 0 to 1.75mm, extruder 1 to 3.0mm and all remaining extruders to 1.75mm

Volumetric extrusion is an option you can set in some slicers whereby all extrusion amounts are specified in mm3 (cubic millimetres) of filament instead of mm of filament. This makes the gcode independent of the filament diameter, potentially allowing the same gcode to run on different printers. The purpose of the M200 command is to inform the firmware that the gcode input files have been sliced for volumetric extrusion, and to provide the filament diameter so that the firmware can adjust the requested extrusion amount accordingly.

Sending M200 without parameters reports the current volumetric extrusion state and (where appropriate) filament diameter for each extruder.

Note that if you use slicer-commanded retraction, the retraction amounts must be specified in mm3 too. If instead you use firmware retraction, then the firmware retraction amounts specified using the M207 command are still interpreted as mm.

Другие прошивки:

Without parameters loads default grid, and with specified extension attempts to load the specified grid. If not available will not modify the current grid. If Z was saved with the grid file, it will load the saved Z with the grid.

M200 Dm.mmm sets the filament diameter to m.mmm millimeters. It is used with 'volumetric calibration' and G-code generated for an ideal 1.128mm diameter filament, which has a volume of 1mm^3 per millimeter. The intention is to be able to generate filament-independent g-code. (See Triffid_Hunter's_Calibration_Guide#Optional:_Switch_to_volumetric_E_units and http://wooden-mendel.blogspot.com/2011/09/volumetric-stage-two.html for more information.)

M200 D0 or M200 D1.128 ; reset E multiplier to 1, since sqrt(1 / pi) * 2 = 1.128

См. также Gcode#M119:_Get_Endstop_Status

Вопрос: что делает прошивка с диаметром филамента? Has this an effect on how much an E command moves the extruder motor? --Traumflug 11:34, 14 October 2012 (UTC) Yes, Marlin uses this to set a 'volumetric_multiplier' by which the E-steps of a move are scaled in the planner. DaveX (talk) 16:44, 12 April 2014 (PDT) Smoothie implements the same thing as Marlin --Arthurwolf (talk) 05:23, 10 November 2014 (PST)

M201: Set max printing acceleration

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
Xnnn Acceleration for X axis
Ynnn Acceleration for Y axis
Znnn Acceleration for Z axis
Ennn Acceleration for extruder drives
M201 X1000 Y1000 Z100 E2000

Sets the acceleration that axes can do in units/second^2 for print moves. For consistency with the rest of G Code movement this should be in units/(minute^2), but that gives really silly numbers and one can get lost in all the zeros. So for this we use seconds.

RepRapFirmware expects these values to be in mm/s².

M202: Set max travel acceleration

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Set max travel acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (M202 X1000 Y1000). Unused in Marlin!!

M203: Set maximum feedrate

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Xnnn Maximum feedrate for X axis
Ynnn Maximum feedrate for Y axis
Znnn Maximum feedrate for Z axis
Ennn Maximum feedrate for extruder drives
M203 X6000 Y6000 Z300 E10000

Sets the maximum feedrates that your machine can do in mm/min (Marlin uses mm/sec).

M203 Repetier

Set temperature monitor to Sx.

M204: Set default acceleration

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да: 1.18 и позже ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Параметры (RepRapFimware)
Pnnn Acceleration for printing moves
Tnnn Acceleration for travel moves
M204 P500 T2000

Use M201 to set per-axis accelerations and extruder accelerations. RepRapFirmware applies the M204 accelerations to the move as a whole, and also applies the limits set by M201 to each axis and extruder.

Другие прошивки:

S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and M20 minimum feedrate

Marlin notes: After Mar11-2015, the M204 options have changed in Marlin:

P = Printing moves

R = Retract only (no X, Y, Z) moves

T = Travel (non printing) moves

The command M204 P800 T3000 R9000 sets the acceleration for printing movements to 800mm/s^2, for travels to 3000mm/s^2 and for retracts to 9000mm/s^2.

M204 Repetier
M204 X[Kp] Y[Ki] Z[Kd]

Set PID parameter. Values are 100*real value.

M205: Advanced settings

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Применяйте M566 ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Sprinter / Marlin
Minimum travel speed = S[printing] T[travel]
B[min segment time] X[max XY jerk] Z[max Z jerk] E[max E jerk]
Sprinter / Marlin пример
M205 X30 Z5 ; Set X/Y Jerk to 30mm/s, Z jerk to 5mm/s

Smoothieware uses a different algorithm: [1]

X[xy junction deviation] Z[z junction deviation] S[minimum planner speed].
Z junction deviation only applies to z only moves
0 disables junction deviation for Z
-1 uses global junction deviation
Smoothie example
M205 X0.05  ; set X/Y Junction Deviation
M205 Repetier

Выходные настройки EEPROM.

M206: Смещение осей

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
Xnnn Смещение по оси X
Ynnn Смещение по оси Y
Znnn Смещение по оси Z
M206 X10.0 Y10.0 Z-0.4

The values specified are added to the endstop position when the axes are referenced. The same can be achieved with a G92 right after homing (G28, G161).

With Marlin firmware, this value can be saved to EEPROM using the M500 command.

A similar command is G10, aligning these two is subject to discussion.

With Marlin 1.0.0 RC2 a negative value for z lifts(!) your printhead.

In builds of RepRapFirmware that support CNC workplace coordinates, using this command is equivalent to using G10 L2 P1 to set the coordinate offsets for workplace 1.

М206 в Repetier: Установка значения EEPROM

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M206 T[type] P[pos] [Sint(long] [Xfloat] Set eeprom value

M206 T3 P39 X19.9

Set Jerk to 19.9

M207: Calibrate z axis by detecting z max length

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

After placing the tip of the nozzle in the position you expect to be considered Z=0, issue this command to calibrate the Z axis. It will perform a z axis homing routine and calculate the distance traveled in this process. The result is stored in EEPROM as z_max_length. For using this calibration method the machine must be using a Z MAX endstop.

This procedure is usually more reliable than mechanical adjustments of a Z MIN endstop.

M207: Set retract length

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn positive length to retract, in mm
Rnnn positive or negative additional length to un-retract, in mm (RepRapFirmware only)
Fnnn retraction feedrate, in mm/min
Tnnn feedrate for un-retraction if different from retraction, mm/min (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later only)
Znnn additional zlift/hop
M207 S4.0 F2400 Z0.075

Sets the retract length used by the G10 and G11 commands, stays in mm regardless of M200 setting

M208: Set axis max travel

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn 0 = set axis maximum (default), 1 = set axis minimum
Xnnn X axis limit
Ynnn Y axis limit
Znnn Z axis limit
M208 X200 Y200 Z90 ; set axis maxima
M208 X-5 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minima

The values specified set the software limits for axis travel in the specified direction. The axis limits you set are also the positions assumed when an endstop is triggered.

M208: Set unretract length

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn positive length surplus to the M207 Snnn, in mm
Fnnn feedrate, in mm/sec

Sets recover=unretract length.

M209: Enable automatic retract

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
M209 S1

This boolean value S 1=true or 0=false enables automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support G10/G11: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction.

M210: Set homing feedrates

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M210 X1000 Y1500

Set the feedrates used for homing to the values specified in mm per minute.

M211: Disable/Enable software endstops

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Применяйте M564 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

The boolean value S 1=enable or 0=disable controls state of software endstop.

The boolean value X, Y or Z 1=max endstop or 0=min endstop selects which endstop is controlled.

M211 X1 Y1 Z1 S0

Disables X,Y,Z max endstops

M211 X0 S1

Enables X min endstop


Prints current state of software endstops.

M212: Set Bed Level Sensor Offset

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да* Применяйте G31 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

This G-Code command is known to be available in the newer versions of PrintrBot's branch of Marlin. It may not be available in other firmware.

M212 Z-0.2

Set the Z home to 0.2 mm lower than where the sensor says Z home is. This is extremely useful when working with printers with hard-to-move sensors, like the PrintrBot Metal Plus.

PrintrBot suggests that the user make minor (0.1-0.2) adjustments between attempts and immediately executes M500 & M501 after setting this.

M217: Toolchange Parameters

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

If arguments are given, sets tool-change retract and prime length (mm), prime feedrate (mm/m), retract feedrate (mm/m), and park position/raise (mm) or Z raise (mm): S<length> P<prime_speed> R<retract_speed> X<xpos> Y<ypos> Z<zraise>. XY arguments require SINGLENOZZLE_SWAP_PARK. If no arguments are given, reports current values. Currently used to set the SINGLENOZZLE tool-change options in Marlin 2.0 and up. May be extended for other tool-changing systems in the future.

M218: Установить смещение хотенда

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Применяйте G10 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Sets hotend offset (in mm): T<extruder_number> X<offset_on_X> Y<offset_on_Y>.

M218 T1 X50 Y0.5

M220: Set speed factor override percentage

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да ??? ???
Snnn Speed factor override percentage (0..100 or higher)
M220 S80

Sets the speed factor override percentage.

M221: Set extrude factor override percentage

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Да ??? ???
Snnn Extrude factor override percentage (0..100 or higher), default 100%
Dnnn Extruder drive number (RepRapFirmware only), default 0
M221 S70
M221 S95 D1

Sets extrude factor override percentage. In the case of RepRapFirmware, sets the extrusion factor percentage for the specified extruder drive only.

M220: Turn off AUX V1.0.5

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M221: Turn on AUX V1.0.5

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M222: Set speed of fast XY moves

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M223: Set speed of fast Z moves

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M224: Enable extruder during fast moves

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M225: Disable on extruder during fast moves

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M226: Gcode Initiated Pause

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Да Нет Да Нет Нет ??? ???

Initiates a pause in the same way as if the pause button is pressed. That is, program execution is stopped and the printer waits for user interaction. This matches the behaviour of M1 in the NIST RS274NGC G-code standard and M0 in Marlin firmware.

M226: Ожидание состояния контакта

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Номер контакта
Snnn Состояние контакта
M226 P2 S1

Wait for a pin to be in some state.

M227: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M227 P1600 S1600

P and S are steps.

"Reverse and Prime" means, the extruder filament is retracted some distance when not in use and pushed forward the same amount before going into use again. This shall help to prevent drooling of the extruder nozzle. Teacup firmware implements this with M101/M103.

M228: Disable Automatic Reverse and Prime

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

См. также M227.

M229: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M229 P1.0 S1.0

P and S are extruder screw rotations. См. также M227.

M230: Отключить / включить ожидание изменения температуры

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M230 S1

S1 Disable wait for temperature change S0 Enable wait for temperature change

M231: Set OPS parameter

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M231 S[OPS_MODE] X[Min_Distance] Y[Retract] Z[Backslash] F[RetractMove]

M232: Read and reset max. advance values

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M240: Trigger camera

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Triggers a camera to take a photograph. (Add to your per-layer GCode.)

M240: Start conveyor belt motor / Echo off

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Debug: Echo off ??? ???

The conveyor belt allows to start mass production of a part with a reprap.

Echoing may be controlled in some firmwares with M111.

M241: Stop conveyor belt motor / echo on

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Debug: Echo on ??? ???

Echoing may be controlled in some firmwares with M111.

M245: Пуск вентилятора

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

used to cool parts/heated-bed down after printing for easy remove of the parts after print

M246: Остановка вентилятора

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M250: Установить контрастность ЖК-дисплея

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
M250 C20

Устанавливается контраст ЖК-дисплея, C<значение контраста> (величина 0..63), если доступно.

M251: Measure Z steps from homing stop (Delta printers)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M251 S0 ; Сброс
M251 S1 ; Печать
M251 S2 ; Store to Z length (also EEPROM if enabled)

(This is a Repetier-Firmware only feature.)

M260: i2c Send Data

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Buffer and send data over the i2c bus. Используйте A, чтобы задать адрес от 0-127. Add up to 32 bytes to the buffer with each B. Send and reset the buffer with S.

Параметры (Marlin, MK4duo)
Ann I2C адрес
Bnn Byte to buffer or send
S If present, sends the bytes that have been buffered
M260 A5 B65 S ; Send 'A' to Address 5 now
M260 A0       ; Set address to 0 (broadcast)
M260 B77  ; M
M260 B97  ; a
M260 B114 ; r
M260 B108 ; l
M260 B105 ; i
M260 B110 ; n
M260 S1   ; Send the current buffer
Параметры (RepRapFirmware)
Ann I2C адрес
Bnn:nn:nn... Байты для отправки
Snn Number of bytes to receive (optional, RepRapFirmware 2.02RC4 and later)
M260 A5 B65                    ; Передать 'A' по адресу 5
M260 A"0x7F" B65               ; Send 'A' to address 7F (hex)
M260 A0 B82:101:112:82:97:112  ; Передать 'RepRap' по адресу 0

RepRapFirmware does not use the S parameter, instead the address and all the bytes to send are specified in a single command.

M261: i2c Request Data

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Request data from an i2c slave device. This command simply relays the received data to the host.

Ann I2C address
Bnn How many bytes to request
M261 A99 B5 ; Request 5 bytes from Address 99

Both M260 and M261 are commands demonstrating use of the i2c bus (TWIBus class) in Marlin Firmware. Developers and vendors can make Marlin an i2c master device by enabling EXPERIMENTAL_I2CBUS, and Marlin can act as a slave device by setting I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS from 8-127. This class can be used to divide up processing responsibilities between multiple instances of Marlin running on multiple boards. For example, one board might control a Z axis with 4 independent steppers to create a self-leveling system, or a second board could drive the graphical display while the first board handles printing.

M280: Установка положения сервопривода

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Применяйте M340 Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Да Нет ??? ???

Set servo position absolute.

Pnnn Servo index
Snnn Angle or microseconds
I1 Invert polarity (RepRapFirmware only)
M280 P1 S50

Marlin and RepRapFirmware treat S values below 200 as angles, and 200 or greater as the pulse width in microseconds.

In RepRapFirmware, the servo index is the same as the pin number for the M42 command. See https://duet3d.com/wiki/Using_servos_and_controlling_unused_I/O_pins for details.

RepRapFirmware supports the optional I1 parameter, which if present causes the polarity of the servo pulses to be inverted compared to normal for that output pin. The I parameter is not remembered between M280 commands (unlike the I parameter in M106 commands), so if you need inverted polarity then you must include I1 in every M280 command you send.

Duet 0.8.5 M280 P value to Expansion Port Pin Mapping
P Имя Expansion Port Pin
Use M307 H# A-1 C-1 D-1 before using these pins
3 PC23_PWML6 21
4 PC22_PWML5 22
5 PC21_PWML4 23

On the Duet 0.6, pin 18 is controlled by heater 2. On the 0.8.5, pin 18 is controlled by heater 6, but is also shared with fan1. In order to use this pin, the fan must be disabled (M106 P1 I-1). See Using servos and controlling unused I/O pins

M290: Babystepping

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Параметры (RepRapFirmware)
Snnn Количество микрошага в мм. Positive values raise the head, negative values lower it.
Znnn Синоним для S (RepRapFirmware 1.21 и позже)
Rn (Optional, RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later) R1 = relative (add to any existing babystep amount, the default), R0 = absolute (set babystepping offset to the specified amount)
M290 S0.05  ; микрошаг головки до 0.05 мм
M290 R0 S0  ; clear babystepping (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later only)
Параметры (Repetier)
Znnn Amount to baby step in mm. Positive values raise the head, negative values lower it.
M290 S0.05  ; микрошаг головки до 0.05 мм
Дополнительные параметры (Marlin 1.1.7 и выше)
Xnnn Amount to babystep X in current units. (Requires BABYSTEP_XY)
Ynnn Amount to babystep Y in current units. (Requires BABYSTEP_XY)
Znnn Amount to babystep Z in current units. Синоним для 'S' параметра.
M290 X0.2 Z0.05 ; Babystep X by 0.2mm, Z by 0.05mm

This command tells the printer to move the axis (or axes) transparently to the motion system. This is like physically moving the axes by force, but much nicer to the machine.

In RepRapFirmware M290 with no parameters reports the accumulated baby stepping offset. Marlin doesn't track accumulated babysteps.

In RepRapFirmware 1.19 and earlier, the babystepping offset is reset to zero when the printer is homed or the bed is probed. In RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later, homing and bed probing don't reset babystepping, but you can reset it explicitly using M290 R0 S0.

Примечание: If the BABYSTEP_ZPROBE_OFFSET option is used in Marlin, this command also affects the Z probe offset (as set by M851) and that offset will be saved to EEPROM.

M291: Display message and optionally wait for response

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
P"message" The message to display, which must be enclosed in double quotation marks. If the message itself contains a double quotation mark, use two double quotation marks to represent it.
R"message" Optional title for the message box. Must be enclosed in double quotation marks too.
Sn Message box mode (defaults to 1)
Tn Timeout in seconds, only legal for S=0 and S=1. The message will be cancelled after this amount of time, if the user does not cancel it before then. A zero or negative value means that the message does not time out (it may still be cancelled by the user if it has a Close button). In RepRapFirmware, the default timeout for messages that do not require acknowledgement is 10 seconds.
Zn 0 = no special action, 1 = display Z jog buttons alongside the message to allow the user to adjust the height of the print head
M291 P"Please do something and press OK when done" S2
M291 P"This message will be closed after 10 seconds" T10

This command provides a more flexible alternative to M117, in particular messages that time out, messages that suspend execution until the user acknowledges them, and messages that allow the user to adjust the height of the print head before acknowledging them.

Allowed message box modes include:

0. No buttons are displayed (non-blocking)
1. Only "Close" is displayed (non-blocking)
2. Only "OK" is displayed (blocking, send M292 to resume the execution)
3. "OK" and "Cancel" are displayed  (blocking, send M292 to resume the execution or M292 P1 to cancel the operation in progress)

The combination S0 T0 is not permitted, because that would generate a message box with no close button and that never times out, which would lock up the user interface.

M292: Подтверждение сообщения

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Pn Whether the current operation shall be cancelled. Only legal if M291 was called with S=3 (optional)

This command is sent by the user interface when the user acknowledges a message that was displayed because of a M291 command with parameter S=2 or S=3.

M300: Подать звуковой сигнал

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да Нет Нет ??? Да
Snnn частота в Гц
Pnnn длительность в миллисекундах
M300 S300 P1000

Play beep sound, use to notify important events like the end of printing. See working example on R2C2 electronics.

If an LCD device is attached to RepRapFirmware, a sound is played via the add-on touch screen control panel. Else the web interface will play a beep sound.

M301: Установка параметров PID

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да ??? ???
Hnnn номер нагревателя (Smoothie использует 'S', Redeem использует 'E')
Pnnn proportional (Kp)
Innn интеграл (Ki)
Dnnn производная (Kd)
M301 H1 P1 I2 D3 ; Marlin, RepRapFirmware
M301 S0 P30 I10 D10 ; Smoothie
M301 E0 P30 I10 D10 ; Redeem (E = Extruder, -1=Bed, 0=E, 1=H, 2=A, 3=B, 4=C, default = 0)

Устанавливает пропорциональные (P), интегральные (I) и производные (D) значения для хотэнда. См. также PID Tuning.


H[heaters] H = 0-3 Hotend, H = -1 BED, H = -2 CHAMBER, H = -3 COOLER


Hot end only; see M304 for bed PID. H is the heater number, default 1 (i.e. first extruder heater).

RepRapFirmware 1.15 и далее

In RepRapFirmware 1.15 and later the M301 is supported as described above, but it is not normally used. Instead the heater model is defined by M307 or found by auto tuning, and the firmware calculates the PID parameters from the model. An M301 command can be used in config.g after the M307 command for that heater to override the firmware-computed PID parameters.

RepRapFirmware от 1.09 до 1.14 включительно
  • H Is the heater number, and is compulsory. H0 is the bed, H1 is the first hot end, H2 the second etc.
  • P Interprets a negative P term as indicating that bang-bang control should be used instead of PID (not recommended for the hot end, but OK for the bed heater).
  • I Интегральное значение
  • D Производное значение
  • T Is the approximate additional PWM (on a scale of 0 to 255) needed to maintain temperature, per degree C above room temperature. Used to preset the I-accumulator when switching from heater fully on/off to PID.
  • S PWM scaling factor, to allow for variation in heater power and supply voltage. Is designed to allow a correction to be made for a change in heater power and/or power supply voltage without having to change all the other parameters. For example, an S factor of 0.8 means that the final output of the PID controller should be scaled to 0.8 times the standard value, which would compensate for a heater that is 25% more powerful than the standard one or a supply voltage that is 12.5% higher than standard.
  • W Wind-up. Sets the maximum value of I-term, must be high enough to reach 245C for ABS printing.
  • B Диапазон PID. Errors larger than this cause heater to be on or off.

An example using all of these would be:

M301 H1 P20 I0.5 D100 T0.4 S1 W180 B30

S0 is 0 for the hotend, and 1 for the bed, other numbers may apply to your configuration, depending on the order in which you declare temperature control modules.

Другие реализации

W: Wind-up. Sets the maximum value of I-term, so it does not overwhelm other PID values, and the heater stays on. (Check firmware support - Sprinter, Marlin?)

M301 W125

См. M130, M131, M132, M133 коды для Teacup's, для настройки PID параметров.

M302: Allow cold extrudes

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да1 ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Snnn Cold extrude minimum temperature (also in RepRapFirmware 2.02 and later)
Pnnn Cold extrude allow state (RepRapFirmware)
Rnnn Cold retraction minimum temperature (RepRapFirmware 2.02 and later)
Examples (RepRapFirmwre)
M302       ; Report current state
M302 P1    ; Allow cold extrusion
M302 S120 R110 ; Allow extrusion starting from 120°C and retractions already from 110°C
Примеры (Другие)
M302 S0    ; Allow extrusion at any temperature
M302 S170  ; Allow extrusion above 170

This tells the printer to allow movement of the extruder motor above a certain temperature, or if disabled, to allow extruder movement when the hotend is below a safe printing temperature.


1RepRapFirmware uses the P[0|1] parameter instead of S[temperature], and for M302 with no parameters it will report the current cold extrusion state.

M303: Запуск настройки PID

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???

PID Tuning refers to a control algorithm used in some repraps to tune heating behavior for hot ends and heated beds. This command generates Proportional (Kp), Integral (Ki), and Derivative (Kd) values for the hotend or bed (E-1). Send the appropriate code and wait for the output to update the firmware.

Hot end usage:

M303 S<temperature> C<cycles>

Bed usage (repetier, not sure whether cycles work here):

M303 P1 S<температура>

Bed usage (others):

M303 E-1 C<cycles> S<temperature>
M303 C8 S175

Smoothie's syntax, where E0 is the first temperature control module (usually the hot end) and E1 is the second temperature control module (usually the bed):

M303 E0 S190

In RepRapFirmware, this command computes the process model parameters (see M307), which are in turn used to calculate the PID constants. H is the heater number, P is the PWM to use (default 0.5), and S is the maximum allowable temperature (default 225). Tuning is performed asynchronously. Run M303 with no parameters to see the current tuning state or the last tuning result.

M303 H1 P0.4 S240 ; tune heater 1 using 40% PWM, quit if temperature exceeds 240C

In Marlin Firmware you can add the U1 parameter to apply the PID results to current settings upon completion.

M304: Установка параметров PID - стола

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pnnn proportional (Kp)
Innn интеграл (Ki)
Dnnn производная (Kd)
M304 P1 I2 D3 ; set kP=3, kI=2, kD=3
M304 P1 I2 D3 T0.7 B20 W127 ; RepRapFirmware
M304          ; Report parameters

Sets Proportional, Integral and Derivative values for bed. RepRapFirmware interprets a negative P term as indicating that bang-bang control should be used instead of PID. In RepRapFirmware, this command is identical to M301 except that the H parameter (heater number) defaults to zero.

См. также PID Tuning.

M304 в RepRapPro версия Марлин: Set thermistor values

In the RepRapPro version of Marlin ( https://github.com/reprappro/Marlin ) M304 is used to set thermistor values (as M305 is in later firmwares). RRP Marlin calculates temperatures on the fly, rather than using a temperature table. M304 Sets the parameters for temperature measurement.

M304 H1 B4200 R4800 T100000

This tells the firmware that for heater 1 (H parameter: 0 = heated bed, H = first extruder), the thermistor beta (B parameter) is 4200, the thermistor series resistance (R parameter) is 4.8Kohms, the thermistor 25C resistance (T parameter) is 100Kohms. All parameters other than H are optional. If only the H parameter is given, the currently-used values are displayed. They are also displayed within the response to M503.

M305: Установка параметров термистора и АЦП

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Heater number, or virtual heater number
S"name" Heater name (optional, RepRapFirmware only)
Tnnn (for thermistor sensors) Thermistor resistance at 25oC
T"c" (for MAX31856-based thermocouple sensors) The thermistor type letter, default K
Bnnn Beta value, or the reciprocal of the Steinhart-Hart thermistor model B coefficient
Cnnn Steinhart-Hart C coefficient (MK4duo and RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later), default 0
Rnnn Series resistor value
Lnnn ADC low offset correction, default 0
Hnnn ADC high offset correction, default 0
Xnnn Heater ADC channel, or thermocouple or PT100 or current loop adapter channel, defaults to the same value as the P parameter
Fnn (where nn is 50 or 60) If the sensor interface uses a MAX31856 thermocouple chip or MAX31865 PT100 chip, this is the local mains frequency. Readings will be timed to optimise rejection of interference at this frequency.
M305 P1 T100000 R1000 B4200

Sets the parameters for temperature measurement. The example above tells the firmware that for heater 1 (P parameter: 0 = heated bed, 1 = first extruder) the thermistor 25C resistance (T parameter) is 100Kohms, the thermistor series resistance (R parameter) is 1Kohms, the thermistor beta (B parameter) is 4200. All parameters other than P are optional. If only the P parameter is given, the existing values are displayed.

M305 P1 T100000 R1000 B4200 H14 L-11 X2

The H correction affects the reading at high ADC input voltages, so it has the greatest effect at low temperatures. The L correction affects the reading at low input voltages, which correspond to high temperatures.

The X parameter tells the firmware to use the thermistor input corresponding to a different heating channel. RepRapFirmware also allow an external SPI thermocouple interface (such as the MAX31855) or PT100 interface (MAX31865) to be configured. MAX31855 thermocouple channels are numbered from 100, MAX31856 thermocouple channels are numbered from 150, PT100 channels from 200 and current loop channels from 300. Channel 1000 is the CPU temperature indication, 1001 is the temperature of the hottest stepper motor driver on the main board, and 1001 is the temperature of the hottest drivers on the expansion board.

In the above example, the ADC high end correction (H parameter) is 14, the ADC low end correction (L parameter) is -11, and thermistor input #2 is used to measure the temperature of heater #1.

M306: Set home offset calculated from toolhead position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M306 Z0

The values specified are added to the calculated end stop position when the axes are referenced. The calculated value is derived from the distance of the toolhead from the current axis zero point.

The user would typically place the toolhead at the zero point of the axis and issue the M306 command.

This value can be saved to EEPROM using the M500 command (as M206 value).

Implemented in Smoothieware

M307: Set or report heating process parameters

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Hn Heater number (0 is usually the bed heater)
Annn gAin, expressed as ultimate temperature rise obtained in degC divided by the PWM fraction. For example, if G=180 then at 50% PWM the ultimate temperature rise would be 90C.
Cnnn dominant time Constant of the heating process in seconds
Dnnn Время простоя в секундах
Four optional additional parameters help control the heating process
Fnnn PWM frequency to use.
Bn selects Bang-bang control instead of PID if non-zero. Default at power-up is 0 for extruder heaters, 1 for bed and chamber heaters.
Snnn maximum PWM to be used used with this heater on a scale of 0 to 1. По умолчанию 1.0.
Vnnn VIN supply voltage at which the A parameter was calibrated (RepRapFirmware 1.20 and later). This allows the PID controller to compensate for changes in supply voltage. A value of zero disables compensation for changes in supply voltage.
M307 H0 ; report the process parameters for heater 0
M307 H1 A346.2 C140 D5.3 B0 S0.8 V23.8 ; set process parameters for heater 1, use PID, and limit heater 1 PWM to 80%

Each heater and its corresponding load may be approximated as a first order process with dead time, which is characterised by the gain, time constant and dead time parameters. The model can used to calculate optimum PID parameters (including using different values for the heating or cooling phase and the steady state phase), to better detect heater faults, and to calculate feed-forward terms to better respond to changes in the load. Normally these model parameters are found by auto tuning - see M303.

RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later allow the PID controller for a heater to be disabled by setting the A, C, and D parameters to -1. This frees up the corresponding heater control pin for use as a general purpose I/O pin to use with the M42 or M280 command.

M320: Activate autolevel (Repetier)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M320 S1
Snnn if greater than 0, activate and store persistently in EEPROM
M320    ; temporarily activate auto leveling
M320 S1 ; permanently activate auto leveling

Parameter Snnn is optional.

(Только Repetier)

M321: Отключить автовыравнивание (Repetier)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M321 S1
Snnn if greater than 0, deactivate and store persistently in EEPROM
M321    ; temporarily deactivate auto leveling
M321 S1 ; permanently deactivate auto leveling

Parameter Snnn is optional.

(Только Repetier)

M322: Reset autolevel matrix (Repetier)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M322 S1
Snnn if greater than 0, also reset the matrix values saved EEPROM
M322    ; temporarily reset auto level matrix
M322 S1 ; permanently reset auto level matrix

Parameter Snnn is optional.

(Только Repetier)

M323: Distortion correction on/off (Repetier)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M323 Snnn
M323 Snnn Pnnn
Snnn 0 (disable correction) or 1 (enable correction)
Pnnn 1 (store correction state persistently in EEPROM)
M323       ; Show if distortion correction is enabled
M323 S0    ; Disable distortion correction temporarily
M323 S1 P1 ; Enable distortion correction permanently

(Только Repetier) Controls distortion correction feature after having set it up using G33.

M340: Control the servos

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

(Repetier only ,Marlin see M280)

M340 P<servoId> S<pulseInUS> / ServoID = 0..3 pulseInUs = 500..2500

Servos are controlled by a pulse width normally between 500 and 2500 with 1500ms in center position. 0 turns servo off.

M350: Set microstepping mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???

Sets microstepping mode.

Предупреждение: Steps per unit remains unchanged; except that in RepRapFirmware the steps/mm will be adjusted automatically.

M350 Snn Xnn Ynn Znn Enn Bnn
Not all parameters need to be used, but at least one should be used. As with other commands, RepRapFirmware reports the current settings if no parameters are used.
Snn Set stepping mode for all drivers (not supported by RepRapFirmware)
Xnn Set stepping mode for the X axis
Ynn Set stepping mode for the Y axis
Znn Set stepping mode for the Z axis
Enn Set stepping mode for Extruder 0 (for RepRapFirmware use Enn:nn:nn etc. for multiple extruders)
Bnn Set stepping mode for Extruder 1 (not supported by RepRapFirmware, see above)
Inn Enable (nn=1) or disable (nn=0) microstep interpolation mode for the specified drivers, if they support it (RepRapFirmware only)
Modes (nn)
1 = полный шаг
2 = полшага
4 = четверть шага
8 = 1/8 шага
16 = 1/16 шага
64 = 1/64 шага
128 = 1/128 шага
256 = 1/256 шага
M350 S16    ; reset all drivers to the default 1/16 micro-stepping - not supported by RepRapFirmware
M350 Z1     ; set the Z-axis' driver to use full steps
M350 E4 B4  ; set both extruders to use quarter steps - Marlin/Repetier
M350 E4:4:4 ; set extruders 0-2 to use quarter steps - RepRapFirmware

M351: Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

M355: Turn case lights on/off

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да: 1.1.0 Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92.2 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
M355 S1 ; Enable lights
M355 S0 ; Disable lights
M355    ; Report status

Every call or change over LCD menu sends a state change for connected hosting software like:

Case lights on
Case lights off
No case lights

M360: Report firmware configuration

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92.2 Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

This command helps hosting software to detect configuration details, which the user would need to enter otherwise. It should reduce configuration time considerably if supported.


Коды калибровки SCARA (Morgan)

In order to ease calibration of Reprap Morgan, the following M-codes are used to set the machine up

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Partial Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Partial
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

M360: Move to Theta 0 degree position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Experimental Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Experimental
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

The arms move into a position where the Theta steering arm is parallel to the top platform edge. The user then calibrates the position by moving the arms with the jog buttons in software like pronterface until it is perfectly parallel. Using M114 will then display the calibration offset that can then be programmed into the unit using M206 (Home offset) X represents Theta.

Smoothieware: M360 P0 will take the current position as parallel to the platform edge, and store the offset in the homing trim offset (M666) No further user interaction is needed.

M361: Move to Theta 90 degree position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Experimental Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Experimental
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Theta move to 90 degrees with platform edge. User calibrates by using jog arms to place exactly 90 degrees. Steps per degree can then be read out by using M114, and programmed using M92. X represents Theta. Program Y (Psi) to the same value initially. Remember to repeat M360 after adjusting steps per degree.

Smoothieware: M360 P0 will accept the current position as 90deg to platform edge. New steps per angle is calculated and entered into memory (M92) No further user interaction is required, except to redo M360.

M362: Move to Psi 0 degree position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Experimental Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Experimental
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Arms move to Psi 0 degree. Check only after other Theta calibrations

M363: Move to Psi 90 degree position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Experimental Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Experimental
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Arms move to Psi 90 degree. Check only after other Theta calibrations

M364: Move to Psi + Theta 90 degree position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Experimental Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Experimental
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Move arms to form a 90 degree angle between the inner and outer Psi arms. Calibrate by moving until angle is exactly 90 degree. Read out with M114, and calibrate value into Home offset M206. Psi is represented by Y.

Smoothieware: M364 P0 will accept the current position as 90deg between arms. The offset is stored as a trim offset (M666) and no further user interaction is required except to save all changes via M500.

M365: Коэффициент масштабирования SCARA

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Experimental ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Experimental
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Adjust X Y and Z scaling by entering the factor. 100% scaling (default) is represented by 1

M366: SCARA convert trim

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Executing this command translates the calculated trim values of the SCARA calibration to real home offsets. This prevents the home and trim movement after calibration.

M370: Morgan manual bed level - clear map

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Применяйте M557 ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???

Очистите карту и подготовьтесь к калибровке

M370 X[divisions] Y[divisions]

Without parameters is defaults to X5 Y5 (25 calibration points) When specifying parameters, uneven numbers are recommended.

M371: Move to next calibration position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Переход к следующей позиции для калибровки. User moves the bed towards the hotend until it just touches

M372: Record calibration value, and move to next position

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

The position of the bed is recorded and the machine moves to the next position. Repeat until all positions programmed

M373: End bed level calibration mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

End calibration mode and enable z correction matrix. Does not save current matrix

M374: Сохранить калибровочную сетку

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Сохранение калибровочной сетки.

extension (Smoothieware only) Extension of the grid file
Pfilename (RepRapFirmware only) Name of the file to save to
Z (Smoothieware only) Also save the M206 Z homing offset into the grid file
Usage (Smoothieware)
M374 <расширение файла> Z
Применение (RepRapFirmware)
M374 PMyAlternateHeightMap.csv

In Smoothieware, without parameters this saves the grid into the default grid file that gets loaded at boot. The optional parameter specifies the extension of the grid file - useful for special grid files such as for a special print surface like a removable print plate. Addition of Z will additionally save the M206 Z homing offset into the grid file.

In RepRapFirmware, this saves the grid parameters and height map into the specified file, or the default file heightmap.csv if no filename was specified. To load the height map automatically at startup, use command M375 in the config.g file.

M375: Display matrix / Load Matrix

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Displays the bed level calibration matrix (Marlin), or loads the grid matrix file (Smoothieware and RepRapFirmware)

extension (Smoothieware only)
Pfilename (RepRapFirmware only)
M375 [file extension] ; (Smoothieware only)
M375 PMyAlternateHeightMap.csv ; (RepRapFirmware only)

Without parameters loads default grid, and with specified extension or specified filename attempts to load the specified grid. If not available will not modify the current grid. In Smoothieware, if Z was saved with the grid file, it will load the saved Z with the grid.

M376: Set bed compensation taper

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Hnnn Height (mm) over which to taper off the bed compensation
M376 H10

This command specifies that bed compensation should be tapered off over the specified height, so that no bed compensation is applied at and above that height. If H is zero or negative then no tapering is applied, so compensation is performed throughout the entire print.

If the firmware does not adjust the extrusion amount to compensate for the changing layer height while tapering is being applied, you will get under- or over-extrusion. Using a large taper height will reduce this effect. For example, if the taper height is 50 times the largest bed height error, then under- or over-extrusion will be limited to 2%.

M380: Активация соленоида

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Активирует соленоид на активном экструдере.

M381: Отключить все соленоиды

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

M400: Wait for current moves to finish

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Да ??? ??? ???

Finishes all current moves and and thus clears the buffer. That's identical to G4 P0 for Teacup printers.

M401: Lower z-probe

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Lower z-probe if present. In RepRapFirmware this runs macro file sys/deployprobe.g.

M402: Raise z-probe

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Raise z-probe if present. In RepRapFirmware this runs macro file sys/retractprobe.g.

M404: Filament width and nozzle diameter

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Nnnn Ширина филамента (в мм)
Dnnn Диаметр сопла (в мм)1
M404 N1.75
M404 N3.0 D1.0

Enter the nominal filament width (3mm, 1.75mm) or will display nominal filament width without parameters.


1While Marlin only accepts the 'N' parameter, RepRapFirmware further allows to specify the nozzle diameter (in mm) via the 'D 'parameter. This value is used to properly detect the first layer height when files are parsed or a new print is being started.

M405: Датчик филамента включен

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Turn on Filament Sensor extrusion control. Optional D<delay in cm> to set delay in centimeters between sensor and extruder.

M406: Датчик филамента выключен

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Turn off Filament Sensor extrusion control.

M407: Отображение диаметра филамента

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Displays measured filament diameter. In RepRapFirmware, M407 does the same as M404.

M408: Report JSON-style response

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Snnn Response type
Rnnn Response sequence number
M408 S0

Report a JSON-style response by specifying the desired type using the 'S' parameter.

The following response types are supported:

  • Type 0 is a short-form response, similar to the response used by older versions of the web interface.
  • Type 1 is like type 0 except that static values are also included.
  • Type 2 is similar to the response provided by the web server for Duet Web Control.
  • Type 3 is an extended version of type 2 which includes some additional parameters that aren't expected to change very frequently.
  • Type 4 is an extended version of type 2 which may be used to poll for current printer statistics.
  • Type 5 reports the current machine configuration.

Here is an example of a typical type 0 response:

 "sfactor":100.00, "efactor":[100.00,100.00],"tool":1,"probe":"535","fanPercent":[75.0,0.0],"fanRPM":0,"homed":[0,0,0],"fraction_printed":0.572}

The response is set as a single line with a newline character at the end. The meaning of the fields is:

статус:  I=idle, P=printing from SD card, S=stopped (i.e. needs a reset), C=running config file (i.e starting up), A=paused, D=pausing, R=resuming from a pause, B=busy (e.g. running a macro), F=performing firmware update
heaters: current heater temperatures, numbered as per the machine (typically, heater 0 is the bed)
active:  active temperatures of the heaters
standby: standby temperatures of the heaters
hstat:   status of the heaters, 0=off, 1=standby, 2=active, 3=heater fault. Heater 0 is normally the bed heater, heaters 1, 2.. are the extruder heaters.
pos:     the X, Y and Z (and U, V, W if present) axis positions of the current tool (if a tool is selected), or of the print head reference point if no tool is selected
extr:    the positions of the extruders
sfactor: the current speed factor (see M220 command)
efactor: the current extrusion factors (see M221 command), one value per extruder
tool:    the selected tool number. A negative number typically means no tool selected.
probe:   the Z-probe reading
fanPercent: the speeds of the controllable fans, in percent of maximum
fanRPM:  the print cooling fan RPM
homed:   the homed status of the X, Y and Z axes (and U, V, W if they exist), or towers on a delta. 0=axis has not been homed so position is not reliable, 1=axis has been homed so position is reliable.
fraction_printed: the fraction of the file currently being printed that has been read and at least partially processed.
message: the message to be displayed on the screen (only present if there is a message to display)
timesLeft: an array of the estimated remaining print times (in seconds) calculated by different methods. These are currently based on the proportion of the file read,
           the proportion of the total filament consumed, and the proportion of the total layers already printed. Only present if a print from SD card is in progress.
seq:     the sequence number of the most recent non-trivial G-code response or error message. Only present if the R parameter was provided and the current sequence number is greater than that.
resp:    the most recent non-trivial G-code response or error message. Only present if the R parameter was provided and the current sequence number is greater.

The type 1 response comprises these fields plus some additional ones that do not generally change and therefore do not need to be fetched as often. The extra fields include:

myName:  имя принтера
firmwareName: the name of the firmware, e.g. "RepRapFirmware", "Smoothieware" or "Repetier"
geometry: one of "cartesian", "delta", "corexy, "corexz" etc.
axes:    the number of axes
volumes: the number of SD card slots available
numTools:   the number of available tools numbered contiguously starting from 0

The fields may be in any order in the response. Other implementations may omit fields and/or add additional fields.

For a more detailed comparison of type 2 - 5, see RepRap_Firmware_Status_responses.

PanelDue currently uses only M408 S0 and M408 S1.

M410: Быстрая остановка

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

This command does a quick stop of all stepper motors and aborts all moves in the planner. This command is only intended for emergency situations, and due to the instant stop the actual stepper positions may be shifted. Note that if `EMERGENCY_PARSER` is disabled, the response may be delayed while the command buffer is being queued. If a print job is in progress, it will continue, so it is important to suspend the print job before using this command.

M412: Disable Filament Runout Detection

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Включение или отключение обнаружения биения филамента. When filament sensors are enabled, the firmware responds to a filament runout by running the configured G-code (usually M600 Filament Change). When filament runout detection is disabled, no action will be taken on filament runout.

Применение: M412 S[on|off]

If no 'S' parameter if given, this command reports the current state of filament runout detection.

M412 S1 Enable filament runout detection
M412 S0 Disable filament runout detection
M412 Report the current filament runout detection state

M413: Power-Loss Recovery

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Enable or disable the Power-loss Recovery feature. When this feature is enabled, the state of the current print job (SD card only) will be saved to a file on the SD card. If the machine crashes or a power outage occurs, the firmware will present an option to Resume the interrupted print job. In Marlin 2.0 the POWER_LOSS_RECOVERY option must be enabled.

This feature operates without a power-loss detection circuit by writing to the recovery file periodically (e.g., once per layer), or if a POWER_LOSS_PIN is configured then it will write the recovery info only when a power-loss is detected. The latter option is preferred, since constant writing to the SD card can shorten its life, and the print will be resumed where it was interrupted rather than repeating the last layer. (Future implementations may allow use of the EEPROM or the on-board SD card.)

Применение: M413 S[on|off]

If no 'S' parameter if given, this command reports the current state of Power-loss Recovery.

M413 S1 Enable power-loss recovery
M413 S0 Disable power-loss recovery
M413 Report the current power-loss recovery state

M415: Host Rescue

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

The host rescue gcode is essential to enabling host software to recover from a connection lost or power loss. The idea is that firmware stores last received position and current position in EEPROM and reports them to host after reconnect. From the last received position host can figure out the last send line. Firmware should move extruder to a parking position if during a print there is no move left and no communication is going on. This saves the print once host is back. If host continues sending, the firmware is responsible for restoring last position before executing moves.

If firmware supports this solution it should announce it with the capability: Cap:HOST_RESCUE:1

M415 S1 Enable host rescue system
M415 S0 Disable host rescue system
M415 Z[zpos] Set Z position as if homed
M415 Report rescue state

Every call to M415 reports the state. Answers are


Nothing stored. Print finished.

RESCUE_STATE: LX:121.97 LY:143.33 LZ:3.30 LE:1.84 LT:0 X:0.00 Y:240.00 Z:13.30 E:1.84

Print was interrupted. Coordinates with leading L are last received positions, LT is active extruder. Normal coordinates are current position and can be omitted, if the move did not finish due to power loss.

On a power loss the firmware should respond with POWERLOSS_DETECTED as early as possible to give host time to flush log as it is likely host will also go down very soon.

Support is available in Repetier-Firmware 1.0.4 or higher. Repetier-Server 0.91.0 is the first to use this concept and can be used to validate implementation.

M420: Установить RGB цвета как ШИМ (MachineKit)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да ??? Нет ??? ???

Применение: M420 R[Красный ШИМ (0-255)] E[Зелёный ШИМ (0-255)] B[Синий ШИМ (0-255)]

M420 R255 E255 B255

Установите цвет светодиодов RGB, подключенных к контактам с поддержкой ШИМ. Note, the Green color is controlled by the E value instead of the G value due to the G code being a primary code that cannot be overridden.

In Marlin M420 is Enable/Disable Mesh Leveling (with current values) S1=enable S0=disable

M420: Leveling On/Off/Fade (Marlin)

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Enable/Disable Bed Leveling (using the current stored grid or mesh).

M420 S[bool] Z[float]
M420 S1  ; Enable compensation using current grid/mesh
M420 Z10 ; Gradually reduce compensation until Z=10

Marlin 1.1.0 adds the Z parameter to set the "fade" height. This requires the ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT option.

When the Z fade height value is set non-zero, bed compensation will gradually reduce up to the given height, and cease completely above that height.

M421: Set a Mesh Bed Leveling Z coordinate

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Set a single Z coordinate in the Mesh, Bilinear or UBL Leveling grid. Requires MESH_BED_LEVELING or AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR or AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL.

I & J are the index for the X and Y axis respectively.

M421 I[index] J[index] Z[float] to set an absolute value to a mesh point


M421 I[index] J[index] Q[float] to offset a mesh point by a specified value

M425: Enable and tune backlash correction.

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Fnnn Enable/disable/fade-out backlash correction (0.0 = none to 1.0 = 100%)
Snnn Distance over which backlash correction is spread1 (mm)
Xnnn Set the backlash distance on X (mm; 0 to disable)
Ynnn Set the backlash distance on Y (mm; 0 to disable)
Znnn Set the backlash distance on Z (mm; 0 to disable)
X Use measured value for backlash on X (if available)
Y Use measured value for backlash on Y (if available)
Z Use measured value for backlash on Z (if available)
Примеры (Marlin)
M425 ; Отчет о текущем состоянии
M425 Z              ; Use measured value of backlash on Z
M425 F1 S3          ; Full backlash compensation while smoothing over 3mm.
M425 F0.5 S0.0      ; Compensate for 50% of the backlash with no smoothing
M425 X0.1 Y0.2 Z0.3 ; Set backlash to specific values for all axis

1 In Marlin, backlash compensation works by adding extra steps to one or more segments after a motor direction reversal. With smoothing off, this can cause blemishes on the print. Enabling smoothing will cause those extra steps to be spread over multiple segments, minimizing artifacts.

M450: Отчет о режиме принтера

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
> M450
> PrinterMode:FFF (Режим принтера:FFF)

Printers can be used for different task by exchanging the toolhead. Depending on the tool, a different behavior of some commands can be expected. Эта команда сообщает текущий режим работы. Возможные ответы:

PrinterMode:FFF (Режим принтера:FFF)
PrinterMode:Laser (Режим принтера:Лазер)
PrinterMode:CNC (Режим принтера:ЧПУ)

M451: Выбор режима принтера FFF

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
> M451
> PrinterMode:FFF (Режим принтера:FFF)

Switches to FFF mode for filament printing.

M452: Выбор лазерного режима принтера

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
> M452
> PrinterMode:Laser

Переключается в лазерный режим. This mode enables handling of a laser pin and makes sure that the laser is only activated during G1 moves if laser was enabled or E is increasing. G0 moves should never enable the laser. M3/M5 can be used to enable/disable the laser for moves.

M453: Выбор ЧПУ режима принтера

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Параметры (только RepRapFirmware)
  • Snnn (optional) Spindle index, defaults to 0. Duet 2 supports 4 spindles max
  • Pfff:rrr Logical pin numbers used to drive the spindle motor in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. Omit the ":rrr" part if the spindle turns clockwise only.
  • In Invert (I1) or don't invert (I0, default) the output polarity
  • Rnnn Spindle RPM that is achieved at full PWM. Used to convert the S parameter in M3 and M4 commands to a PWM value.
  • Fnnn (optional) The PWM frequency to use
  • Tnnn (optional) Assign spindle to a tool allowing better control in DWC
> M453
> PrinterMode:CNC

Переключается в режим ЧПУ. In this mode M3/M4/M5 control the pins defined for the milling device.

Notes for RepRapFirmware: By default, no output is assigned to the spindle motor. Logical pin numbers for the P parameters are as defined for the M42 and M208 commands. If you wish to assign a heater or fan output to control the spindle motor as in the above example, you must first disable the corresponding heater (see M307) or fan (see M106).

M460: Define temperature range for thermistor-controlled fan

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Да Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M460 X[minTemp] Y[maxTemp]
M460 X50 Y60

If the firmware has a thermistor controlled fan defined, you can set at which temperature the fan starts and from which temperature on it should run with maximum speed.

M470: Создание папки на SD-карте

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
P"name" Name of directory to create
M470 P"directory/to/create"
M470 P"/sys/config.d"

This will create a new directory on the SD-Card. If not otherwise specified the default root should be the first/internal SD-Card.

M471: Переименование файла/папки на SD-карте

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да:2.03 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
S"name" Name of existing file/directory
T"name" New name of file/directory
Dnnn Setting this to 1 will delete an existing file that matches the T parameter value
M471 S"source/name" T"dest/name" D1
M471 S"/sys/config-override.g" T"/sys/config-override.g.bak"

Rename or move a file or directory. Using the D parameter can delete a file with the target name. Renaming or moving across directories is possible though not from one SD-Card to another.

M500: Сохранение параметров в энергонезависимой памяти

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Сохранение текущих параметров в EEPROM, SD-карту или другую энергонезависимую память.

In Redeem any parameters set through G/M-codes which is different than what is read from the config files, are stored back to the local config. For instance setting stepper current and microstepping through M906 and M907 followed by M500 will update /etc/redeem/local.cfg.

M501: Чтение параметров из EEPROM

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Snnn Enable auto-save (only RepRapFirmware)

Set the active parameters to those stored in the EEPROM, SD card or other non-volatile storage. This is useful to revert parameters after experimenting with them.

RepRapFirmware versions prior to 1.17 allows "S1" to be passed, which forces parameters to be automatically saved to EEPROM when they are changed.

In RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later, the parameters are saved in file sys/config-override.g on the SD card.

M502: Чтение параметров из "configuration.h"

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

This command resets all tunable parameters to their default values, as set in the firmware. This doesn't reset any parameters stored in the EEPROM, so it must be followed with M500 if you want to do that.

M503: Print settings

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Да Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M503 ; Output current settings
M503 S0 ; Settings as G-code only (Marlin 1.1)

This command asks the firmware to reply with the current print settings as set in memory. Settings will differ from EEPROM contents if changed since the last load / save. The reply output includes the G-Code commands to produce each setting. For example, Steps-Per-Unit values are displayed as an M92 command.

RepRapFirmware outputs the content of the configuration file, but note that it may be truncated if it is too long.

M504: Проверка EEPROM

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да:1.1.9 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
M504 ; Проверка EEPROM

This command checks the contents of EEPROM for correct version, size, and checksum and reports the result.

M505: Set configuration file folder

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да:2.03 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
P"name" ; name of folder, default path is /sys/ if it is a relative path
M505 P"experimental" ; change config file path from /sys/ to /sys/experimental/

Following this command, files that would normally be fetched from /sys/ (for example, homing files and system macro files in RepRapFirmware) are fetched from the specified folder instead. Any such files that are already being executed will continue to run.

This command can be used to allow multiple configurations to be maintained easily. In RepRapFirmware the file /sys/config/g can contain just these two lines:

M505 P"config1"
M98 P"config.g"

The first line changes the config file folder to /sys/config1 and the second one executes file config.g in that folder. To select an alternative configuration, only the first line needs to be edited.

M524: Abort SD Printing

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да:2.0.0 Применяйте M25, затем M0 ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

If an SD print is in progress, this command aborts the print, just as if you had selected "Stop print" from the LCD menu.

M530: Enable printing mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да1
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M530 S1 L270

This command tells the firmware that a print has started (S1) or ended (S0). The L parameter sets the number of layers. L0 denotes unknown layer count. This enables the firmware to switch into a special print display mode to show print progress. Firmware should indicate the presence of this feature by responding to M115 with an additional line:


1In MK4duo this command starts print counters for statistics. It also turns off a 30-minute timer for the heaters. If the timer reaches 30, turn off all the heaters.

M531: Set print name

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M531 Демо Модель

Задает имя текущего печатаемого объекта. Should follow M530 S1 for correct display.

M532: Set print progress

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M532 X23.7 L56

Sets the print progress (X = 0..100) and currently printed layer (L). Should be send every 0.1% progress change on every layer change.

M540: Установить MAC-адрес

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn MAC-адрес
M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED

Sets the MAC address of the RepRap. This should be done before any other network commands. The MAC address is six one-byte hexadecimal numbers separated by colons. The 0x prefix is optional in later firmware revisions.

All devices running on the same network shall all have different MAC addresses. For your printers, changing the last digit is sufficient.

This command is only needed when using older electronics that doesn't provide a unique MAC address, for example Duet 0.6 and Duet 0.8.5.

M540 в Marlin: Enable/Disable "Stop SD Print on Endstop Hit"

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Snnn state, S1=enable, S0=disable
M540 S1

M550: Задать имя

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Имя машины
M550 PGodzilla

Sets the name of the RepRap to (in this case) Godzilla. The name can be any string of printable characters except ';', which still means start comment.

M551: Установить пароль

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Пароль
M551 Pмое-очень-секретное-слово

On machines that need a password to activate them, set that password. The code 'P' is not part of the password. Note that as this is sent in clear it does not (nor is it intended to) offer a very high level of security. But on machines that are (say) on a network, it prevents idle messing about by the unauthorised. The password can contain any printable characters except ';', which still means start comment.

Примечание для RepRapFirmware: If the specified password differs from the default one (i.e. reprap), the user will be asked to enter it when a connection is established via HTTP or Telnet. For FTP, the password must always be passed explicitly.

M552: Установить IP-адрес, включить/отключить сетевой интерфейс

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn IP address, means acquire an IP address using DHCP
Snnn (optional) -1 = reset network interface, 0 = disable networking, 1 = enable networking as a client, 2 = enable networking as an access point (WiFi-enabled electronics only)
Rnnn (optional, RepRapFirmware 1.17 and earlier only) HTTP port, default 80
M552 P192.168.1.14

Sets the IP address of the machine to (in this case) If the S parameter is not present then the enable/disable state of the network interface is not changed.

In RepRapFirmware 1.18 and later the HTTP port address is set using the M586 command, so the R parameter of this command is no longer supported.

M552 with no parameters reports the current network state and IP address.

M553: Установка маски сети

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Маска сети
M553 P255.255.255.0

Sets the network mask of the RepRap machine to (in this case) A restart may be required before the new network mask is used. If no 'P' field is specified, this echoes the existing network mask configured.

Recent RepRapFirmware versions allow the IP configuration to be changed without a restart.

M554: Set Gateway

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Gateway
M554 P192.168.1.1

Sets the Gateway IP address of the RepRap machine to (in this case) A restart may be required before the new gateway IP address is used. If no 'P' field is specified, this echoes the existing Gateway IP address configured.

Recent RepRapFirmware versions allow the IP configuration to be changed without a restart.

M555: Set compatibility

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Emulation type
M555 P1

For firmware that can do it, the firmware is set to a mode where its input and (especially) output behaves exactly like other established firmware. The value of the 'P' argument is:

P value Firmware
0 Native (i.e. whatever the firmware actually is)
1 RepRapFirmware
2 Marlin
3 Teacup
4 Sprinter
5 Repetier
6 Marlin with changes for nanoDLP

M556: Axis compensation

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Snnn Height of the measured distances
Xnnn Deviation in X direction
Ynnn Deviation in Y direction
Znnn Deviation in Z direction
M556 S100 X0.7 Y-0.2 Z0.6
Image denoting how to determine the S parameter for Gcode M556

Though with care and adjustment a RepRap can be set up with its axes at right-angles to each other within the accuracy of the machine, who wants to bother with care and adjustment when the problem can be solved by software? This tells software the tangents of the angles between the axes of the machine obtained by printing then measuring a test part. The S parameter (100 here) is the length of a triangle along each axis in mm. The X, Y and Z figures are the number of millimeters of the short side of the triangle that represents how out of true a pair of axes is. The X figure is the error between X and Y, the Y figure is the error between Y and Z, and the Z figure is the error between X and Z. Positive values indicate that the angle between the axis pair is obtuse, negative acute.

M557: Set Z probe point or define probing grid

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Parameters to define G32 probe points (Cartesian/CoreXY printers only, no longer supported in RepRapFirmware)
Pnnn Probe point number
Xnnn X координата
Ynnn Y координата
M557 P1 X30 Y40.5
Parameters to define G29 probe grid (all values in mm)
Xaaa:bbb Minimum and maximum X coordinates to probe
Yaaa:bbb Minimum and maximum Y coordinates to probe
Rnnn Radius to probe
Snn or Sxx:yy Probe point spacing
Pnn or Pxx:yy Number of probe points in each direction (RepRapFirmware 2.02 and later) - use instead of specifying the spacing
M557 X0:200 Y0:220 S20
M557 R150 S15

Set the points at which the bed will be probed to compensate for its plane being slightly out of horizontal.

The first form defines the points for for G32 bed probing. The P value is the index of the point (indices start at 0) and the X and Y values are the position to move extruder 0 to to probe the bed. An implementation should allow a minimum of three points (P0, P1 and P2). This just records the point coordinates; it does not actually do the probing. См. G32. Defining the probe points in this way is no longer supported by RepRapFirmware, you should define them in a bed.g file instead.

The second form defines the grid for G29 bed probing. For Cartesian printers, specify minimum and maximum X and Y values to probe and the probing interval. For Delta printers, specify the probing radius. If you define both, the probing area will be the intersection of the rectangular area and the circle. There is a firmware-dependent maximum number of probe points supported, which may be as low as 100.

M558: Set Z probe type

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Z probe type
Fnnn Feed rate (i.e. probing speed, mm/min)
Hnnn Dive height (mm)
Innn Invert (I1) or do not invert (I0) the Z probe reading (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
Rnnn Z probe recovery time after triggering, default zero (seconds) (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later)1
Tnnn Travel speed to and between probe points (mm/min)
Annn Maximum number of times to probe each point, default 1 (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)
Snnn Tolerance when probing multiple times, default 0.03 (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)
Bn B1 turns off all heaters during probing moves and during the probe recovery time (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)
Устаревшие параметры
Xnnn If nonzero, use probe for homing X axis (RepRapFirmware 1.19 and earlier only)
Ynnn If nonzero, use probe for homing Y axis (RepRapFirmware 1.19 and earlier only)
Znnn If nonzero, use probe for homing Z axis (RepRapFirmware 1.19 and earlier only)
M558 P1 F500 T5000 H3

A Z probe may be a switch, an IR proximity sensor, or some other device. This selects which to use:

P0 indicates that no Z probe is present
P1 indicates an unmodulated IR probe, or any other probe type that emulates an unmodulated IR probe (probe output is an analog signal that rises with decreasing nozzle height above the bed). If there is a control signal to the probe, it is driven high when the probe type is P1
P2 specifies a modulated IR probe, where the modulation is commanded directly by the main board firmware using the control signal to the probe
P3 selects an alternative Z probe similar to P1 but the control signal to the probe low
P4 selects a switch for bed probing (on the Duet, this must be connected to the E0 endstop pins)
P5 (from RepRapFirmware 1.14) selects a switch or a digital output device to the In pin of the Z-probe connector
P6 is as P4 but the switch is connected to and alternative connector (on the Duet series, the E1 endstop connector)
P7 is as P4 but the switch is connected to and alternative connector (on the Duet series, the Z endstop connector)
P8 is as P5 but the signal is unfiltered for faster response
P9 is as P5 but the probe is deployed and retracted at every probe point. This is intended for BLTouch.

Related codes: G29, G30, G31, G32, M401, M402.

M559: Загрузить файл конфигурации

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

If the RepRap supports it, this uploads a file that is run on re-boot to configure the machine. This file usually is a special G Code file. After sending M559, the file should be sent, ending with an M29 (q.v.).

M560: Загрузить файл веб-страницы

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
For RepRaps that have web support and that can be driven by a web browser, this uploads the file that is the control page for the RepRap. After sending M560 the file (usually an HTML file) should be sent, terminated by the string
<!-- **EoF** -->
. Clearly that string cannot exist in the body of the file, but can be put on the end to facilitate this process. This should not be too serious a restriction...

M561: Set Identity Transform

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???

This cancels any bed-plane fitting as the result of probing (or anything else) and returns the machine to moving in the user's coordinate system.

M562: Сброс ошибки температуры

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
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Pnnn Номер нагревателя
M562 P2

Reset a temperature fault on heater/sensor 2. If the RepRap has switched off and locked a heater because it has detected a fault, this will reset the fault condition and allow you to use the heater again. Obviously to be used with caution. If the fault persists it will lock out again after you have issued this command. P0 is the bed; P1 the first extruder, and so on.

Later versions of RepRapFirmware support M562 without the P parameter, which will reset all heater faults.

M563: Define or remove a tool

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Pnnn Номер инструмента
S"name" Tool name (optional)
Dnnn Extruder drive(s)
Hnnn Нагреватель(и)
Fnnn Fan(s) to map the print cooling fan to (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
Xnnn Axis or axes to map X movement to (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
Ynnn Axis or axes to map Y movement to
Lnnn Drive to use for filament mapping. By default RRF will use the first and only extruder drive if this parameter is not specified (supported by RRF >= 2.02)
M563 P0 D0:2:3 H1:3                 ; create a tool using extruder drives 0, 2 and 3 and heaters 1 and 3
M563 P1 D1 H2 X3                    ; create a tool using extruder drive 1 and heater 2 with X movement mapped to the U axis
M563 P2 D0:1 H1:2 X0:3 F0:2         ; create a tool using extruder drives 0 and 1, heaters 1 and 2,
                                    ; with X movement mapped to both X and U axes and fan 0 mapped to fan 0 and fan 2
M563 P3 D0 H1 S"Chocolate extruder" ; create a named tool using extruder drive 0 and heater 1

Tools are usually (though not necessarily) extruders. The 'P' field specifies the tool number. Tool numbers can have any positive integer value and 0. The 'D' field specifies the drive(s) used by the tool - in the first example drives 0, 2 and 3. Drive 0 is the first drive in the machine after the movement drives (usually X, Y and Z). If there is no 'D' field the tool has no drives. The 'H' field specifies the tool's heaters - in the first example heaters 1 and 3. Heater 0 is usually the hot bed (if any) so the first extruder heater is usually 1. If there is no H field the tool has no heaters.

Tools are driven using multiple values in the 'E' field of G1 commands, each controlling the corresponding drive in the 'D' field above, as follows:

G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E2.24:2.24:15.89
G1 X70.6 E0:0:42.4

The first line moves straight to the point (90.6, 13.8) extruding a total of 2.24mm of filament from both drives 0 and 2 and 15.98mm of filament from drive 3. The second line moves back 20mm in X extruding 42.4mm of filament from drive 3.

Alternatively, if the slicer does not support generating G1 commands with multiple values for the extrusion amount, the M567 command can be used to define a tool mix ratio.

Normally an M563 command is immediately followed by a G10 command to set the tool's offsets and temperatures.

It is permissible for different tools to share some (or all) of their drives and heaters. So, for example, you can define two tools with identical hardware, but that just operate at different temperatures.

The X mapping option is used to create tools on machines with multiple independent X carriages. The additional carriages are set up as axes U, V etc. (see M584) and the X mapping option in M563 defines which carriage or carriages are used.

If you use the M563 command with a P value for a tool that has already been defined, that tool is redefined using the new values you provide.

RepRapFirmware supports an additional form of the M563 command. Команда:

M563 S1

means add 1 (the value of the S parameter) to all tool numbers found in the remainder of the current input stream (e.g. the current file if the command is read from a file on the SD card), or until a new M563 command of this form is executed. The purpose of this is to provide compatibility between systems in which tool numbers start at 1, and programs such as slic3r that assume tools are numbered from zero.

Recent versions of RepRapFirmware allow the deletion of existing tools if M563 is called in this way:

M563 P1 D-1 H-1

M564: Ограничение по осям

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Hnnn H1 = forbid movement of axes that have not been homed, H0 = allow movement of axes that have not been homed (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)
Snnn S1 = limit movement within axis boundaries, S0 = allow movement outside boundaries
M564 S0 H0

Allow moves outside the print volume and before homing, or not. If the S parameter is 0, then you can send G codes to drive the RepRap outside its normal working volume, and it will attempt to do so. Likewise if the H parameter is 0 you can move the head or bed along axes that have not been homed. The default behaviour is S1 H1. On some types of printer (e.g. Delta and SCARA), movement before homing is prohibited regardless of the H parameter.

M565: Set Z probe offset

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??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M565 X3 Y4.5 Z-2.37

Set the offset from the extruder tip to the probe position. The X, Y, and Z values are the delta between the extruder and the actual trigger position of the probe. If the probe trigger point is below the extruder (typical) the Z offset will be negative. This just records the point offset; it does not actually do the probing. См. G32.

M566: Set allowable instantaneous speed change

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Xnnn Maximum instantaneous speed change of the X axis (mm/min)
Ynnn Maximum instantaneous speed change of the Y axis
Znnn Maximum instantaneous speed change of the Z axis
Ennn Maximum instantaneous speed change of the extruder drives
M566 X20 Y20 Z2 E10

Sets the maximum allowable speed change (sometimes called 'jerk speed') of each motor when changing direction.

The model files and gcode files used by repraps generally render circles and other curves shapes as a sequence of straight line segments. If the motors were not allowed any instantaneous speed change, they would have to come to a stop at the junction between each pair of line segments. By allowing a certain amount of instantaneous speed change, printing speed can be maintained when the angle between the two line segments is small enough.

If you set these X and Y values too low, then the printer will be slow at printing curves. If they are too high then the printer may be noisy when cornering and you may suffer ringing and other print artefacts, or even missed steps.

On very old versions of RepRapFirmware (prior to 1.09), these were also the minimum speeds of each axis.

M567: Set tool mix ratios

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Pnnn Номер инструмента
Ennn Mix ratios
M567 P2 E0.1:0.2:0.1:0.6

This example sets the mix ratio for tool 2 (the P value). When mixing is then turned on (see M568), only single E values need to be sent on a G1 command (any extra E values will be ignored, but are not illegal):

G1 X20 E1.3

This will move to X=20 extruding a total length of filament of 1.3mm. The first drive of tool 2 will extrude 0.1*1.3mm, the second 0.2*1.3mm and so on. The ratios don't have to add up to 1.0 - the calculation done is as just described. But it is best if they do.

См. также M568.

M568: Turn off/on tool mix ratios (obsolete)

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??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

This command is obsolete. When using a tool defined as a mixing extruder, RepRapFirmware applies the mix ratio defined by M567 whenever only one E parameter is provided in G1 commands. When multiple colon-separated E values are provided in the G1 command, they will be used as the individual amounts to extrude.

M569: Stepper driver control

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Pnn Номер драйвера двигателя
Sn Direction of movement of the motor(s) attached to this driver: 0 = backwards, 1 = forwards (default 1)
Rn Driver enable polarity: 0 = active low, 1 = active high (default 0)
Tnn Minimum driver step pulse width and interval in microseconds (RepRapFirmware 1.14 and later)
Taa:bb:cc:dd Minimum driver step pulse width, step pulse interval, direction-to-step setup time and step-to-direction hold time, in microseconds (RepRapFirmware 1.21 and later)
Dnn Stepper driver mode (RepRapFirmware 2.0 and later): 0=constant off time, 1=random off time, 2=spread cycle, 3=stealthChop
Fnn (firmware 2.02 and later) Off-time in the chopper control register, 1 to 15
Bnn (firmware 2.02 and later) Blanking time (tbl) in the chopper control register, 0 to 3. См. даташит на драйвер TMC.
Yaa:bb or Yaa:bb:cc (firmware 2.02 and later) Hysteresis start, end and decrement values in the chopper control register. См. значения в даташит на драйвер TMC.
Cnnn Custom chopper control register value (RepRapFirmware 2.0 and later). Do not change this value without having a good understanding of the stepper driver driver chip!
Hnn (firmware 2.02 and later) t_high parameter for those stepper driver chips that support it (e.g. TMC2208, 2224). Send M569 P# (where # is the driver number) with no additional parameters to see how this translates into mm/sec. See also the V parameter.
Vnnn (firmware 2.02 and later) tpwmthrs parameter for those stepper driver chips that support it (e.g. TMC2208, 2224). This is the interval in clock cycles between 1/256 microsteps below which the drivers will switch from stealthChop to to spreadCycle mode. Only applies when the driver is configured in stealthChop mode. Typical value are from 100 (high speed) to 4000 (low speed). Send M569 P# (where # is the driver number) with no additional parameters to see how this translates into axis speed in mm/sec.
M569 P0 S0               ; reverse the direction of the motor attached to driver 0
M569 P5 R1 T2.5:2.5:5:0  ; driver 5 requires an active high enable, 2.5us minimum step pulse, 2.5us minimum step interval, 5us DIR setup time and no hold time

All parameters except P are optional. For any parameter that is not provided, the corresponding value will not be changed.

The T parameters are intended for use with external stepper drivers. Currently, RepRapFirmware only remembers the highest T parameters seen in any M569 command, and applies those values to all drivers for which any nonzero T parameters were specified.

The modes (D parameter) supported by various stepper driver chips are:

TMC2130: режимы 0,1,2,3
TMC2660: режимы 0,1,2
TMC2208/2224: modes 2,3 (mode 3 is stealthChop 2)

Some versions of RepRapFirmware prior to 1.14 also provided X, Y, Z and E parameters to allow the mapping from axes and extruders to stepper driver numbers to be changed. From 1.14 onward, this functionality is provided by M584 instead.

M570: Configure heater fault detection

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Parameters for RepRapFirmware 1.14 and earlier
Snnn Heater timeout (in seconds)
M570 S120

After a heater has been switched on, wait 120 seconds for it to get close to the set temperature. If it takes longer than this, raise a heater fault.

Parameters for RepRapFirmware 1.15e and later
Hnnn Номер нагревателя
Pnnn Time in seconds for which a temperature anomaly must persist on this heater before raising a heater fault (default 5 seconds)
Tnnn Permitted temperature excursion from the setpoint for this heater (default 10C)
Snnn Time in seconds after a heater fault is raised after which the print will be abandoned, default 10 minutes (RepRapFirmware 1.20 and later)
M570 H1 P4 T15

Warning! Heating fault detection is provided to reduce the risk of starting a fire if a dangerous fault occurs, for example if the heater cartridge or thermistor falls out of the heater block. You should not increase the detection time or permitted temperature excursion without good reason, because doing so will reduce the protection.

M571: Set output on extrude

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Snnn Выходное значение
Fnnn Выходная частота ШИМ (RepRapFirmware 1.17 и выше)
Pnnn Logical pin number (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later), defaults to the FAN0 output until M571 with a P parameter has been seen
M571 P3 F200
M571 S0.5

This turns the controlled pin output on whenever extrusion is being done, and turns it off when the extrusion is finished. The output could control a fan or a stirrer or anything else that needs to work just when extrusion is happening. It also can be used to control a laser beam. The S parameter sets the value of the PWM to the output. 0.0 is off; 1.0 is fully on.

In RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later you can use the P parameter to change the pin used and you can also set the PWM frequency. Pin numbers are the same as in the M42 and M280 commands. The pin you specify must not be in use for anything else, so if it is normally used as a heater you must disable the heater first using M307, or if it is used for a fan you must disable the fan using M106 with the I-1 parameter.

M572: Set or report extruder pressure advance

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Dnnn Номер экструдера
Snnn Pressure advance amount (in seconds)
M572 D0 S0.1

This sets the pressure advance coefficient (S parameter) for the specified extruder (D parameter). Supported by RepRapFirmware-dc42, -ch and -dn.

Pressure advance causes the extruder drive position to be advanced or retarded during printing moves by an additional amount proportional to the rate of extrusion. At the end of a move when the extrusion rate is decreasing, this may result in the extruder drive moving backwards (i.e. retracting). Therefore, if you enable this feature, you may need to reduce the amount of retraction you use in your slicing program to avoid over-retraction.

With Bowden extruders, an S value between 0.1 and 0.2 usually gives the best print quality.

Older versions of RepRapFirmware used the P parameter to specify the drive number, instead of using D to specify the extruder number.

M573: Report heater PWM

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Pnnn Номер нагревателя
M573 P1

This gives a running average (usually taken over about five seconds) of the PWM to the heater specified by the P field. If you know the voltage of the supply and the resistance of the heater this allows you to work out the power going to the heater. Масштаб: 0 to 1.

M574: Установка конфигурации концевого выключателя

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Xnnn Switch position for X axis
Ynnn Switch position for Y axis
Znnn Switch position for Z axis
Snnn Endstop type: 0 = active low endstop input, 1 = active high endstop input, 2 = Z probe, 3 = motor load detection
M574 X1 Y2 Z0 S1  ; X endstop at low end, Y endstop at high end, no Z endstop, all active high

This defines the position of endstop sensor that the printer has for each axis: 0 = none, 1 = low end, 2 = high end. The optional S parameter defines whether the endstop input is active high (S1, the default), low (S0), or the axes listed use the Z probe for homing that axis (S2), or motor stall detection (S3). A normally-closed endstop switch wired in the usual way produces an active high output (S1). If different axes use different types of endstop sensing, you can use more than one M574 command.

On delta printers the XYZ parameters refer to the towers, and the endstops should normally all be high end (i.e. at the top of the towers).

The S2 and S3 options are supported in RepRapFirmware 1.20 and later.

In RepRapFirmware 1.16 and earlier, the M574 command with E parameter was used to specify whether a Z probe connected to the E0 endstop input produces an active high (S1) or active low (S0) output. In RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later, use the I parameter of the M558 command instead.

M575: Set serial comms parameters

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Pnnn Serial channel number
Bnnn Baud rate
Snnn Whether checksums should be used
M575 P1 B57600 S1

This sets the communications parameters of the serial comms channel specified by the P parameter. P0 specifies the main serial interface (typically a USB port, or serial-over-USB), while P1 specifies an auxiliary serial port (for example, the port used to connect a PanelDue). The B parameter is the required baud rate (this parameter is typically ignored if the port is a true USB port). The S parameter is a bitmap of features. The lowest bit, if set, specifies that only commands that include a valid checksum should be accepted from this comms channel.

M577: Wait until endstop is triggered

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Snnn Desired endstop level
Xnnn Select X axis endstop
Ynnn Select Y axis endstop
Znnn Select Z axis endstop
Ennn Select extruder drive endstop
M577 E0 S1

Wait for an endstop switch to be pressed. The example above will wait until the first extruder endstop is triggered.

The following trigger types may be used using the 'S' parameter:

0: Endstop not hit 1: Low endstop hit 2: High endstop hit 3: Near endstop (only Z probe)

M578: Fire inkjet bits

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Pnnn Inkjet head number
Snnn Bit pattern
M578 P3 S5

This fires inkjet head 3 (the P field) using the bit pattern specified by the S field. The example shown would fire bits 101. If the P parameter is ommitted inkjet 0 is assumed.

This is a version of the M700 command used by the Inkshield, but unfortunately M700 is already taken so cannot be used for that in the standard.

M579: Scale Cartesian axes

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Xnnn Scale factor for X axis
Ynnn Scale factor for Y axis
Znnn Scale factor for Z axis
M579 X1.0127 Y0.998

On a Cartesian RepRap you can get prints exactly the right size by tweaking the axis steps/mm using the M92 G Code above. But this does not work so easily for Delta and other RepRaps for which there is cross-talk between the axes. This command allows you to adjust the X, Y, and Z axis scales directly. So, if you print a part for which the Y length should be 100mm and measure it and find that it is 100.3mm long then you set Y0.997 (= 100/100.3).

M580: Select Roland

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Rnnn Whether Roland mode should be activated
Pnnn Initial text to send to the Roland controller
M580 R1 PVS4;!VZ2;!MC1;

This is not really anything to do with RepRap, but it is convenient. The little Roland mills are very widely available in hackerspaces and maker groups, but annoyingly they don't speak G Codes. As all RepRap firmware includes a G-Code interpreter, it is often easy to add functions to convert G Codes to Roland RML language. M580 selects a Roland device for output if the R field is 1, and returns to native mode if the R field is 0. The optional P string is sent to the Roland if R is 1. It is permissible to call this repeatedly with R set to 1 and different strings in the P field to communicate directly with a Roland.

M581: Configure external trigger

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Tnn Logical trigger number to associate the endstop input(s) with, from zero up to a firmware-specific maximum (e.g. 9 for RepRapFirmware)
X, Y, Z, E Selects endstop input(s) to monitor
P Reserved, may be used in future to allow general I/O pins to cause triggers
S Whether trigger occurs on a rising edge of that input (S1, default), falling edge (S0), or ignores that input (S-1). By default, all triggers ignore all inputs.
C Condition: whether to trigger at any time (C0, default) or only when printing a file from SD card (C1)
M581 E1:2 S1 T2 C1   ; invoke trigger 2 when a rising edge is detected on the E1 or E2 endstop input and a file is being printed from SD card

When M581 is executed, if the T parameter is present but the other parameters are omitted, the trigger inputs and edge polarities for that trigger number are reported. Otherwise, the specified inputs and their polarities are added to the conditions that cause that trigger. Using S-1 with no X, Y, Z or E parameters sets the trigger back to ignoring all inputs.

In RepRapFirmware, trigger number 0 causes an emergency stop as if M112 had been received. Trigger number 1 causes the print to be paused as if M25 had been received. Any trigger number # greater then 1 causes the macro file sys/trigger#.g to be executed. Polling for further trigger conditions is suspended until the trigger macro file has been completed. RepRapFirmware does not wait for all queued moves to be completed before executing the macro, so you may wish to use the M400 command at the start of your macro file. If several triggers are pending, the one with the lowest trigger number takes priority.

M582: Check external trigger

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T Trigger number to poll
M582 T2 ; check levels of inputs that give rise to trigger #2

Triggers set up by the M581 command are normally activated only when the specified inputs change state. This command provides a way of causing the trigger to be executed if the input is at a certain level. For each of the inputs associated with the trigger, the trigger condition will be checked as if the input had just changed from the opposite state to the current state.

For example, if you use M581 to support an out-of-filament sensor, then M582 allows you to check for out-of-filament just before starting a print.

M584: Set drive mapping

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??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет
Xnnn Driver number(s) for X motor(s)
Ynnn Driver number(s) for Y motor(s)
Znnn Driver number(s) for Z motor(s)
U,V,W, A, B, Cnnn Driver number(s) for additional axes U, V, W, A, B and C (UVW RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later; ABC RepRapFirmware 1.19 and later)
Ennn Driver number(s) for E motor(s)
Pnnn Number of visible axes, defaults to the total number of axes configured.
M584 X0 Y1 Z2:3 E4:5:6 ; Driver 0 controls the X motor, 1 controls Y, 2 and 3 control Z motors, 4 and 5 control E motors

Assigning a drive using M584 does not remove its old assignment. Therefore, if you assign a drive that defaults to being an extruder drive, you should also assign the extruder drives explicitly as in the above example. Failure to do so may result in unexpected behaviour.

You can use M584 to create additional axes - for example, to represent additional carriages on a machine with multiple independent X carriages. Additional axes must be created in the order UVWABC. You can hide some of the last axes you create using the P parameter. Hidden axes have no homing buttons or jog controls in the user interface.

On the Duet WiFi and Duet Ethernet, if you configure multiple drivers for an axis, either all of them must be TMC2660 drivers on the Duet or a Duet expansion board, or none of them must be. This is to facilitate dynamic microstepping and other features of the TMC2660.

M585: Probe Tool

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??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет

In machines with a tool probe this probes the currently selected tool against it and corrects the offsets set by the G10 command (q.v.).

Parameter must be only one of

Where the absolute value of nnn is the radius of the tool plus the radius of the probe in that direction. So M585 X1.5 will set the X offset of a 1mm diameter tool against a 2mm diameter probe, etc. If the value of nnn is positive the tool is moved in the positive direction towards the probe until it touches. If it is negative, the tool moves the other way.

So the process should be:

Set the values as closely as known in the G10 command.
Move to a position slightly offset from the probe then execute M585s in X, Y and Z in the tool selection macro to set them precisely.

After this, the G10 command on its own can be used to report the values.

M586: Настройка сетевых протоколов

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет
Pnn Protocol: 0 = HTTP or HTTPS, 1 = FTP or SFTP, 2 = Telnet or SSH (which of the two choices depends on the T parameter)
Snn 0 = disable this protocol, 1 = enable this protocol
Rnn TCP port number to use for the specified protocol. Ignored unless S = 1. If this parameter is not provided then the default port for that protocol and TLS setting is used.
Tnn 0 = don't use TLS, 1 = use TLS. Ignored unless S = 1. If this parameter is not provided, then TLS will be used if the firmware supports it and a security certificate has been configured. If T1 is given but the firmware does not support TLS or no certificate is available, then the protocol will not be enabled and an error message will be returned.

M586 with no S parameter reports the current support for the available protocols.

RepRapFirmware 1.18 and later enable only HTTP (or HTTPS if supported) protocol by default. If you wish to enable FTP and/or Telnet, enable them using this command once or twice in config.g.

M587: Store WiFi host network in list, or list stored networks

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет
Sccc Network SSID
Pccc Сетевой пароль
Inn.nn.nn.nn (optional) IP address to use when connected to this network. If zero or not specified then an IP address will be acquired via DHCP.
Jnn.nn.nn.nn (optional) Gateway IP address to use when connected to this network.
Knn.nn.nn.nn (optional) Netmask to use when connected to this network

If a password or SSID includes space or semicolon characters then it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For security, do not use this command in the config.g file, or if you do then remove it after running it once so that the network password is not visible in the file.

M587 with no parameters lists all stored SSIDs, but not the stored passwords.

M588: Forget WiFi host network

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет
Sccc SSID to remove from the networks list

The specified SSID will be removed from the networks list and the associated password cleared out of EEPROM. If the SSID is given as * then all stored networks will be forgotten.

M589: Configure access point parameters

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? Нет
Sccc The SSID that the WiFi interface should use when it is commanded to run as an access point
Pccc Пароль WiFi
Inn.nn.nn.nn The IP address to use

Примечание: WPA2 security will be used by default.

M590: Report current tool type and index

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Report the current tool type, which may be "Extruder," "Picker," "Laser," "Foam Cutter," "Milling," or any others implemented by the machine. Also report the tool index, such as "0x01" for the second extruder.

> M590
> echo: Extruder 0x00

M591: Configure filament monitoring

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

This configures filament sensing for the specified extruder. The sensor may be a simple filament presence detector, or a device that measures movement of filament, or both. The action on detecting a filament error is firmware-dependent, but would typically be to run a macro and/or to pause the print and display a message.

Cnn Which input the filament sensor is connected to. On Duet electronics: 0=X endstop input, 1=Y endstop input, 2=Z endstop input, 3=E0 endstop input etc.
Dnn Extruder drive number (0, 1, 2...),
Pnn Type of sensor: 0=none, 1=simple sensor (low signal when filament present), 2=simple sensor (high signal when filament present), 3=Duet3D rotating magnet sensor, 4=Duet3D rotating magnet sensor with microswitch, :Snn S0 = disable filament monitoring, S1 = enable filament monitoring. Calibration data may be collected while printing even when filament monitoring is disabled.

5=Duet3D laser filament monitor, 6=Duet3D laser filament monitor with microswitch, 7=pulse-generating sensor

Additional parameters for Duet3D laser filament monitor
Raa:bb Allow the filament movement reported by the sensor to be between aa% and bb% of the commanded values; if it is outside these values and filament monitoring is enabled, the print will be paused
Enn minimum extrusion length before a commanded/measured comparison is done, default 3mm
Additional parameters for Duet3D rotating magnet filament monitor
Lnn Filament movement per complete rotation of the sense wheel, in mm
R, E As for Duet3D laser filament monitor
Additional parameters for a pulse generating filament monitor
Lnn Filament movement per pulse in mm
R, E As for Duet3D laser filament monitor
M591 D0 C3 P5 S1 R70:130 L24.8 E6.0  ; Duet3D laser sensor for extruder drive 0 is connected to E0 endstop input, 24.8mm/rev, 70% to 130% tolerance, 6mm detection length
M591 D1  ; display filament sensor parameters for extruder drive 1

Примечание: RepRapFirmware 1.19 and 1.20 also supported filament monitors via M591, but some of the parameters were different.

M592: Configure nonlinear extrusion

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Dnn Extruder drive number (0, 1, 2...)
Annn A coefficient in the extrusion formula, default zero
Bnnn B coefficient in the extrusion formula, default zero
Lnnn Upper limit of the nonlinear extrusion compensation, default 0.2
T nnn Reserved for future use, for the temperature at which these values are valid
M592 D0 A0.01 B0.0005 ; set parameters for extruder drive 0
M592 D0 ; report parameters for drive 0

Most extruder drives use toothed shafts to grip the filament and drive it through the hot end. As the extrusion speed increases, so does the back pressure from the hot end, and the increased back pressure causes the amount of filament extruded per step taken by the extruder stepper motor to reduce. This may be because at high back pressures, each tooth compresses and skates over the surface of the filament for longer before it manages to bite. See forum post http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?262,802277 and the graph at http://forums.reprap.org/file.php?262,file=100851,filename=graph.JPG for an example.

Nonlinear extrusion compensates for this effect. The amount of extrusion requested is multiplied by (1 + MIN(L, A*v + B*v^2)) where v is the requested extrusion speed (calculated from the actual speed at which the move will take place) in mm/sec.

Nonlinear extrusion is not applied to extruder-only movements such as retractions and filament loading.

M593: Configure Dynamic Acceleration Adjustment

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Fnnn Frequency of ringing to cancel in Hz. Zero or negative values disable the feature.
M593 F40.5

This is an experimental feature of RepRapFirmware. By default, Dynamic Acceleration Adjustment (DAA) is disabled. If it is enabled, then acceleration and deceleration rates will be adjusted separately per-move to cancel out ringing at the specified frequency. Any acceleration values set using M204 will be saved but ignored until DAA is disabled, but acceleration limits set by M201 will still be honoured.

DAA is most useful to avoid exciting low-frequency ringing, for which S-curve acceleration is ineffective and may make the ringing worse. High-frequency ringing is better countered by using S-curve acceleration.

To measure the ringing frequency, take a print that exhibits ringing on the perimeters (for example a cube), preferably printed single-wall or external-perimeters-first. Divide the speed at which the outer perimeter was printed (in mm/sec) by the distance between adjacent ringing peaks (in mm), measured away from the corner so that the head has reached the full printing speed.

Cartesian and CoreXY printers will typically have different frequencies of ringing for the X and Y axes. In this case it is is usually best to aim to cancel the lower ringing frequency, because the higher frequency will be less strongly excited. If the frequencies are not much different, in a moving-bed cartesian printer you could reduce the higher ringing frequency by adding mass to that axis. Note that X axis ringing causes artefacts predominantly on the Y face of the test cube, and vice versa.

M600: Set line cross section

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Да ??? Нет ??? ???
M600 P0.061

Sets the cross section for a line to extrude in velocity extrusion mode. When the extruder is enabled and movement is executed the amount of extruded filament will be calculated to match the specified line cross section.

M600: Filament change pause

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Pause for filament change.

Z[relative lift]
E[initial retract
L[later retract distance for removal]

In SmoothieWare:

The variable "after_suspend_gcode" is run after M600.

Для примера:

after_suspend_gcode G91_G0E-5_G0Z10_G90_G0X-50Y-50 # gcode to run after suspend, retract then get head out of way

In RepRapFirmware, M600 causes macro file filament-change.g to be run if it exists, otherwise it falls back to pause.g. The parameters in the M600 command are ignored.

M605: Set dual x-carriage movement mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Set Dual X-Carriage movement mode.

S[mode] Mode (see below)
X[duplication x-offset] Optional X offset for Mode 2
R[duplication temp offset] Optional temperature difference for Mode 2
M605 S1 ; Set mode to auto-park

M605 S0: Full control mode. The slicer has full control over x-carriage movement M605 S1: Auto-park mode. The inactive head will auto park/unpark without slicer involvement M605 S2 [Xnnn] [Rmmm]: Duplication mode. The second extruder will duplicate the first with nnn millimeters x-offset and an optional differential hotend temperature of mmm degrees. E.g., with "M605 S2 X100 R2" the second extruder will duplicate the first with a spacing of 100mm in the x direction and 2 degrees hotter.

RepRapFirmware does not implement M605 because it supports dual carriage mode, duplication mode, auto park, different temperatures etc. using the M563 tool definition command and the tool change macro files.

M650: Set peel move parameters

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

This command is sent by nanoDLP to set the parameters for the peel move used after curing a layer. RepRapFirmware ignores it.

M651: execute peel move

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

This command is sent by nanoDLP to execute a peel move after curing a layer. RepRapFirmware executes macro /sys/peel-move.g in response to this command.

M665: Set delta configuration

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Lnnn Diagonal rod length
Rnnn Delta radius
Snnn Segments per second1
Bnnn Safe probing radius2,3
Hnnn Delta height defined as nozzle height above the bed when homed after allowing for endstop corrections 2
Xnnn X tower position correction2,4
Ynnn Y tower position correction2,4
Znnn Z tower position correction2,4
M665 L250 R160 S200 ; (Marlin)
M665 L250 R160 B80 H240 X0 Y0 Z0 ; (RepRapFirmware и Marlin 1.1.0)

Set the delta calibration variables. (See the discussion page for notes on this implementation.)


1Only supported on Marlin.

2Only supported in RepRapFirmware and Marlin 1.1.0.

3 In Marlin 1.1.0 sets the radius on which the probe points are taken for the delta auto calibration routine G33 as well as for the manual LCD calibration menu.

4X, Y and Z tower angular offsets from the ideal (i.e. equilateral triangle) positions, in degrees, measured anti-clockwise looking down on the printer. In Marlin 1.1.0 X,Y and Z tower angular offsets will be rotated so the Z tower angular offset is zero.

M666: Set delta endstop adjustment

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Xnnn X axis endstop adjustment
Ynnn Y axis endstop adjustment
Znnn Z axis endstop adjustment
Annn X bed tilt in percent1
Bnnn Y bed tilt in percent1
M666 X-0.1 Y+0.2 Z0

Sets delta endstops adjustments.

In RepRapFirmware and Repetier, positive endstop adjustments move the head closer to the bed when it is near the corresponding tower. In Marlin and Smoothieware, negative endstop corrections move the head closer to the bed when it is near the corresponding tower.

In Marlin, only negative endstop corrections are allowed. From version 1.1.0 onward positive endstops are allowed to be entered but the endstops will be normalized to zero or negative and the residue will be subtracted from the delta height defined in M665.

In Repetier the endstop corrections are expressed in motor steps. In other firmwares they are expressed in mm.

1RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later.

M667: Select CoreXY mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Snnn CoreXY mode
Xnnn X axis scale factor
Ynnn Y axis scale factor
Znnn Z axis scale factor
M667 S1

M667 S0 selects Cartesian mode (unless the printer is configured as a delta using the M665 command). Forward motion of the X motor moves the head in the +X direction. Similarly for the Y motor and Y axis, and the Z motor and Z axis. This is the default state of the firmware on power up.

M667 S1 selects CoreXY mode. Forward movement of the X motor moves the head in the +X and +Y directions. Forward movement of the Y motor moves the head in the -X and +Y directions.

M667 S2 selects CoreXZ mode. Forward movement of the X motor moves the head in the +X and +Z directions. Forward movement of the Z motor moves the head in the -X and +Z directions.

Additional parameters X, Y and Z may be given to specify factors to scale the motor movements by for the corresponding axes. For example, to specify a CoreXZ machine in which the Z axis moves 1/3 of the distance of the X axis for the same motor movement, use M667 S2 Z3. The default scaling factor after power up is 1.0 for all axes.

To change the motor directions, see the M569 command.

M668: Set Z-offset compensations polynomial

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет dc42-cmm ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

Polynomial compensation is an experimental method to compensate for geometric distortion of a delta machine Z-plane. After the bed is compensated with the set of G30 points, there remains error. This method fits a 6th degree polynomial with independent origins for each order to the residual error data (using a simulated annealing technique on the host). The polynomial is communicated and controlled through M668. Because the polynomial takes many floating point operations to compute each point, the firmware builds a grid of values, and used bi-linear interpolation to adjust the actual Z-axis offset error estimate.

For the polynomial used, 40 parameters are specified. The I parameter allows the coefficients to be loaded a few at a time, which limits the size of the G-code string. The index starts with 1, not with 0.

M668 Ix S[list of values] sets the polynomial parameters starting at index x, if index present and != 0.

M668 R recomputes the grid based on the current parameters.

M668 P[0|1] turns off or on the polynomial compensation.

Typical usage
M668 I1 S4.882E-17:0.0
M668 I3 ...
M668 R P1

Which sets the list, computes the interpolation grid, and then enables compensation.

M669: Set kinematics type and kinematics parameters

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Knnn Kinematics type: 0 = Cartesian, 1 = CoreXY, 2 = CoreXZ, 3 = linear delta, 4 = serial SCARA, 5 = CoreXYU, 6 = Hangprinter, 7 = polar, 8 = CoreXYUV, 9 = linear delta + Z axis, 10 = rotary delta

Selects the specified kinematics, then uses the other parameters to configure it. If the K parameter is missing then the other parameters are used to update the configuration data for the current kinematics. If no parameters are given then the current kinematics and configuration parameters are reported

Parameters for serial SCARA kinematics
Pnnn Proximal arm length (mm)
Dnnn Distal arm length (mm)
Annn:nnn Proximal arm joint movement minimum and maximum angles, in degrees anticlockwise seen from above relative to the X axis
Bnnn:nnn Proximal-to-distal arm joint movement minimum and maximum angles, in degrees anticlockwise seen from above relative to both arms in line
Cnnn:nnn:nnn Crosstalk factors. The first component is the proximal motor steps to equivalent distal steps factor, the second is the proximal motor steps to equivalent Z motor steps factor, and the third component is the distal motor steps to equivalent Z motor steps factor.
Snnn Segments per second if smooth XY motion is approximated by means of segmentation
Tnnn Minimum segment length (mm) if smooth XY motion is approximated by means of segmentation
Xnnn X offset of bed origin from proximal joint
Ynnn Y offset of bed origin from proximal joint
M669 K4 P300 D250 A-90:90 B-135:135 C0:0:0 S200 X300 Y0

The minimum and maximum arm angles are also the arm angles assumed by the firmware when the homing switches are triggered. The P, D, A and B parameters are mandatory. The C and F parameters default to zero, and the segmentation parameters default to firmware-dependent values.

Parameters for Polar kinematics
Raaa:bbb Minimum and maximum radius in mm. If only one value it given it will be used as the maximum radius, and the minimum radius will be assumed to be zero.
Hnnn Radius in mm at which the homing switch is triggered during a homing move. If this parameter is not present, the homing switch is assumed to trigger at the minimum radius.
Fnnn Maximum turntable speed in degrees per second
Annn Maximum turntable acceleration in degrees per second per second

M670: Set IO port bit mapping

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnn:nn:nn... List of logical port numbers that bits 0, 1, 2... control
Tnnn port switching time advance in milliseconds

RepRapFirmware 1.19 and later provides an optional P parameter on the G1 command to allow I/O ports to be set to specified states for the duration of the move. The argument to the P parameter is a bitmap giving the required state of each port. The M669 command specifies the mapping between the bits of that argument and logical port numbers. Optionally, the T parameter can be used to advance the I/O port switching a short time before the corresponding move begins.

M671: Define positions of Z leadscrews or bed leveling screws

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Xnn:nn:nn... List of between 2 and 4 X coordinates of the leadscrews that drive the Z axis or the bed leveling screws
Ynn:nn:nn... List of between 2 and 4 Y coordinates of the leadscrews that drive the Z axis or the bed leveling screws
Snn Maximum correction to apply to each leadscrew in mm (optional, default 1.0)
Pnnn Pitch of the bed leveling screws (not used when bed leveling using independently-driven leadscrews). Defaults to 0.5mm which is correct for M3 bed leveling screws.
M671 X-15.0:100.0:215.0 Y220.0:-20.0:220.0  ; Z leadscrews are at (-15,220), (100,-20) and (215,220)

Informs the firmware of the positions of the leadscrews used to raise/lower the bed or gantry. The numbers of X and Y coordinates must both be equal to the number of drivers used for the Z axis (see the M584 command). This allows the firmware to perform bed leveling by adjusting the leadscrew motors individually after bed probing.

For machines without multiple independently-driven Z leadscrews, this command can be used to define the positions of the bed leveling screws instead. Then bed probing can be used to calculate and display the adjustment required to each screw to level the bed. The thread pitch (P parameter) is used to translate the height adjustment needed to the number of turns of the leveling screws.

M672: Program Z probe

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Snn:nn:nn... Sequence of 8-bit unsigned values to send to the currently-selected Z probe
M671 S50:205

This command is for sending configuration data to programmable Z probes such as the Duet3D delta effector. The specified command bytes are sent to the probe. The Duet3D probe stores the configuration data in non-volatile memory, so there is no need to send this command every time the probe is used.

M673: Align plane on rotary axis

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
U,V,W,A,B,C Rotary axis letter on which the plane is mounted
Pnnn Factor to multiply the correction angle (degrees) with (defaults to 1)
M673 A

This code is intended to align a plane that is mounted on a rotary axis. To make use of this code it is required to take two probe points via G30 P first. Supported in RepRapFirmware 2.02 and later.

M674: Set Z to center point

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет TBD ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

This code is intended to determine the Z center point of a stash that is mounted on a rotary axis. This code is yet to be implemented.

M675: Find center of cavity

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
X,Y,Z Axis to probe on
Fnnnn Probing feedrate
Rnnn Distance to move away from the lower endstop before the next probing move starts
M675 X R2 F1200

This code is intended to find the center of a cavity that can be measured using the configured axis endstop. If using a Z probe for this purpose, make sure the endstop type for the corresponding axis is updated before this code is run. Once this code starts, RepRapFirmware will move to the lower end looking for an endstop to be triggered. Once it is triggered, the lower position is saved and the axis maximum is probed. As soon as both triggers have been hit, the center point is calculated and the machine moves to the calculated point.

M700: Level plate

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq Применяйте M671 и G32 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Script to adjust the plate level.

M701: Load filament

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq 1.19 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Snn Filament to load1
M701 2
M701 S"PLA"

RepRapFirmware 1.19 and later implement a filament management mechanism to load and unload different materials. This code may be used to load a material for the active tool, however be aware that this code will work only for tools that have exactly one extruder assigned. When called the firmware does the following:

1) Run the macro file "load.g" in the subdirectory of the given material (e.g. /filaments/PLA/load.g)

2) Change the filament name of the associated tool, so it can be reported back to Duet Web Control

If this code is called without any parameters, RepRapFirmware will report the name of the loaded filament (if any).

1 only supported in RepRapFirmware

2 standard call for bq-Marlin Firmware

M702: Unload filament

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq 1.19 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
This command can be used without any additional parameters.

In contrast to M701 this code is intended to unload the previously loaded filament from the selected tool. RepRapFirmware will do the following when called:

1) Run the macro file "unload.g" in the subdirectory of the given material (e.g. /filaments/PLA/unload.g)

2) Change the filament name of the current tool, so it can be reported back to Duet Web Control

M703: Get Board Type / Configure Filament

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

1. In bq-Marlin Firmware this M-code reports the board type. Use M115 for this in RepRapFirmware.

2. In RepRapFirmware this code is used to apply the configuration of a previously loaded filament (see M701). All it does is run /filaments/<loaded filament>/config.g which may contain codes to set parameters like extrusion factor, retraction distances and temperatures. If no filament is assigned to the current tool, this code will not generate a warning.

If the filaments feature is used, it is recommended to put this code into tpost*.g to ensure the right filament parameters are set. Supported in RepRapFirmware 2.02 and newer.

M710: Erase the EEPROM and reset the board

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq see M999 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

1 only in bq-Marlin Firmware


M750: Enable 3D scanner extension

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

This code may be used as an OEM extension to enable scanner functionality in the firmware. After a regular start of RepRapFirmware, the 3D scan extension is disabled by default, but if additional scanner components are attached, this code may be used to enable certain OEM functions.

M751: Register 3D scanner extension over USB

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

When a 3D scanner board is attached to the USB port, this code is used to turn on communication between the 3D printing and the scanner board. If the USB connection is removed while the 3D scanner configuration is active, the firmware will disable it again and restore the default communication parameters.

M752: Start 3D scan

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Snnn: Length/degrees of the scan
Rnnn: Resolution (new in RRF 2.0) [optional, defaults to 100]
Nnnn: Scanner mode (new in RRF 2.0) [optional, 0=Linear (default), 1=Rotary]
Pnnn: Filename for the scan
M752 S300 Pmyscan

Instruct the attached 3D scanner to initiate a new 3D scan and to upload it to the board's SD card (i.e. in the "scans" directory). Before the SCAN command is sent to the scanner, the macro file "scan_pre.g" is executed and when the scan has finished, the macro file "scan_post.g" is run. Be aware that both files must exist to avoid error messages.

M753: Cancel current 3D scanner action

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Instruct the attached 3D scanner to cancel the current operation. Cancelling uploads is not supported.

M754: Calibrate 3D scanner

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Nnnn Calibration mode (0=linear [default], 1=rotary)

Calibrates the attached 3D scanner. Before the calibration is performed by the external scanner, "calibrate_pre.g" is run and when it is complete, "calibrate_post.g" is executed.

M755: Set alignment mode for 3D scanner

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Pnnn Whether to turn on (> 0) or off (<= 0) the alignment feature
M755 P1
M755 P0

Sends the ALIGN ON/OFF command the attached 3D scanner. Some devices turn on a laser when this command is received. If the 'P' parameter is missing, equal to, or less than 0, the alignment feature is turned off. Depending on whether the alignment is turned on or off, either align_on.g or align_off.g is executed before the ALIGN command is sent to the scanner.

M756: Shutdown 3D scanner

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.18 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Sends the SHUTDOWN command the attached 3D scanner.

M800: Fire start print procedure

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

1 only in bq-Marlin Firmware


M801: Fire end print procedure

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
bq Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? bq
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

1 only in bq-Marlin Firmware


M851: Set Z-Probe Offset

Support Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да 2.02RC5 and later, or use G31 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Sets the Z-probe Z offset. This offset is used to determine the actual Z position of the nozzle when using a probe to home Z with G28. This value may also be used by G29 to apply correction to the Z position.

This value represents the distance from nozzle to the bed surface at the point where the probe is triggered. This value will be negative for typical switch probes, inductive probes, and setups where the nozzle makes a circuit with a raised metal contact. This setting will be greater than zero on machines where the nozzle itself is used as the probe, pressing down on the bed to press a switch. (This is a common setup on delta machines.)

This setting is saved in the EEPROM by M500 and restored by M501. The default (as reset by M502) is set by the Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER setting in Configuration.h.

Note that in Marlin 1.1.0 and later M851 sets the value literally as given, while Marlin 1.0.2 negates the absolute value.

The examples below will set the Z-probe Z offset to -4mm (below the nozzle):

M851 в Marlin 1.0.2
M851 Z4 ; Set the Z probe offset to -4
M851 в Marlin 1.1.0
M851 Z-4 ; Set the Z probe offset to -4
M851 в MK4duo 4.3.25
M851 X2 Y-5 Z-4 ; Set the probe offset to X=2, Y=-5 and Z=-4
M851 в RepRapFirmware 2.02RC5 и позже

M851 Znn is implemented for backwards compatibility with other firmwares. It sets the Z probe trigger in the same way as G31 Z-nn (note the sign reversal). It also flags the Z-probe G31 parameters as to be saved in config-override.g if the M500 command is used.

M876: Dialog handling

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Pnnn signal support for dialog creation on the host = 1, disable = 0
Snnn select dialog option nnn (0 based)
M876 P1
M876 S1

M876 S<n> allows selecting an option of a prompt on a connected host created by the firmware through the corresponding action commands, see G-code#Action_commands. The S parameter is the 0-based index of the chosen option - 0 for the first option provided by the firmware, 1 for the second and so on.

Пример: A prompt with three options defined via the firmware and completed by the host by selecting the second option ("Home X/Y and pause print")

 <<< //action:prompt_begin Filament runout detected. Please choose how to proceed:
 <<< //action:prompt_choice Swap filament
 <<< //action:prompt_choice Home X/Y and pause print
 <<< //action:prompt_choice Abort print
 <<< //action:prompt_show
 >>> M876 S1

To indicate the availability of this function, M115 will add an extra line:


so hosts know about the presence of the function.

M900 Set Linear Advance Scaling Factors

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
1.1.0 use M572 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет

Sets the advance extrusion factors for Linear Advance. If any of the R, W, H, or D parameters are set to zero the ratio will be computed dynamically during printing.

K[factor] Advance K factor
R[ratio] Set ratio directly (overrides WH/D)
W[width] H[height] D[diam] Set ratio from WH/D
M900 K0.7 W0.4 H0.1 D1.75 ; Set K and WH/D ratio
M900 R0.025   ; Set the WH/D ratio directly
M900 R0 ; Set to "auto ratio"

Requires enabling the LIN_ADVANCE feature in Marlin 1.1.

The K factor in the M900 command supported by early versions of Marlin is related to the S factor in the long-established M572 command supported by RepRapFirmware by the following formula:

K = S * extruder_steps_per_mm

More recent versions of Marlin appear to have removed the steps/mm dependency, so now K = S.

M905: Установка локальной даты и времени

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.16 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Pnnn Current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD
Snnn Current time in the format HH:MM:SS
M905 P2016-10-26 S00:23:12

Updates the machine's local date and time or reports them if no parameters are specified. The time should be specified in 24-hours format as in "13:45" instead of 1:45PM.

M906: Set motor currents

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет M907? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
Xnnn X drive motor current
Ynnn Y drive motor current
Znnn Z drive motor current
Ennn E drive(s) motor current(s)
Innn Motor idle current in percent (0..100)
M906 X300 Y500 Z200 E350:350

Sets the currents to send to the stepper motors for each axis. The values are the peak current per phase in milliamps.

The I parameter is the percentage of normal that the motor currents should be reduced to when the printer becomes idle but the motors have not been switched off. The default value is 30%. On delta printers in particular you may need to increase it to e.g. 60% to prevent the carriages from dropping when the current is reduced to the idle value.

M907: Set digital trimpot motor

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Use M906 ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???

Set digital trimpot motor current using axis codes (X, Y, Z, E, B, S). In Repetier, it sets the current in Percent. In Redeem, it sets the current in Amps (whereas M906 uses milliamps).

M908: Control digital trimpot directly

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Да: 0.92 Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

M908 P<pin> S<current>

M909: Set microstepping

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Use M350 Use M350 ??? ??? ??? Use M350 Нет ??? Use M350
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
M909 X3 Y5 Z2 E3

Set the microstepping value for each of the steppers. In Redeem this is implemented as powers of 2 so…

M909 X2 ; set microstepping on X-axis to 2^2 = 4
M909 Y3 ; set microstepping on Y-axis to 2^3 = 8 etc.

M910: Set decay mode

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Use M569 ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Да Нет ??? ???
M910 X3 Y5 Z2 E3

Set the decay mode for each stepper controller The decay mode controls how the current is reduced and recycled by the H-bridge in the stepper motor controller. It varies how the implementations are done in silicone between controllers. Typically you have an on phase where the current flows in the target current, then an off phase where the current is reversed and then a slow decay phase where the current is recycled.

M911: Configure auto save on loss of power ("power panic")

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет 1.20 and later ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Saaa Auto save threshold in volts. The print will be stopped automatically and resume parameters saved if the voltage falls below this value. Set to around 1V to 2V lower than the voltage that appears at the Duet VIN terminals at full load. A negative or zero value disables auto save.
Raaa Resume threshold in volts. Must be greater than the auto save voltage. Set to a high value to disable auto resume.
P"command string" G-Code commands to run when the print is stopped.
M911 S19.8 R22.0 P"M913 X0 Y0 G91 M83 G1 Z3 E-5 F1000"

When the supply voltage falls below the auto save threshold while a print from SD card is in progress, all heaters will be turned off, printing will be stopped immediately (probably in the middle of a move), the position saved, and the specified command string executed. You should typically do the following in the command string:

  • If possible, use M913 to reduce the motor current in order to conserve power. For example, on most printers except deltas you can probably set the X and Y motor currents to zero.
  • Retract a little filament and raise the head a little. Ideally the retraction should happen first, but depending on the power reserve when low voltage is detected, it may be best to do both simultaneously.

M911 with no parameters displays the current enable/disable state, and the threshold voltages if enabled.

Примечание: RepRapFirmware 1.19 used different parameters. You are recommended to upgrade to version 1.20 or later if you wish to use this "power panic" functionality.

M912: Set electronics temperature monitor adjustment

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Temperature monitor channel, default 0
Snnn Value to be added to the temperature reading in degC
M912 P0 S10.5

Many microcontrollers used to control 3D printers have built-in temperature monitors, but they normally need to be calibrated for temperature reading offset. The S parameter specifies the value that should be added to the raw temperature reading to provide a more accurate result.

M913: Set motor percentage of normal current

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
X, Y, Z, E Percentage of normal current to use for the specified axis or extruder motor(s)
M913 X50 Y50 Z50 ; set X Y Z motors to 50% of their normal current
M913 E30:30 ; set extruders 0 and 1 to 30% of their normal current

This allows motor currents to be set to a specified percentage of their normal values as set by M906. It can be used (for example) to reduce motor current during course homing, to make homing quieter or to reduce the risk of damage to endstops, to reduce motor current when using sensorless endstops (motor stall detection), and to reduce current while loading filament to guard against the possibility of feeding too much filament. Use M913 again with the appropriate parameters set to 100 to restore the normal currents.

M914: Set/Get Expansion Voltage Level Translator

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Alligator build only ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? ???
S Expansion voltage signal level, must be 3 or 5
M914 S5 ; set expansion signal level to 5V
M913 ; report expansion signal voltage level

M915: Configure motor stall detection

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn:nnn:... Drive number(s) to configure
X,Y,Z,U,V,W,A,B,C Axes to configure (alternative to using the P parameter)
Snnn Stall detection threshold (-64 to +63, values below -10 not recommended)
Fn Stall detection filter mode, 1 = filtered (one reading per 4 full steps), 0 = unfiltered (default, 1 reading per full step)
Hnnn (optional) Minimum motor full steps per second for stall detection to be considered reliable, default 200
Tnnn (optional) Coolstep control register, 16-bit unsigned integer
Rn Action to take on detecting a stall from any of these drivers: 0 = no action (default), 1 = just log it, 2 = pause print, 3 = pause print, execute macro file /sys/rehome.g, and resume print
M915 P0:2:3 S10 F1 R0
M915 X Y S5 R2

This sets the stall detection parameters and optionally the low-load current reduction parameters for TMC2660, TMC2130 or similar driver chips. Use either the P parameter to specify which driver number(s) you want to configure, or the axis names of the axes that those motors drive (the parameters will then be applied to all the drivers associated with any of those axes).

If any of the S, F, T and R parameters are absent, the previous values for those parameters associated with the specified drivers will continue to be used. If all the parameters are absent, the existing settings for the specified drives will be reported.

See the Trinamic TMC2660 and TMC2130 datasheets for more information about the operation and limitations of motor stall detection.

M916: Resume print after power failure

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

If the last print was not completed and resume information has been saved (either because the print was paused or because of a power failure), then the heater temperatures, tool selection, head position, mix ratio, mesh bed compensation height map etc. are restored from the saved values and printing is resumed.

RepRapFirmware also requires macro file /sys/resurrect-prologue.g to be present on the SD card before you can use M915. This file is executed after the heater temperatures have been set, but before waiting for them to reach the assigned temperatures. You should put commands in this file to home the printer as best as you can without disturbing the print on the bed. To wait for the heaters to reach operating temperature first, use command M116 at the start of the file.

M917: Set motor standstill current reduction

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
X,Y,Z,E Percentage of normal current to use when the motor is standing still or moving slowly, default 100
M917 X70 Y70 Z80 E70:70

Some motor drivers (e.g. TMC2660) allow higher motor currents to be used while the motor is moving than when it is at standstill. This command sets the percentage of the current set by M906 that is to be used when the motor is stationary but not idle, or moving very slowly.

Standstill current reduction is not the same as idle current reduction. The standstill current must be high enough to produce accurate motion at low speeds; whereas the idle current (set using the I parameter in the M906 command) needs only to be high enough to hold the motor position sufficiently so that when the current is restored to normal, the position is the same as it was before the current was reduced to idle.

M918: Configure direct-connect display

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???

This command is used to tell RepRapFirmware about a directly-connected dumb LCD or similar display.

P Directly-connected display type: 0 = none (default), 1 = 128x64 pixel mono graphics display using ST7920 controller
E The number of pulses generated by the rotary encoder per detent. Typical values are 2 and 4. Negative values (e.g. -2 and -4) reverse the encoder direction.
M918 P1 E2

M928: Start SD logging

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
M928 имя_файла.g

Stop SD logging with M29.

M929: Start/stop event logging to SD card

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
P"filename" The name of the file to log to. Only used if the S1 parameter is used. A default filename will be used if this parameter is missing.
Sn S1 = start logging, S0 = stop logging
M929 P"eventlog.txt" S1  ; start logging to file eventlog.txt
M929 S0  ; stop logging

When event logging is enabled, important events such as power up, start/finish printing, most error messages and (if possible) power down will be logged to the SD card. Each log entry is a single line of text, starting with the date and time if available, or the elapsed time since power up if not. If the log file already exists, new log entries will be appended to the existing file.

M997: Perform in-application firmware update

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет
Snnn Firmware module number(s), default 0
M997 S0:1 - update firmware modules 0 and 1

This command triggers a firmware update if the necessary files are present on the SD card. In RepRapFirmware on the Duet series, module numbers are as follows:

0 - main firmware. The firmware filename depends on the controller electronics, e.g.sys/RepRapFirmware.bin (Duet 06/085), sys/Duet2CombinedFirmware (Duet WiFi/Ethernet), sys/DuetMaestroFirmware.bin (Duet Maestro). File sys/iap.bin (Duet), sys/iap4e.bin (Duet WiFi/Ethernet) or sys/iap4s.bin (Duet Maestro) must also be present.

1 - web server firmware, filename sys/DuetWiFiServer.bin

2 - (Duet WiFi running RepRapFirmware 1.18 and earlier only) web server file system, filename sys/DuetWebControl.bin

3 - put the WiFi module into bootloader mode so that firmware can be uploaded directly via its serial port

M998: Запрос повторной отправки строки

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Нет ??? ???
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
Pnnn Номер строки
M998 P34

Request a resend of line 34. In some implementations the input-handling code overwrites the incoming G Code with this when it detects, for example, a checksum error. Then it leaves it up to the GCode interpreter to request the resend.

M999: Перезапуск после остановки по ошибке

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Нет Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет Нет Нет Нет ??? Нет ??? ???
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Pnnn Reset flags1

Restarts the firmware using a software reset.


1The dc42 fork of RepRapFirmware not only resets the board but also puts the board into firmware upload mode if parameter PERASE is present.

Другие команды

G: Список всех G-кодов

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? ???

This lists all implemeted G-codes in the firmware with description and sends it back to the host.
(Note: this has been implemented in Redeem, and so is only a proposal.)

M: List all M-codes

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Нет Нет ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Нет
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Да ??? ??? ???

This lists all implemeted M-codes in the firmware with description and sends it back to the host.
(Note: this has been implemented in Redeem, and so is only a proposition)

T: Select Tool

Поддержка Marlin RepRapFirmware Klipper Prusa Buddy Repetier Smoothie Druid MK4duo
Да Да ??? ??? ??? Да Да ??? Да
grbl Sprinter BFB FiveD Machinekit Redeem Teacup Yaskawa MakerBot
??? Нет ??? Да ??? Да Да ??? ???
This command can be used without any additional parameters.
Pnnn: Bitmap of all the macros to be run (only RRF 1.17b or later)
Номер инструмента

Select tool (or in older implementations extruder) number 1 to build with.

The sequence followed is:

  1. Set the current tool to its standby temperatures specified by G10 (see above),
  2. Set the new tool to its operating temperatures specified by G10 and wait for all temperatures to stabilise,
  3. Apply any X, Y, Z offset for the new tool specified by G10,
  4. Использовать новый инструмент.

Selecting a non-existent tool (100, say) just does Step 1 above1. That is to say it leaves all tools in their standby state. You can, of course, use the G10 command beforehand to set that standby temperature to anything you like.

Note that you may wish to move to a parking position before executing a T command in order to allow the new extruder to reach temperature while not in contact with the print. It is acceptable for the firmware to apply a small offset [by convention (-1mm x tool-number) in Y] to the current position when the above sequence is entered to allow temperature changes to take effect just away from the parking position. Any such offset must, of course, be undone when the procedure finishes.

If the Z value changes in the offsets and the tool moves up, then the Z move is made before the X and Y moves. If Z moves down, X and Y are done first.

Some implementations (e.g. RepRapFirmware) allow you to specify tool-change G Code macros2. There are normally three specified (any of which can contain no commands if desired) that execute in this order:

  1. Actions to do with the old tool before it is released - macro name: tfreeN.g where N is the tool number;
  2. (Old tool is released);
  3. Actions to do with the new tool before it is selected - macro name: tpreN.g where N is the tool number;
  4. (New tool is selected); and
  5. Actions to do with the new tool after it is selected - macro name: tpostN.g where N is the tool number.

With such implementations there is no wait for temperature stabilisation. That can be achieved by an M116 in any of the macros, of course. However be aware that recent RepRapFirmware versions does NOT run any tool change macros if the axes are not homed.

After a reset tools will not start heating until they are selected. You can either put them all at their standby temperature by selecting them in turn, or leave them off so they only come on if/when you first use them. The M0, M1, and M112 commands turn them all off. You can, of course, turn them all off with the M1 command, then turn some back on again. Don't forget also to turn on the heated bed (if any) if you use that trick.

Tool numbering may start at 0 or 1, depending on the implementation. Some implementations (those that use the M563 command to define tools) allow the user to specify tool numbers, so with them you can have tools 17, 99 and 203 if you want. Negative numbers are not allowed.


1 For RepRapFirmware, selecting a non-existent tool also removes any X/Y/Z offset applied for the old tool.

2 Under special circumstances, the execution of those macro files may not be desired. RepRapFirmware 1.17b or later supports an optional P parameter to specify which macros shall be run. If it is abscent then all of the macros above will be run, else you can pass a bitmap of all the macros to be executed. The bitmap of this value consists of tfree=1, tpre=2 and tpost=4.

Предлагаемые коды конфигурации EEPROM

BRIEFLY: each RepRap has a number of physical parameters that should be persistent, but easily configurable, such as extrusion steps/mm, various max values, etc. Those parameters are currently hardcoded in the firmware, so that a user has to modify, recompile and re-flash the firmware for any adjustments. These configs can be stored in MCU's EEPROM and modified via some M-codes. Please see the detailed proposal at M-codes for EEPROM config. (This is proposed by --AlexRa on 11-March-2011. There is currently no working implementation of the proposed commands).

Marlin uses codes M500-M503 to manipulate EEPROM values.

RepRapFirmware uses the config-override.g file on the SD card instead of EEPROM. M500 saves certain values to that file, M501 re-loads them, and M502 loads the values from config.g, ignoring config-override.g.

Sprinter has implemented the following commands to manipulate EEPROM Commit message.

Teacup uses codes M130-M136 to set, read, and save some parameters.

Replies from the RepRap machine to the host computer

All communication is in printable ASCII characters.

Messages sent back to the host computer are terminated by a newline.

The basic protocol responses look like this:

xx [line number to resend] [T:93.2 B:22.9] [C: X:9.2 Y:125.4 Z:3.7 E:1902.5] [Some debugging or other information may be here]

xx can be one of:

  • ok - The RepRap machine is ready to receive the next line from the host.
  • rs or Resend - There was a communication error and the RepRap machine is requesting a resend of the line in question. The line is specified either as N<linenumber> or N:<linenumber>. Примеры: Resend: 123, Resend: N123, rs:123
  • !! or Error: or fatal: (Repetier Firmware) - There was an error. Common communication errors such as checksum mismatch, Last Line: <number> or Wrong checksum, No Checksum with line number, Last Line: <number> or Missing checksum, Line Number is not Last Line Number+1, Last Line: <number> or expected line <number1> got <number2> are recoverable and should immediately be followed by a resend. Other non-fatal errors commonly include Unknown command: "<command>" and several SD related errors such as Cannot open subdir <dir>, SD init fail, volume.init failed, openRoot failed, workDir open failed, open failed, File: <name>, error writing to file, Cannot enter subdir: <dir> and SD read error. Any other errors indicate a hardware fault that will make the RepRap machine shut down immediately after it has sent this message. They should be considered fatal by hosts.
  • wait - The RepRap machine's command buffers are empty and it is waiting for the next line from the host.
  • busy:<reason> - The RepRap machine is busy for some reason and currently cannot receive or process commands through the serial interface from a connected host. Possible reasons are: `processing` (the RepRap machine is busy with processing some lengthy command, like homing, heatup or auto leveling), paused for user (the RepRap machine is paused and awaiting an action by the user via its built in controller unit, e.g. clicking the button), paused for input (the RepRap machine is paused and waiting for input from the user via its built in controller unit, e.g. selecting a menu option). Примеры: busy: processing, busy: paused for user.

The T: and B: values are the temperature of the currently-selected extruder and the bed respectively, and are only sent in response to M105. If such temperatures don't exist (for example for an extruder that works at room temperature and doesn't have a sensor) then a value below absolute zero (-273oC) is returned.

C: means that coordinates follow. Those are the X: Y: etc values. These are only sent in response to M114 and M117.

The RepRap machine may also send lines that look like this:

// This is some debugging or other information on a line on its own. It may be sent at any time.

Such lines will always be preceded by //.

The most common response is simply:


When the machine boots up it sends the string


once to the host before sending anything else. This should not be replaced or augmented by version numbers and the like. M115 (see above) requests those.

Originally, every line sent by RepRap to the host computer except the start line was supposed to have a two-character prefix (one of ok, rs, !! or //). The machine should never send a line without such a prefix. These days, firmwares generally do not adhere to this rule and thus it should be considered obsolete.

Example of a communication error with resend request

>>> are lines sent from the host to the RepRap machine, <<< are lines sent from the RepRap machine to the host.

 >>> N66555 G1 X131.338 Y133.349 E0.0091*91
 <<< ok
 >>> N66556 G1 X131.574 Y133.428 E0.0046*92
 <<< Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 66555
 <<< Resend: 66556
 <<< ok
 >>> N66556 G1 X131.574 Y133.428 E0.0046*92
 <<< ok

Action commands

On the current versions of Pronterface and OctoPrint a special comment of the form:

// action:<command>

is allowed to be sent from the firmware.

As this is also a comment other hosts will just ignore these commands.

Supported commands currently are:

  • pause: Instructs the host to pause the print job
  • resume: Instructs the host to resume the print job
  • disconnect: Instructs the host to disconnect from the printer
  • cancel: Instructs the host to abort the current job
  • out_of_filament T<extruder_id>: Tells host that filament for extruder extruder_id is run out or jammed. Host should issue a pause and can offer better help to user with this. For backward compatibility it should be followed by the pause action.

Additional commands supported by a subset of hosts:

  • paused: Instructs the host that a print job under control of the printer was paused. (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+)
  • resumed: Instructs the host that a print job under control of the printer was resumed. (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+)
  • prompt_begin <message>: Starts the definition of a prompt dialog. <message> is the message to display to the user. (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+ w/ enabled Action Command Prompt support plugin)
  • prompt_choice <text>: Defines a dialog choice with the associated <text>. (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+ w/ enabled Action Command Prompt support plugin)
  • prompt_button <text>: Same as prompt_choice. (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+ w/ enabled Action Command Prompt support plugin)
  • prompt_show: Tells the host to prompt the user with the defined dialog. (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+ w/ enabled Action Command Prompt support plugin)
  • prompt_end: Tells the host to close the dialog (e.g. the user made the choice through the printer directly instead of through the host). (support: OctoPrint 1.3.9+ w/ enabled Action Command Prompt support plugin)
  • probe_rewipe: Displays dialog indicating G29 Probing is Retrying. (support: Lulzbot Cura 3.6+)
  • probe_failed: Cancels print job and displays dialog indicating G29 Probing failed (support: Lulzbot Cura 3.6+)

A host can select a dialog option and finish the dialog via M876 Snnn: G-Code#M876:_Dialog_handling. It can signal support for dialogs via M876 P1.

For a more detailed example of the dialog functionality enabled through the prompt_* set of action commands, see OctoPrint's documentation.

Further notes

1. Marlin 1.0.0 Gen6 Firmware does not follow the two character rule. 'rs' is actually 'Resend' and '!!' is 'Error'. Example Lines:

  • Error: Line Number is not current line + 1. Последняя строка: 7
  • Resend: 8
  • Writing to File: print.gco
  • Done saving file.
  • File opened:print.gco Size:22992
  • File selected

When in the code base did this change take place and what other firmwares are affected?

2. RepRapFirmware responds to some commands with a reply string in JSON format, terminated by a newline. This allows later firmware revisions to include additional information without confusing clients (e.g. PanelDue) that do not expect it, and to make responses self-describing so that the client will not be confused if responses are delayed or lost. The commands affected are:

  • M105 S2 (now deprecated in favour of M408)
  • M105 S3 (now deprecated in favour of M408)
  • M20 S2
  • M36
  • M408

Proposal for sending multiple lines of G-code

So far, this is a proposal, open for discussion.

Problem to solve

When using Marlin firmware or emulating Marlin, each line of G-code sent from the host to the controller is answered with an ok before the next line can be sent without locking communications up. This slows down communication and limits the number of commands that can be sent per second to the printer controller, as the USB stack on the host and the serial interface driver on the Arduino add their own latencies (up to 10 milliseconds). This is not a problem for other controller electronics using native USB such as the Duet, because the standard serial-over-USB drivers provide flow control, so the host software can be configured so as not to wait for the ok.

For more details on this proposal, some suggested solutions and comments, please see GCODE_buffer_multiline_proposal

Альтернативы G-коду

"Основная статья: Firmware/Alternative#alternatives to G-code

Several people have suggested using STEP-NC or some other control language; или, возможно, проектирование совершенно нового языка управления.