Change Firmware Spinter
May 20, 2013 05:37AM
I use Sprinter firmware. I only have thermistor hotend. I don't use thermistor for heatbed. How do you have to change firmware ?
Step motor don't move when I use Pronterface to test.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 20, 2013 08:42AM
The motors should run regardless of whether theres a headbet thermistor. I think you have a faulty RAMPS, probably a short circuit somewhere.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 20, 2013 11:39PM
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 12:12AM
Andrew, I'm not sure how you can justify saying that his electronics are faulty based on the information he's given. That's a bit drastic, and will only cause panic! Sprinter has a safety feature that prevents cold extrusion, and Thanhliem could have plugged his thermistor into the wrong pins.

Thanhliem, which steppers don't move? Just the extruder motor, or the X, Y, and Z motors as well?

Have you plugged in your endstops and homed your machine? My version of Sprinter will not allow the axes to move unless I home them first.

What electronics are you running? The more info you give us, the better we can help diagnose the problem.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 12:42AM
I hooked up:
-Thermistor Hot end. I plugged in T0 in board
- 3 Endstops
- 5 step motors.
All motor don't move.I use RAMPS 1.4.
I don't have thermistor Heat Bed.
I don't understand " home". Can you explain this?
Thank you
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 12:54AM
When the motors "home", it means that they travel until they activate the endstops. The buttons for these (in Pronterface), can be seen below:

If you've never clicked the buttons in the red squares, then it makes sense that your motors will not move.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 01:36AM
I have clicked in it. But motor still don't move.
When i click "connect". I don't see "T: B; @: " below " check temp"
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 02:05AM
Hmm. If you don't see that text underneath the "Check Temp", then something is wrong... Can you upload an image of Pronterface when you click "connect"?

Also, do your motors make any sound when you try to move them?
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 05:31AM
I don't hear any sound. When i use test code. Motor move OK.
I only plugged thermistor hot-end. I think firmware don't permit.
open | download - liem.PNG (124.4 KB)
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 06:54AM
PomeroyB Wrote:
> Andrew, I'm not sure how you can justify saying
> that his electronics are faulty based on the
> information he's given. That's a bit drastic, and
> will only cause panic! Sprinter has a safety
> feature that prevents cold extrusion, and
> Thanhliem could have plugged his thermistor into
> the wrong pins.

This guy has more than one thread open. The bit that convinces me theres a hardware problem is:


i don't hook up RAMPS 1.4 in Arduino. When connect Pronterface with Arduino. It appear: "OK T:0 B:0"
But I hook up RAMPS 1.4 in Arduino . When connect it don't appear: T:0 B:0.
I don't understand. Is RAMPS mistake???

So the firmware is crashing it tries to read the thermistor, but only with the RAMPS attached to the Arduino.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 08:50AM
As we have said in other threads that you keep making

Your issue is the endstops.

Use command M119 to find out what state your end-stops are in.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 01:42PM
When I send any command. Example: I send M105. In pronterface appear: "Sending M105". Don't have any feedback from Pronterface.
Thanks you.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 02:55PM
Andrew, that is interesting. I haven't seen any of the other topics, so this is some new info for me.

Still, I'd be hesitant to rule out a software or firmware issue... If only for the reason that messing with electronics can be much more time consuming and expensive than messing with the firmware.

Given the current information, the steps that I would take are:

Re-flash the board with Sprinter. Maybe there was just a problem the last time it compiled.

If that didn't work, I'd try flashing Marlin. Maybe that particular branch of Sprinter just doesn't like your electronics, for some reason.

If that didn't work, I'd install Pronterface on a different computer, and try it there. Just to mix things up

If that didn't work, then I'd look at the RAMPs board. I'd check for solder bridges and for burnt out traces.

If there were no apparent problems with the electronics, I'd take them to a local hackerspace, or 3DP meet up, and see if any other people have ideas on getting it to work.

Finally, if that didn't work, I'd consider getting some new electronics.

These are all just personal preferences, going from the least amount of effort and cost to the highest effort and cost. I'd give these a try, Thanhliem. If none of these work, then I'm not sure what to tell you... Good luck!
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 08:02PM
He ran test code and the motors are running. I think the hardware are ok. I would also try out Marlin firmware and see if it works.
Re: Change Firmware Spinter
May 21, 2013 08:36PM
What echo do you get in pronterface? The text that is to the right when pronterface is launched. There should be a message with what the error is. If the firmware detects a fault in thermister, such as a low temp, or a max temp then the firmware shuts down. The only ways to continue are to disconnect and then reconnect comm, or press reset button on controller. There also seems to be a command called M999 that can reset it as well.

The bottom line is the thermister setup is incomplete, and firmware will not work without being modified. You can also check the firmware settings in configuration.h look on how to disable thermister all together. There may be a way to not have thermister checks.
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