I bought a RepRap with a listing error stating 110'C instead of the 70'C it can actually achieve. with insulation i can get 95.
Do i even need a hot surface if i use HDPE/ PET/ FR4 print substrate and ABS slurry?
I have measured the resistance at about 1.8 but my multimeter 0.4Ohm at zero resistance (i.e. copper) i.e. inaccurate.
The PSU is rated at 20 Amps, i am heating an 270x210x210 aluminium plate.
Can my PSU at 20A max actually heat such a large print surface to 100'C?
Perhaps i should do away with the hot bed and apply some resistors straight onto the aluminium plate?
Perhaps i should keep the hotbed and put 80W of resistors at front and back margin of the alu? (it's 270 long and the heat bed is 200)
Should i do a solution with a new power supply and the old one combined, so i can just plug 12V straight into a secondary heater on the bed, and have like a power boost feature that takes it up to about 70'C? At least i wouldnt risk discovering that the 20A PSU isnt enough for a 270x210x210 aluminium board.
I am rather lost with all this.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2015 07:08AM by skynetprinter.