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Makerbot stepper driver v3.3 question

Posted by HereIgoAgain 
Makerbot stepper driver v3.3 question
February 23, 2011 02:55PM
Ok so my Mendel with Makerbot gen 3 electronics:

3 x Stepper Motor Driver v2.3 Fully Assembled
1 x Extruder Controller v2.2 Fully Assembled
1 x RepRap Motherboard v1.2 Fully Assembled

is almost ready. However, while playing with stuff I managed to smoke one of the v2.3 stepper motor drivers and have since learned that it is probably impossible to ever get another one. Today I see there is now a v3.3 version of the stepper motor driver available on eBay. Reading their information

The Gen4 stepper is designed to be compatible with both the Gen3 and Gen4 motherboards. That is why we have included a 10-pin IDC connector with the stepper driver kit. If want to use the Gen4 stepper driver with the old Gen3 electronics, put a 10-pin IDC connector on a 6-pin IDC connector as shown.

I'd like to think,that I could replace my burned v2.3 stepper motor driver with the new and improved v2.4 by just replacing the 10pin with the 6 pin. However, after having spent the better part of a day figuring out how to make the rj45 connector on my v2.3 driver work with the v1.2 mechanical endstops I'm a bit skeptical. So my questions are: Am I right in believing I can just replace one of my stepper drivers with this newer model and where are the connections for the endstops on this new board ??

I'd like to get one of these running before I jump too far into adaptions and changes

thanks in advance for any ideas
Re: Makerbot stepper driver v3.3 question
February 23, 2011 10:52PM
If you are interested. I just replaced a v2.3 stepper motor with a Pololu. It still works fine, I just needed more steps.
Re: Makerbot stepper driver v3.3 question
February 25, 2011 05:02PM
If you can solder you can replace the chip on the stepper driver. That will save you some cash seeing the chip is $5.81 from digikey.

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