Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 11, 2018 01:07AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Wanted to play with RRF on a MKS SBASE 1.3.
No network and I use Pronterface via USB to talk to the board/printer.
Last week, I installed the "firmware-SMOOTHIEBOARD", managed to bring the machine to live (motor, endstop, heater ...).
Now, I just replaced it by your latest: firmware-MKSBASE and nada, yes, the firmware changed to .cur, I can connect via Pronterface but when trying to home, error msg can't find the G code ( home ....) although they are there as before ?
M21 command returns SD card not usable ? (2G Sandisk)
Changed it for an other one (8G ) and it is seen, so home, motor etc... OK
So the firmware can load from the SD but can't read it ??????
PS: Would be nice to have a separate sub forum for RRF, like for Marlin
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 11, 2018 01:14AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Most discussion about RepRapFirmware takes place on the Duet3D forum, []. There is a subsection for RRF on non-Duet controllers there. I'll leave it up to @sdavi to decide whether he wants to use that, or continue here, or request a forum for RRF here - perhaps with your support.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 11, 2018 04:23AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 11, 2018 11:43AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Hopefully I've tracked down that odd SDCard issue.
Uploaded new binaries - this update sends an extra 8 SPI clock cycles before sending the commands to the card and all my cards are now working.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 11, 2018 05:22PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
OK, it works.
As I use USB, not the network (no WIFI on the MKS), will the SD card be able to be accessed from the PC/USB (saw in the first post it isn't currently possible))? I want to copy from PC to the SD via USB then initiate the print from it.
I don't like to print from my PC via USB.
I also have the MKS TFT32, is it supported ? Would be nice, the SD card slot in it is for the normal size, easier to handle than the tiny microSD on the MKS board.
PS: To compare to Smoothieware, I tried to reload it and it doesn't load anymore ??? I can sill reload RRF though (I did the upgrade OK). Did you modify the bootloader ?
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 12, 2018 01:29AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
No, RRF does not show up as a storage device on the PC.
I've not see the MKS TFT32 before. From what I can see, it appears to be a standalone device that acts as a host ?
The firmware does not modify the bootloader. To load smoothieware just copy a smoothie firmware.bin to the card like usual and power up the board.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 12, 2018 03:05AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
-Yes, I noticed. I was asking if it was planned. It is quite convenient as one can modify the config, macros, load print job easily from the PC. Not everyone wants to use the Ethernet and is it currently OK for this board ?
- Indeed, the TFT32 is just that, a bit clumsy but comes handy as it allows to prepare, monitor, start jobs standalone. Has a regular SD card easier to handle than the micro plus a USB stick reader. Usually sold as a bundle with the MKS SBASE.
I bought this for cheap. Wanted to try a 32bit controller without wasting my kid's inheritance
-Did that. May be I got unlucky. Will try with an other SD card.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 12, 2018 12:53PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
If the display uses UART, then the AUX serial in RRF is configured for the UART pins on the LPC. I've not actually tested the AUX interface, but i do use the UART (but as the main serial device) on my mbed board so I know the UART code does function correctly. According to RRF GCode Documentation M575 can be used to configure the serial device, so maybe something like M575 P1 B57600 S0 might work (i'm assuming the display doesn't support checksums?, and replacing with the baud rate it expects).
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 13, 2018 01:44AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
I put M575 P1 B115200 S0 in config.g (speed as In smoothiefirmawre no checksum), doesn't work
With P0 I can't connect via the USB anymore, so P0 is indeed for USB
Looking at the MKS schematic, the TFT is connected to TXD0, RXD0 (pin 98 P0[2], 99 P0[3])
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 13, 2018 02:26AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 13, 2018 05:35AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
I hooked up my FTDI board to the UART today, and funnily enough there was a issue with the UART code in the lib i was using, looks like it was running at the wrong baud rate, i've swapped out the code that sets the baud rate with the mbed library version and that has fixed that.
However, unfortunately it doesn't help you with your TFT board as it appears as though the AUX serial in RRF only replies to the M408 command - it will accept and run other commands just not directly send back the response. So unless the TFT can talk "paneldue" (the json responses from M408) it doesn't look like it will work at this stage.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 13, 2018 07:10AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Will the fixed MKSBASE ver be released soon here ?
PS: If the combo MKS SBASE TFT32 works with RRF, it could boost it. Not top notch hardware but dirt cheap and could be an incentive to go for something better later. Smoothieware is OK but not that much activity and new releases are said not to be able to run on MKS due to clock speed differences.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 13, 2018 09:59AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 13, 2018 09:50PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
TFT is not yet working. Just tried different speed, (in config.g) not the Marlin emulation mode.
BTW, can these commands be issued on the Pronterface console or are they handled just at startup time ?
Too bad I don't have anything to analyze the traffic on these TX RX !
An other issue is that Pronterface works OK but Repetier acts strangely. I can connect, get status, set hotend, heater temp, read it but when I issue the home command, it answers gibberish and cn't communicate anymore ?
Can't say it was working with previous .bin, didn't try.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 14, 2018 01:07PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 14, 2018 06:13PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Set the TFT for Marlin emul, serial stays 115200
Issued serial debug command via Pronterface, commands (home, set heat ...) sent from pronterface are indeed echoed back but when issued from the TFT, one, two char are echoed back. Funny but when pressing home a few time on the TFT, I can see a G, 8 , 2 , one char per command but erratic order. Looks like G28 is really sent ?????
I tried 57600 too. Same behavior.
On the MKS SBASE board schematic there are CTS and RTS but can't see where they connect on the processor, no mention if they are used or not ?
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 16, 2018 05:42AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 16, 2018 12:47PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 16, 2018 11:49PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
@sdavi, if your new binaries are based on the RRF 2.02RC6 release, you should have around 1.7K extra RAM available. I was able to reduce the stack size of the Main task in RC6, because it no longer needs such a large buffer for GCode replies.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 17, 2018 02:04AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Binaries updated again.
I think the AUX serial should be working properly now. This is experimental so be sure not to leave unattended especially if trying to print over that interface (only tested with RRF running in simulation mode). It is at least working with a PC host application so hopefully the TFT will work now too.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 17, 2018 03:40AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 17, 2018 09:32AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 14,685 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 18, 2018 01:11AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 18, 2018 11:19AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 18, 2018 07:04PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 18, 2018 09:45PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Latest MKS bin works OK so far.
Just for Repetier that is OK with all debug option off yet still hangs as before when any debug option is on.
Just an annoyance as far as I am concerned.
I print off line from the TFT32 standard SD (easier to handle than the microSD on the MKS SBASE).
Is the network version stable as of now ? I may give it a try in the near future although no Wifi on the MKS.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 20, 2018 02:17AM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 20, 2018 03:14AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
Some question for you or DC42
The MKS uses 8825 drivers (I start to dislike them BTW ! ), not the same drivers as the Duet board, so how is the proper Vref for the 8825 determined from the M906 command to set the current specified ?
Did you change the formula or may be, luckily , it is the same as for the Duet ?
How is the command M305 handled (microstepping interpolation? Note on the MKS only one jumper to select 1/16 or 1/32 that affects ALL drivers. For the extruder I would like to try different microsteps.
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 20, 2018 12:39PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 1,007 |
Some question for you or DC42
The MKS uses 8825 drivers (I start to dislike them BTW ! ), not the same drivers as the Duet board, so how is the proper Vref for the 8825 determined from the M906 command to set the current specified ?
Did you change the formula or may be, luckily , it is the same as for the Duet ?
How is the command M305 handled (microstepping interpolation? Note on the MKS only one jumper to select 1/16 or 1/32 that affects ALL drivers. For the extruder I would like to try different microsteps.
For the LPC port, boards that can support software current control, the vref is set using the conversion factor defined in the variant header file by the variable "digipotFactor" - that is a fixed value for the board (based on the smoothie config for the MKSSBase it seems to be the same as Smoothieboard which is the value I used). You can just use M906 to set the desired current without worrying about formulas etc.
As for *M350, it has no effect when run on these boards since microstepping (if configurable) is set via hardware jumpers/solder pads. If you change the microstepping jumper you just need to update the steps per mm for the axes.
The 8825 drivers do need to be properly configured with M569 in the config.g as they require longer pulses to function correctly, there was a table earlier in this thread that has some common driver settings. Pulse settings are passed using the T param of M569. This is the setting for drive 0 I used on my AzteegX5 which also has 8825 drivers: M569 P0 S0 T1.9:1.9:0.65:0.65
Re: LPC port of RepRapFirmware December 20, 2018 07:49PM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 341 |
- MKS blatantly copied/adapted/stole most Smoothie designs but selected different drivers. Therefore I wonder if they have really chosen Rsense in order to get the same formula.(formula is a bit pompous, just basic arithmetic ) to match the one used by the Smoothieboard.
I managed to measure the Vref (all is so tiny and under power, risky ) and when I refer to MKS schematic and 8825 doc, I have some doubt. Note it could be due to the "idle" mode and therefore reduced current.
Could you give me the formula you use ? So I don't have to look in the code for it and the variable digipotFactor ?
- M350, So I suppose you totally ignore this command, which makes sense. I was just checking.
- I know about the different pulse settings and defined them OK. Fact is, the more I play, the more I realize these 8825 suck.