Repetier with panelmax LCD/SD
May 17, 2014 08:18AM
wondering if anyone has experience with setting up the firmware for use with the panelmax. I've built one but overlooked the fact that it mainly has setup for Marlin (newbieee!).
I much prefer Repetier so am keen to see if I can get it working with firmware 0.91 and RAMPS 1.4

I've been using the following for wiring:

Basically, the LCD connects to RAMPS board on AUX2, the SC card on AUX3 and the rotary encoder on the SERVOS port. He does a nasty hack, soldering onto the ramps board to get a reset connection, but it seems that another pin on Aux2 or Aux3 could be used for a kill switch.

I've looked at the firmware configurator for 0.91 but haven't found an option that is similar to the way that panelmax connects, and looked through some of the source but struggle a bit with it, so some hints/tips would be helpful.
Re: Repetier with panelmax LCD/SD
May 20, 2014 02:37AM
It is no big deal, also it is not preconfigured. You could use the user defined display and define your pins etc. in uiconfig.h or you go the easy way and select e.g. the reprapdiscount smart controller (which has id 2) and change in ui.h to pins for the display to the one you used. sd card should work except perhaps sd detect pin.

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