Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 02:19AM

i bought a 0.3 mm hot end kit and assembled it.

Now i want to print and dont know what slic3r settings i have to change. Of course the noozle diameter setting, but i think it will be not the only setting to change.....

Can someone help me and post the settings?


Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 02:35AM
You probably want to make the layer height a bit lower, somewhere around 0.15-0.20. Also, you may need to change the extrusion widths under print settings -> advanced. I am not sure what the defaults are there (I think they have changed over time), but if there are any absolute values (like "0.5" or "0.8"), multiply them with about 0.6 to match the change in nozzle size. If any of them are "0" or a percentage, you leave them as is as Slic3r should figure it out based on nozzle size and layer height.
At least, that should be enough to start printing and see how it goes. Might be you need to fiddle a bit with the extrusion widths to get things looking as good as possible.
Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 05:51AM
Thanks, i will so this an test the settings
Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 12:20PM
Thanks, i will so this an test the settings

Let me know how you get on please, my 0.3mm hot end kit turned up today and I hoping to put it together tomorrow.



Pointy's Things
Pointy's Blog
Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 04:21PM

So i tested the settings. My opinion is that the Lines Are not close enough together to make a good surface. So the Start of printing is a very critical Event.

Does someone a Hint for us to reduce the size between Lines????
Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 04:41PM

So i tested the settings. My opinion is that the Lines Are not close enough together to make a good surface. So the Start of printing is a very critical Event.

Does someone a Hint for us to reduce the size between Lines????

Is it just the first layer that has the lines too far apart? If so then you are starting the print with the nozzle too far above the bed.

Otherwise, try increasing the extrusion factor. You can do this in the slic3r filament settings. Alternatively, if you are running my firmware version 0.65f-dc42 then you can adjust the extrusion factor before or during printing using the M221 command. For example, M221 S110 will increase the extrusion factor to 110% of its normal value, which will make the lines thicker.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2014 04:41PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 05:58PM
If it's just the first layer that is too thin, you can set a wider extrusion just for that, under Print Settings -> Advanced -> First layer. You can increase that (100% - 120% - 150% and up) until it seems solid. No idea what the "auto" value is though...
Re: Slic3r Profile for 0.3mm Noozle
June 12, 2014 11:23PM

it seems that all solid layers has this. So i will try your advices.
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