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Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build

Posted by djinn5150 
Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 11:11AM
Hello all, thought I would document my in progress SmartRap Core build. I was going to wait till I had all parts printed to start this but it seems my hotend's heater cartridge may be going out. So while I troubleshoot/wait for parts I'll get started here.
Here is what I have printed so far, never mind the rods in the image those are just for test fiting smiling smiley

STLs for the parts I am using:

NOTE: These parts are built from version 1.01 located on Youmagine, configured with 8MM Rods for all AXIS and a board thickness of 12.5 rendered at 32 quality. Full build plate exported then split in cura to make the files you see here
My goals for this build will be as follows

Build Volume Target: 200 x 200 x 200
Rods: 8MM Drill Rod, Most likely will run PLA bushing but I am going to give the bearings another go
Box board thickness: 12.5mm
PSU: 430w ATX PC Power Supply
Heated Bed: Mk2B @ 12v
Hot End(s): 1: All Metal E3D V6 knock-off 2:J-Head MKV-IV
Control Board:Ramps 1.4/Arduino Mega
Drive GT2 w/ 16T on XY and 20T on Z
Steppers: 17pm-k402-p4v by Minebea Motor
Drivers: DRV8825 @ 1/32 Microstepping (May have to go with 1/16 to keep from bogging down the arduino mega)
LCD: 128x64 w/ SD card
Endstops: X/Y :Optical, will start with mechanical because I have those on hand. Z: 18x8 inductive proximity sensor
Extruder: Either Dual Wades(most likely, or Reg's since its a bit more compact) Or Dual AirTrippers(most likely not I have had 0 luck with my Mk7 drive gear so I'll get an Mk8 to try, if it gives me hassles I will be done)
Firmware: Kind of depends on how my Drivers play with Marlin, if they play nice and 1/32 works ok it will be Serge's version in the github, if not Repiteir Firmware
Control: Either OctoPrint or Repetier Server running on a RaspberryPI B+ (if I can figure out my hanging issues, if not either of the 2 running on a dedicated laptop)

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome, I learned just about everything I now from this group here so I value your input, even If I haven't been active in a while smileys with beer

Also any help on calculating the belt length would be very helpfull, best I can tell from the pics if I go with circumference of the box x2 I think I will be ok.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2015 04:17PM by djinn5150.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 12:46PM
What do you think your box size will be?

Might look at this belt drive extruder Modicum v1 Geared Belt Extruder

Do you mind zipping up your STL's and posting them here?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2015 12:47PM by madmike8.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 12:58PM
Was actually thinking about putting the stl's up on youmagine as well but I will definately post them here. There are a few problems with the design for 8mm rods but I think its workable, I might redesign the "head" when I do my work for dual extruders but for now It will be single to get it up and running. As for the box so far I haven't really calculated that out, I am somewhat thinking I want to use my current rods I have on my mix G1 / i3 cross without cutting so I have to fine tune my box still, if I manage that I actually should have a larger build volume available, as It was cut for a 12x18x12 estimated. But the heated bed is 200x200. I will take a look at that extruder, but I'll be honest my wades have never let me down and I am quite fond of them at this point lol. But I will take a look at the link you provided.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 01:46PM
I already have 8mm rods and lm8uu bearings, so that's where I'd like to start too. I guess I need to print up the parts and see how much space the parts will take over the build area.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 02:20PM
Redneck mathing it... An oversized box 24"x24" and a z of 18" best guess is a little under 6 meters of belting...

How many 608 bearings? What length on the M8 bolts?

I see that serge has updated the plates on thingiverse to help with the 8mm head version.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2015 02:24PM by madmike8.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 03:51PM
Best guess on the oversize for parts is 55mm over build for the X Rods, 65mm over build for the Y rod, Zrod is 100 over build volume.
Side boards are 65mm + board thickness +rod length L
Back is 110mm + Xrod L
Height is Z-Rod +40mm
bottom is back+boardthickiness*2 x side board L

M8's should be 40mm

608zz x 9 not counting extruder idler

So given those #'s My box should be 584mm x 522mm x 420mm, which should give me a build volume capability of 395x395x280 WOW bigger then I thought, maybe I will cut the rods lol
thats about yeah 6meters of belts. That might be a bit big but only weight moving around is the heads so may not be so bad, minus probably 50mm in the x for the extra print head. I plan on using a T cut out of 12.5mm mdf to mount the heated bed on, with the outrunners of the "T" on the far end of the build plate, this will orient the wiring for the print head close to the z carriage.

Even without the heated bed thats a long distance to hang glass out off that carriage..yeah I think i will cut the rods at least in the y direction, only need to keep space for the extra print head in the X. Here shortly I will edit my OP to include the STL's I am using grinning smiley
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 04:13PM
Thanks for the information. So, I'm thinking 300mm rods in all directions... So 435mm x 377mm x 400mm box.

What percentage of infill did you print your parts?
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 04:29PM
Using Cura I set shell thickness at 1.2mm Top/Bottom shells at 1.2mm infill at 45% with .3mm layers,

300MM in all directions would make Z on the box 340 with a 200mm build height

Just updated OP with stls grinning smiley A few things you should know if you havent been following the youmagine comments.

The rod support on the motors is a bit thin, the motor will compensate for this but the print doesnt make a complete "circle"
The screws holes for the hot end mount will hit the linear bearings at about 4mm depth into plastic, so they wont have much grip, might want to re-enforce with some glue one things are calibrated. Or if you can get them loaded into say meshmixer and thicken up the mount a bit to offset the location of the screw holes let me know, my meshmixer crashes as of late whenever I open anything
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 01, 2015 10:20PM
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 02, 2015 12:51PM
ok, I'm an idiot... just figured out the jscad also calculated wood size and rod lengths... so...

1/2" thick MDF wood - 12.7mm
back 410mm x 340mm
left 357mmx 340mm
right 357mm x 340mm
bottom 434mm x 357mm

300mm length rods on all axis

build area 245mm W x 200mm H x 235mm D
300mm rods in all directions

That will work...
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 02, 2015 01:25PM

So been playing around with this, this morning. Still have to figure out a way to beef up the "head" mounting holes to support extra weight. Went with 30mm fans to save space, might need to move them down a few mm instead of right on clamp to get cooling on heads proper. Check your actuall board too for thickness, mine was 12.5 Lumber getting more and more undersized every year lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2015 01:28PM by djinn5150.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 02, 2015 03:31PM
Good Work... I'll check on the lumber...

Serge moved the holes for the head for to fix the 8mm rods in the latest revision of the jscad. You might want to reprint that part.
Hopefully the motor/rod part won't matter since the rod rest against the motor...
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 02, 2015 05:10PM
ho.. was a long long time i didn't come here. i'm sorry about that .

some smartrapcore going on here ?

sounds good.. i hope you will enjoy ?

I will come read a ilttle more , if i can help smiling smiley

the Smartrap project

doc assemblage: [reprap.org]
NEW: Forum smartfriendz: [smartraptalk.smartfriendz.com]
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 02, 2015 05:11PM
Good call on the github update, had not checked there yet. I think the motor/rod will be just fine, if we were running direct drive up there, maybe not but virtually no weight to deal with.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 02, 2015 10:56PM
Wow, Missed your comments Serge, sorry we posted at roughly the same time. Glad to see the 8mm rod fix on the head. Do you have any thoughts on my design for dual hot-ends? smileys with beer I am super excited about this build, Just got my 18x8 proximity sensor in today, did a lil testing. It picks up the heated bed through glass @ 5v. Sweet

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2015 10:57PM by djinn5150.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 04, 2015 01:25PM
Can you post link to inductive sensor you got?
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 04, 2015 04:40PM
I've seen your double extruder !! It's next in my list smiling smiley good job. I want to try that for such long time ... i've never had time to do. but now.. i can try at last.

If you worked in openjscad, please use the github with a pull request ? it woul be cool to integrate those options in the main file smiling smiley

i'm happy you got a sensor working @ 5v. My first one worked, so i ordered 50..then they didn't work sad smiley so i use a resistor bridge now at 12v.. it works perfectly.

the Smartrap project

doc assemblage: [reprap.org]
NEW: Forum smartfriendz: [smartraptalk.smartfriendz.com]
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 04, 2015 08:10PM
Can you post link to inductive sensor you got?

[www.amazon.com] Got it off amazon but that model is availabe on ebay as well

Unfortunately I modeled that up in Inventor, but fortunately I want to learn openscad soooo.... I will see what I can come up with, time to learn lol, pretty simple part so shouldnt be too hard. For what its worth that is using 30mm fan's not 40's to save space, and it has some issues once I printed it, the I am thinking an additional 60mm in required width to allow room for both heads to reach both sides of build plate.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 04, 2015 08:49PM
What is the precision of these sensors in microns?
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 01:23AM
What is the precision of these sensors in microns?

Honestly I have no clue at this point, they are intended to trip at 8mm on thicker metal then what we are using, unfortunately I have no dial gauge and I have yet to run any repeated probes to check for variances. Data sheets for these are pretty much non existent, at least that I can find.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 06:54AM
unfortunately I have no dial gauge and I have yet to run any repeated probes to check for variances.

When you manage to run the probes, if you post the results I will be very thankful.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 10:55AM
unfortunately I have no dial gauge and I have yet to run any repeated probes to check for variances.

When you manage to run the probes, if you post the results I will be very thankful.

Ask and ye shall recieve spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

My estimate is +/- 200 microns but considering its only sensing aluminum foil it might be more accurate with and aluminum build plate. Might also have something to do with the fact I am under driving it at 5v vs the recommended 6-36v But I will say I am very happy with that over the old micro-switch/servo combo.

07:26:48.787 : N360624 G28 X0 Y0 *7
07:26:48.787 : N360625 G1 X100 Y95 F3000 *101
07:26:48.787 : N360626 G1 Z5 *112
07:26:48.787 : N360627 G30 *12
07:26:48.787 : N360628 G92 Z0 *65
07:26:51.990 : N360629 G1 Z5 *127
07:26:51.990 : N360630 G30 *10
07:26:51.990 : N360631 G1 Z5 *118
07:26:51.990 : N360632 G30 *8
07:26:59.888 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: 0.01
07:26:59.888 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:0.01
07:26:59.888 : N360633 G1 Z5 *116
07:26:59.888 : N360634 G30 *14
07:26:59.888 : N360635 G1 Z5 *114
07:26:59.888 : N360636 G30 *12
07:27:04.951 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: 0.00
07:27:04.951 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:0.00
07:27:04.951 : N360637 G1 Z5 *112
07:27:04.951 : N360638 G30 *2
07:27:09.995 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: 0.00
07:27:09.995 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:0.00
07:27:09.995 : N360639 G1 Z5 *126
07:27:09.995 : N360640 G30 *13
07:27:15.010 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: 0.00
07:27:15.010 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:0.00
07:27:15.104 : N360641 G1 Z5 F500 *34
07:27:20.120 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: 0.00
07:27:20.135 : N360642 G30 *15
07:27:20.135 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:0.00
07:27:20.135 : N360643 G1 Z5 *115
07:27:25.181 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.02
07:27:25.181 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.02
07:27:25.181 : N360644 G30 *9
07:27:25.181 : N360645 G1 Z5 *117
07:27:30.313 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.00
07:27:30.313 : N360646 G30 *11
07:27:30.313 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.00
07:27:30.313 : N360647 G1 Z5 *119
07:27:30.313 : N360648 G30 *5
07:27:35.422 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.02
07:27:35.438 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.02
07:27:35.438 : N360649 G1 Z5 *121
07:27:35.438 : N360650 G30 *12
07:27:40.547 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.01
07:27:40.547 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.00
07:27:40.641 : N360651 G1 Z5 *112
07:27:40.641 : N360652 G30 *14
07:27:45.672 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.00
07:27:45.672 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.00
07:27:50.704 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.00
07:27:50.704 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.00
07:27:55.737 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.00
07:27:55.737 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.00
07:28:00.831 : Bed X: 100.00 Y: 95.00 Z: -0.00
07:28:00.831 : echo:endstops hit:  Z:-0.00

Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 11:04AM

I have almost got the dual end completed in openscad cool smiley Thanks for giving me the motivation to figure it out finally, I never realized how simple it is. As it sits now the code is pretty messy and static, I will be working on cleaning it up this afternoon and going parametric to allow the end user to choose between fan size, sensor size, and hot-end mount size. I am also trying to find a place to add "cooling" fans for the parts but may be down the line.

I've attached the file hotend_dual.scad if anyone wants to take a look and offer any advice, I am such a n00b on openscad, and I am sure my fan mounts are incorrect at this point.

When I get it to a place I am happy with I will run a pull request on the github
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 11:16AM
My estimate is +/- 200 microns

Many thanks.

Am I wrong or it is +/- 20 microns (instead of 200) ?

200 is bad (about as much as the average layer height), on the other hand 20 microns is definitely more than acceptable.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2015 11:17AM by cristian.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 11:30AM
My estimate is +/- 200 microns

Many thanks.

Am I wrong or it is +/- 20 microns (instead of 200) ?

200 is bad (about as much as the average layer height), on the other hand 20 microns is definitely more than acceptable.

No you are right, only first cup of coffee as I was running that and posting results, saw .2 instead of .02 smh, back to the brewpot drinking smiley
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 11:50AM
I haven't looked at yours yet, but Serge has his original hotend mount in OpenSCAD on the github site. Is your mount made to work with the updated head design? Or is the updated head the same mounting as the previous one? I haven't had time to really look at either. I still have to finish up my current project first...

I'm also thinking of using the XY part of this for my laser engraver project... I already have a 18" x 18" x 6" metal box to build it in.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2015 11:50AM by madmike8.
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 01:43PM
I didn't see just the hot end mount in the openscad folder, I'll have to look again. Yes it's compatible with the current head design just wider then the single. Very interested in adding an engraver to this, ya know one could use the second hot end space to hold a diode, or even slip it around behind between the heads for an all in one machine. Had to get the gears turning didn't you? I think all that would really need to be metal would be the build platform. Add a safety glass door and voila. Hmmmmmmm
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 03:21PM
ha, thank you djin.. The thing is. the smartrapcore is made with openjscad and not openscad . Its quiet easy to trnsfrom though. I've used jscad because i intent to do online stuff..like dynamic documentation (following the model ) , etc.. openscad is more for offline use.

but it's great.. and yes. when you know what you want to do, it's quiet simple smiling smiley

by the way, my openscad file is completely out of order.. i should even remove it. All devs are made in openjscad. You can see it at youmagine : [www.youmagine.com] . This is where the real source file is ( copy of github).

the Smartrap project

doc assemblage: [reprap.org]
NEW: Forum smartfriendz: [smartraptalk.smartfriendz.com]
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 05, 2015 05:32PM
Meh, tought myself openscad what's a lil java too lol, ill redo it grinning smiley
Re: Djinn5150's SmartRap Core Build
March 06, 2015 06:48PM
And we have a frame, 489 x 372 x 340, time to decide on some colors.

I'm kind of leaning towards white interior, maybe purple ext to match my purple parts...hmmm More then anything just want to seal the wood so I don't get a bunch of swelling in my humid house, you be amazed how much humidity is brought around by 200 gallons worth of fish tanks lol
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