Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 12:03PM
Hey guys,

I'm trying to get LCD bed leveling sorted but it doesn't appear to be playing ball...

I've got it set to probe 9 points after homing; first point position is perfect, but after clicking to move to the next point, the x carriage goes straight past the bed's max and ends up crashing into the other side of the frame.

Would one of you kind folk mind having a sift through my config and point out where I'm going wrong?

Using an Anet A8 printer with RAMPS 1.4/Arduino MEGA2560 and an inductive sensor


open | download - Configuration.h (55.2 KB)
open | download - Configuration_adv.h (45.2 KB)
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 02:55PM
I would ask if you installed the 3 jumpers on your ramps under Drivers. (""If I have found the right Anet A8 video''')

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2018 05:30PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 03:58PM
Hey Roberts_Clif,

I can confirm that all 3 jumpers are under each of the stepper drivers on my board. They were already installed when I received the RAMPS 1.4 board and I've just done a sanity check to ensure they are all fitted properly. Hasn't changed the situation unfortunately!
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 05:54PM
Lets see if we can make some distance measurements. (they don't have to be exact but close would be good.)

Can you move the XY and Z Axis using the LCD manually.

Lets start with 2 inches (50.8mm)
Set any start location using masking tape mark the position of the nozzle.
Using the LCD move the nozzle 50.8mm and mark the distance then measure how far it moved.
Is the measured distance and the display distance approximately same.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 05:55PM
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {200, 200, 800, 280 }

What stepper drivers do you have fitted ?
How did you come by these settings, X Y steps seem rather high.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 06:20PM
Lets see if we can make some distance measurements. (they don't have to be exact but close would be good.)

Can you move the XY and Z Axis using the LCD manually.

Lets start with 2 inches (50.8mm)
Set any start location using masking tape mark the position of the nozzle.
Using the LCD move the nozzle 50.8mm and mark the distance then measure how far it moved.
Is the measured distance and the display distance approximately same.

XY and Z axis can be adjusted with the LCD no problem.

Just did a measurement with the X about 20mm into the bed, went the 50.8mm and measured 5.75 inches of movement! Looks like we've found the culprit! How would I fix this?
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 06:23PM
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {200, 200, 800, 280 }

What stepper drivers do you have fitted ?
How did you come by these settings, X Y steps seem rather high.

Hey obewan,

I have default Anet steppers which I believe are just Nema 17's

I'll be honest and admit I've just grabbed those config settings from that Game On guy (the same guy Roberts_Clif linked me to) I left the settings as-is as they looked correct with him also using an Anet A8. What settings would you suggest?
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 27, 2018 07:22PM
I though you already had your configuration.h, asked if you had the three jumpers installed video showed. Should have just posted the Jumper Image.

Prusa calculator is here


Triffid Hunter's Calibration Guide

Would Need more information in order give you Default Axis numbers.
Lead screw diameter and Pitch - PITCH (distance of rise for one full rotation)
Belt Pitch and Gear number of teeth

Below I have numbers for all Nema 17 Leadscrew Pitch, a 20 tooth 2mm pitch belt driven Y-Axis and X-Axis for my Prusa Hic i3, and Extruder number

// Typical stepper motors have 200 steps per full step/rev = 1.8°/step, so 1/16 microstepping = STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_E = 3200
// X-Y Axis 3200, / 20 tooth, / 2mm pitch Belt = 200*16 / 20 / 2 = 80 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_X / IDLER_TEETH_X / BELT_PITCH_X)
// Z Axis 3200, / 1.25mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /1.25 = 2560 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
// Z Axis 3200, / 2mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /2 = 1600 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
// Z Axis 3200, / 4mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /4 = 800 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
// Z Axis 3200, / 8mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /8 = 400 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
Example of My Numbers which are a fairly common Prusa i3 number set.
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 400, 94.4962144 }

(Though we may have to calculate all numbers if none was provided with Anet A8 kit. unless we find some with the same setup you have)

What is the Anet A8 you have can look see if can find.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2018 07:30PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 28, 2018 10:26AM
I though you already had your configuration.h, asked if you had the three jumpers installed video showed. Should have just posted the Jumper Image.

Prusa calculator is here


Triffid Hunter's Calibration Guide

Would Need more information in order give you Default Axis numbers.
Lead screw diameter and Pitch - PITCH (distance of rise for one full rotation)
Belt Pitch and Gear number of teeth

Below I have numbers for all Nema 17 Leadscrew Pitch, a 20 tooth 2mm pitch belt driven Y-Axis and X-Axis for my Prusa Hic i3, and Extruder number

// Typical stepper motors have 200 steps per full step/rev = 1.8°/step, so 1/16 microstepping = STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_E = 3200
// X-Y Axis 3200, / 20 tooth, / 2mm pitch Belt = 200*16 / 20 / 2 = 80 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_X / IDLER_TEETH_X / BELT_PITCH_X)
// Z Axis 3200, / 1.25mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /1.25 = 2560 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
// Z Axis 3200, / 2mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /2 = 1600 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
// Z Axis 3200, / 4mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /4 = 800 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
// Z Axis 3200, / 8mm pitch leadscrew = 200*16 /8 = 400 :: (STEPS_PER_REVOLUTION_Z / PITCH_OF_Z_ROD)
Example of My Numbers which are a fairly common Prusa i3 number set.
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 400, 94.4962144 }

(Though we may have to calculate all numbers if none was provided with Anet A8 kit. unless we find some with the same setup you have)

What is the Anet A8 you have can look see if can find.

Lead screw diameter is 4mm, ptich for full rotation is also 4mm
Belt pitch is 2mm and the gear has 20 teeth

So with the info you have kindly provided; my defaults would be {80, 80, 800, 100 (extruder I have set in my eeprom as 100) correct? smiling smiley

I just have the standard A8 as seen here: [] only change is i'm using an E3D with bowden setup.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2018 11:20AM by Preddy.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 28, 2018 01:09PM
Cura 14.07 release date 7/3/14

Printable Size 220*220*240mm
Movement Speed 300mm/s

T type lead screw M8*345 #1700100015 (looking at the image you have a (T8-8))


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2018 01:12PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 28, 2018 02:00PM
Cura 14.07 release date 7/3/14

Printable Size 220*220*240mm
Movement Speed 300mm/s

T type lead screw M8*345 #1700100015 (looking at the image you have a (T8-8))


That's the one..

I just tried setting the axis defaults to what I found my defaults to be but the same issue is occurring... tried moving the X axis 2inches again and it is still going about 5inches from point A to B.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 28, 2018 02:11PM
When you made changes to:

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 400, 94.4962144 }

Did you do a M502 and M500 to get the new values stored in EEPROM? If not... you won't see any changes.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 28, 2018 02:48PM
When you made changes to:

#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 80, 80, 400, 94.4962144 }

Did you do a M502 and M500 to get the new values stored in EEPROM? If not... you won't see any changes.

Hi Roxy,

I did try it in the first instance but didn't seem to take affect (used the console in Cura), I have however retried uploading the settings and running in Repetier and it's taken effect!

Is there somewhere in the settings I can get the probe points to move in a little closer? I've got my probe on the right hand side of the hot end so by probing point number 3 it's just off the bed so wouldn't make metal contact. I need it in by about 10mm
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 28, 2018 09:20PM
Make sure your X & Y_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER are correct. And then, make sure your bedsize and/or X_MIN, Y_MIN, X_MAX and Y_MAX are correct. If that is all right.... you shouldn't be going off the bed.

Also... Z_SAFE_HOMING is important. It is much better to home the Z-Axis in the center of the bed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2018 09:21PM by Roxy.
Re: Mesh leveling goes off of bed
May 30, 2018 03:47PM
All looking good guys! Thanks so much for all your help with getting my printer sorted!
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