Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
March 18, 2020 09:23AM
I too would appreciate a copy of your configuration.h and any other configuration file so I can see the changes that were altered to get sensor-less to work, thanks.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
March 18, 2020 10:18AM
Off the top of my head...

Assuming the jumpers on the board are correct you should need to set tmc2209 as the driver type for your axis.

Set your machine movement/speeds, enable sensorless homing for x and y, set your currents under tmc smart section, ensure diag0 is connected to endstop, invert endstop logic if needed, set your stallguard threshold (this can be changed via lcd).

Those are the ones I remember having to change. Everything else was default in terms of slave addresses etc.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
March 18, 2020 11:04AM
Thanks for your fast response smiling smiley I removed the jumpers under the drivers, and testing via pronterface says communication to drivers is ok.


Can you please confirm that this is the MKS TMC2209 layout? As far as I am aware Watterott changed the PIN-Layout for their TMC2209, but Chinese manufacturerers stuck with the TMC2208 layout.

I will try out inverting the endstop logic later as I got a print running right now with mechanical endstops.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
March 18, 2020 11:30AM
For the mks tmc2209 the diag0 port is the "top of the triangle".

The link you posted is correct as far as the diag0 location.

Connect that diag0 to your endstop signal pin when you are ready to try/test sensorless homing.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
March 18, 2020 03:05PM
I connected both of them (X and Y) according to your instructions now. Now they are shown correctly as open when I check with M119.
They wont be triggered when hitting the casing though. I tried sensitivity settings between 5 and 250, no change at all...

Do you have an idea what I am missing?

Nevermind. Mixed up X and Y when setting the jumpers. Everything is working now. Thank you very much smiling smiley
Sidenote: #define QUICK_HOME proofed to be problematic for me, turning it off helped me a lot

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2020 03:23PM by LaKi.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
March 18, 2020 03:34PM
Yes, quick home is more problems than it is worth with sensorless homing.

Glad you are on the right path.

As I noted before, find the threshold where your axis instantly triggers home and then drop the points by 5 or 10 (your choice) to get it to be reliable.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2020 03:34PM by jaded.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
June 23, 2020 08:17PM
Wow, thanks. At least I can see pin assignments now, unfortunately, I had tried the E0 line for enabling heat fan to come on above 50 degrees and it just didn't work for some reason. I have a MKS GEN L board coming with the ATMEGA 2560 onboard and I think I am just going to use that and if it works, I'll be sending the MKS SGEN_L board back because this is just a headache for me with the issues I am having, mostly my EZABL not working on Z_MIN or Z_MAX. Banging my head on my desk over here lol. I really don't care to be up until 3am again tonight.

On the mks base boards I have flashed I had to specify the pin for the fan that I was using for the extruder cooling fan.

On the mks base that would have been d10 or d7 depending on which I was using.

Since I haven't dug into flashing the sgen yet I am not sure what pin it would be.

I can tell you that the above 50 degree auto fan turn on and off works. It's just a matter of finding the right pin.

This code working (autofan),

#define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN P2_06 //alias D7 for old "gen l board" (alias FAN1_PIN alias E1 heater)

//working serial port for octoprint:
#define SERIAL_PORT -1
#define SERIAL_PORT_2 0
#define BAUDRATE 250000

octoprint "firmware updater" plugin is working but need TF card.
good description: []
Happy wireless fw update smiling smiley

best regards, Jozsef.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2020 08:22PM by njozsef.
Re: MKS SGen L V1.0
October 26, 2020 04:58AM
Bonjour ,
bizarrement le g28 fonctionne bien et les mouvements aussi ,endstop etc.. ok ,mais des que je lance une impression la tète part a l'opposé ,le y part à l'envers puis plante ?
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