Would either of these mills work for a reprap machine? Reviews @ thanksby leggazoid - Reprappers
How about these $39 steppers, they draw 2.8 amps. Can you limit the current with the reprap driver boards to 2 amps, if so will they work with the reprap stepper driver electronic board?by leggazoid - Mechanics
How about these $29 stepper motors, will they work?by leggazoid - Mechanics
I am building a McWire cnc, I want to use a dremel to do milling with emc2. I want to buy the arduina and related electronics to drive the stepper motors. I don't want to buy a separate parallel port based board to drive the steppers with emc2. What course of action and software do I need to take get emc2 talking to the arduina?by leggazoid - EMC2
Here is the attachment to the fanuc macro b info. Also to explain G50 code a little. G50 is a setting that allows the spindle to go up to the set RPM (say S1000) and not any higher. Useful for lathe work when using constant surface speed, although I guess it could be used on a mill. Some old controls used it for a zero setting as well, similar to G92. G50 S1000 (maximum speed) or G50 X0 Y0 (by leggazoid - RepRap Host