davedavedave, I'm currently building my first printer and as I wanted to keep things cheap I went with a hacksaw and a bi metal cutting blade from my local hardware store. I used a vice to clamp it to a table and with a little elbow grease I was able to cut the steel rods I got for my frame. If you've got a similar type steel it should be weak enough to cut manually. My only piece of advice is tby pineapple - General
Matthias, if your magnets are all the same (field strength/size/etc) then they should have the same performance. It sounds like you bought a few duds. Perhaps buying a new set of magnets to replace your duds is your best solution. If you'd like to swear off magnets completely, vreihen seems to be on the right track with strings or springs. However, I think you're touching on two much larger inhby pineapple - Delta Machines
Good luck designing for that 14 mm eyepiece. Curves are the bane of my engineering existance so I feel your pain. I'm surprised your Droid doesn't have a built in timer for your camera, mine does. I'm sure an advanced camera app should be easy enough to find though. Have you thought about extruding some gears so you could rotate the assembly for an exposure shot?by pineapple - Look what I made!
What's the point of science unless it helps get you drunk...by pineapple - Look what I made!
Very cool digital dentist. What do you plan on using this for? Going after a sweet Jupiter/Venus double shot?by pineapple - Look what I made!
Quoteiamdarkyoshi Quotepineapple Quoteiamdarkyoshi Print slow! Aceleration also helps. Acceleration? It is in the eeprom settings. It makes it so the printer doesnt go from one direction to another in an instant. Imagine driving a car at a constant 60mph, then taking a turn. Now try slowing down befofe the turn, and speeding up afterwards. I put my aceleration speeds lower, and the quality imprby pineapple - General
Quoteiamdarkyoshi Print slow! Aceleration also helps. Acceleration?by pineapple - General
Quote691175002 Also note that print quality requires repeatability much better than the nozzle diameter. The human eye can perceive inconsistencies well below 0.01mm. For good looking prints you must be able to perfectly line up successive layers. So repeatability is really the key parameter for any build/printer. You could be accurate to the atomic level but if you can't reduce and/or preventby pineapple - General
Quoteggherbaz Pineapple, You just answered the question. The scara robot I have seen, moves thousands of times in a day, they need to be extremely precise and efficient, usually gear reductions from 50:1 or more packet in small sizes requires high tolerances and special alloys to prevent backlash, high precision and speed bearings that allows the arms moves without wobble millions of times in tby pineapple - General
Quoteggherbaz Pineapple, I'm developing a scara printer, and like I posted at the beginning, they are quite simple in construction, a lot more sturdier than Cartesian and delta printers and with less moving parts. The one I'm building is just for kids at school to see how vast and diverse 3d printing can be, it is fully 3d printed with exception of bearings, bolts and electronics. I don't careby pineapple - General
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the conversation so far. I've learned a lot and I hope other people have as well. I wanted to share a little bit of the research I've been doing on SCARA. The Wikipedia article on this has some helpful gif's and this great paragraph: "SCARAs are generally faster and cleaner than comparable Cartesian robot systems. Their single pedestal mount requires aby pineapple - General
So what I'm gathering so far is this: Polar: -Rotating bed=nonononoohgodno Cartesian: -More complex build/more parts -Even distribution of print resolution over the surface area of the print bed -Better build volume per printer overall size Delta: -Simpler assembly (more symmetry in design) -Can be tougher to calibrate (depending on your software) -Needs more processing power -Cool factor>9by pineapple - General
Quote691175002 None of the methods are intrinsically more or less accurate for particular geometries. Any form of approximation made in software is orders of magnitude smaller than the physical resolution of the printer. By your logic (polar being bad at lines, cartesian being bad at curves), delta should suck at everything because any motion requires approximation using all three motors. Polaby pineapple - General
QuoteZavashier It isn't, a printer's architecture is different as long as the math to control it is different. Fair enough! Quotedc42 Don't worry about the math, that's taken care of by the firmware. The delta has some more advantages over Cartesian printers: * More regular construction. You build 3 identical towers and carriage assembles, instead of building 3 different axes. Get one of theby pineapple - General
Quoteggherbaz You are forgetting the new breed of scara printers that seems to combine the best of both worlds, but still to young and with some math and backslashes issues. I've seen mention of SCARA in a few places but to me it seems more complicated and less sturdy. Can you elaborate on why it's the best of both worlds? QuoteZavashier Scara of course and CoreXY. CoreXY just looks to be a faby pineapple - General
My first thought when it comes to this is making sure that the magnetic field is uniform, otherwise (in layman's terms) your magnetic material isn't really magnetic. You want a magnet's microscopic regions to all be aligned in same direction otherwise it will be less magnetic (more diamagnetic). Now you have a material that is not as responsive to the stepper motor's movements (since it is less mby pineapple - Paste Extrusion Working Group
Hello world, My name is pineapple and I'm currently looking into creating a 3d printer. My initial research has shown that there are different types of printers (delta, Cartesian, polar) but I couldn't find a lot of information regarding the pros/cons for each type. I figured I could start a conversation on this topic and introduce myself to the community at the same time (if I've posted this inby pineapple - General