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Diese Seite versucht, den Geschmack von G-Codes zu beschreiben, die die RepRap-Firmware verwendet und wie sie funktionieren. Das Hauptziel ist die additive Herstellung mit FFF-Prozessen. Codes für Druckkopfbewegungen folgen dem NIST RS274NGC G-Code Standard, so dass RepRap Firmware auch für CNC Fräsen und ähnliche Anwendungen geeignet ist. Siehe auch auf Wikipedia-G-Code Artikel.
Es gibt ein paar verschiedene Möglichkeiten, GCode für einen Drucker vorzubereiten. Einer ist, eine Slicer wie Slic3r, Skeinforge oder Cura zu verwenden. Diese Programme nehmen ein CAD-Modell, schneiden es in Schichten und geben den GCode für jede Ebene aus. Slicers sind der einfachste Weg, um von einem 3D-Modell zu einem gedruckten Teil zu gehen, aber der Benutzer opfert etwas Flexibilität bei der Verwendung. Eine weitere Option für die GCode-Generierung ist die Verwendung einer untergeordneten Bibliothek wie mecode. Bibliotheken wie mecode geben Ihnen eine präzise Kontrolle über den Werkzeugweg und sind daher nützlich, wenn Sie einen komplexen Druck haben, der nicht für naives Schneiden geeignet ist. Die endgültige Option ist, nur schreiben Sie die GCode selbst. Dies kann die beste Wahl sein, wenn Sie nur ein paar Testlinien laufen müssen, während Sie Ihren Drucker kalibrieren.
Wie viele verschiedene Firmware existieren und ihre Entwickler dazu neigen, neue Features zu implementieren, ohne Strategien zu diskutieren oder zu suchen, was andere vor ihnen getan haben, haben sich im Laufe der Jahre viele verschiedene Unteraromen für die 3D-Druckerspezifischen Codes entwickelt. Aber das ist die Masterseite für RepRap. Nirgendwo hier sollte der gleiche Code für zwei verschiedene Dinge verwendet werden; Es gibt immer mehr Zahlen zu verwenden ... Die Regel ist: fügen Sie Ihren neuen Code hier, dann implementieren Sie es.
Aber die menschliche Natur ist das, was es ist, die Dinge sind nicht immer so gemacht, so dass einige mehrfache Verwendungen des gleichen Codes existieren. Die Regel ist, dass spätere Auftritte von ihnen auf dieser Seite als die ursprüngliche Verwendung eines Codes veraltet sind und geändert werden sollten, es sei denn, es gibt einen guten technischen Grund (wie der allgemeine G-Code-Standard), warum eine spätere Instanz bevorzugt werden sollte. Beachten Sie, dass das Stichtag hier Erscheinungsbild ist, nicht Datum der Umsetzung.
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Fields
- 4 Special fields
- 5 Checking
- 6 Buffering
- 7 G-commands
- 7.1 G0 & G1: Move
- 7.2 G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move
- 7.3 G4: Dwell
- 7.4 G6: Direct Stepper Move
- 7.5 G10: Tool Offset
- 7.6 G10: Retract
- 7.7 G11: Unretract
- 7.8 G17..19: Plane Selection (CNC specific)
- 7.9 G20: Set Units to Inches
- 7.10 G21: Set Units to Millimeters
- 7.11 G22 & G23: Firmware controlled Retract/Precharge
- 7.12 G28: Move to Origin (Home)
- 7.13 G29: Detailed Z-Probe
- 7.14 G29.1: Set Z probe head offset
- 7.15 G29.2: Set Z probe head offset calculated from toolhead position
- 7.16 G30: Single Z-Probe
- 7.17 G31: Set or Report Current Probe status
- 7.18 G31: Dock Z Probe sled
- 7.19 G32: Probe Z and calculate Z plane
- 7.20 G32: Undock Z Probe sled
- 7.21 G33: Firmware dependent
- 7.22 G38.x Straight Probe (CNC specific)
- 7.23 G40: Compensation Off (CNC specific)
- 7.24 G54..59: Coordinate System Select (CNC specific)
- 7.25 G60: save current position to slot
- 7.26 G61: Apply/restore saved coordinates to the active extruder.
- 7.27 G80: Cancel Canned Cycle (CNC specific)
- 7.28 G90: Set to Absolute Positioning
- 7.29 G91: Set to Relative Positioning
- 7.30 G92: Set Position
- 7.31 G93: Feed Rate Mode (Inverse Time Mode) (CNC specific)
- 7.32 G94: Feed Rate Mode (Units per Minute) (CNC specific)
- 7.33 G100: Calibrate floor or rod radius
- 7.34 G130: Set digital potentiometer value
- 7.35 G131: Remove offset
- 7.36 G132: Calibrate endstop offsets
- 7.37 G133: Measure steps to top
- 7.38 G161: Home axes to minimum
- 7.39 G162: Home axes to maximum
- 8 M-commands
- 8.1 M0: Stop or Unconditional stop
- 8.2 M1: Sleep or Conditional stop
- 8.3 M2: Program End
- 8.4 M3: Spindle On, Clockwise (CNC specific)
- 8.5 M4: Spindle On, Counter-Clockwise (CNC specific)
- 8.6 M5: Spindle Off (CNC specific)
- 8.7 M6: Tool change
- 8.8 M7: Mist Coolant On (CNC specific)
- 8.9 M8: Flood Coolant On (CNC specific)
- 8.10 M9: Coolant Off (CNC specific)
- 8.11 M10: Vacuum On (CNC specific)
- 8.12 M11: Vacuum Off (CNC specific)
- 8.13 M17: Enable/Power all stepper motors
- 8.14 M18: Disable all stepper motors
- 8.15 M20: List SD card
- 8.16 M21: Initialize SD card
- 8.17 M22: Release SD card
- 8.18 M23: Select SD file
- 8.19 M24: Start/resume SD print
- 8.20 M25: Pause SD print
- 8.21 M26: Set SD position
- 8.22 M27: Report SD print status
- 8.23 M28: Begin write to SD card
- 8.24 M29: Stop writing to SD card
- 8.25 M30: Delete a file on the SD card
- 8.26 M31: Output time since last <code>M109</code> or SD card start to serial
- 8.27 M32: Select file and start SD print
- 8.28 M33: Get the long name for an SD card file or folder
- 8.29 M33: Stop and Close File and save restart.gcode
- 8.30 M34: Set SD file sorting options
- 8.31 M35: Upload firmware NEXTION from SD
- 8.32 M36: Return file information
- 8.33 M37: Simulation mode
- 8.34 M38 Compute SHA1 hash of target file
- 8.35 M40: Eject
- 8.36 M41: Loop
- 8.37 M42: Switch I/O pin
- 8.38 M43: Stand by on material exhausted
- 8.39 M43: Pin report and debug
- 8.40 M48: Measure Z-Probe repeatability
- 8.41 M70: Display message
- 8.42 M72: Play a tone or song
- 8.43 M73: Set build percentage
- 8.44 M80: ATX Power On
- 8.45 M81: ATX Power Off
- 8.46 M82: Set extruder to absolute mode
- 8.47 M83: Set extruder to relative mode
- 8.48 M84: Stop idle hold
- 8.49 M85: Set inactivity shutdown timer
- 8.50 M92: Set axis_steps_per_unit
- 8.51 M93: Send axis_steps_per_unit
- 8.52 M98: Call Macro/Subprogram
- 8.53 M99: Return from Macro/Subprogram
- 8.54 M98: Get axis_hysteresis_mm
- 8.55 M99: Set axis_hysteresis_mm
- 8.56 M101: Turn extruder 1 on (Forward), Undo Retraction
- 8.57 M102: Turn extruder 1 on (Reverse)
- 8.58 M103: Turn all extruders off, Extruder Retraction
- 8.59 M104: Set Extruder Temperature
- 8.60 M105: Get Extruder Temperature
- 8.61 M106: Fan On
- 8.62 M107: Fan Off
- 8.63 M108: Cancel Heating (Marlin)
- 8.64 M108: Set Extruder Speed (BFB)
- 8.65 M109: Set Extruder Temperature and Wait
- 8.66 M110: Set Current Line Number
- 8.67 M111: Set Debug Level
- 8.68 M112: Emergency Stop
- 8.69 M113: Set Extruder PWM
- 8.70 M114: Get Current Position
- 8.71 M115: Get Firmware Version and Capabilities
- 8.72 M116: Wait
- 8.73 M117: Get Zero Position
- 8.74 M117: Display Message
- 8.75 M118: Negotiate Features
- 8.76 M119: Get Endstop Status
- 8.77 M120: Push
- 8.78 M121: Pop
- 8.79 M120: Enable endstop detection
- 8.80 M121: Disable endstop detection
- 8.81 M122: Diagnose
- 8.82 M123: Tachometer value
- 8.83 M124: Immediate motor stop
- 8.84 M126: Open Valve
- 8.85 M127: Close Valve
- 8.86 M128: Extruder Pressure PWM
- 8.87 M129: Extruder pressure off
- 8.88 M130: Set PID P value
- 8.89 M131: Set PID I value
- 8.90 M132: Set PID D value
- 8.91 M133: Set PID I limit value
- 8.92 M134: Write PID values to EEPROM
- 8.93 M135: Set PID sample interval
- 8.94 M136: Print PID settings to host
- 8.95 M140: Set Bed Temperature (Fast)
- 8.96 M141: Set Chamber Temperature (Fast)
- 8.97 M142: Holding Pressure
- 8.98 M143: Maximum heater temperature
- 8.99 M144: Bed Standby
- 8.100 M146: Set Chamber Humidity
- 8.101 M149: Set temperature units
- 8.102 M150: Set display color
- 8.103 M155: Automatically send temperatures
- 8.104 M160: Number of mixed materials
- 8.105 M163: Set weight of mixed material
- 8.106 M164: Store weights
- 8.107 M165: Set multiple mix weights
- 8.108 M190: Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp
- 8.109 M191: Wait for chamber temperature to reach target temp
- 8.110 M200: Set filament diameter
- 8.111 M201: Set max printing acceleration
- 8.112 M202: Set max travel acceleration
- 8.113 M203: Set maximum feedrate
- 8.114 M204: Set default acceleration
- 8.115 M205: Advanced settings
- 8.116 M206: Offset axes
- 8.117 M206 in Repetier: Set eeprom value
- 8.118 M207: Calibrate z axis by detecting z max length
- 8.119 M207: Set retract length
- 8.120 M208: Set axis max travel
- 8.121 M208: Set unretract length
- 8.122 M209: Enable automatic retract
- 8.123 M210: Set homing feedrates
- 8.124 M211: Disable/Enable software endstops
- 8.125 M212: Set Bed Level Sensor Offset
- 8.126 M218: Set Hotend Offset
- 8.127 M220: Set speed factor override percentage
- 8.128 M221: Set extrude factor override percentage
- 8.129 M220: Turn off AUX V1.0.5
- 8.130 M221: Turn on AUX V1.0.5
- 8.131 M222: Set speed of fast XY moves
- 8.132 M223: Set speed of fast Z moves
- 8.133 M224: Enable extruder during fast moves
- 8.134 M225: Disable on extruder during fast moves
- 8.135 M226: Gcode Initiated Pause
- 8.136 M226: Wait for pin state
- 8.137 M227: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime
- 8.138 M228: Disable Automatic Reverse and Prime
- 8.139 M229: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime
- 8.140 M230: Disable / Enable Wait for Temperature Change
- 8.141 M231: Set OPS parameter
- 8.142 M232: Read and reset max. advance values
- 8.143 M240: Trigger camera
- 8.144 M240: Start conveyor belt motor / Echo off
- 8.145 M241: Stop conveyor belt motor / echo on
- 8.146 M245: Start cooler
- 8.147 M246: Stop cooler
- 8.148 M250: Set LCD contrast
- 8.149 M251: Measure Z steps from homing stop (Delta printers)
- 8.150 M260: i2c Send Data
- 8.151 M261: i2c Request Data
- 8.152 M280: Set servo position
- 8.153 M290: Baby stepping
- 8.154 M300: Play beep sound
- 8.155 M301: Set PID parameters
- 8.156 M302: Allow cold extrudes
- 8.157 M303: Run PID tuning
- 8.158 M304: Set PID parameters - Bed
- 8.159 M305: Set thermistor and ADC parameters
- 8.160 M306: Set home offset calculated from toolhead position
- 8.161 M307: Set or report heating process parameters
- 8.162 M320: Activate autolevel (Repetier)
- 8.163 M321: Deactivate autolevel (Repetier)
- 8.164 M322: Reset autolevel matrix (Repetier)
- 8.165 M323: Distortion correction on/off (Repetier)
- 8.166 M340: Control the servos
- 8.167 M350: Set microstepping mode
- 8.168 M351: Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly
- 8.169 M355: Turn case lights on/off
- 8.170 M360: Report firmware configuration
- 8.171 SCARA calibration codes (Morgan)
- 8.172 M360: Move to Theta 0 degree position
- 8.173 M361: Move to Theta 90 degree position
- 8.174 M362: Move to Psi 0 degree position
- 8.175 M363: Move to Psi 90 degree position
- 8.176 M364: Move to Psi + Theta 90 degree position
- 8.177 M365: SCARA scaling factor
- 8.178 M366: SCARA convert trim
- 8.179 M370: Morgan manual bed level - clear map
- 8.180 M371: Move to next calibration position
- 8.181 M372: Record calibration value, and move to next position
- 8.182 M373: End bed level calibration mode
- 8.183 M374: Save calibration grid
- 8.184 M375: Display matrix / Load Matrix
- 8.185 M376: Set bed compensation taper
- 8.186 M380: Activate solenoid
- 8.187 M381: Disable all solenoids
- 8.188 M400: Wait for current moves to finish
- 8.189 M401: Lower z-probe
- 8.190 M402: Raise z-probe
- 8.191 M404: Filament width and nozzle diameter
- 8.192 M405: Filament Sensor on
- 8.193 M406: Filament Sensor off
- 8.194 M407: Display filament diameter
- 8.195 M408: Report JSON-style response
- 8.196 M420: Set RGB Colors as PWM (MachineKit)
- 8.197 M420: Leveling On/Off/Fade (Marlin)
- 8.198 M421: Set a Mesh Bed Leveling Z coordinate
- 8.199 M450: Report Printer Mode
- 8.200 M451: Select FFF Printer Mode
- 8.201 M452: Select Laser Printer Mode
- 8.202 M453: Select CNC Printer Mode
- 8.203 M460: Define temperature range for thermistor-controlled fan
- 8.204 M500: Store parameters in EEPROM
- 8.205 M501: Read parameters from EEPROM
- 8.206 M502: Revert to the default "factory settings."
- 8.207 M503: Print settings
- 8.208 M530: Enable printing mode
- 8.209 M531: Set print name
- 8.210 M532: Set print progress
- 8.211 M540: Enable/Disable "Stop SD Print on Endstop Hit"
- 8.212 M540: Set MAC address
- 8.213 M550: Set Name
- 8.214 M551: Set Password
- 8.215 M552: Set IP address, enable/disable network interface
- 8.216 M553: Set Netmask
- 8.217 M554: Set Gateway
- 8.218 M555: Set compatibility
- 8.219 M556: Axis compensation
- 8.220 M557: Set Z probe point or define probing grid
- 8.221 M558: Set Z probe type
- 8.222 M559: Upload configuration file
- 8.223 M560: Upload web page file
- 8.224 M561: Set Identity Transform
- 8.225 M562: Reset temperature fault
- 8.226 M563: Define or remove a tool
- 8.227 M564: Limit axes
- 8.228 M565: Set Z probe offset
- 8.229 M566: Set allowable instantaneous speed change
- 8.230 M567: Set tool mix ratios
- 8.231 M568: Turn off/on tool mix ratios
- 8.232 M569: Set axis direction and enable values
- 8.233 M570: Configure heater fault detection
- 8.234 M571: Set output on extrude
- 8.235 M572: Set or report extruder pressure advance
- 8.236 M573: Report heater PWM
- 8.237 M574: Set endstop configuration
- 8.238 M575: Set serial comms parameters
- 8.239 M577: Wait until endstop is triggered
- 8.240 M578: Fire inkjet bits
- 8.241 M579: Scale Cartesian axes
- 8.242 M580: Select Roland
- 8.243 M581: Configure external trigger
- 8.244 M582: Check external trigger
- 8.245 M583: Wait for pin
- 8.246 M584: Set drive mapping
- 8.247 M585: Probe Tool
- 8.248 M586: Configure network protocols
- 8.249 M587: Store WiFi host network in list, or list stored networks
- 8.250 M588: Forget WiFi host network
- 8.251 M589: Configure access point parameters
- 8.252 M590: Report current tool type and index
- 8.253 M600: Set line cross section
- 8.254 M600: Filament change pause
- 8.255 M605: Set dual x-carriage movement mode
- 8.256 M665: Set delta configuration
- 8.257 M666: Set delta endstop adjustment
- 8.258 M667: Select CoreXY mode
- 8.259 M668: Set Z-offset compensations polynomial
- 8.260 M669: Set SCARA mode and arm parameters
- 8.261 M700: Level plate
- 8.262 M701: Load filament
- 8.263 M702: Unload filament
- 8.264 M703: Get Board Type
- 8.265 M710: Erase the EEPROM and reset the board
- 8.266 M750: Enable 3D scanner extension
- 8.267 M751: Register 3D scanner extension over USB
- 8.268 M752: Start 3D scan
- 8.269 M753: Cancel current 3D scanner action
- 8.270 M754: Calibrate 3D scanner
- 8.271 M755: Set alignment mode for 3D scanner
- 8.272 M756: Shutdown 3D scanner
- 8.273 M800: Fire start print procedure
- 8.274 M801: Fire end print procedure
- 8.275 M851: Set Z-Probe Offset
- 8.276 M900 Set Linear Advance Scaling Factors
- 8.277 M905: Set local date and time
- 8.278 M906: Set motor currents
- 8.279 M907: Set digital trimpot motor
- 8.280 M908: Control digital trimpot directly
- 8.281 M909: Set microstepping
- 8.282 M910: Set decay mode
- 8.283 M911: Set power monitor threshold voltages
- 8.284 M912: Set electronics temperature monitor adjustment
- 8.285 M913: Set motor percentage of normal current
- 8.286 M928: Start SD logging
- 8.287 M997: Perform in-application firmware update
- 8.288 M998: Request resend of line
- 8.289 M999: Restart after being stopped by error
- 9 Other commands
- 10 Proposed EEPROM configuration codes
- 11 Replies from the RepRap machine to the host computer
- 12 Proposal for sending multiple lines of G-code
- 13 Alternatives to G-code
Ein typisches Stück Gcode, das an einen RepRap-Rechner gesendet wurde, könnte so aussehen:
N3 T0*57 N4 G92 E0*67 N5 G28*22 N6 G1 F1500.0*82 N7 G1 X2.0 Y2.0 F3000.0*85 N8 G1 X3.0 Y3.0*33
Gcode kann auch in Dateien auf SD-Karten gespeichert werden. Eine Datei mit RepRap Gcode hat normalerweise die Erweiterung .g </ code>, <code> .gco </ code> oder <code> .gcode </ code>.
Dateien für BFB / RapMan haben die Erweiterung <code> .bfb </ code>.
Gcode, der in einer Datei gespeichert oder von einem Slicer erstellt wurde, könnte wie folgt aussehen:
G92 E0 G28 G1 F1500 G1 X2.0 Y2.0 F3000 G1 X3.0 Y3.0
Die Bedeutung all dieser Symbole und Zahlen (und mehr) wird nachfolgend erläutert.
Slicers (ggf.?) Fügen GCode-Scripts zum Anfang und zum Ende ihrer Ausgabedatei hinzu, um bestimmte Aktionen vor und / oder nach einem Druck auszuführen, z. B. z-Sondieren des Build-Bereichs, Heizen / Kühlen des Bettes und hotend, "Düsenwischen" Startroutine, Ein- / Ausschalten der Systemanlage und sogar "Auswerfen" von Teilen. Weitere Informationen über die GCode-Routinen starten und GCode-Routinen Seiten.
Um herauszufinden, welche spezifischen Gcode (s) in einer bestimmten Firmware implementiert sind, gibt es kleine Tabellen, die den Befehlsbeschreibungen beigefügt sind, wie diese:
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Partial | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Experimental | deprecated | ??? | Partial | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | ??? | Yes | ??? | Yes | automatic | ??? | ??? |
Damit ist gemeint:
- {{yes}}
- Der Gcode wird von der Firmware völlig unterstützt
- {{partial}} or {{experimental}}
- Hier ist etwas Unterstützung für den Gcode. Oft ist es erforderlich, den Quellcode-Zweig für die Firmware auszuprobieren (in der Regel in einem anderen Zweig gespeichert) oder den Konfigurationsschalter auf dem Mainboard zu wechseln.
- automatic
- Die Firmware behandelt diesen Gcode automatisch, so dass es keine Notwendigkeit gibt, einen Befehl zu senden. Ein Beispiel ist die Stromversorgung ein/aus Gcode (M80 / M81) in der Teacup Firmware.
- ???
- Es ist unbekannt, ob die Firmware diesen Gcode unterstützt. Vielleicht möchten Sie dies selbst testen, bevor Sie es in der Produktion verwenden.
- {{ no}}
- Die Firmware unerstützt den Gcode nicht.
- deprecated
- Die Firmware hat diesen Gcode abgelehnt. Der Firmware-Autor sollte den veralteten Gcode auf dieser Seite mit Workarounds (falls erforderlich) und der zuletzt unterstützten Firmwareversion, die diesen Gcode akzeptiert, ändern.
Für die technisch gesinnten Gips-Zeilenendungen sind Unix-Line-Endungen (<code> \ n </ code>), akzeptieren aber Windows Line Endings (<code> \ r \ n </ code>), also solltest du es nicht brauchen Sorgen um die Umwandlung zwischen den beiden, aber es ist die beste Praxis, Unix Line Endings zu verwenden, wo möglich.
Ein RepRap-Gcode ist eine Liste von Feldern, die durch Leerzeichen oder Zeilenumbrüche getrennt sind. Ein Feld kann als Befehl, Parameter oder für einen anderen speziellen Zweck interpretiert werden. Es besteht aus einem Brief direkt gefolgt von einer Zahl, oder kann nur ein eigenständiger Buchstabe (Flagge) sein. Der Buchstabe gibt Auskunft über die Bedeutung des Feldes (siehe untenstehende Liste). Zahlen können "Ganzzahlen" (128) oder "fraktionale" Zahlen (12.42) sein, je nach Kontext. Zum Beispiel kann eine X-Koordinate ganze Zahlen (<code> X175 </ code>) oder Fraktionen (<code> X17.62 </ code>) annehmen, aber die Auswahl der Extrudernummer 2.76 wäre sinnlos. In dieser Beschreibung werden die Zahlen in den Feldern durch <code> nnn </ code> als Platzhalter dargestellt.
In RepRapFirmware können einige Parameter mehr als eine Zahl folgen, mit Doppelpunkt, um sie zu trennen. Typischerweise wird hierbei die Extruderparameter mit einem pro Extruder vorgesehenen Wert angelegt. Wenn nur ein Wert vorgesehen ist, wo ein Wert für jeden Extruder benötigt wird, wird dieser Wert auf alle Extruder angewendet.
Letter | Meaning |
Gnnn | Standard GCode command, such as move to a point |
Mnnn | RepRap-defined command, such as turn on a cooling fan |
Tnnn | Select tool nnn. In RepRap, a tool is typically associated with a nozzle, which may be fed by one or more extruders. |
Snnn | Command parameter, such as time in seconds; temperatures; voltage to send to a motor |
Pnnn | Command parameter, such as time in milliseconds; proportional (Kp) in PID Tuning |
Xnnn | A X coordinate, usually to move to. This can be an Integer or Fractional number. |
Ynnn | A Y coordinate, usually to move to. This can be an Integer or Fractional number. |
Znnn | A Z coordinate, usually to move to. This can be an Integer or Fractional number. |
U,V,W | Additional axis coordinates (RepRapFirmware) |
Innn | Parameter - X-offset in arc move; integral (Ki) in PID Tuning |
Jnnn | Parameter - Y-offset in arc move |
Dnnn | Parameter - used for diameter; derivative (Kd) in PID Tuning |
Hnnn | Parameter - used for heater number in PID Tuning |
Fnnn | Feedrate in mm per minute. (Speed of print head movement) |
Rnnn | Parameter - used for temperatures |
Qnnn | Parameter - not currently used |
Ennn | Length of extrudate. This is exactly like X, Y and Z, but for the length of filament to consume. |
Nnnn | Line number. Used to request repeat transmission in the case of communications errors. |
*nnn | Checksum. Used to check for communications errors. |
Gcode-Kommentare beginnen bei einem Semikolon und enden am Ende der Zeile:
N3 T0*57 ; This is a comment N4 G92 E0*67 ; So is this N5 G28*22
Kommentare und Leerzeichen werden von Ihrem RepRap Drucker ignoriert. Es ist besser, diese auf den Host-Computer zu streifen, bevor du den Gcode an deinen Drucker schickst, da das die Bandbreite spart.
Special fields
N: Line number
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
? | Yes | ??? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Falls vorhanden, sollte die Zeilennummer das erste Feld in einer Zeile sein. Für G-Code, der in Dateien auf SD-Karten gespeichert ist, wird die Zeilennummer normalerweise weggelassen.
Wenn die Überprüfung unterstützt wird, erwartet die RepRap-Firmware, dass die Zeilennummern um 1 jede Zeile erhöht wird. Wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, wird sie als Fehler markiert. Aber du kannst die Zählung mit <code> M110 </ code> (siehe unten) zurücksetzen.
Obwohl unterstützt, wird die Verwendung von N in Machinekit entmutigt, da es keinen Zweck dient.
*: Checksum
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
? | Yes | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
Example: <code>*71
Falls vorhanden, sollte die Prüfsumme das letzte Feld in einer Zeile sein, aber vor einem Kommentar. Bei G-Code, der in Dateien auf SD-Karten gespeichert ist, wird die Prüfsumme in der Regel weggelassen.
Die Firmware vergleicht die Prüfsumme mit einem lokal berechneten Wert. Wenn sie sich unterscheiden, fordert sie eine wiederholte Übertragung der Zeile an.
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
? | Yes | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
N123 [...G Code in here...] *71
Die RepRap-Firmware prüft die Zeilennummer und die Prüfsumme. Du kannst beide verlassen - RepRap wird noch funktionieren, aber es wird nicht überprüft. Du musst beide oder auch nicht haben Wenn nur einer erscheint, erzeugt er einen Fehler.
Die Prüfsumme "cs" für einen GCode-String "cmd" (einschließlich seiner Zeilennummer) wird berechnet, indem die Bytes in der Zeichenkette bis zu und ohne das * Zeichen wie folgt ausgegeben werden:
int cs = 0; for(i = 0; cmd[i] != '*' && cmd[i] != NULL; i++) cs = cs ^ cmd[i]; cs &= 0xff; // Defensive programming...
Und der Wert wird als Dezimal-Integer an den Befehl nach dem * -Zeichen angehängt.
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
Wenn die Pufferung unterstützt wird, speichert die RepRap-Firmware einige Befehle in einem Ringpuffer intern für die Ausführung. Dies bedeutet, dass es keine (spürbare) Verzögerung gibt, während ein Befehl quittiert wird und der nächste übertragen wird. Im Gegenzug bedeutet dies, dass Sequenzen von Liniensegmenten ohne Verweilen zwischen einem und dem nächsten aufgetragen werden können. Sobald einer dieser gepufferten Befehle empfangen wird, wird er lokal quittiert und gespeichert. Wenn der lokale Puffer voll ist, wird die Quittung verzögert, bis Platz für die Speicherung im Puffer vorhanden ist. So wird die Strömungssteuerung erreicht.
In der Regel werden die folgenden Bewegungsbefehle zwischengespeichert: G0 </ code> - <code> G3 </ code> und <code> G28 </ code> - <code> G32 </ code>. Die Teacup Firmware puffert auch einige Einstellbefehle: <code> G20 </ code>, <code> G21 </ code>, <code> G90 </ code> und <code> G91 </ code>. Alle anderen <code> G </ code>, <code> M </ code> oder <code> T </ code> Befehle werden nicht gepuffert.
RepRapFirmware implementiert auch eine interne Warteschlange, um sicherzustellen, dass bestimmte Codes (wie M106) in der richtigen Reihenfolge ausgeführt werden und nicht, wenn der letzte Zug zum Look- Vor der Warteschlange. Diese Funktion ist in RepRapFirmware-dc42 nicht verfügbar.
Wenn ein ungepufferter Befehl empfangen wird, wird er gespeichert, aber er wird dem Host nicht quittiert, bis der Puffer erschöpft ist und dann der Befehl ausgeführt wurde. So wird der Host an einem dieser Befehle anhalten, bis er fertig ist. Kurze Pausen zwischen diesen Befehlen und irgendwelche, die ihnen folgen können, beeinträchtigen nicht die Leistung der Maschine.
G0 & G1: Move
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- <code>G0 : Rapid linear Move
: Linear Move
- Usage
G0 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Ennn Fnnn Snnn
G1 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Ennn Fnnn Snnn
- Parameters
- Not all parameters need to be used, but at least one has to be used
The position to move to on the X axisYnnn
The position to move to on the Y axisZnnn
The position to move to on the Z axisEnnn
The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending pointFnnn
The feedrate per minute of the move between the starting point and ending point (if supplied)Snnn
Flag to check if an endstop was hit (S1
to check,S0
to ignore,S2
see note, default isS0
)1- Examples
G0 X12 ; move to 12mm on the X axis G0 F1500 ; Set the feedrate to 1500mm/minute G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E22.4 ; Move to 90.6mm on the X axis and 13.8mm on the Y axis while extruding 22.4mm of material
Die RepRap-Firmware-Spezifikation behandelt G0 </ code> und <code> G1 </ code> als denselben Befehl, da es genauso effizient ist wie nicht. 2 </ sup>
Die meisten RepRap-Firmware machen subtile Dinge mit Feedrates.
1. G1 F1500 2. G1 X50 Y25.3 E22.4
In dem oberen Beispiel setzen wir den Vorschub (Feedrate) auf 1500mm/Minute auf Linie 1 und bewegen es dann auf 50 mm auf der X-Achse und 25,3 mm auf der Y-Achse, während 22,4 mm Filament zwischen den beiden Punkten extrudiert werden.
1. G1 F1500 2. G1 X50 Y25.3 E22.4 F3000
Im obigen Beispiel setzen wir jedoch eine Vorschubgeschwindigkeit von 1500 mm/min auf die Linie 1, dann beschleunigen die oben beschriebene Bewegung auf eine Vorschubgeschwindigkeit von 3000 mm/min, wie dies der Fall ist. Die Extrusion beschleunigt sich mit der X- und Y-Bewegung, so dass alles synchronisiert bleibt.
Die RepRap-Spezifikation behandelt den Vorschub als eine andere Variable (wie X, Y, Z und E), um linear interpoliert zu werden. Dies ermöglicht eine vollständige Kontrolle über die Beschleunigung und Verzögerung des Druckkopfes, so dass alles reibungslos zusammenläuft und das richtige Materialvolumen an allen Punkten extrudiert wird. 3
Um den Extruder um einen bestimmten Betrag umzukehren (z. B. um seinen Innendruck zu reduzieren, während er eine In-Air-Bewegung ausführt, so dass er nicht dribbelt), verwenden Sie einfach <code>G0</code> oder <code>G1</code> um einen <code>E</code> Wert zu senden, der kleiner ist als die aktuell extrudierte Länge.
- Notes
1Some firmwares allow for the RepRap to enable or disable the "sensing" of endstops during a move. Please check with whatever firmware you are using to see if they support the <code>S</code> parameter in this way, as damage may occur if you assume incorrectly. In RepRapFirmware, using the <code>S1</code> or <code>S2</code> parameter on a delta printer causes the <code>XYZ</code> parameters to refer to the individual tower motor positions instead of the head position, and to enable endstop detection as well if the parameter is S1.
2In the RS274NGC Spec, <code>G0</code> is Rapid Move, which was used to move between the current point in space and the new point as quickly and efficiently as possible, and <code>G1</code> is Controlled Move, which was used to move between the current point in space and the new point as precise as possible.
3Some firmwares may not support setting the feedrate inline with a move.
4RepRapFirmware provides an additional 'R1' parameter to tell the machine to go back to the coordinates a print was previously paused at. If this parameter is used and the code contains axis letters, an offset will be added to the pause coordinates (e.g. <code>G1 R1 Z5</code>).
Some older machines, CNC or otherwise, used to move faster if they did not move in a straight line. This is also true for some non-Cartesian printers, like delta or polar printers, which move easier and faster in a curve.
G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes1 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Experimental | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G2 Xnnn Ynnn Innn Jnnn Ennn Fnnn</code> (Clockwise Arc)
- <code>G3 Xnnn Ynnn Innn Jnnn Ennn Fnnn</code> (Counter-Clockwise Arc)
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> The position to move to on the X axis
- <code>Ynnn</code> The position to move to on the Y axis
- <code>Innn</code> The point in X space from the current X position to maintain a constant distance from
- <code>Jnnn</code> The point in Y space from the current Y position to maintain a constant distance from
- <code>Ennn</code> The amount to extrude between the starting point and ending point
- <code>Fnnn</code> The feedrate per minute of the move between the starting point and ending point (if supplied)
- Examples
G2 X90.6 Y13.8 I5 J10 E22.4
(Move in a Clockwise arc from the current point to point (X=90.6,Y=13.8), with a center point at (X=current_X+5, Y=current_Y+10), extruding 22.4mm of material between starting and stopping)
G3 X90.6 Y13.8 I5 J10 E22.4
(Move in a Counter-Clockwise arc from the current point to point (X=90.6,Y=13.8), with a center point at (X=current_X+5, Y=current_Y+10), extruding 22.4mm of material between starting and stopping)
- Notes
1In Marlin Firmware not implemented for DELTA and SCARA printers.
G4: Dwell
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
Pause the machine for a period of time.
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Time to wait, in milliseconds
- <code>Snnn</code> Time to wait, in seconds (Only on Repetier, Marlin, Smoothieware, and RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later)
- Example
G4 P200
In this case sit still doing nothing for 200 milliseconds. During delays the state of the machine (for example the temperatures of its extruders) will still be preserved and controlled.
On Marlin, Smoothie and RepRapFirmware, the "S" parameter will wait for seconds, while the "P" parameter will wait for milliseconds. "G4 S2" and "G4 P2000" are equivalent.
G6: Direct Stepper Move
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Use G1 S2 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
Perform a direct, uninterpolated, and non-kinematic synchronized move of one or more steppers directly. Units may be linear (e.g., mm or inches on <code>DELTA</code>) or specified in degrees (SCARA). This command is useful for initialization, diagnostics, and calibration, and should be disabled on production equipment. This type of move can be potentially dangerous, especially for deltabots, so implementations should do their best to limit movement to prevent twerking and damaging the carriage assembly.
- Parameters
- <code>Annn</code> Stepper A position or angle
- <code>Bnnn</code> Stepper B position or angle
- <code>Cnnn</code> Stepper C position or angle
- <code>R</code> Relative move flag
- SCARA Examples
G6 A45 ; Move SCARA A stepper to the 45° position G6 B20 R ; Move SCARA B stepper 20° counter-clockwise
- DELTA Example
G6 C10 R ; Move DELTA C carriage up by 10mm
G10: Tool Offset
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G10 Pnnn Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Rnnn Snnn</code>1
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Tool number
- <code>Xnnn</code> X offset
- <code>Ynnn</code> Y offset
- <code>U,V,Wnnn</code> U, V and W axis offsets5
- <code>Znnn</code> Z offset2
- <code>Rnnn</code> Standby temperature(s)
- <code>Snnn</code> Active temperature(s)
- Examples
G10 P2 X17.8 Y-19.3 Z0.0
(sets the offset for tool (or in older implementations extrude head) 2 to the X, Y, and Z values specified)
G10 P1 R140 S205
(set standby and active temperatures3 for tool 1)
Remember that any parameter that you don't specify will automatically be set to the last value for that parameter. That usually means that you want explicitly to set Z0.0. RepRapFirmware will report the tool parameters if only the tool number is specified.
The <code>R</code> value is the standby temperature in oC that will be used for the tool, and the <code>S</code> value is its operating temperature. If you don't want the tool to be at a different temperature when not in use, set both values the same. See the T code (select tool) below. In tools with multiple heaters the temperatures for them all are specified thus: R100.0:90.0:20.0 S185.0:200.0:150.0 .
See also <code>M585</code>.
- Notes
1Marlin uses G10/G11 for executing a retraction/unretraction move. The RepRapPro version of Marlin supports <code>G10</code> for tool offset. Smoothie uses <code>G10</code> for retract and <code>G10 Ln</code> for setting workspace coordinates.
2It's usually a bad idea to put a non-zero <code>Z</code> value in as well unless the tools are loaded and unloaded by some sort of tool changer or are on indepedent carriages. When all the tools are in the machine at once they should all be set to the same Z height.
3If the absolute zero temperature (-273.15) is passed as active and standby temperatures, RepRapFirmware will only switch off the tool heater(s) without changing their preset active or standby temperatures. RepRapFirmware-dc42 does not support this setting.
4The NIST G-code standard mentions an additional <code>L</code> parameter, which is ignored (except in smoothie). This command is subject to discussion.
5Tool offsets are applied after any X axis mapping has been performed. Therefore if for example you map X to U in your <code>M563</code> command to create the tool, you should specify a U offset not an X offset. If you map X to both X and U, you can specify both offsets.
G10: Retract
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | dc42,ch | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92 | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> retract length (S1 = long retract, S0 = short retract = default) (Repetier only)
- Example
Retracts filament according to settings of <code>M207</code> (Marlin, RepRapFirmware) or according to the <code>S</code> value (Repetier).
RepRapFirmware recognizes <code>G10</code> as a command to set tool offsets and/or temperatures if the <code>P</code> parameter is present, and as a retraction command if it is absent.
G11: Unretract
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | dc42,ch | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92 | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> retract length (S1 = long retract, S0 = short retract = default) (Repetier only)
- Example
Unretracts/recovers filament according to settings of <code>M208</code> (Marlin, RepRapFirmware) or according to the <code>S</code> value (Repetier).
G17..19: Plane Selection (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
These codes set the current plane as follows:
- <code>G17</code> : XY (default)
- <code>G18</code> : ZX
- <code>G19</code> : YZ
G20: Set Units to Inches
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Units from now on are in inches.
G21: Set Units to Millimeters
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Units from now on are in millimeters. (This is the RepRap default.)
G22 & G23: Firmware controlled Retract/Precharge
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G22 ; Retract</code>
- <code>G23 ; Unretract/Precharge</code>
Relying on machine's firmware to execute extrusion retract/precharge move, instead of having slicer generating to E axis <code>G1</code> movement. The retract/precharge length, velocity is handled by the machine firmware.
G28: Move to Origin (Home)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes1 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>X</code> Flag to go back to the X axis origin
- <code>Y</code> Flag to go back to the Y axis origin
- <code>Z</code> Flag to go back to the Z axis origin
- Examples
G28 ; Home all axes G28 X Z ; Home the X and Z axes
When the firmware receives this command, it quickly moves the specified axes (or all axes if none are given) to the endstops, backs away from each endstop by a short distance, and slowly bumps the endstop again to increase positional accuracy. This process, known as "Homing", is required to determine the position of the print carriage(s). Some firmware may even forbid movement away from endstops and other operations until the axes have been homed.
The <code>X</code>, <code>Y</code>, and <code>Z</code> parameters act only as flags. Any coordinates given are ignored. For example, <code>G28 Z10</code> results in the same behavior as <code>G28 Z</code>. Delta printers cannot home individual axes, but must always home all three towers, so the <code>X Y Z</code> parameters are simply ignored on these machines.
Marlin firmware (version 1.1.0 and up) provides an option called <code>Z_SAFE_HOMING</code> for printers that use a Z probe to home Z instead of an endstop. With this option, the XY axes are homed first, then the carriage moves to a position –usually the middle of the bed– where it can safely probe downward to home Z.
RepRapFirmware uses macro files to home either all axes or individual axes. If all axes are homed, the file <code>homeall.g</code> is processed. For individual axes the <code>homex.g</code>, <code>homey.g</code>, or <code>homez.g</code> file will be used. On Delta printers, <code>G28</code> command will always home all three towers by processing the <code>homedelta.g</code> file, regardless of any <code>X</code> <code>Y</code> <code>Z</code> parameters.
Because the behavior of <code>G28</code> is unspecified, it is recommended not to automatically include <code>G28</code> in your ending GCode. On a Cartesian this will result in damaging the printed object. If you need to move the carriage at the completion of a print, use <code>G0</code> or <code>G1</code>.
- Notes
1 MK4duo has a <code>B</code> parameter that tells the printer to return to the coordinates it was at before homing.
G29: Detailed Z-Probe
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes, 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.91.7 | No, see G32 | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
This command uses a probe to measure the bed height at 3 or more points to determine its tilt and overall flatness. It then enables compensation so that the nozzle will remain parallel to the bed. The printer must be homed with <code>G28</code> before using this command.
Each firmware behaves differently and depends on the type of bed leveling that's been configured. For example, Marlin 1.0.2 provides 3 different types of automatic bed leveling (probe required) and a manual bed leveling option. See your firmware's documentation for the specific options available.
- Usage
- <code>G29</code>
- <code>G29 Snnn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Firmware-dependent behavior
- <code>Pfile.csv</code> Optional file name for bed height map file (RepRapFirmware only)
- Examples
G29 ; Probe the bed and enable compensation G29 S2 ; Special operation - see below
G29 Auto Bed Leveling in Marlin
Marlin 1.0.2 and earlier provides three options for automatic bed leveling:
- The 3-point method probes the bed at three points to produce a matrix, adjusting for a flat but tilted bed.
- The planar grid method (non-Delta) probes a grid pattern to produce a matrix by the "least-squares" method, adjusting for a flat but tilted bed.
- The bilinear grid method (Delta only) probes a grid pattern to produce a mesh, using bilinear interpolation to adjust for an uneven bed.
Marlin 1.1.0 and up allows the bilinear grid (i.e., "mesh") method to be used on all types of machines, not just deltas. This is the recommended leveling method going forward.
Also in Marlin 1.1.0 and up, the <code>PROBE_MANUALLY</code> option allows all forms of Auto Bed Leveling to be used without a probe. The procedure is similar to that of <code>MESH_BED_LEVELING</code> (see below). Begin the process with <code>G29</code> to move the nozzle to the first point. Adjust the Z axis using <code>G1</code> or your host software. Send <code>G29</code> again to move to the next point and repeat until all points have been sampled.
- Parameters
- <code>P</code> Set the size of the grid that will be probed (P x P points). Not supported by non-linear delta printer bed leveling. Example: <code>G29 P4</code>
- <code>S</code> Set the XY travel speed between probe points (in units/min)
- <code>D</code> Dry-Run mode. Just evaluate the bed Topology - Don't apply or clean the rotation Matrix. Useful to check the topology after a first run of G29.
- <code>V</code> Set the verbose level (0-4). Example: <code>G29 V3</code>
- <code>T</code> Generate a Bed Topology Report. Example: <code>G29 P5 T</code> for a detailed report. This is useful for manual bed leveling and finding flaws in the bed (to assist with part placement). Not supported by non-linear delta printer bed leveling.
- <code>F</code> Set the Front limit of the probing grid
- <code>B</code> Set the Back limit of the probing grid
- <code>L</code> Set the Left limit of the probing grid
- <code>R</code> Set the Right limit of the probing grid
- Global Parameters
- <code>E</code>/<code>e</code> By default G29 will engage the Z probe, test the bed, then disengage. Include <code>E</code> to engage/disengage the Z probe for each sample. There's no extra effect if you have a fixed Z probe. Usage
- <code>G29 E</code> or <code>G29 e</code>
G29 Manual Bed Leveling in Marlin
Marlin firmware (version 1.0.2 and up) also provides a <code>MESH_BED_LEVELING</code> feature that can be used to perform bed leveling on machines lacking a probe. This form of bed leveling compensates for uneven Z height across the surface of the bed using a mesh and bilinear interpolation.
- Manual Bed Leveling Usage
G29 S1 ; Move to the first point and wait for a measurement G29 S2 ; Store the current Z, move to the next point G29 S3 Xn Yn Zn.nn ; Modify the Z height of a single point
- Options for the <code>S</code> parameter
- <code>S0</code> Produces a mesh report
- <code>S1</code> Start probing mesh points
- <code>S2</code> Probe the next mesh point
- <code>S3 Xn Yn Zn.nn</code> Manually modify a single point
- <code>S4 Zn.nn</code> Set z offset. Positive away from bed, negative closer to bed.
G29 in Repetier firmware
Repetier firmware since v0.91 supports <code>G29</code> with the optional Snnn parameter as described below. Useful to simply detect the Z bed angle so you can manually readjust your bed and get it as close to in plane as possible. If you wish to apply automatic software Z plane compensation on Repetier, use <code>G32</code> instead with firmware 0.92.8 and above.
- <code>S0</code> Default value. Z bed heights are calculated at the measured points, relative to current Z position before issuing <code>G29</code>.
- <code>S1</code> Same as <code>S0</code>, except printer immediately moves to Z maximum position (Z max endstop required!), and calculates new Z maximum height. You must first issue <code>G28 Z</code> to home to Z maximum position before issuing <code>G29 Snnn</code> for this to work correctly, or the printer height will be invalid.
- <code>S2</code> Same as <code>S1</code>, except new calculated Z height is also stored to EEPROM.
G29 in RepRapFirmware
- <code>S0</code> (default if no <code>S</code> parameter) Probe the bed, save the height map in a file on the SD card, and activate bed compensation. The default folder for the height map file is <code>/sys</code> and the default file name is <code>heightmap.csv</code>.
- <code>S1</code> Load the height map from file and activate bed compensation. The default folder and filename as for <code>S0</code>.
- <code>S2</code> Clear bed height map
To define the grid, see M557.
G29.1: Set Z probe head offset
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
G29.1 X30 Y20 Z0.5
Set the offset of the Z probe head. The offset will be subtracted from all probe moves.
G29.2: Set Z probe head offset calculated from toolhead position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
G29.2 Z0.0
Set the offset of the Z probe head. The offset will be subtracted from all probe moves. The calculated value is derived from the distance of the toolhead from the current axis zero point.
The user would typically place the toolhead at the zero point of the axis and issue the <code>G29.2</code> command.
G30: Single Z-Probe
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes1 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | use G28 & G92 | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G30 Pnnn Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Hnnn Snnn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Probe point number
- <code>Xnnn</code> X coordinate
- <code>Ynnn</code> Y coordinate
- <code>Znnn</code> Z coordinate
- <code>Hnnn</code> Height correction
- <code>Snnn</code> Set parameter
- Example
- Examples (RepRapFirmware)
G30 ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered, set the Z coordinate to the probe trigger height. G30 S-1 ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered, do not adjust the Z coordinate. G30 P0 X20 Y50 Z-99999 ; Probe the bed at X20 Y50 and save the XY coordinates and the height error as point 0 G30 P3 X180 Y180 Z-99999 S4 ; Probe the bed at X180 Y180, save the XY coordinates and the height error as point 3 and calculate 4-point compensation or calibration G30 P3 X180 Y180 Z-99999 S-1 ; As previous example but just report the height errors
In its simplest form probes bed at current XY location.
RepRapFirmware supports additional behaviour: if a <code>Pn<code> field is specified the probed <code>X</code>, <code>Y</code>, and <code>Z</code> values are saved as point n on the bed for calculating the offset plane or for performing delta printer calibration. If <code>X</code>, <code>Y</code>, or <code>Z</code> values are specified (e.g. <code>G30 P1 X20 Y50 Z0.3</code>) then those values are used instead of the machine's current coordinates. A silly <code>Z</code> value (less than -9999.0) causes the machine to probe at the current point to get Z, rather than using the given value. If an S field is specified (e.g. <code>G30 P1 Z0.3 S</code>) the bed plane is computed for compensation and stored. The combination of these options allows for the machine to be moved to points using <code>G1</code> commands, and then probe the bed, or for the user to position the nozzle interactively and use those coordinates. The user can also record those values and place them in a setup GCode file for automatic execution.
RepRapFirmware uses the value of the <code>S</code> parameter to specify what computation to perform. If the value is -1 then the Z offsets of all the points probed are printed, but no calibration is done. If the value is zero or not present, then this specifies that the number of factors to be calibrated is the same as the number of points probed. Otherwise, the value indicates the number of factors to be calibrated, which must be no greater than the number of points probed. In version 1.09, the number of factors may be 3, 4 or 5 when doing auto bed compensation on a Cartesian or CoreXY printer, and 3, 4, 6 or 7 when doing auto calibration of a Delta printer.
RepRapFirmware supports an optional <code>H</code> parameter, which is a height correction for that probe point. It allows for the Z probe having a trigger height that varies with XY position. The nominal trigger height of the Z probe (e.g. at bed centre) is declared in the <code>Z</code> parameter of the <code>G31</code> command in the config.g file. When you probe using <code>G30</code> and the probe triggers, the firmware will assume that the nozzle is at the nominal trigger height plus the value you have in the <code>H</code> parameter.
1MK4duo Firmware support an optional parameter for Autocalibration Delta.
- Usage
- <code>G30 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Annn E R I D T S U<code>
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> X coordinate
- <code>Ynnn</code> Y coordinate
- <code>Znnn</code> Z coordinate
- <code>Annn</code> A Autocalibration width nnn precision
- <code>E</code> Adjust Endstop
- <code>R</code> Adjust Endstop & Delta Radius
- <code>I</code> Adjust Tower
- <code>D</code> Adjust Diagonal Rod
- <code>T</code> Adjust Tower Radius
- <code>Sn</code> Stows the probe if 1 (default=1)
- <code>Un</code> <bool> with a non-zero value will apply the result to current zprobe_zoffset
G31: Set or Report Current Probe status
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.91.7 | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G31 Pnnn Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Cnnn Snnn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Trigger value
- <code>Xnnn</code> Probe X offset1
- <code>Ynnn</code> Probe Y offset1
- <code>Znnn</code> Trigger Z height
- <code>Cnnn</code> Temperature coefficient2
- <code>Snnn</code> Calibration temperature2
- <code>Tnnn</code> (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later) Z probe type to which these parameters apply, defaults to the current Z probe type as defined by <code>M558 P</code> parameter
- Examples
G31 P500 Z2.6 G31 X16.0 Y1.5
When used on its own this reports whether the Z probe is triggered, or gives the Z probe value in some units if the probe generates height values. If combined with a Z and P field (example: <code>G31 P312 Z0.7</code>) this will set the Z height to 0.7mm when the Z-probe value reaches 312 when a <code>G28 Z0</code> (zero Z axis) command is sent. The machine will then move a further -0.7mm in Z to place itself at Z = 0. This allows non-contact measuring probes to approach but not touch the bed, and for the gap left to be allowed for. If the probe is a touch probe and generates a simple 0/1 off/on signal, then <code>G31 Z0.7</code> will tell the RepRap machine that it is at a height of 0.7mm when the probe is triggered.
In RepRapFirmware, separate <code>G31</code> parameters may be defined for different probe types (i.e. 0+4 for switches, 1+2 for IR probes and 3 for alternative sensors). To specify which probe you are setting parameters for, send a M558 command to select the probe type before sending the <code>G31</code> command, or use the <code>T</code> parameter.
In Repetier, <code>G31</code> supports no parameters and simply prints the high/low status of the Z probe.
- Notes
1X and Y offsets of the Z probe relative to the print head (i.e. the position when the empty tool is selected) can be specified in RepRapFirmware. This allows you to calculate your probe coordinates based on the geometry of the bed, without having to correct them for Z probe X and Y offset.
2In RepRapFirmware, additional parameters 'S' (bed temperature in oC at which the specified <code>Z</code> parameter is correct, default is current bed temperature) and 'C' (temperature coefficient of <code>Z</code> parameter in mm/oC, default zero) can be set for the alternative (ultrasonic) sensor. This is useful for probes that are affected by temperature. This facility is deprecated and likely to be removed in a future version of RepRapFirmware.
G31: Dock Z Probe sled
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
G32: Probe Z and calculate Z plane
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No: See G29 | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92.8 | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G32<code>
- <code>G32 Snnn<code>
- <code>G32 Snnn Pnnn<code>
This command is implemented as a more sophisticated form of bed leveling which uses a transformation matrix or motorized correction.
Each firmware behaves differently. For example, Repetier firmware allows for motorized rotation of the bed whilst ReprapFirmware probes the bed with a transformation matrix.
Probe and calculate in Reprapfirmware
This command probes the bed at 3 or more pre-defined points (see M557) and updates transformation matrix for bed leveling compensation.
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Store transformation matrix after probing1
- Examples
G32 G32 S2
RepRapFirmware executes macro file <code>bed.g</code> if present instead of using the M557 coordinates.
- Notes
1Currently only Repetier firmware v0.92.8 and higher have working support for an optional Snnn parameter. The numeric value sets the behavior that occurs immediately after point probe and transformation matrix calculation. These are the values for Reprapfirmware:
- <code>S0</code> Default value. Transformation matrix is updated in RAM but is not stored to EEPROM. Z bed height not calculated.
- <code>S1</code> Transformation matrix is updated in RAM but is not stored to EEPROM. Printer immediately moves to Z maximum position (Z max endstop required!), and calculates new Z maximum height. You must first issue <code>G28</code> to home to Z maximum position before issuing <code>G32 Snnn</code> for this to work correctly, or the printer height will be invalid.
- <code>S2</code> Same as S1, except transformation matrix and Z max heights are also stored to EEPROM.
- <code>S3</code> Transformation matrix is stored to EEPROM. Z bed height not calculated.
Probe and calculate in Repetier firmware
This command probes the bed at 3 or more pre-defined points and implements bed leveling compensation by either moving the A axis during printing (as with regular bed leveling, <code>G29</code>) or by tilting the bed with motors.
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Bed leveling method
- <code>Pnnn</code> Bed correction method
The values for Snnn and Pnnn are as follows:
- <code>S0</code> This method measures at the 3 probe points and creates a plane through these points. If you have a really planar bed this gives the optimum result. The 3 points must not be in one line and have a long distance to increase numerical stability.
- <code>S1</code> This measures a grid. Probe point 1 is the origin and points 2 and 3 span a grid. We measure BED_LEVELING_GRID_SIZE points in each direction and compute a regression plane through all points. This gives a good overall plane if you have small bumps measuring inaccuracies.
- <code>S2</code> Bending correcting 4 point measurement. This is for cantilevered beds that have the rotation axis not at the side but inside the bed. Here we can assume no bending on the axis and a symmetric bending to both sides of the axis. So probe points 2 and 3 build the symmetric axis and point 1 is mirrored to 1m across the axis. Using the symmetry we then remove the bending from 1 and use that as plane.
- <code>P0</code> Use a rotation matrix. This will make z axis go up/down while moving in x/y direction to compensate the tilt. For multiple extruders make sure the height match the tilt of the bed or one will scratch. This is the default.
- <code>P1</code> Motorized correction. This method needs a bed that is fixed on 3 points from which 2 have a motor to change the height. The positions are defined in firmware by BED_MOTOR_1_X, BED_MOTOR_1_Y, BED_MOTOR_2_X, BED_MOTOR_2_Y, BED_MOTOR_3_X, BED_MOTOR_3_Y Motor 2 and 3 are the one driven by motor driver 0 and 1. These can be extra motors like Felix Pro 1 uses them or a system with 3 z axis where motors can be controlled individually like the Sparkcube does. This method requires a Z max endstop.
G32: Undock Z Probe sled
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
G33: Firmware dependent
G33: Measure/List/Adjust Distortion Matrix (Repetier - Redeem)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: v0.92.8 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G33</code>
- <code>G33 Lnnn</code>
- <code>G33 Rnnn</code>
- <code>G33 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>L0</code> List distortion matrix in a report
- <code>R0</code> Reset distortion matrix
- <code>X[pos] Y[pos] Z[zCorrection]</code> Set correction for nearest point
- Examples
G33 G33 R0
When used with no parameters, <code>G33</code> will measure a grid of points and store the distortion dips and valleys in the bed surface, and then enable software distortion correction for the first few or several layers. The values will be stored in EEPROM if enabled in firmware. You must previously have <code>G28</code> homed, and your Z minimum/maximum height must be set correctly for this to work. Use the optional parameters to list, reset or modify the distortion settings. Distortion correction behavior can be later turned on or off by code <code>M323</code>.
G33: Delta Auto Calibration (Marlin 1.1.0)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
No | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Usage
- <code>G33</code>
- <code>G33 Pn Vn</code>
- <code>G33 Pn T0</code>
- Parameters (Upper-case = Letter, n = number)
- <code>Pn</code> Number of probe points: n*n (n=1-7)
- <code>Vn</code> Verbose level: (n=0-2) 0 = dry run without calibration; 1 = settings ; 2 = settings and probe results
- <code>T0</code> Do not calibrate tower angle corrections if used with P>=3; do not use tower positions but opposite to towers for P2
- Examples
G33 : calibrates with the default settings. G33 P6 V0 : probes 36 points in dryrun mode. G33 P4 T0 : probes 16 points and calibrates delta height, endstops and delta radius, leaves the tower angle corrections unaltered. G33 P2 : probes center and tower positions and calibrates delta height, endstops and delta radius G33 P1 : probes the center once and sets the delta height only.
Performs a 1-4-7 point calibration of delta height (P1), endstops, delta radius (P2) and tower angle corrections (P>=3) by an iteration process based on the least squares method.
G38.x Straight Probe (CNC specific)
G38.2 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact, signal error if failure
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: 1.1.0 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G38.3 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: 1.1.0 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G38.4 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact, signal error if failure
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G38.5 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G40: Compensation Off (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G40 turn cutter compensation off. If tool compensation was on the next move must be a linear move and longer than the tool diameter. It is OK to turn compensation off when it is already off.
G54..59: Coordinate System Select (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
See linuxcnc.org for more help
G60: save current position to slot
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G60 Snn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Snn</code> <nn> specifies memory slot # (0-based) to save into (default 0)
G61: Apply/restore saved coordinates to the active extruder.
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>G61 Xnnn Ynnn Znnn Ennn Fnnn Snn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> X coordinate
- <code>Ynnn</code> Y coordinate
- <code>Znnn</code> Z coordinate
- <code>Ennn</code> E coordinate
- <code>Fnnn</code> F Set Feedrate
- <code>Snn</code> S specifies memory slot # (0-based)
G80: Cancel Canned Cycle (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
It cancel canned cycle modal motion. G80 is part of modal group 1, so programming any other G code from modal group 1 will also cancel the canned cycle.
G90: Set to Absolute Positioning
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Example
All coordinates from now on are absolute relative to the origin of the machine. (This is the RepRap default.)
G91: Set to Relative Positioning
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Example
All coordinates from now on are relative to the last position. Note: RepRapFirmware latest revision firmware uses <code>M83</code> to set the extruder to relative mode: extrusion is NOT set to relative by ReprapFirmware on <code>G91</code>: only X,Y and Z are set to relative. By contrast, Marlin (for example) DOES also set extrusion to relative on a <code>G91</code> command, as well as setting X, Y and Z.
G92: Set Position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>Xnnn</code> new X axis position
- <code>Ynnn</code> new Y axis position
- <code>Znnn</code> new Z axis position
- <code>Ennn</code> new extruder position
- Example
G92 X10 E90
Allows programming of absolute zero point, by reseting the current position to the values specified. This would set the machine's X coordinate to 10, and the extrude coordinate to 90. No physical motion will occur.
A <code>G92</code> without coordinates will reset all axes to zero.
G92.x: Reset Coordinate System Offsets (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
- <code>G92.1</code> - reset axis offsets to zero and set parameters 5211 - 5219 to zero. (X Y Z A B C U V W)
- <code>G92.2</code> - reset axis offsets to zero.
G93: Feed Rate Mode (Inverse Time Mode) (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G93 is Inverse Time Mode. In inverse time feed rate mode, an F word means the move should be completed in (one divided by the F number) minutes. For example, if the F number is 2.0, the move should be completed in half a minute.
When the inverse time feed rate mode is active, an F word must appear on every line which has a <code>G1</code>, <code>G2</code>, or <code>G3</code> motion, and an F word on a line that does not have <code>G1</code>, <code>G2</code>, or <code>G3</code> is ignored. Being in inverse time feed rate mode does not affect <code>G0</code> (rapid move) motions.
G94: Feed Rate Mode (Units per Minute) (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
G94 is Units per Minute Mode. In units per minute feed mode, an F word is interpreted to mean the controlled point should move at a certain number of inches per minute, millimeters per minute, or degrees per minute, depending upon what length units are being used and which axis or axes are moving.
G100: Calibrate floor or rod radius
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>X</code> Flag to set floor for X axis
- <code>Y</code> Flag to set floor for Y axis
- <code>Z</code> Flag to set floor for Z axis
- <code>Rnnn</code> Radius to add
- Examples
G100 X Y Z ; set floor for argument passed in. Number ignored and may be absent. G100 R5 ; Add 5 to radius. Adjust to be above floor if necessary G100 R0 ; Set radius based on current z measurement. Moves all axes to zero
G130: Set digital potentiometer value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Example
G130 X10 Y18 Z15 A20 B12
Set the digital potentiometer value for the given axes. This is used to configure the current applied to each stepper axis. The value is specified as a value from 0-127; the mapping from current to potentimeter value is machine specific.
G131: Remove offset
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.91 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
G132: Calibrate endstop offsets
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.91 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
G133: Measure steps to top
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.91 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
G161: Home axes to minimum
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>X</code> Flag to home the X axis to its minimum position
- <code>Y</code> Flag to home the Y axis to its minimum position
- <code>Z</code> Flag to home the Z axis to its minimum position
- <code>Fnnn</code> Desired feedrate for this command
- Example
G161 X Y Z F1800
Instruct the machine to home the specified axes to their minimum position. Similar to <code>G28</code>, which decides on its own in which direction to search endstops.
G162: Home axes to maximum
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>X</code> Flag to home the X axis to its maximum position
- <code>Y</code> Flag to home the Y axis to its maximum position
- <code>Z</code> Flag to home the Z axis to its maximum position
- <code>Fnnn</code> Desired feedrate for this command
- Example
G162 X Y Z F1800
Instruct the machine to home the specified axes to their maximum position.
M0: Stop or Unconditional stop
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>Pnnn</code> Time to wait, in milliseconds1
- <code>Snnn</code> Time to wait, in seconds2
- Example
The RepRap machine finishes any moves left in its buffer, then shuts down. All motors and heaters are turned off. It can be started again by pressing the reset button on the master microcontroller, although this step is not mandatory on RepRapFirmware. See also <code>M1</code>, <code>M112</code>.
The Marlin Firmware does wait for user to press a button on the LCD, or a specific time. "M0 P2000" waits 2000 milliseconds, "M0 S2" waits 2 seconds.
RepRapFirmware executes macro file <code>stop.g</code> before everything is turned off. Apart from that, RepRapFirmware (v1.09n-ch) accepts an extra 'H' parameter, whose value must be non-zero, to keep all heaters active. This is what Duet Web Control v1.07 sends to cancel a paused print.
- Notes
1Not available in RepRapFirmware, but as a work-around <code>G4</code> can be run before <code>M0</code>.
2Only available on Marlin.
M1: Sleep or Conditional stop
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? |
- Example
The RepRap machine finishes any moves left in its buffer, then shuts down. All motors and heaters are turned off. It can still be sent G and M codes, the first of which will wake it up again. See also <code>M0</code>, <code>M112</code>.
The Marlin Firmware does the same as <code>M0</code>.
If Marlin is emulated in RepRapFirmware, this does the same as M25 if the code was read from a serial or Telnet connection, else the macro file <code>sleep.g</code> is run before all heaters and drives are turned off.
M2: Program End
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Example
Teacup firmware does the same as <code>M84</code>.
M3: Spindle On, Clockwise (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Spindle RPM
- Example
M3 S4000
The spindle is turned on with a speed of 4000 RPM.
Teacup firmware turn extruder on (same as <code>M101</code>).
RepRapFirmware interprets this code only if a Roland mill has been configured.
In Repetier-Firmware in laser mode you need <code>S0</code>..<code>S255</code> to set laser intensity. Normally you use <code>S255</code> to turn it on full power for moves. Laser will only fire during <code>G1</code>/<code>G2</code>/<code>G3</code> moves and in laser mode (<code>M452</code>).
M4: Spindle On, Counter-Clockwise (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M4 S4000
The spindle is turned on with a speed of 4000 RPM.
M5: Spindle Off (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
The spindle is turned off.
Teacup firmware turn extruder off (same as <code>M103</code>).
M6: Tool change
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M7: Mist Coolant On (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | use M106 | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Mist coolant is turned on (if available)
Teacup firmware turn on the fan, and set fan speed (same as <code>M106</code>).
M8: Flood Coolant On (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | use M106 | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Flood coolant is turned on (if available)
M9: Coolant Off (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | No | No | No | No | No | use M106 | ??? | ??? |
- Example
All coolant systems are turned off.
M10: Vacuum On (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | use M106 | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Dust collection vacuum system turned on.
M11: Vacuum Off (CNC specific)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | use M106 | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Dust collection vacuum system turned off.
M17: Enable/Power all stepper motors
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | (automatic) | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M18: Disable all stepper motors
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
call M84 | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | call M84 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | use M2 | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.1
- <code>X</code> X axis
- <code>Y</code> Y axis
- <code>Z</code> Z axis
- <code>E</code> Extruder drive(s)2
- Examples
M18 M18 X E0
Disables stepper motors and allows axes to move 'freely.'
- Notes
1Some firmware implementations do not support parameters to be passed, but at least Marlin and RepRapFirmware do.
2RepRapFirmware allows stepper motors to be disabled selectively. For example, <code>M18 X E0:2</code> will disable the X, extruder 0 and extruder 2 motors.
M20: List SD card
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>Snnn</code> Output style1
- <code>Pnnn</code> Directory to list2
- Examples
M20 M20 S2 P/gcodes/subdir
This code lists all files in the root folder or G-code directory of the SD card to the serial port. One name per line, like:
On Marlin, a file list response is usually encapsulated. Standard configurations of RepRapFirmware mimic this style in emulation mode:
Begin file list: SQUARE.G ZCARRI~2.GCO End file list ok
If RepRapFirmware emulates no firmware compatibility, a typical response looks like:
GCode files: "Traffic cone.g","frog.gcode","calibration piece.g"
Note that some firmwares list file names in upper case, but - when sent to the <code>M23</code> command (below) they must be in lower case. Teacup and RepRapFirmware have no such trouble and accept both. RepRapFirmware always returns long filenames in the case in which they are stored.
- Notes
1If the S2 parameter is used on RepRapFirmware, then the file list is returned in JSON format as a single array called "files" with each name that corresponds to a subdirectory preceded by an asterisk, and the directory is returned in variable "dir".
- Example
M20 S2 P/gcodes {"dir":"\/gcodes","files":["4-piece-1-2-3-4.gcode","Hinged_Box.gcode","Hollow_Dodecahedron_190.gcode","*Calibration pieces"]}
2This parameter is only supported by RepRapFirmware and defaults to the 0:/gcodes directory, which is the directory that printable gcode files are normally stored in.
M21: Initialize SD card
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> SD card number (RepRapFirmware only, default 0)
- Examples
M21 M21 P1
The specified SD card is initialized. If an SD card is loaded when the machine is switched on, this will happen by default. SD card must be initialized for the other SD functions to work.
M22: Release SD card
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> SD card number (RepRapFirmware only, default 0)
- Examples
M22 M22 P1
The specified SD card is released, so further (accidental) attempts to read from it are guaranteed to fail. Helpful, but not mandatory before removing the card physically.
M23: Select SD file
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M23 filename.gco
The file specified as filename.gco (8.3 naming convention is supported) is selected ready for printing. RepRapFirmware supports long filenames as well as 8.3 format.
M24: Start/resume SD print
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
The machine prints from the file selected with the <code>M23</code> command. If the print was previously paused with <code>M25</code>, printing is resumed from that point. To restart a file from the beginning, use <code>M23</code> to reset it, then <code>M24</code>.
When this command is used to resume a print that was paused, RepRapFirmware runs macro file <code>resume.g</code> prior to resuming the print.
M25: Pause SD print
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
The machine pauses printing at the current position within the file. To resume printing, use M24. Do not use this code to pause the print in a G-code file, use M226 instead.
Prior to pausing, RepRapFirmware runs macro file <code>pause.g</code>. This allows the head to be moved away from the print, filament to be retracted, etc.
M26: Set SD position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | aborts | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> File position in bytes
- Example
Set SD position in bytes (M26 S12345).
M27: Report SD print status
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Report SD print status.
Marlin and recent forks of RepRapFirmware report the number of bytes processed in this format, which can be processed by Pronterface:
SD printing byte 2134/235422
If no file is being printed, only this message is reported:
Not SD printing.
M28: Begin write to SD card
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M28 filename.gco
File specified by filename.gco is created (or overwritten if it exists) on the SD card and all subsequent commands sent to the machine are written to that file.
M29: Stop writing to SD card
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M29 filename.gco
File opened by <code>M28</code> command is closed, and all subsequent commands sent to the machine are executed as normal.
M30: Delete a file on the SD card
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
> M30 filename.gco > filename.gco is deleted.
M30 in grbl
M30 exchange pallet shuttles and end the program. Pressing cycle start will start the program at the beginning of the file.
M31: Output time since last <code>M109</code> or SD card start to serial
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
The response looks like:
echo:54 min, 38 sec
M32: Select file and start SD print
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M32 filename.gco
It can be used when printing from SD card and does the same as <code>M23</code> and <code>M24</code>.
tba available in marlin(14/6/2014)
M33: Get the long name for an SD card file or folder
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Get the long name for a file or folder on the SD card from a dos path. Introduced in Marlin firmware 1.1.0 September 2015.
M33: Stop and Close File and save restart.gcode
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
Stop the printing from SD and save all position in restart.gcode for restart printing in future
M34: Set SD file sorting options
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Enable and disable SD card file-sorting, and/or set the folder sorting order. Proposed by Marlin firmware, May 2015.
M35: Upload firmware NEXTION from SD
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? |
M36: Return file information
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Example
M36 filename.gco
Returns information for the specified SD card file in JSON format. A sample response is:
{"err":0,"size":457574,"height":4.00,"layerHeight":0.25,"filament":[6556.3],"generatedBy":"Slic3r 1.1.7 on 2014-11-09 at 17:11:32"}
The "err" field is zero if successful, nonzero if the file was not found or an error occurred while processing it. The "size" field should always be present if the operation was successful. The presence or absence of other fields depends on whether the corresponding values could be found by reading the file. The "filament" field is an array of the filament lengths required from each spool. The size is in bytes, all other values are in mm. The fields may appear in any order, and additional fields may be present.
If the file name parameter is not supplied and a file on the SD card is currently being printed, then information for that file is returned including additional field "fileName". This feature is used by the web interface and by PanelDue, so that if a connection is made when a file is already being printed, the name and other information about that file can be shown.
M37: Simulation mode
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Used to switch between printing mode and simulation mode. Simulation mode allows the electronics to compute an accurate printing time, taking into account the maximum speeds, accelerations etc. that are configured.
<code>M37 S1</code> enters simulation mode. All G and M codes will not be acted on, but the time they take to execute will be calculated.
<code>M37 S0</code> leaves simulation mode.
<code>M37</code> with no <code>S</code> parameter prints the time taken by the simulation, from the time it was first entered using <code>M37 S1</code>, up to the current point (if simulation mode is still active) or the point that the simulation was ended (if simulation mode is no longer active).
M38 Compute SHA1 hash of target file
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Used to compute a hash of a file on the SD card. Examples:
> M38 gcodes/myfile.g > Cannot find file > M38 www/reprap.htm > 91199139dbfadac15a18cfb962dfd4853db83999
Returns a hexadecimal string which is the SHA1 of the file. If the file cannot be found, then the string "Cannot find file" is returned instead.
M40: Eject
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
If your RepRap machine can eject the parts it has built off the bed, this command executes the eject cycle. This usually involves cooling the bed and then performing a sequence of movements that remove the printed parts from it. The X, Y and Z position of the machine at the end of this cycle are undefined (though they can be found out using the <code>M114</code> command, q.v.).
See also <code>M240</code> and <code>M241</code> below.
M41: Loop
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
If the RepRap machine was building a file from its own memory such as a local SD card (as opposed to a file being transmitted to it from a host computer) this goes back to the beginning of the file and runs it again. So, for example, if your RepRap is capable of ejecting parts from its build bed then you can set it printing in a loop and it will run and run. Use with caution - the only things that will stop it are:
- When you press the reset button,
- When the build material runs out (if your RepRap is set up to detect this), and
- When there's an error (such as a heater failure).
M42: Switch I/O pin
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Pin number
- <code>Snnn</code> Pin value
- Example
M42 P7 S255
M42 switches a general purpose I/O pin. Use <code>M42 Px Sy</code> to set pin x to value y, when omitting Px the LEDPIN will be used.
In Teacup, general purpose devices are handled like a heater, see M104.
In RepRapFirmware, the S field may be in the range 0..1 or 0..255. The pin reference is an internal firmware reference named "digital pin", see Duet pinout. It maps on different connector pins depending the hardware. On Duet 0.6 and 0.8.5 hardware using pre-1.16 firmware, the supported pin numbers and their names on the expansion connector are:
P | Name | Expansion Port Pin |
16 | TXD1 | 11 |
17 | RXD1 | 12 |
18 | TXD0 | 13 |
19 | RXD0 | 14 |
20 | TWD1 | 35 |
21 | TWCK1 | 36 |
23 | PA14 | 10 |
36 | PC4 | 18 |
52 | AD14 | 41 |
67 | PB16 | 32 |
In firmware 1.16, the pin numbering has changed.
P | Name | Expansion Port Pin |
60 | PA10/RXD0 | 14 |
61 | PA11/TXD0 | 13 |
62 | PA12/RXD1 | 12 |
63 | PA13/TXD1 | 11 |
64 | PA14/RTS1 | 10 |
65 | PB12/TWD1 | 35 |
66 | PB13/TWCK1 | 36 |
67 | PB16/DAC1* | 32 |
68 | PB21/AD14 | 41 |
69 | PC4 | 18 |
- Also used as CS signal on external SD card socket
P | Signal Name | Expansion Connector Label | Expansion Pin |
60 | CS5 | CS5 | 50 |
61 | CS6 | E3_STOP | 9 |
62 | CS7 | E4_STOP | 14 |
63 | CS8 | E5_STOP | 19 |
See Using servos and controlling unused I/O pins for all pin definitions.
Pre-1.16 example:
M42 P20 S1 ;set the connector pin 35 to high.
On RADDS hardware running RepRapFirmware-dc42, the supported Arduino Due pin numbers and their names are:
5 TIOA6, 6 PWML7, 39 PWMH2, 58 AD3, 59 AD2, 66 DAC0, 67 DAC1, 68 CANRX0, 69 CANTX0, 70 SDA1, 71 SCL1, 72 RX LED, 73 TX LED.
See also <code>M583</code>.
M43: Stand by on material exhausted
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
If your RepRap can detect when its material runs out, this decides the behaviour when that happens. The X and Y axes are zeroed (but not Z), and then the machine shuts all motors and heaters off except the heated bed, the temperature of which is maintained. The machine will still respond to G and M code commands in this state.
M43: Pin report and debug
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>M43 En Pnnn Wn In</code>
- Parameters
- <code>En</code> Enable / disable background endstop monitoring
- <code>Pnnn</code> Pin to read or watch. If omitted, read/watch all pins
- <code>Wn</code> bool watch pins -reporting changes- until reset, click, or <code>M108</code>
- <code>In</code> bool Flag to ignore pin protection
M48: Measure Z-Probe repeatability
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> number of points
- <code>Xnnn</code> position on the X axis
- <code>Ynnn</code> position on the Y axis
- <code>Vnnn</code> verbosity
- <code>E</code> engage
- <code>Lnnn</code> legs of travel
- <code>S</code> schizoid
As with <code>G29</code>, the E flag causes the probe to stow after each probe.
The S flag will result is a random sized, 5 pointed star, being traced (X and Y axis) between each sample.
M70: Display message
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
see M117 | see M117 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | ??? | see M117 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | see M117 | No | ??? | Yes |
- Example
M70 P200 Message
Instruct the machine to display a message on its interface LCD. <code>P</code> is the time to display message for.
M72: Play a tone or song
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
see M300 | see M300 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | see M300 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Example
M72 P2
Instruct the machine to play a preset song. Acceptable song IDs are machine specific. P is the ID of the song to play.
M73: Set build percentage
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Example
M73 P50
Instruct the machine that the build has progressed to the specified percentage. The machine is expected to display this on it's interface board. If the percentage is exactly 0, then a Build Start Notification is sent. If the percentage is exactly 100, then a Build End notification is sent.
M80: ATX Power On
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | automatic | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Turns on the ATX power supply from standby mode to fully operational mode. No-op on electronics without standby mode.
Note: some firmwares, like Teacup, handle power on/off automatically, so this is redundant there. Also, see RAMPS wiring for ATX on/off
M81: ATX Power Off
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | automatic | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Turns off the ATX power supply. Counterpart to <code>M80</code>.
For redeem, adding 'P' will quit the daemon (redeem). Adding parameter 'R' will restart the daemon.
M82: Set extruder to absolute mode
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Makes the extruder interpret extrusion as absolute positions.
This is the default in repetier.
M83: Set extruder to relative mode
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Makes the extruder interpret extrusion values as relative positions.
M84: Stop idle hold
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>Innn</code> Reset flags1
- Example
Stop the idle hold on all axis and extruder. In some cases the idle hold causes annoying noises, which can be stopped by disabling the hold. Be aware that by disabling idle hold during printing, you will get quality issues. This is recommended only in between or after printjobs.
On Marlin, Repetier and RepRapFirmware, <code>M84</code> can also be used to configure or disable the idle timeout. For example, "M84 S10" will idle the stepper motors after 10 seconds of inactivity. "M84 S0" will disable idle timeout; steppers will remain powered up regardless of activity.
- Notes
1RepRapFirmware-dc42 and other firmware may not support this parameter.
M85: Set inactivity shutdown timer
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M85 S30
Set inactivity shutdown timer with parameter S<seconds>. "M85 S0" will disable the inactivity shutdown time (default)
M92: Set axis_steps_per_unit
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> Steps per unit for the X drive
- <code>Ynnn</code> Steps per unit for the Y drive
- <code>Znnn</code> Steps per unit for the Z drive
- <code>Ennn</code> Steps per unit for the extruder drive(s)
- Examples
M92 X87.489 Y87.489 Z87.489 M92 E420:420
Allows programming of steps per unit (usually mm) for motor drives. These values are reset to firmware defaults on power on, unless saved to EEPROM if available (<code>M500</code> in Marlin) or in the configuration file (config.g in RepRapFirmware). Very useful for calibration.
RepRapFirmware will report the current steps/mm if you send <code>M92</code> without any parameters.
M93: Send axis_steps_per_unit
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Use M92 | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M98: Call Macro/Subprogram
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Macro filename
- Example
M98 Pmymacro.g
Runs the macro in the file mymacro.g. In conventional G Codes for CNC machines the <code>P</code> parameter normally refers to a line number in the program itself (P2000 would run the Macro starting at line O2000, say). For RepRap, which almost always has some sort of mass storage device inbuilt, it simply refers to the name of a GCode file that is executed by the <code>G98</code> call. That GCode file does not need to end with an <code>M99</code> (return) as the end-of-file automatically causes a return. Macro calls cannot usually be nested or be recursive; i.e. you can't call a macro from a macro, although RepRapFirmware explicitly supports this.
RepRapFirmware also allows the filename to include a path to a subdirectory. For relative paths, the default folder is /sys, but some implementations may check the /macros directory too. Absolute file paths are supported on RepRapFirmware as well.
M99: Return from Macro/Subprogram
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Example
Returns from an <code>M98</code> call.
RepRapFirmware closes the currently active macro file. If a nested macro is being run, RepRapFirmware goes up one stack level.
M98: Get axis_hysteresis_mm
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Deprecated - clashes with the G Code standard <code>M98</code> above
- Example
Report the current hysteresis values in mm for all of the axis.
Proposed for Marlin
M99: Set axis_hysteresis_mm
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Deprecated - clashes with the G Code standard <code>M99</code> above
- Example
M99 X<mm> Y<mm> Z<mm> E<mm>
Allows programming of axis hysteresis. Mechanical pulleys, gears and threads can have hysteresis when they change direction. That is, a certain number of steps occur before movement occurs. You can measure how many mm are lost to hysteresis and set their values with this command. Every time an axis changes direction, these extra mm will be added to compensate for the hysteresis.
Proposed for Marlin
M101: Turn extruder 1 on (Forward), Undo Retraction
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.17c and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
in Teacup firmware: If a DC extruder is present, turn that on. Else, undo filament retraction, which means, make the extruder ready for extrusion. Complement to <code>M103</code>.
in BFB/RapMan: Turn extruder on (forward/filament in).
in RepRapFirmware: undo filament retraction. The length and speed are set by the <code>M207</code> command. RepRapFirmware supports this command for compatibility with Simplify3D.
in other firmwares: Deprecated. Regarding filament retraction, see <code>G10</code>, <code>G11</code>, <code>M207</code>, <code>M208</code>, <code>M227</code>, <code>M228</code>, <code>M229</code>.
M102: Turn extruder 1 on (Reverse)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
In BFB/RapMan firmware: Turn extruder on Reverse (Still to add)
In other firmwares: Deprecated.
M103: Turn all extruders off, Extruder Retraction
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.17c and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | ??? |
In Teacup firmware: If a DC extruder is present, turn that off. Else, retract the filament in the hope to prevent nozzle drooling. Complement to <code>M101</code>.
In BFB/RapMan firmware: Turn extruder off.
In RepRapFirmware: retract filament. The length and speed are set by the <code>M207</code> command. RepRapFirmware supports this command for compatibility with Simplify3D.
in other firmwares: Deprecated. Regarding filament retraction, see <code>G10</code>, <code>G11</code>, <code>M207</code>, <code>M208</code>, <code>M227</code>, <code>M228</code>, <code>M229</code>.
M104: Set Extruder Temperature
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Target temperature
- Example
M104 S190
Set the temperature of the current extruder to 190oC and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the extruder). Duet-dc42 and other firmware also supports the optional <code>T</code> parameter (as generated by slic3r) to specify which tool the command applies to. See also <code>M109</code>.
This is deprecated because temperatures should be set using the <code>G10</code> and <code>T</code> commands (q.v.).
Deprecation is subject to discussion. --Traumflug 11:33, 19 July 2012 (UTC)
M104 in Teacup Firmware
In Teacup Firmware, <code>M104</code> can be additionally used to handle all devices using a temperature sensor. It supports the additional <code>P</code> parameter, which is a zero-based index into the list of sensors in config.h. For devices without a temp sensor, see M106.
- Example
M104 P1 S100
Set the temperature of the device attached to the second temperature sensor to 100°C.
M105: Get Extruder Temperature
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>Rnnn</code> Response sequence number1
- <code>Snnn</code> Response type1
- Examples
M105 M105 S2
Request the temperature of the current extruder and the build base in degrees Celsius. The temperatures are returned to the host computer. For example, the line sent to the host in response to this command looks like:
ok T:201 B:117
Expansion/generalization of <code>M105</code> to be considered using S1 parameter as noted in Pronterface I/O Monitor
In Repetier you can add X0 to get raw values as well:
M105 X0 ==> 11:05:48.910 : T:23.61 /0 @:0 T0:23.61 /0 @0:0 RAW0:3922 T1:23.89 /0 @1:0 RAW1:3920
Recent versions of RepRapFirmware also report the current and target temperatures of all active heaters.
- Notes
1These parameters are only supported by RepRapFirmware, which returns a JSON-formatted response if parameter S2 or S3 is specified. Additionally, parameter Rnn may be provided, where nn is the sequence number of the most recent G-code response that the client has already received. <code>M105 S2</code> is equivalent to <code>M408 S0</code>, and <code>M105 S3</code> is equivalent to <code>M408 S2.</code> Usage of these forms of <code>M105</code> is deprecated, please use <code>M408</code> instead.
M106: Fan On
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Fan number (optional, defaults to 0)2
- <code>Snnn</code> Fan speed (0 to 255; RepRapFirmware also accepts 0.0 to 1.0))
- Extra Parameters
- <code>Innn</code> Invert signal, or disable fan1
- <code>Fnnn</code> Set fan PWM frequency, in Hz1
- <code>Lnnn</code> Set minimum fan speed (0 to 255 or 0.0 to 1.0)1
- <code>Bnnn</code> Blip time - fan will be run at full PWM for this number of seconds when started from standstill1
- <code>Hnn:nn:nn...</code> Select heaters monitored when in thermostatic mode1
- <code>Rnnn</code> Restore fan speed to the value it has when the print was paused1
- <code>Tnnn</code> Set thermostatic mode trigger temperature1
- Example
M106 S127
- Examples (RepRapFirmware)
M106 P1 I1 S87 M106 P1 T45 H1:2 M106 P2 B0.1 L0.05
The first example turns on the default cooling fan at half speed. The second one inverts the cooling fan signal of the second fan and sets its value to 1/3 of its maximum. The third one sets the second fan to a thermostatic fan for heaters 1 and 2 (e.g. the extruder heaters in a dual-nozzle machine) such that the fan will be on when either hot end is at or above 45C.
Mandatory parameter 'S' declares the PWM value (0-255). <code>M106 S0</code> turns the fan off. In some implementations like RepRapFirmware the PWM value may alternatively be specified as a real fraction: <code>M106 S0.7</code>.
- Notes
1These parameters are only available in RepRapFirmware.
2Marlin only supports fan 0, all values above 0 will be interpreted as 0
M106 in RepRapFirmware
If an <code>S</code> parameter is provided but no other parameter is present, then the speeds of the print cooling fans associated with the current tool will be set (see the <code>F</code> parameter in the <code>M563</code> command). If no tool is active then the speed of Fan 0 will be set. Either way, the speed is remembered so that it can be recalled using the <code>R2</code> parameter (see below).
If no <code>S</code> parameter is given but the R1 parameter is used, the fan speed when the print was last paused will be set. If the <code>R2</code> parameter is used, then the speeds of the print cooling fans associated with the current tool will be set to the remembered value (see above).
The <code>T</code> and <code>H</code> parameters allow a fan to be configured to operate in thermostatic mode, for example to use one of the fan channels to control the hot end fan. In this mode the fan will be fully on when the temperature of any of the heaters listed in the <code>H</code> parameter is at or above the trigger temperature set by the <code>T</code> parameter, and off otherwise. Thermostatic mode can be disabled using parameter H-1.
The <code>B</code> parameter sets the time for which the fan will be operated at full PWM when started from cold, to allow low fan speeds t be used. A value of 0.1 seconds is usually sufficient.
The <code>L</code> parameter defines the minimum PWM value that is usable with this fan. If a lower value is commanded that is not zero, it will be rounded up to this value.
The <code>I</code> parameter causes the fan output signal to be inverted if its value is greater than zero. This makes the cooling fan output suitable for feeding the PWM input of a 4-wire fan via a diode. If the parameter is present and zero, the output is not inverted. If the <code>I</code> parameter is negative then in RRF 1.16 and later the fan is disabled, which frees up the pin for use as a general purpose I/O pin that can be controlled using <code>M42</code>.
M106 in Teacup Firmware
Additionally to the above, Teacup Firmware uses <code>M106</code> to control general devices. It supports the additional <code>P</code> parameter, which is an zero-based index into the list of heaters/devices in config.h.
- Example
M106 P2 S255
Turn on device #3 at full speed/wattage.
Note: When turning on a temperature sensor equipped heater with <code>M106</code> and <code>M104</code> at the same time, temperature control will override the value given in <code>M106</code> quickly.
Note well: The ambiguous text in the note above needs to be reworded by someone who knows the actual functioning. Below is my interpretation based on language use, not practical experience or code inspection.
Note: If <code>M104</code> is (or becomes) active on a heater (or other device) with a feedback sensor it will correct any <code>M106</code> initiated control output value change in the time it takes for the PID (of other feedback) loop to adjust it back to minimum error. It may not be easy to observe a change in the temperature (process value) due to this brief change in the control value
M107: Fan Off
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
Deprecated in Teacup firmware and in RepRapFirmware. Use <code>M106 S0</code> instead.
M108: Cancel Heating (Marlin)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Breaks out of an <code>M109</code> or <code>M190</code> wait-for-temperature loop, continuing the print job. Use this command with caution! If cold extrusion prevention is enabled (see <code>M302</code>) and the temperature is too low, this will start "printing" without extrusion. If cold extrusion prevention is disabled and the hot-end temperature is too low, the extruder may jam.
This command was introduced in Marlin 1.1.0. As with other emergency commands [e.g., <code>M112</code>] this requires the host to leave space in the command buffer, or the command won't be executed until later.
M108: Set Extruder Speed (BFB)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Sets speed of extruder motor. (Deprecated in FiveD firmware, see <code>M113</code>)
M109: Set Extruder Temperature and Wait
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | not needed | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> minimum target temperature, waits until heating
- <code>Rnnn</code> maximum target temperature, waits until cooling (Sprinter)
- <code>Rnnn</code> accurate target temperature, waits until heating and cooling (Marlin)
- Example
M109 S215
M109 in Teacup
Not needed. To mimic Marlin behaviour, use M104 followed by M116.
M109 in Marlin, Sprinter (ATmega port), RepRapFirmware
Set extruder heater temperature in degrees celsius and wait for this temperature to be achieved.
- Example
M109 S185
RepRapFirmware also supports the optional <code>T</code> parameter (as generated by slic3r) to specify which tool the command refers to (see below).
M109 in Sprinter (4pi port)
Parameters: <code>S</code> (optional), set target temperature value. If not specified, waits for the temperature set by M104. <code>R</code> (optional), sets target temperature range maximum value.
- Example
M109 S185 R240 ; set extruder temperature to 185 and wait for the temperature to be between 185 - 240.
If you have multiple extruders, use <code>T</code> or <code>P</code> parameter to specify which extruder you want to set/wait.
Another way to do this is to use G10.
M109 in MakerBot
- Example
M109 S70 T0
Sets the target temperature for the current build platform. S is the temperature to set the platform to, in degrees Celsius. T is the platform to heat.
M110: Set Current Line Number
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | not needed | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Nnnn</code> Line number
- Example
M110 N123
This example sets the current line number to 123. Thus the expected next line after this command will be 124.
M111: Set Debug Level
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Debug | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Debug module1
- <code>Snnn</code> Debug on/off
- Examples
M111 S6 M111 P1 S1
Enable or disable debugging features in the firmware. The implementation may look different per firmware.
- Notes
1This parameter is only available in RepRapFirmware.
M111 in RepRapFirmware
RepRapFirmware allows debugging to be set for each module. If the optional 'P' parameter is not specified, debugging will be enabled for all modules. For a list of modules, send <code>M111 S1 P15</code>.
M111 in Repetier
Set the level of debugging information transmitted back to the host to level 6. The level is the OR of three bits:
#define DEBUG_ECHO (1<<0) #define DEBUG_INFO (1<<1) #define DEBUG_ERRORS (1<<2) #define DEBUG_DRYRUN (1<<3) // repetier-firmware #define DEBUG_COMMUNICATION (1<<4) // repetier-firmware
Thus 6 means send information and errors, but don't echo commands. (This is the RepRap default.)
For firmware that supports ethernet and web interfaces <code>M111 S9</code> will turn web debug information on without changing any other debug settings, and <code>M111 S8</code> will turn it off. Web debugging usually means that HTTP requests will be echoed to the USB interface, as will the responses.
M112: Emergency Stop
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Any moves in progress are immediately terminated, then RepRap shuts down. All motors and heaters are turned off. It can be started again by pressing the reset button on the master microcontroller. See also <code>M0</code> and <code>M1</code>.
M113: Set Extruder PWM
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Set the PWM for the currently-selected extruder. On its own this command sets RepRap to use the on-board potentiometer on the extruder controller board to set the PWM for the currently-selected extruder's stepper power. With an S field:
M113 S0.7
it causes the PWM to be set to the <code>S</code> value (70% in this instance). <code>M113 S0</code> turns the extruder off, until an <code>M113</code> command other than <code>M113 S0</code> is sent.
M114: Get Current Position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Example
This causes the RepRap machine to report its current X, Y, Z and E coordinates to the host.
For example, the machine returns a string such as:
ok C: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00
In Marlin first 3 numbers is the position for the planner. The other positions are the positions from the stepper function. This helps for debugging a previous stepper function bug.
X:0.00 Y:0.00 RZ:0.00 LZ:0.00 Count X:0.00 Y:0.00 RZ:41.02 LZ:41.02
M115: Get Firmware Version and Capabilities
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | No |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.
- <code>Pnnn</code> Electronics type1
- Examples
M115 M115 P2
Request the Firmware Version and Capabilities of the current microcontroller The details are returned to the host computer as key:value pairs separated by spaces and terminated with a linefeed.
sample data from firmware:
This <code>M115</code> code is inconsistently implemented, and should not be relied upon to exist, or output correctly in all cases. An initial implementation was committed to svn for the FiveD Reprap firmware on 11 Oct 2010. Work to more formally define protocol versions is currently (October 2010) being discussed. See M115_Keywords for one draft set of keywords and their meanings. See the <code>M408</code> command for a more comprehensive report on machine capabilities supported by RepRapFirmware.
- Notes
1This parameter is supported only in RepRapFirmware and can be used tell the firmware about the hardware on which it is running. If the <code>P</code> parameter is present then the integer argument specifies the hardware being used. The following are currently supported:
M115 P0 Automatic board type selection if supported, or default if not M115 P1 Duet 0.6 M115 P2 Duet 0.7 M115 P3 Duet 0.85
M116: Wait
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- This command can be used without any additional parameters.1
- <code>Pnnn</code> Tool number
- <code>Hnnn</code> Heater number
- <code>Cnnn</code> Chamber number
- Examples
M116 M116 P1
Wait for all temperatures and other slowly-changing variables to arrive at their set values if no parameters are specified. See also <code>M109</code>.
- Notes
1Most implementations don't support any parameters, but RepRapFirmware version 1.04 and later supports an optional 'P' parameter that is used to specify a tool number. If this parameter is present, then the system only waits for temperatures associated with that tool to arrive at their set values. This is useful during tool changes, to wait for the new tool to heat up without necessarily waiting for the old one to cool down fully.
Recent versions of RepRapFirmware also allow a list of the heaters to be specified using the 'H' parameter, and if the 'C' parameter is present, this will indicate that the chamber heater should be waited for.
M117: Get Zero Position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | ??? | see M70 |
- Example
This causes the RepRap machine to report the X, Y, Z and E coordinates in steps not mm to the host that it found when it last hit the zero stops for those axes. That is to say, when you zero X, the x coordinate of the machine when it hits the X endstop is recorded. This value should be 0, of course. But if the machine has drifted (for example by dropping steps) then it won't be. This command allows you to measure and to diagnose such problems. (E is included for completeness. It doesn't normally have an endstop.)
M117: Display Message
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | No |
- Example
M117 Hello World
This causes the given message to be shown in the status line on an attached LCD. The above command will display Hello World. If RepRapFirmware is used and no LCD is attached, this message will be reported on the web interface.
M118: Negotiate Features
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M118 P42
This M-code is for future proofing. NO firmware or hostware supports this at the moment. It is used in conjunction with <code>M115</code>'s FEATURES keyword.
See Protocol_Feature_Negotiation for more info.
M119: Get Endstop Status
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Returns the current state of the configured X, Y, Z endstops. Takes into account any 'inverted endstop' settings, so one can confirm that the machine is interpreting the endstops correctly.
In redeem, <code>M119</code> can also be used to invert end stops.
- Example
M119 X1 1
This will invert end stop X1 (Inverted means switch is connected in Normally Open state (NO))
M120: Push
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Push the state of the RepRap machine onto a stack. Exactly what variables get pushed depends on the implementation (as does the depth of the stack - a typical depth might be 5). A sensible minimum, however, might be
- Current feedrate, and
- Whether moves (and separately extrusion) are relative or absolute
RepRapFirmware calls this automatically when a macro file is run. In addition to the variables above, it pushes the following values on the stack:
- Current feedrate
- Extruder positions
M121: Pop
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Recover the last state pushed onto the stack.
M120: Enable endstop detection
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M121: Disable endstop detection
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M122: Diagnose
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Sending an <code>M122</code> causes the RepRap to transmit diagnostic information, for eaxmple via a USB serial link.
If RepRapFirmware is used and debugging is enabled for the Network module, this will also print LWIP stats to the host via USB.
M123: Tachometer value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Sending an <code>M123</code> causes the RepRap to transmit filament tachometer values from all extruders.
M124: Immediate motor stop
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Immediately stops all motors.
M126: Open Valve
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Example
M126 P500
Open the extruder's valve (if it has one) and wait 500 milliseconds for it to do so.
M126 in MakerBot
- Example
M126 T0
Enables an extra output attached to a specific toolhead (e.g. fan)
M127: Close Valve
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Example
M127 P400
Close the extruder's valve (if it has one) and wait 400 milliseconds for it to do so.
M127 in MakerBot
- Example
M127 T0
Disables an extra output attached to a specific toolhead (e.g. fan)
M128: Extruder Pressure PWM
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M128 S255
PWM value to control internal extruder pressure. <code>S255</code> is full pressure.
M129: Extruder pressure off
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M129 P100
In addition to setting Extruder pressure to 0, you can turn the pressure off entirely. P400 will wait 100ms to do so.
M130: Set PID P value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
see M301 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | see M301 | ??? | see M301 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | see M301 | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> heater number
- <code>Snnn</code> proportional (Kp)
- Example
M130 P0 S8.0 ; Sets heater 0 P factor to 8.0
Teacup can control multiple heaters with independent PID controls. For the default shown at https://github.com/Traumflug/Teacup_Firmware/blob/master/config.default.h, heater 0 is the extruder (P0), and heater 1 is the bed (P1).
Teacup's PID proportional units are in pwm/255 counts per quarter C, so to convert from counts/C, you would divide by 4. Conversely, to convert from count/qC to count/C, multiply by 4. In the above example, S=8 represents a Kp=8*4=32 counts/C.
M131: Set PID I value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
see M301 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | see M301 | ??? | see M301 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | see M301 | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> heater number
- <code>Snnn</code> integral (Ki)
- Example
M131 P1 S0.5 ; Sets heater 1 I factor to 0.5
Teacup's PID integral units are in pwm/255 counts per (quarter C*quarter second), so to convert from counts/qCqs, you would divide by 16. Conversely, to convert from count/qCqs to count/Cs, multiply by 16. In the above example, S=0.5 represents a Ki=0.5*16=8 counts/Cs.
M132: Set PID D value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
see M301 | see M301 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | See M301 | ??? | see M301 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | see M301 | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> heater number
- <code>Snnn</code> derivative (Kd)
- Example
M132 P0 S24 ; Sets heater 0 D factor to 24.0
Teacup's PID derivative units are in pwm/255 counts per (quarter degree per 2 seconds), so to convert from counts/C, you would divide by 4. Conversely, to convert from count/qC to count/C, multiply by 8. In the above example, S=24 represents a Kd=24*8=194 counts/(C/s).
M132 in MakerBot
- Example
M132 X Y Z A B
Loads the axis offset of the current home position from the EEPROM and waits for the buffer to empty.
M133: Set PID I limit value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
see M301 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | see M301 | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | see M301 | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> heater number
- <code>Snnn</code> integral limit (Ki)
- Example
M133 P1 S264 ; Sets heater 1 I limit value to 264
Teacup's PID integral limit units are in quarter-C*quarter-seconds, so to convert from C-s, you would multiply by 16. Conversely, to convert from qC*qs to C*s, divide by 16. In the above example, S=264 represents an integral limit of 16.5 C*s.
M133 in MakerBot
- Example
M133 T0 P500
Instruct the machine to wait for the toolhead to reach its target temperature. T is the extruder to wait for. P if present, sets the time limit.
M134: Write PID values to EEPROM
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | see M500 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | See M504 | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Example
M134 in MakerBot
- Example
M134 T0 P500
Instruct the machine to wait for the platform to reach its target temperature. T is the platform to wait for. P if present, sets the time limit.
M135: Set PID sample interval
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Heat sample time in seconds
- Example
M135 S300
Set the PID to measure temperatures and calculate the power to send to the heaters every 300ms.
M135 in MakerBot
- Example
M135 T0
Instructs the machine to change its toolhead. Also updates the State Machine's current tool_index. T is the toolhead for the machine to switch to and the new tool_index for the state machine to use.
M136: Print PID settings to host
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | see M301 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Debug | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M136 P1 ; print heater 0 PID parameters to host
M140: Set Bed Temperature (Fast)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Target temperature
- <code>Hnnn</code> Heater number1
- Example
M140 S55
Set the temperature of the build bed to 55oC and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the bed). There is an optional R field that sets the bed standby temperature: <code>M140 S65 R40</code>.
RepRapFirmware allows the bed heater to be switched off if the absolute negative temperature (-273.15) is passed as target temperature. In this case the current bed temperature is not affected1:
M140 S-273.15
Recent versions of RepRapFirmware also provide an optional 'H' parameter to set the hot bed heater number. If no heated bed is present, a negative value may be specified to disable it.
M141: Set Chamber Temperature (Fast)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | uses M104 | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Target temperature
- <code>Hnnn</code> Heater number1
- Examples
M141 S30 M141 H0
Set the temperature of the chamber to 30oC and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that temperature has been reached by the chamber).
- Notes
1This parameter is only available in RepRapFirmware.
M142: Holding Pressure
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M142 S1
Set the holding pressure of the bed to 1 bar.
The holding pressure is in bar. For hardware which only has on/off holding, when the holding pressure is zero, turn off holding, when the holding pressure is greater than zero, turn on holding.
M143: Maximum heater temperature
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>H</code> Heater number (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later, default 1 which is normally the first hot end)
- <code>S</code> Maximum temperature
- Examples
M143 S275 ; set the maximum temperature of the hot-end to 275°C M143 H0 S125 ; set the maximum bed temperature to 125C
The default maximum temperature for all heaters was 300°C prior to RepRapFirmware version 1.13, and 262°C from 1.13 onwards. From RepRapFirmware 1.17 onwards, the default maximum temperatures are 262C for extruders and 125C for the bed.
When the temperature of the heater exceeds this value, countermeasures will be taken.
M144: Bed Standby
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Switch the bed to its standby temperature. <code>M140</code> turns it back to its active temperature; no need for any arguments for that use of <code>M140</code>.
M146: Set Chamber Humidity
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Rnnn</code> Relative humidity in percent
- Example
M146 R60
Set the relative humidity of the chamber to 60% and return control to the host immediately (i.e. before that humidity has been reached by the chamber).
M149: Set temperature units
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>C</code> Flag to treat temperature as degrees Celsius
- <code>K</code> Flag to treat temperature as Kelvin
- Example
M149 K
It affects the <code>S</code> or <code>R</code> values in the codes <code>M104</code>, <code>M109</code>, <code>M140</code>, <code>M141</code>, <code>M143</code>, <code>M190</code> and <code>G10.</code> The default is <code>M149 C</code>.
M150: Set display color
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Rnnn</code> red
- <code>Unnn</code> green
- <code>Bnnn</code> blue
- Example
M150 R255 U128 B192
Set BlinkM Color via I2C. Range for values: 0-255
M155: Automatically send temperatures
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: 1.1.0 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> enable sending temperatures = 1, disable = 0
- Example
M155 S1
Hosts normally monitor printer temperatures by sending <code>M105</code> every x seconds. This not only adds traffic, but also only works while printer is not blocked by waiting commands. So frequency more depends on frequency you can send new commands and creates extra traffic. As a solution, firmware can be told to automatically send temperatures every second. This function is disabled by default for best compatibility with existing hosts. To indicate the availability of this function, <code>M115</code> will add an extra line:
so hosts know about the presence of the function.
M160: Number of mixed materials
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M160 S4
This command has been superseded by the tool definition command <code>M563</code> (see below).
Set the number of materials, N, that the current extruder can handle to the number specified. The default is 1.
When N >= 2, then the E field that controls extrusion requires N values separated by colons ":" after it like this:
M160 S4 G1 X90.6 Y13.8 E2.24:2.24:2.24:15.89 G1 X70.6 E0:0:0:42.4 G1 E42.4:0:0:0
The second line moves straight to the point (90.6, 13.8) extruding a total of 22.4mm of filament. The mix ratio for the move is 0.1:0.1:0.1:0.7.
The third line moves back 20mm in X extruding 42.4mm of filament.
The fourth line has no physical effect.
M163: Set weight of mixed material
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: RC7 | Use M567 | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> extruder number
- <code>Pnnn</code> weight
Set weight for this mixing extruder drive.
M164: Store weights
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: RC7 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> virtual extruder number
- <code>Pnnn</code> store to eeprom (P0 = no, P1 = yes)
Store weights as virtual extruder S.
M165: Set multiple mix weights
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: RC7 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No: | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters <code>A B C D H I</code>
- <code>A[factor]</code> Mix factor for extruder stepper 1
- <code>B[factor]</code> Mix factor for extruder stepper 2
- <code>C[factor]</code> Mix factor for extruder stepper 3
- <code>D[factor]</code> Mix factor for extruder stepper 4
- <code>H[factor]</code> Mix factor for extruder stepper 5
- <code>I[factor]</code> Mix factor for extruder stepper 6
- Set multiple mix factors for a mixing extruder.
- Factors that are left out will be set to 0.
- All factors together must add up to 1.0.
M190: Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | See M116 | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> minimum target temperature, waits until heating
- <code>Rnnn</code> accurate target temperature, waits until heating and cooling (Marlin)
- Example
M190 S60
This will wait until the bed temperature reaches 60 degrees, printing out the temperature of the hot end and the bed every second.
M191: Wait for chamber temperature to reach target temp
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M191 P60
Set the temperature of the build chamber to 60 °C and wait for the temperature to be reached.
In MK4duo:
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> minimum target temperature, waits until heating
- <code>Rnnn</code> accurate target temperature, waits until heating and cooling (Marlin)
- Example
M191 S60
M200: Set filament diameter
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | see M404 | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Without parameters loads default grid, and with specified extension attempts to load the specified grid. If not available will not modify the current grid. If Z was saved with the grid file, it will load the saved Z with the grid.
<code>M200 Dm.mmm</code> sets the filament diameter to m.mmm millimeters. It is used with 'volumetric calibration' and G-code generated for an ideal 1.128mm diameter filament, which has a volume of 1mm^3 per millimeter. The intention is to be able to generate filament-independent g-code. (See Triffid_Hunter's_Calibration_Guide#Optional:_Switch_to_volumetric_E_units and http://wooden-mendel.blogspot.com/2011/09/volumetric-stage-two.html for more information.)
<code>M200 D0<code> or <code>M200 D1.128</code> ; reset E multiplier to 1, since sqrt(1 / pi) * 2 = 1.128
See also Gcode#M119:_Get_Endstop_Status
Question: what does a firmware do with filament diameter? Has this an effect on how much an E command moves the extruder motor? --Traumflug 11:34, 14 October 2012 (UTC) Yes, Marlin uses this to set a 'volumetric_multiplier' by which the E-steps of a move are scaled in the planner. DaveX (talk) 16:44, 12 April 2014 (PDT) Smoothie implements the same thing as Marlin --Arthurwolf (talk) 05:23, 10 November 2014 (PST)
M201: Set max printing acceleration
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> Acceleration for X axis
- <code>Ynnn</code> Acceleration for Y axis
- <code>Znnn</code> Acceleration for Z axis
- <code>Ennn</code> Acceleration for extruder drives
- Example
M201 X1000 Y1000 Z100 E2000
Sets the acceleration that axes can do in units/second^2 for print moves. For consistency with the rest of G Code movement this should be in units/(minute^2), but that gives really silly numbers and one can get lost in all the zeros. So for this we use seconds.
RepRapFirmware expects these values to be in mm/s².
M202: Set max travel acceleration
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | ??? | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
Set max travel acceleration in units/s^2 for travel moves (<code>M202 X1000 Y1000</code>). Unused in Marlin!!
M203: Set maximum feedrate
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | ??? | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> Maximum feedrate for X axis
- <code>Ynnn</code> Maximum feedrate for Y axis
- <code>Znnn</code> Maximum feedrate for Z axis
- <code>Ennn</code> Maximum feedrate for extruder drives
- Example
M203 X6000 Y6000 Z300 E10000
Sets the maximum feedrates that your machine can do in mm/min (Marlin uses mm/sec).
M203 Repetier
Set temperature monitor to <code>Sx</code>.
M204: Set default acceleration
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | 1.18 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters (RepRapFimware)
- <code>Pnnn</code> Acceleration for printing moves
- <code>Tnnn</code> Acceleration for travel moves
- Example
M204 P500 T2000
Use <code>M201</code> to set per-axis accelerations and extruder accelerations. RepRapFirmware applies the <code>M204</code> accelerations to the move as a whole, and also applies the limits set by <code>M201</code> to each axis and extruder.
Other firmwares:
S normal moves T filament only moves (M204 S3000 T7000) im mm/sec^2 also sets minimum segment time in ms (B20000) to prevent buffer underruns and <code>M20</code> minimum feedrate
Marlin notes: After Mar11-2015, the <code>M204</code> options have changed in Marlin:
P = Printing moves
R = Retract only (no X, Y, Z) moves
T = Travel (non printing) moves
The command <code>M204 P800 T3000 R9000</code> sets the acceleration for printing movements to 800mm/s^2, for travels to 3000mm/s^2 and for retracts to 9000mm/s^2.
M204 Repetier
- Usage
- <code>M204 X[Kp] Y[Ki] Z[Kd]</code>
Set PID parameter. Values are 100*real value.
M205: Advanced settings
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Use M566 | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Sprinter / Marlin
- Minimum travel speed = <code>S[printing]</code> <code>T[travel]<code>
- <code>B[min segment time] X[max XY jerk] Z[max Z jerk] E[max E jerk]</code>
- Sprinter / Marlin Example
M205 X30 Z5 ; Set X/Y Jerk to 30mm/s, Z jerk to 5mm/s
Smoothieware uses a different algorithm: [1]
- <code>X[xy junction deviation] Z[z junction deviation] S[minimum planner speed].
- Z junction deviation only applies to z only moves
- 0 disables junction deviation for Z
- -1 uses global junction deviation
- Smoothie example
M205 X0.05 ; set X/Y Junction Deviation
M205 Repetier
Output EEPROM settings.
M206: Offset axes
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Xnnn</code> X axis offset
- <code>Ynnn</code> Y axis offset
- <code>Znnn</code> Z axis offset
- Example
M206 X10.0 Y10.0 Z-0.4
The values specified are added to the endstop position when the axes are referenced. The same can be achieved with a <code>G92</code> right after homing (<code>G28</code>, <code>G161</code>).
With Marlin firmware, this value can be saved to EEPROM using the <code>M500</code> command.
A similar command is <code>G10</code>, aligning these two is subject to discussion.
With Marlin 1.0.0 RC2 a negative value for z lifts(!) your printhead.
M206 in Repetier: Set eeprom value
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M206 T[type] P[pos] [Sint(long] [Xfloat] Set eeprom value
- Example
M206 T3 P39 X19.9
Set Jerk to 19.9
M207: Calibrate z axis by detecting z max length
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
After placing the tip of the nozzle in the position you expect to be considered Z=0, issue this command to calibrate the Z axis. It will perform a z axis homing routine and calculate the distance traveled in this process. The result is stored in EEPROM as z_max_length. For using this calibration method the machine must be using a Z MAX endstop.
This procedure is usually more reliable than mechanical adjustments of a Z MIN endstop.
M207: Set retract length
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> positive length to retract, in mm
- <code>Rnnn</code> positive or negative additional length to un-retract, in mm (RepRapFirmware only)
- <code>Fnnn</code> retraction feedrate, in mm/min
- <code>Tnnn</code> feedrate for un-retraction if different from retraction, mm/min (RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later only)
- <code>Znnn</code> additional zlift/hop
- Example
M207 S4.0 F2400 Z0.075
Sets the retract length used by the <code>G10</code> and <code>G11</code> commands, stays in mm regardless of <code>M200</code> setting
M208: Set axis max travel
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Whether to set the axis minimum1
- <code>Xnnn</code> X axis limit
- <code>Ynnn</code> Y axis limit
- <code>Znnn</code> Z axis limit
- Example
M208 X250 Y210 Z180
The values specified set the software limits for axis travel in the positive direction.
RepRapPro's version of Marlin uses <code>M208</code> this way. Send <code>M503</code> to see the current values. On Marlin, the value can be saved to EEPROM using the <code>M500</code> command.
- Notes
1With RepRapFirmware on a Cartesian printer, you can also use this command to specify software limits for axis travel in the negative direction, by adding parameter S1. The axis limits you set are also the positions assumed when an endstop is triggered.
M208 X200 Y200 Z90; set axis maxima M208 X-5 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minimum
M208: Set unretract length
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | See M207 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> positive length surplus to the <code>M207 Snnn</code>, in mm
- <code>Fnnn</code> feedrate, in mm/sec
Sets recover=unretract length.
M209: Enable automatic retract
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Example
M209 S1
This boolean value S 1=true or 0=false enables automatic retract detect if the slicer did not support <code>G10</code>/<code>G11</code>: every normal extrude-only move will be classified as retract depending on the direction.
M210: Set homing feedrates
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M210 X1000 Y1500
Set the feedrates used for homing to the values specified in mm per minute.
M211: Disable/Enable software endstops
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Use M564 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
The boolean value S 1=enable or 0=disable controls state of software endstop.
The boolean value X, Y or Z 1=max endstop or 0=min endstop selects which endstop is controlled.
- Example
M211 X1 Y1 Z1 S0
Disables X,Y,Z max endstops
- Example
M211 X0 S1
Enables X min endstop
- Example
Prints current state of software endstops.
M212: Set Bed Level Sensor Offset
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes* | Use G31 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
This G-Code command is known to be available in the newer versions of PrintrBot's branch of Marlin. It may not be available in other firmware.
- Example
M212 Z-0.2
Set the Z home to 0.2 mm lower than where the sensor says Z home is. This is extremely useful when working with printers with hard-to-move sensors, like the PrintrBot Metal Plus.
PrintrBot suggests that the user make minor (0.1-0.2) adjustments between attempts and immediately executes <code>M500</code> & <code>M501</code> after setting this.
M218: Set Hotend Offset
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Use G10 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Sets hotend offset (in mm): T<extruder_number> X<offset_on_X> Y<offset_on_Y>.
- Example
M218 T1 X50 Y0.5
M220: Set speed factor override percentage
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Speed factor override percentage (0..100 or higher)
- Example
M220 S80
Sets the speed factor override percentage.
M221: Set extrude factor override percentage
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Extrude factor override percentage (0..100 or higher), default 100%
- <code>Dnnn</code> Extruder drive number (RepRapFirmware only), default 0
- Example
M221 S70 M221 S95 D1
Sets extrude factor override percentage. In the case of RepRapFirmware, sets the extrusion factor percentage for the specified extruder drive only.
M220: Turn off AUX V1.0.5
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M221: Turn on AUX V1.0.5
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M222: Set speed of fast XY moves
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M223: Set speed of fast Z moves
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M224: Enable extruder during fast moves
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M225: Disable on extruder during fast moves
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M226: Gcode Initiated Pause
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Initiates a pause in the same way as if the pause button is pressed. That is, program execution is stopped and the printer waits for user interaction. This matches the behaviour of <code>M1</code> in the NIST RS274NGC G-code standard and <code>M0</code> in Marlin firmware.
M226: Wait for pin state
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | see M577 | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> pin number
- <code>Snnn</code> pin state
- Example
M226 P2 S1
Wait for a pin to be in some state.
M227: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M227 P1600 S1600
P and S are steps.
"Reverse and Prime" means, the extruder filament is retracted some distance when not in use and pushed forward the same amount before going into use again. This shall help to prevent drooling of the extruder nozzle. Teacup firmware implements this with <code>M101</code>/<code>M103</code>.
M228: Disable Automatic Reverse and Prime
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
See also <code>M227</code>.
M229: Enable Automatic Reverse and Prime
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M229 P1.0 S1.0
<code>P</code> and <code>S</code> are extruder screw rotations. See also <code>M227</code>.
M230: Disable / Enable Wait for Temperature Change
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M230 S1
<code>S1</code> Disable wait for temperature change <code>S0</code> Enable wait for temperature change
M231: Set OPS parameter
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M231 S[OPS_MODE] X[Min_Distance] Y[Retract] Z[Backslash] F[RetractMove]
M232: Read and reset max. advance values
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
M240: Trigger camera
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Triggers a camera to take a photograph. (Add to your per-layer GCode.)
M240: Start conveyor belt motor / Echo off
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Debug: Echo off | ??? | ??? |
- Example
The conveyor belt allows to start mass production of a part with a reprap.
Echoing may be controlled in some firmwares with <code>M111</code>.
M241: Stop conveyor belt motor / echo on
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | Debug: Echo on | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Echoing may be controlled in some firmwares with <code>M111</code>.
M245: Start cooler
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
used to cool parts/heated-bed down after printing for easy remove of the parts after print
M246: Stop cooler
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M250: Set LCD contrast
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Example
M250 C20
Sets LCD contrast C<contrast value> (value 0..63), if available.
M251: Measure Z steps from homing stop (Delta printers)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Examples
M251 S0 ; Reset M251 S1 ; Print M251 S2 ; Store to Z length (also EEPROM if enabled)
(This is a Repetier-Firmware only feature.)
M260: i2c Send Data
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: 1.1.0 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
Buffer and send data over the i2c bus. Use <code>A</code> to set the address from 0-127. Add up to 32 bytes to the buffer with each <code>B</code>. Send and reset the buffer with <code>S</code>.
- Examples
M260 A5 B65 S ; Send 'A' to Address 5 now M260 A0 ; Set address to 0 (broadcast) M260 B77 ; M M260 B97 ; a M260 B114 ; r M260 B108 ; l M260 B105 ; i M260 B110 ; n M260 S1 ; Send the current buffer
M261: i2c Request Data
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes: 1.1.0 | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
Request data from an i2c slave device. This command simply relays the received data to the host.
- Example
M261 A99 B5 ; Request 5 bytes from Address 99
Both <code>M260</code> and <code>M261</code> are commands demonstrating use of the i2c bus (TWIBus class) in Marlin Firmware. Developers and vendors can make Marlin an i2c master device by enabling <code>EXPERIMENTAL_I2CBUS</code>, and Marlin can act as a slave device by setting <code>I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS</code> from 8-127. This class can be used to divide up processing responsibilities between multiple instances of Marlin running on multiple boards. For example, one board might control a Z axis with 4 independent steppers to create a self-leveling system, or a second board could drive the graphical display while the first board handles printing.
M280: Set servo position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | 1.16 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | Use M340 | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
Set servo position absolute.
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Servo index
- <code>Snnn</code> Angle or microseconds
- <code>I1</code> Invert polarity (RepRapFirmware only)
- Example
M280 P1 S50
Marlin and RepRapFirmware treat <code>S</code> values below 200 as angles, and 200 or greater as the pulse width in microseconds.
In RepRapFirmware, the servo index is the same as the pin number for the <code>M42</code> command. See https://duet3d.com/wiki/Using_servos_and_controlling_unused_I/O_pins for details.
RepRapFirmware supports the optional I1 parameter, which if present causes the polarity of the servo pulses to be inverted compared to normal for that output pin. The <code>I</code> parameter is not remembered between <code>M280</code> commands (unlike the <code>I</code> parameter in <code>M106</code> commands), so if you need inverted polarity then you must include I1 in every <code>M280</code> command you send.
P | Name | Expansion Port Pin |
Use M307 H# A-1 C-1 D-1 before using these pins | ||
3 | PC23_PWML6 | 21 |
4 | PC22_PWML5 | 22 |
5 | PC21_PWML4 | 23 |
On the Duet 0.6, pin 18 is controlled by heater 2. On the 0.8.5, pin 18 is controlled by heater 6, but is also shared with fan1. In order to use this pin, the fan must be disabled (M106 P1 I-1). See Using servos and controlling unused I/O pins
M290: Baby stepping
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.18 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | No |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Amount to baby step in mm. Positive values raise the head, negative values lower it.
- Example
M290 S0.05
This command tells the printer to apply the specified additional offset to the Z coordinate for all future moves, and to apply the offset to moves that have already been queued if this case be done. Baby stepping is cumulative, for example after <code>M290 S0.1</code> followed by <code>M290 S-0.02</code>, an offset of 0.08mm is used.
M290 with no parameters reports the accumulated baby stepping offset.
The baby stepping offset is reset to zero when the printer is homed or the bed is probed.
M300: Play beep sound
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | ??? | Yes |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> frequency in Hz
- <code>Pnnn</code> duration in milliseconds
- Example
M300 S300 P1000
Play beep sound, use to notify important events like the end of printing. See working example on R2C2 electronics.
If an LCD device is attached to RepRapFirmware, a sound is played via the add-on touch screen control panel. Else the web interface will play a beep sound.
M301: Set PID parameters
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | See M130-M133 | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Hnnn</code> heater number (Smoothie uses 'S', Redeem uses 'E')
- <code>Pnnn</code> proportional (Kp)
- <code>Innn</code> integral (Ki)
- <code>Dnnn</code> derivative (Kd)
- Examples
M301 H1 P1 I2 D3 ; Marlin M301 H1 P1 I2 D3 T0.2 B20 W127 S0.8 ; RepRapFirmware (v1.09 onwards), Duet-dc42 M301 S0 P30 I10 D10 ; Smoothie M301 E0 P30 I10 D10 ; Redeem (E = Extruder, -1=Bed, 0=E, 1=H, 2=A, 3=B, 4=C, default = 0)
Sets Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D) values for hot end. See also PID Tuning.
Hot end only; see <code>M304</code> for bed PID. H is the heater number, default 1 (i.e. first extruder heater).
RepRapFirmware (v1.09 onwards)
- <code>H</code> Is the heater number, and is compulsory. H0 is the bed, H1 is the first hot end, H2 the second etc.
- <code>P</code> Interprets a negative P term as indicating that bang-bang control should be used instead of PID (not recommended for the hot end, but OK for the bed heater).
- <code>I</code> Integral value
- <code>D</code> Derivative value
- <code>T</code> Is the approximate additional PWM (on a scale of 0 to 255) needed to maintain temperature, per degree C above room temperature. Used to preset the I-accumulator when switching from heater fully on/off to PID.
- <code>S</code> PWM scaling factor, to allow for variation in heater power and supply voltage. Is designed to allow a correction to be made for a change in heater power and/or power supply voltage without having to change all the other parameters. For example, an S factor of 0.8 means that the final output of the PID controller should be scaled to 0.8 times the standard value, which would compensate for a heater that is 25% more powerful than the standard one or a supply voltage that is 12.5% higher than standard.
- <code>W</code> Wind-up. Sets the maximum value of I-term, must be high enough to reach 245C for ABS printing.
- <code>B</code> PID Band. Errors larger than this cause heater to be on or off.
An example using all of these would be:
M301 H1 P20 I0.5 D100 T0.4 S1 W180 B30
<code>S0<code> is 0 for the hotend, and 1 for the bed, other numbers may apply to your configuration, depending on the order in which you declare temperature control modules.
Other implementations
W: Wind-up. Sets the maximum value of I-term, so it does not overwhelm other PID values, and the heater stays on. (Check firmware support - Sprinter, Marlin?)
- Example
M301 W125
See <code>M130</code>, <code>M131</code>, <code>M132</code>, <code>M133</code> for Teacup's codes for setting the PID parameters.
M302: Allow cold extrudes
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes1 | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92 | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> Cold extrude minimum temperature
- <code>Pnnn</code> Cold extrude allow state (RepRapFirmware)
- Examples (RepRapFirmwre)
M302 ; Report current state M302 P1 ; Allow cold extrusion
- Examples (Others)
M302 S0 ; Allow extrusion at any temperature M302 S170 ; Allow extrusion above 170
This tells the printer to allow movement of the extruder motor above a certain temperature, or if disabled, to allow extruder movement when the hotend is below a safe printing temperature.
- Notes
1RepRapFirmware uses the <code>P[0|1]</code> parameter instead of <code>S[temperature]</code>, and for <code>M302</code> with no parameters it will report the current cold extrusion state.
M303: Run PID tuning
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | 1.15 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
PID Tuning refers to a control algorithm used in some repraps to tune heating behavior for hot ends and heated beds. This command generates Proportional (Kp), Integral (Ki), and Derivative (Kd) values for the hotend or bed (E-1). Send the appropriate code and wait for the output to update the firmware.
Hot end usage:
M303 S<temperature> C<cycles>
Bed usage (repetier, not sure whether cycles work here):
M303 P1 S<temperature>
Bed usage (others):
M303 E-1 C<cycles> S<temperature>
- Example
M303 C8 S175
Smoothie's syntax, where <code>E0</code> is the first temperature control module (usually the hot end) and <code>E1</code> is the second temperature control module (usually the bed):
M303 E0 S190
In RepRapFirmware, this command computes the process model parameters (see <code>M307</code>), which are in turn used to calculate the PID constants. H is the heater number, P is the PWM to use (default 0.5), and S is the maximum allowable temperature (default 225). Tuning is performed asynchronously. Run <code>M303</code> with no parameters to see the current tuning state or the last tuning result.
- Example
M303 H1 P0.4 S240 ; tune heater 1 using 40% PWM, quit if temperature exceeds 240C
- Notes
In Marlin Firmware you can add the <code>U1</code> parameter to apply the PID results to current settings upon completion.
M304: Set PID parameters - Bed
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | see M301 | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> proportional (Kp)
- <code>Innn</code> integral (Ki)
- <code>Dnnn</code> derivative (Kd)
- Examples
M304 P1 I2 D3 ; set kP=3, kI=2, kD=3 M304 P1 I2 D3 T0.7 B20 W127 ; RepRapFirmware M304 ; Report parameters
Sets Proportional, Integral and Derivative values for bed. RepRapFirmware interprets a negative P term as indicating that bang-bang control should be used instead of PID. In RepRapFirmware, this command is identical to <code>M301</code> except that the <code>H</code> parameter (heater number) defaults to zero.
See also PID Tuning.
M304 in RepRapPro version of Marlin: Set thermistor values
In the RepRapPro version of Marlin ( https://github.com/reprappro/Marlin ) <code>M304</code> is used to set thermistor values (as <code>M305</code> is in later firmwares). RRP Marlin calculates temperatures on the fly, rather than using a temperature table. <code>M304</code> Sets the parameters for temperature measurement.
- Example
M304 H1 B4200 R4800 T100000
This tells the firmware that for heater 1 (<code>H</code> parameter: 0 = heated bed, H = first extruder), the thermistor beta (<code>B</code> parameter) is 4200, the thermistor series resistance (<code>R</code> parameter) is 4.8Kohms, the thermistor 25C resistance (<code>T</code> parameter) is 100Kohms. All parameters other than H are optional. If only the <code>H</code> parameter is given, the currently-used values are displayed. They are also displayed within the response to <code>M503</code>.
M305: Set thermistor and ADC parameters
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Pnnn</code> Heater number
- <code>Tnnn</code> Thermistor resistance at 25oC
- <code>Bnnn</code> Beta value, or the reciprocal of the Steinhart-Hart thermistor model B coefficient
- <code>Cnnn</code> Steinhart-Hart C coefficient (RepRapFirmware 1.17 and later), default 0
- <code>Rnnn</code> Series resistor value
- <code>Lnnn</code> ADC low offset
- <code>Hnnn</code> ADC high offset
- <code>Xnnn</code> Heater ADC channel, or thermocouple or PT100 adapter channel, defaults to the same value as the <code>P</code> parameter
- Example
M305 P1 T100000 R1000 B4200
Sets the parameters for temperature measurement. The example above tells the firmware that for heater 1 (<code>P</code> parameter: 0 = heated bed, 1 = first extruder) the thermistor 25C resistance (<code>T</code> parameter) is 100Kohms, the thermistor series resistance (<code>R</code> parameter) is 1Kohms, the thermistor beta (<code>B</code> parameter) is 4200. All parameters other than P are optional. If only the <code>P</code> parameter is given, the existing values are displayed.
RepRapFirmware also supports ADC gain and offset correction and a thermistor selection facility.
- Example
M305 P1 T100000 R1000 B4200 H14 L-11 X2
The H correction affects the reading at high ADC input voltages, so it has the greatest effect at low temperatures. The L correction affects the reading at low input voltages, which correspond to high temperatures.
The <code>X</code> parameter tells the firmware to use the thermistor input corresponding to a different heating channel. RepRapFirmware also allow an external SPI thermocouple interface (such as the MAX31855) or PT100 interface (MAX31865) to be configured. Thermocouple channels are numbered from 100 and PT100 channels from 200.
In the above example, the ADC high end correction (<code>H</code> parameter) is 14, the ADC low end correction (<code>L</code> parameter) is -11, and thermistor input #2 is used to measure the temperature of heater #1.
M306: Set home offset calculated from toolhead position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M306 Z0
The values specified are added to the calculated end stop position when the axes are referenced. The calculated value is derived from the distance of the toolhead from the current axis zero point.
The user would typically place the toolhead at the zero point of the axis and issue the <code>M306</code> command.
This value can be saved to EEPROM using the <code>M500</code> command (as <code>M206</code> value).
Implemented in Smoothieware
M307: Set or report heating process parameters
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.15 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Hn</code> Heater number (0 is usually the bed heater)
- <code>Annn</code> gAin, expressed as ultimate temperature rise obtained in degC divided by the PWM fraction. For example, if G=180 then at 50% PWM the ultimate temperature rise would be 90C.
- <code>Cnnn</code> dominant time Constant of the heating process in seconds
- <code>Dnnn</code> Dead time in seconds
- Two additional parameters help control the heating process
- <code>Bn</code> selects Bang-bang control instead of PID if non-zero. Default at power-up is 0 for extruder heaters, 1 for the bed heater.
- <code>Snnn</code> maximum PWM to be used used with this heater on a scale of 0 to 1. Default 1.0.
- Examples
M307 H0 ; report the process parameters for heater 0 M307 H1 A346.2 C140 D5.3 B0 S0.8 ; set process parameters for heater 1, use PID, and limit heater 1 PWM to 80%
Each heater and its corresponding load may be approximated as a first order process with dead time, which is characterised by the gain, time constant and dead time parameters. The model can used to calculate optimum PID parameters (including using different values for the heating or cooling phase and the steady state phase), to better detect heater faults, and to calculate feed-forward terms to better respond to changes in the load. Normally these model parameters are found by auto tuning - see <code>M303</code>.
RepRapFirmware 1.16 and later allow the PID controller for a heater to be disabled by setting the <code>A</code>, <code>C</code>, and <code>D</code> parameters to -1. This frees up the corresponding heater control pin for use as a general purpose I/O pin.
M320: Activate autolevel (Repetier)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>M320</code>
- <code>M320 S1</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> if greater than 0, activate and store persistently in EEPROM
- Examples
M320 ; temporarily activate auto leveling M320 S1 ; permanently activate auto leveling
Parameter <code>Snnn</code> is optional.
(Repetier only)
M321: Deactivate autolevel (Repetier)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>M321</code>
- <code>M321 S1</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> if greater than 0, deactivate and store persistently in EEPROM
- Examples
M321 ; temporarily deactivate auto leveling M321 S1 ; permanently deactivate auto leveling
Parameter <code>Snnn</code> is optional.
(Repetier only)
M322: Reset autolevel matrix (Repetier)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>M322</code>
- <code>M322 S1</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> if greater than 0, also reset the matrix values saved EEPROM
- Examples
M322 ; temporarily reset auto level matrix M322 S1 ; permanently reset auto level matrix
Parameter <code>Snnn</code> is optional.
(Repetier only)
M323: Distortion correction on/off (Repetier)
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Usage
- <code>M323</code>
- <code>M323 Snnn</code>
- <code>M323 Snnn Pnnn</code>
- Parameters
- <code>Snnn</code> 0 (disable correction) or 1 (enable correction)
- <code>Pnnn</code> 1 (store correction state persistently in EEPROM)
- Examples
M323 ; Show if distortion correction is enabled M323 S0 ; Disable distortion correction temporarily M323 S1 P1 ; Enable distortion correction permanently
(Repetier only) Controls distortion correction feature after having set it up using <code>G33.</code>
M340: Control the servos
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
(Repetier only ,Marlin see M280)
M340 P<servoId> S<pulseInUS> / ServoID = 0..3 pulseInUs = 500..2500
Servos are controlled by a pulse width normally between 500 and 2500 with 1500ms in center position. 0 turns servo off.
M350: Set microstepping mode
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | ??? | ??? |
Sets microstepping mode.
Warning: Steps per unit remains unchanged; except that in RepRapFirmware the steps/mm will be adjusted automatically.
- Usage
- <code>M350 Snn Xnn Ynn Znn Enn Bnn</code>
- Parameters
- Not all parameters need to be used, but at least one should be used. As with other commands, RepRapFirmware reports the current settings if no parameters are used.
- <code>Snn</code> Set stepping mode for all drivers (not supported by RepRapFirmware)
- <code>Xnn</code> Set stepping mode for the X axis
- <code>Ynn</code> Set stepping mode for the Y axis
- <code>Znn</code> Set stepping mode for the Z axis
- <code>Enn</code> Set stepping mode for Extruder 0 (for RepRapFirmware use <code>Enn:nn:nn</code> etc. for multiple extruders)
- <code>Bnn</code> Set stepping mode for Extruder 1 (not supported by RepRapFirmware, see above)
- <code>Inn</code> Enable (nn=1) or disable (nn=0) microstep interpolation mode for the specified drivers, if they support it (RepRapFirmware only)
- Modes (nn)
- 1 = full step
- 2 = half step
- 4 = quarter step
- 8 = 1/8 step
- 16 = 1/16 step
- 64 = 1/64 step
- 128 = 1/128 step
- 256 = 1/256 step
- Examples
M350 S16 ; reset all drivers to the default 1/16 micro-stepping - not supported by RepRapFirmware M350 Z1 ; set the Z-axis' driver to use full steps M350 E4 B4 ; set both extruders to use quarter steps - Marlin/Repetier M350 E4:4:4 ; set extruders 0-2 to use quarter steps - RepRapFirmware
M351: Toggle MS1 MS2 pins directly
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M355: Turn case lights on/off
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92.2 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | use M106 | ??? | ??? |
- Examples
M355 S1 ; Enable lights M355 S0 ; Disable lights M355 ; Report status
Every call or change over LCD menu sends a state change for connected hosting software like:
Case lights on Case lights off No case lights
M360: Report firmware configuration
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes: 0.92.2 | No | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
- Target
This command helps hosting software to detect configuration details, which the user would need to enter otherwise. It should reduce configuration time considerably if supported.
- Example
- Response
Config:Baudrate:250000 Config:InputBuffer:127 Config:NumExtruder:2 Config:MixingExtruder:0 Config:HeatedBed:0 Config:SDCard:1 Config:Fan:1 Config:LCD:1 Config:SoftwarePowerSwitch:1 Config:XHomeDir:-1 Config:YHomeDir:-1 Config:ZHomeDir:-1 Config:SupportG10G11:1 Config:SupportLocalFilamentchange:1 Config:CaseLights:0 Config:ZProbe:1 Config:Autolevel:0 Config:EEPROM:1 Config:PrintlineCache:24 Config:JerkXY:30.00 Config:JerkZ:0.30 Config:RetractionLength:3.00 Config:RetractionLongLength:13.00 Config:RetractionSpeed:40.00 Config:RetractionZLift:0.00 Config:RetractionUndoExtraLength:0.00 Config:RetractionUndoExtraLongLength:0.00 Config:RetractionUndoSpeed:0.00 Config:XMin:0.00 Config:YMin:0.00 Config:ZMin:0.00 Config:XMax:250.00 Config:YMax:150.00 Config:ZMax:90.00 Config:XSize:250.00 Config:YSize:150.00 Config:ZSize:90.00 Config:XPrintAccel:250.00 Config:YPrintAccel:250.00 Config:ZPrintAccel:100.00 Config:XTravelAccel:250.00 Config:YTravelAccel:250.00 Config:ZTravelAccel:100.00 Config:PrinterType:Cartesian Config:MaxBedTemp:120 Config:Extr.1:Jerk:50.00 Config:Extr.1:MaxSpeed:100.00 Config:Extr.1:Acceleration:10000.00 Config:Extr.1:Diameter:0.00 Config:Extr.1:MaxTemp:220 Config:Extr.2:Jerk:50.00 Config:Extr.2:MaxSpeed:100.00 Config:Extr.2:Acceleration:10000.00 Config:Extr.2:Diameter:0.00 Config:Extr.2:MaxTemp:220
SCARA calibration codes (Morgan)
In order to ease calibration of Reprap Morgan, the following M-codes are used to set the machine up
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Partial | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Partial | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
M360: Move to Theta 0 degree position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Experimental | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Experimental | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
The arms move into a position where the Theta steering arm is parallel to the top platform edge. The user then calibrates the position by moving the arms with the jog buttons in software like pronterface until it is perfectly parallel. Using <code>M114</code> will then display the calibration offset that can then be programmed into the unit using <code>M206</code> (Home offset) X represents Theta.
Smoothieware: <code>M360 P0</code> will take the current position as parallel to the platform edge, and store the offset in the homing trim offset (M666) No further user interaction is needed.
M361: Move to Theta 90 degree position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Experimental | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Experimental | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Theta move to 90 degrees with platform edge. User calibrates by using jog arms to place exactly 90 degrees. Steps per degree can then be read out by using <code>M114</code>, and programmed using <code>M92</code>. X represents Theta. Program Y (Psi) to the same value initially. Remember to repeat <code>M360</code> after adjusting steps per degree.
Smoothieware: <code>M360 P0</code> will accept the current position as 90deg to platform edge. New steps per angle is calculated and entered into memory (M92) No further user interaction is required, except to redo <code>M360</code>.
M362: Move to Psi 0 degree position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Experimental | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Experimental | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Arms move to Psi 0 degree. Check only after other Theta calibrations
M363: Move to Psi 90 degree position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Experimental | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Experimental | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Arms move to Psi 90 degree. Check only after other Theta calibrations
M364: Move to Psi + Theta 90 degree position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Experimental | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Experimental | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Move arms to form a 90 degree angle between the inner and outer Psi arms. Calibrate by moving until angle is exactly 90 degree. Read out with <code>M114</code>, and calibrate value into Home offset <code>M206</code>. Psi is represented by Y.
Smoothieware: <code>M364 P0</code> will accept the current position as 90deg between arms. The offset is stored as a trim offset (M666) and no further user interaction is required except to save all changes via <code>M500</code>.
M365: SCARA scaling factor
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Experimental | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | Experimental | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Adjust X Y and Z scaling by entering the factor. 100% scaling (default) is represented by 1
M366: SCARA convert trim
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Executing this command translates the calculated trim values of the SCARA calibration to real home offsets. This prevents the home and trim movement after calibration.
M370: Morgan manual bed level - clear map
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | Use M557 | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | No | No | ??? | ??? |
Clear the map and prepare for calibration
- Usage
- <code>M370</code>
- <code>M370 X[divisions] Y[divisions]</code>
Without parameters is defaults to <code>X5 Y5</code> (25 calibration points) When specifying parameters, uneven numbers are recommended.
M371: Move to next calibration position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
Move to the next position for calibration. User moves the bed towards the hotend until it just touches
M372: Record calibration value, and move to next position
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
The position of the bed is recorded and the machine moves to the next position. Repeat until all positions programmed
M373: End bed level calibration mode
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
End calibration mode and enable z correction matrix. Does not save current matrix
M374: Save calibration grid
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
Saves the calibration grid.
- Parameters
- <code>extension</code> (Smoothieware only) Extension of the grid file
- <code>Pfilename</code> (RepRapFirmware only) Name of the file to save to
- <code>Z</code> (Smoothieware only) Also save the <code>M206</code> Z homing offset into the grid file
- Usage (Smoothieware)
M374 M374 <file extension> Z
- Usage (RepRapFirmware)
M374 M374 PMyAlternateHeightMap.csv
In Smoothieware, without parameters this saves the grid into the default grid file that gets loaded at boot. The optional parameter specifies the extension of the grid file - useful for special grid files such as for a special print surface like a removable print plate. Addition of Z will additionally save the <code>M206 Z</code> homing offset into the grid file.
In RepRapFirmware, this saves the grid parameters and height map into the specified file, or the default file <code>heightmap.csv</code> if no filename was specified. To load the height map automatically at startup, use command <code>M375</code> in the config.g file.
M375: Display matrix / Load Matrix
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
Displays the bed level calibration matrix (Marlin), or loads the grid matrix file (Smoothieware and RepRapFirmware)
- Parameters
- <code>extension</code> (Smoothieware only)
- <code>Pfilename</code> (RepRapFirmware only)
- Usage
M375 M375 [file extension] ; (Smoothieware only) M375 PMyAlternateHeightMap.csv ; (RepRapFirmware only)
Without parameters loads default grid, and with specified extension or specified filename attempts to load the specified grid. If not available will not modify the current grid. In Smoothieware, if Z was saved with the grid file, it will load the saved Z with the grid.
M376: Set bed compensation taper
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
No | 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | Yes | ??? | No | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Hnnn</code> Height (mm) over which to taper off the bed compensation
- Example
M376 H10
This command specifies that bed compensation should be tapered off over the specified height, so that no bed compensation is applied at and above that height. If H is zero or negative then no tapering is applied, so compensation is performed throughout the entire print.
If the firmware does not adjust the extrusion amount to compensate for the changing layer height while tapering is being applied, you will get under- or over-extrusion. Using a large taper height will reduce this effect. For example, if the taper height is 50 times the largest bed height error, then under- or over-extrusion will be limited to 2%.
M380: Activate solenoid
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Activates solenoid on active extruder.
M381: Disable all solenoids
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | No | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
M400: Wait for current moves to finish
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | Yes | Yes | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | Yes | No | No | Yes | ??? | use G4 | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Finishes all current moves and and thus clears the buffer. That's identical to <code>G4 P0</code>.
M401: Lower z-probe
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Lower z-probe if present. In RepRapFirmware this runs macro file sys/deployprobe.g.
M402: Raise z-probe
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | 1.17 and later | ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Example
Raise z-probe if present. In RepRapFirmware this runs macro file sys/retractprobe.g.
M404: Filament width and nozzle diameter
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy | Repetier | Smoothie | Druid | MK4duo |
Yes | Yes | ??? | ??? | ??? | No | No | ??? | Yes | |
grbl | Sprinter | BFB | FiveD | Machinekit | Redeem | Teacup | Yaskawa | MakerBot | |
??? | No | No | No | No | ??? | No | ??? | ??? |
- Parameters
- <code>Nnnn</code> Filament width (in mm)
- <code>Dnnn</code> Nozzle diameter (in mm)1
- Examples
M404 N1.75 M404 N3.0 D1.0
Enter the nominal filament width (3mm, 1.75mm) or will display nominal filament width without parameters.
- Notes
1While Marlin only accepts the 'N' parameter, RepRapFirmware further allows to specify the nozzle diameter (in mm) via the 'D 'parameter. This value is used to properly detect the first layer height when files are parsed or a new print is being started.
M405: Filament Sensor on
Support | Marlin | RepRapFirmware | Klipper | Prusa | Buddy |