What glue do you use to stick PEI to glass?by nophead - General
The top layer is sparse because I didn't re-calibrate E steps from PLA. Softer materials feed slower because they ride lower in the hob and see a smaller radius. You can never get to 100% fill with viscous materials like ABS because it won't flow under the rounded edge of the previous infill line when it is only constrained on one side. The infill spreads more to the unconstrained side and thenby nophead - Mendel90
No I am using the NEMA14 direct drive extruder on my Huxley90 because the flexible filament I have is 1.75mm. It is like pushing string but with the right settings I can get 20mm/s. Here is a cap for my printed glasses case printed in 41 Flex polypropylene with 0.25mm layers. It prints very nicely.by nophead - Mendel90
>Still enjoying the quiet life? Yes thanks. Playing with different filaments. Filaflex yesterday, polypropylene today.by nophead - Mendel90
Just like Windows then. Endless new versions that make all your hardware go obsolete. I still have a machine with a Panalolu2 but no intension of ever updating Marlin to a version incompatible with ino as that is what I use to build it. What benefit does Marlin 1.1.0-RC7 have?by nophead - Mendel90
You could try asking them for the OpenScad source file as I expect they modified that rather than completely remodelling it.by nophead - Mendel90
E3D used to run Mendel90 themselves, so they may have a carriage design.by nophead - Mendel90
You need to select "Melzi W / ATmega 1284p 16 mhz". Melzi is not supported by Arduino, so you need to copy the Melzi board support package from my GitHub to the hardware folder. It probably only works with Arduino 1.0.x because Arduino keep making non backwards compatible changes which require all the BSPs to be updated each time. That is why I shipped a specific version of Arduino with the BSP aby nophead - Mendel90
You could try printing the first layer at a lower temperature or slightly higher or with a smaller W/T ratio to reduce adhesion.by nophead - Printing
I have had a machine built from an early kit printing almost continually for the rest of the kit production and its ribbon cable is still working so the lifetime should be in excess of three years of printing. It is a fairly dangerous failure if it does go though, so perhaps it is advisable to inspect it say every six months. Maybe if you print lots of small things it concentrates the wear in theby nophead - Mendel90
Hi Alex, That isn't the cable supplied with the kit. What happened to the original? I think the coloured rainbow wire is less flexible. Did you have the polypropylene strip installed on the inside of the bend?by nophead - Mendel90
See . A store that sells sheet materials for laser cutting, e.g.by nophead - Mendel90
Just comment out the definition of round in wiring.h. //#define round(x) ((x)>=0?(long)((x)-0.5)) I think on Linux a different version of the compiler gets used for the same version of Arduino.by nophead - Mendel90
For my first machine I cut them from polypropylene A4 binder covers. For the long X one I stapled two together. Anything with a living hinge will be made from PP. We bought large sheets intended for laser cutting. They are not expensive but postage is for just one sheet.by nophead - Mendel90
> MINTEMP message, printer stops and thermister voltage definitely drops to 0. That has be baffled. Dropping to zero implies a short but that should give MAXTEMP error. The only other way it could go to zero is if the pin was defined as an output and driven low. If you haven't changed the firmware recently then that can't be the case. Do the motors ever move? Perhaps a short between a motorby nophead - Mendel90
Another possibility is a firmware pin conflict between the SD port and the thermistor pin. Has it ever worked from SD since you remapped the pin?by nophead - Mendel90
Erratic temperature swings are usually caused by molten plastic getting onto the thermistor leads, oxidizing to black and becoming partially conductive. In your case where you have blown an analogue input pin it is conceivable that more of the chip is damaged such as the analogue multiplexer or the ADC itself. I haven't seen that before though. Are you saying it works with manual control but noby nophead - Mendel90
I presume it rattles through the gcode ignoring most of it because of the MINTEMP error that requires a restart. There is no point trying to print until you fix that error. Put a voltmeter across the extruder thermistor terminals and check it it behaves erratically. What voltage does it read when it gives MINTEMP?by nophead - Mendel90
Check the power supply connections to the Melzi are good and and tight. Check that there isn't a partial short to the extruder thermistor from the heater caused by burnt plastic on the hot end heater block.by nophead - Mendel90
Odd because Z_HOME_POS is normally around 203. Not sure why it would be as low as 198 unless you are using a different hot end? If you are using a longer hot end 5mm longer and it was working with 198 then I think something must have broken to make 5mm difference. Is the x-carriage and the Wades block still bolted together properly and neither of them broken?by nophead - Mendel90
The dimensions of the sheets are defined in BOM. I bought them cut to size and then just had to cut out the gantry and drill the holes myself.by nophead - Mendel90
There are only DXF files for CNC and PDFs for manual drilling. You can print the PDFs in multiple sheets and tape them together. Adobe Acrobat reader can print it across multiple sheets with alignment marks.by nophead - Mendel90
The Melzi probably doesn't have the correct pull up resistors on the thermistor inputs. They should be 4K7 1% but some Melzis have 10K fitted.by nophead - Mendel90
Another one appeared today. . I would always recommend feeding the filament via a tube that is anchored to the frame to prevent it dragging on the extruder and reducing the print quality.by nophead - Mendel90
If you Google Mendel90 spool holder you will find an almost infinite variety. Here are a few: -by nophead - Mendel90
In parallel the current is divided by two so you have half the torque, which is not quite enough in my experience. In terms of keeping the motors in sync parallel is better. If you stall one when in parallel the other stalls as well. If you stall one in series the other continues to spin.by nophead - Mendel90
Check that the power and ground connections on the Melzi are tight. The bed is turned on before the Z axis descends so a bad connection causes the 12V rail to drop. Since the Z motors are wired in series they are the first to be affected by a low 12V rail.by nophead - Mendel90
Switches with levers will be less accurate because any non-repeatability of the basic switch is multiplied by the lever ratio. However I don't see how it could make 4mm difference unless the switch is broken.by nophead - Mendel90
You seem to be trying to run it from source code but there should be windows executable version that can just be downloaded and run.by nophead - Mendel90