Should be fine with what you have. If you're super worried someone a bit more electrical savvy than I will hopefully post here soon :-) A lot people seem to use much higher than 16A, I've seen people commenting that they use up to 30A supplies. Sounds like you have a proper box but if you've hacked a computer PSU it is my understanding that you need a dummy load on the 5v rail for the 12v to reaby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
My experience with calibration is pretty rough - seems that you really do need to set up diff settings for each type of print. i haven't really got it sorted out yet either. I've decided to just focus on calbrating for one type of plastic, layer height and fill at a time for now. (ABS, .36mm and 100% - for replacement/new parts). I've tinkered with other things before but think I need to focus onby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
Just occured to me that perhaps your e and z steps per mm are way out in your firmware - but you say you can move them both using the hostware and the calibration seems ok?by evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
I have a different pipeline (sprinter/mega1280/ramps1.2/skeinforge/pronterface) so not very confident but ... if you are skeining (slicing) w skeinforge make sure you have dimension activated otherwise no extruder moves will be generated in the gcode. For that matter, please post the first 20 or so lines of gcode here for people to look at - if there are no e or z values thats why they won't movby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
@ CeeThreeEs - How did you manage to prove that you were getting spurious end stop activations? And could this still happen with the endstops unplugged? Finally could EMI still cause trouble when printing from SD? Sorry for the barrage - any comments much appreciated :-)by evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
scratch that - 2 hours in and my print skipped several times in the space of half an hour - both x and y axis :-(by evans2481 - General
daufhammer, Im up and printing 2 hours without a skip after increasing the buffer as per the link I posted above. Worth a try for you I would think. I wouldn't say my probs are solved but it is looking a bit better than it has been for a while ... and if your skipping is frequent and persistent you would be able to implement this and see if it helped in a matter of evans2481 - General
I recall looking for a method to download firmware from an arduino board and not being able to find anything - from memory I recall reading something about the compiled firmware on the arduino chip being quite different from the files for the firmware on the computer and it not being able to transalte back. Happy to out-googled or out-witted though :-) Would be a good thing to be able to evans2481 - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Hey daufhammer, I am having similar trouble, though skipping is not restricted to a single axis (occurs at least on x and y, usually separately, not always). Have tried many things to resolve but have not found the solution. Sometimes I can print for hours without trouble but very rarely can get through a 3 hour print without at least one skip. Am currently looking at this - but my hot end hadby evans2481 - General
Had any luck Graham? I've had endless trouble with skipping steps too - am currently looking at this but my hot end got into trouble before I could fully test it. Sounds like your problem has slightly diffferent symptoms to mine but the effect is the same. Let us know how you get evans2481 - General
Hi Daniel, Sorry just got back to your PM. Not sure if I can help - is your printer stopping completely, or pausing? IE missing or skipping steps? I have a very similar setup to yours and have had trouble with missing steps. Never fully resolved though, my latest effort to fix is adjusting the buffer like this - Hard to tell if it worked or not though - have previously gotten through three houby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
Got mine from ebay and never had a problem with it (running ramps 1.2)by evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
It should still talk to the board and check the temp - won't be able to heat or move the motors without the other power supply though. Don't do what I did and get a 12v 5a power supply - the 5 amps is a minimum and most people seem to run with more when you look into it. I replaced with a 10 amp, solved a few problems for evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
I guess "1. Edit the files you want as necessary inside the sprinter folder. " is the tricky part where it'd be nice to have a bit more confidence than I gave you :-) If you have a look most of the options you need to work with are in the config file and include Board type - ie arduino mega 2560 in your case thermistor type - 100k or 200k most likely Endstop details Acceleration And prob a fewby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
@librav the info is no doubt out there but prob a bit scattered across diff blogs and the wiki ... Firstly you need to pick a firmware and download it. I recommend sprinter - google kliment github sprinter and you'll find the latest. Download it. Then, as said above 1. Edit the files you want as necessary inside the sprinter folder. 2. Open the pde file into arduino software (and it load assby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
Sorry, didn't mean to ignore your other query ... I don't have the answer though. I think it only changes which pins are set to which functions in the firmware. I would guess that the pins in ramps 1.3 and 1.4 are very similar if not the same but I don't know (I use ramps 1.2 and haven't looked at the other two much at all). You could check the schematics and compare but I suspect a better answby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
If you are using a mega 2560 then yes the specified board in the arduino program should be mega 2560. I use a 1280 and so specify 1280 - my understanding is that this is simply for the arduino software to connect to the board properly - the uploaded firmware would be the same in either case but you must specify the actual board that you are using in the arduino software prior to upload. So evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
Thanks brnrd, hadn't found my way to that series of posts. Seems to have all the answers - looks like a little more work than I thought though. Really appreciate the link :-)by evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
Would anyone (brubje?) be able to post a pic of a ramps 1.2 board with an sd module (either kliment or arduino) wired in? I'm a little confused by the few pics available - it seems that I would need to add some headers to the right hand side of the ramps 1.2 shield but unless i need to desolder parts of the shield I only have room for a single row of headers on the board. (23,25,27 ...53.) If Iby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
Thanks for the replies. Will check out Spacexula's clearing method on youtube. I have a blowtorch and not nearly enough excuse to use it :-) And in the meantime I'll stick to the hand-twisting drill method .. @rhmorisson - thanks for the link. Might get one shipped out to sought out my problems. Having fun fiddling with the extruder but it'd be nice to be printing at the same evans2481 - General
I've told jpcw I'd be happy take on a little risk as part of a trial order of this abs. Anyone else interested in sharing risk on this? It's worth adding that I've also bought some PLA sourced from China and found it to be quite good dimensionally. Not really printing well enough to judge at the moment (extruder issues) but hand extrusion tests seem almost identical to ultimachines evans2481 - Australia, Perth RepRap User Group
Quick update - I'm fully assembled and working through some calibration prints but have been a little hampered by some misguided hot end building I've been doing .... Everything else running okay and I think I finally got my head around a working toolchain over the w/e. Just thought I better fess up ... @mlagana - what hot end design have you been working with / have for sale? are you able toby evans2481 - Australia, Sydney RUG
I got a bit in from a china supplier and the quality was quite bad. Almost no sense of tolerances on one roll (varied 2.1mm - about 4mm) and the other was roughly 3.4 +- .2mm when it was suppose to be 3mm. I wouldn't rush out to order 25 kgs without carefully checking first. Have them send a sample order of a few kilos if you can first. Tell them that you need to verify suitability and that largby evans2481 - Australia, Perth RepRap User Group
@ RHMorrison Mendel Parts V6 has the PEEK with PTFE lining thermal break but still maintains the pushfit design with the extra PEEK support block. I think that may be what got me to worrying that I'd still need the support block evans2481 - General
Another very useful thread for me to read - thanks all! @ Aging Hippy I'm now planning on tracking back through all your posts - it's amazing / suprising how many similar issues I am having. Very glad to be having them after you've already worked through them :-) @ RHMorrison You're PEEK break with threaded brass nozzle is not constrained vertically (z) ? I have been thinking along similar liby evans2481 - General
Might be worth mentioning that the 'home' buttons for each axis in repsnapper don't actually home to the endstops. Not sure why but recall having similar trouble and reading that somewhere. The 'home all' button does what you'd expect (moves all axis to the home position) but before you go rushing to press it make sure you have a quick option to kill the power, if one of the axis goes the wrong wby evans2481 - RAMPS Electronics
My brother turned one of these over to me the other day when I was talking through my extruder promblems with him. Had a larger opening in the back, I haven't it with me at the moment but prob slightly larger than 3mm. Guessing the thread was 3/16" but none too sure. There are also larger ones that have an internal thread (ie tapped not died). Anyway BBQ stores have quite a variety in stock appaby evans2481 - Plastic Extruder Working Group
Hi All, Been lining up my ducks (postage packs) the past few weeks and am looking forward to really getting started this weekend! I think (and hope!) that I have all that I need. I'm in North Sydney and it would be great to be in touch with the Sydney community. I'm planning a Mendel with RAMPS set up. Will certainly let everyone know when I'm up and running! I've tried to hedge against postby evans2481 - Australia, Sydney RUG