Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 03, 2015 02:44PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 100 |
Appreciate the feedback but, I cant print anything right now because the printer is broke (awaiting parts). That was something I found, that was unrelated to the initial problem. I need to get the printer repaired before I can make anything.
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 03:00AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 16 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 07:39AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 31 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 10:27AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 03:17PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 111 |
Does anyone know the thread size of the throats?
m6 x 30mm ....make sure you get 300m length. the 26mm is too short....I found that out after getting half a dozen
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 05:44PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 33 |
It appears I have taken two giant steps back from having the Migbot print a test cube with a fully functional LCD panel to a comatose printer with an LCD Screen with 2 lines of 16 squares and no readout after having attempted to reload an edited H file that was initially posted as Migbot/Marlin100% valid.
And things were going so well!
I Would first ask the question can I use the M502 command from the direct serial comm to recall/reload the original default factory Firmware? and then the M500 to save it. Second is there a Link to step by step instructions for Arduino IDE to load the H file into the Arduino? I thought I had pulled down and read all I needed. But clearly I missed a critical step or misconstrued the recommended steps.
Clearly I have stabbed the unit and it now is non responsive. I will say that the MKS BASE V1.2 blue lights did flash when the edited file was loaded and it appears that the comm is still capable if one believes the flashing blue light when data is sent. However If I have killed the Firmware I need to know if I can take a step back to its original config? If not what is the recommended recovery procedure?
Any help will be appreciated
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 09:53PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 6 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 04, 2015 10:54PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 112 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 02:10AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 112 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 10:26AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 31 |
HI josh,
can i know what type of Greg Wade did you print for the MIgbot? as have final decision to change the extruder, as print one time jam one time. enough of the extruder, anyone try Migbot with J head or E3Dv6 with the print parts, will appreciate you guys share it, as need to change!
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 10:34AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 10:54AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 20 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 11:39AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 12:14PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 20 |
I have temporarily used Tyraps to route and arrange the harness "loom" to make sure routing and clearances are good then I have used traditional spiral vinyl wire wrapping that is inexpensive, comes in several sizes and lengths to wrap the harness segments. It remains flexible and protects the harness. Make sure you check full functionality is satisfactory before you begin the wrap process. Once wrapped or "as you wrap, you can remove the Tyraps. The Tyraps that come in the kit are really not very substantial and may break while being applied.
I had several remnants from other projects and still have much remaining. Neatens things up and protects the harness.
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 02:22PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 06:32PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 33 |
Thank you for your reply!.. Although there was nothing in the Carton and I had to get the info from Migbot's support person, who is now no longer available, the bed default value was 200X200. And, it did have optional support for multiple extruders. Yes... regarding the flashing blue lights when connection is made and when I send to the printer..... I did not see an .ino file in anything I downloaded or received. I will try the small bed load again as I am almost certain that is what I modify the needed changes to enable EEPROM controls and the E Steps value to start the calibration process. Clearly I missed a point and induced a problem with the procedure I followed.
Do you have a link for or a procedure to use IDE with the Migbot's MKS Base V1.2. I have downloaded and read all related info from Arduino,cc . other than MEGA 2560. I didn't discern an apparent criteria that indicated I should Import the " Zip" file "Library" and let IDE do the file set up. I was confused by this as the RAR File sent by MigBot's tech support contained no detail other than CURA the drivers and assembly docs.
If, I ever get all documented and functional again, I will take the time to do a user guide write up. There are tons of users with differing levels of experience and knowledge. Likewise, there are almost as many 3d printer variants. While the Prusa I3 is a type or class, there are numerous variants having differing controllers and configurations within the class. Support groups resource indicate there seems to be much that is already understood, implied or expected.. Which is OK. But if experience level is low on the technology, the interrelationship and use of vitally included files and what IDE requires to properly access and upload the needed stream to the controller are somewhat disconnected and seemingly unclear. The very fact that nothing came in the "Box" and required research and multiple emails to receive, attests to the lack of clarity. Fantastic that there are helpful users that are willing to share information. Fact is the kit is not bad at all considering its cost. It is a learning experience on a fantastic technology. Frustrating at times for sure. But I expected some of what has been encountered. Like any web search for a specific piece of information, you have to be sure you are asking the right question in the correct language to get the sought answer. Otherwise, generality and incompleteness are to be expected. The forums are invaluable. But in many cases, the needed clarity must be gleaned from the chaff.
I grasp and understand the hardware and firmware functionality. And, I can grasp the use of an IDE tool to develop, change, compile and send the revised firmware to the controller to be used as the operating system and menu setup. The cloudy area seems to be the critical step by step and detailed procedure and files being sought to ensure what you are doing with IDE is correct. It is a learning curve. Much about the Config_H file is everywhere. And I get that importance as that is the configuration menu/setup of how the specific model printer and its included options/accessory components are to function together. Invariably, there is always a core piece in the operating firmware that drives/controls the controller within the parameters of the configuration setup. As the data stream is received and acted upon by the controller and is firmware operating system, outputs are driven and sensors' inputs are monitored while the print communication language is being received and interpreted. But so far there Is more needed on what is implied rather than defined. The Forums help, but it is truly a matter of finding the needed response
The reference to IDE handling the files in the "Zipped" file and the .ino are most helpful.
Again I am most grateful for the insight and guidance..
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 08:11PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 05, 2015 10:20PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 80 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 06, 2015 08:51AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 31 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 06, 2015 10:08AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 06, 2015 02:10PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 33 |
Thank you for getting back.. All detail is important and will be absorbed.. I did down load and put on CD the indicated file(s) and come to find out that it seems the Zip title and size matches the one I pulled down the other evening when I also pulled in and re digested all from again. Screenshots would be the golden ticket for sure.
You mentioned being a printer engineer. May I ask with whom. I ask because I have been in the printer industry for a very long time in a wide variety of positions. It is not impossible that our paths may have crossed at some point. Regardless, this technology is new and explosive and evolving quickly. Important to learn and play....I've been involved with printers and IT technology since Mainframes, bit slice and 4004 microprocessors. I built some of the early CPM and DOS based development systems, Did engineering work on emulation compatible controllers and was fluent in machine coding at one time. Have done mechanical engineering and design for merging of printer technologies and a variety of other application specific projects. Before all that worked with some of the early companies involved with systems and peripherals. Anyway, this is new, a challenge and is growing as it evolves.
Will follow your very much appreciated insight and guidance for sure. THANK YOU!
Was going to get into it tonight again but we lost power last night in our development and had the generator up until 3:3AM so I thought I would take a break and get to it tomorrow evening after work. The frustrating thing in all of this is that I had gotten the printer to the point of printing the test cubes properly. Once I found the issue with the extruder's Esteps /mm issue I was spitting plastic. There is more to it I'm sure but at the least it was alive and print quality, except for the first couple of layers, was not bad at all for a start. It was obvious I could make manual changes but I couldn't store the changes as EEPROM settings did not appear in the menu except for the restore function. I had read enough to know that without these functions I really couldn't store the needed changes to properly calibrate the machine. So I had to pull in and learn the IDE. Clearly I missed a few key steps in the procedure and sent it something it did not care for and I took two giant steps backward. Rather than continue to play and possibly make things worse, It was appropriate to do more research, revisit and the IDE details and ask some questions.. As all is open technology, there really isn't a single user guide that ties all together to help through all setup and provide the necessary steps to breathe life into the base machine and then tweak it to proper output quality..
It's rare that things like this work out of the box and that was expected. I would have been truly shocked if it had. I must be honest and say all did but the extruder did not extrude. So the community has been most helpful. The information is out there. Just a matter of finding it and gleaning the applicable detail from the chaff.
But I do sincerely appreciate the assistance. Thank you! Will get back as things progress.. When I do get it up and running I will take the time to screw the guide together for the community to draw on and edit.
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 06, 2015 02:43PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 17 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 06, 2015 05:56PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 111 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 07, 2015 07:01AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 07, 2015 09:32PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 18 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 08, 2015 08:52AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 33 |
in my case, i run the cooling fan for the printed layers with ABS. when i didn't, the print would go all limp and quickly separate from the glass bed. i run 230-110 btw. on another note, i've noticed talk about the migbot frame being somewhat "not rigid" and i totally agree. i can grab the y axis frame and move it side to side ..easily. all my bolts, screws and nuts are tight..very tight. i am printing good right now..tweaked and running well, but, i pulled the trigger just moments ago for a P3steel frame kit at i like the way its put together and i think it will be a solid base for my printer components not to mention getting a 200x200x200 print envelope. unfortunately, this place is in Spain and i don't know how long it will take for delivery. i just received an E3d hotend (chinese) and that took 3 weeks from Aliexpress. happy printing guys!
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 08, 2015 04:18PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 18 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 08, 2015 10:22PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 31 |
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 08, 2015 11:39PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 100 |
Anyone have their acrylic Y axis carriage warp from heat while printing ABS? I did tonight, son-of-a...just found the sweet spot too. Thoughts on a replacement?
Re: Migbot Prusa i3 Unofficial Support Thread August 09, 2015 04:11AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 33 |
i was wondering about the differences . and i just printed new right and left x mounts in abs too. drat! what about the y axis pulley? pictures show it as larger than what is on the migbot. i planned to design a tensioner for this.are the x axis smooth rods the same distance from each other so i can use the same print carriage? because i just did a redesign for one that holds my new v6 hotend and an adjustable z sensor AND printed it.