Where in aus are you?by bgkdavis - Delta Machines
you may also want to check this outby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
You will get better performance with rollers that track straight the HE3D rollers don't!, you could see the carriages wobbling as they move up and down the vertical rails and you could also see a very pronounced wobble at the nozzle, it could be that I just had some bad rollers, but I just went with linear rails to absolutely kill the problem. The Duet was a personal choice, I've got two other pby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Mostly the parts are from RobotDigg , at the very minimum you need to get the 2020 corner piece set. If you want the metal carriages and effector then you will also need to buy these, but no point buying one or the other, get both or neither, but make sure that you have an alternative bed leveling solution before going down this path. the HE3D hot end fits in the RobotDigg effector fine, but youby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
yeah, I'm expecting problems with the bowden tube as well, the problem is the bowden principle depends on the material having a good stiffness and low coefficient of friction. Flexible PLA has a poor stiffness, when you put pressure on the end it will tend to expand, swell in the tube and increase the resistance from friction. Even if you solve the friction problem, the next issue you have isby bgkdavis - Fisher
On my HE3D delta I observed that it was very clear to see that as the machine moved from Z0 to Z600 you could see the nozzle snaking side to side, this wobble was traced to the rollers not tracking correctly, which caused the carriages to wobble, which in turn induced the wobble into the effector..... I fixed this by replacing the rollers with linear rails. If your delta is using rollers its proby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
You should not have to shorten the bowden, but it would help, im looking at getting one of these If you look at the vid you can see how they have added a support tube to ad stiffness to flexible filamentby bgkdavis - Fisher
Was wondering if anyone would like to work with me on some recovery for the duet, I've developed these features for industrial CNC machines and think they would be useful on 3D printers. These features are often referred to as MOB or Man Over-Board features, in reference to the procedures ships employ when one of the crew or passengers falls overboard and the hip has to circle round to collect tby bgkdavis - Duet
A month or so ago I made the questionable descision to buy a HE3D -600 delta, since then whilst Ive got it working OK ish, ive note really been very happy with the print quality or overall performance, and have just kepttweaking it and replacing most of the kits parts with better alternatives....... the parts in the origina kit can more or less be approximated as follow 2020 frame arms heatbedby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
The trick to printing flexible filaments is your extruder. A good flexible filament extruder doenst have any gaps between the drive cog and the bowden tube, and it has as shot as distance from the drive wheel to the hot end as possible For normal PLA the filament has a certain degree of rigidity that means the extruder can work if the extruder has a gap of 10-15mm, but flexible PLA cant bridgeby bgkdavis - Fisher
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) can smooth PLA in the same way that Acetone can smooth ABS, or you can use the solvent they use to wed PVC pipe, which is available from most DIY stores, dont even need to sand down firstby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
You can use any board, I have a preference for the Duet so used that instead of the RAMPS, which is why I cant help you. If you don't have programming experience of like me cant be bothered to develop your own interface from scratch, make sure you use a control board that has DELTA support, ie like the RAMPS or Duetby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
You have not gone to the forum I pointed too and asked there have you, the help you need in in the RAMPS forum not hereby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Good luck, Ive been running my original design for 6 months now and have found the inside locking nut isnt needed, using threaded rod will mean you lose the easy adjustability you get with a hex grub screw, and the longest grub screws avaialable to me were 25mm, which meant a locking nut on the inside wasnt practical, which is why I dropped it from my original concept.by bgkdavis - Fisher
No host PC is required at all, if you had a PanelDue screen and you uploaded your files directly to the SD card then you could operate your printer without ever connecting it to a computer. Without a PanelDue then you need a web something that can run a web browser to concect to the printer and use the web interface I normally use the PC to slice the STL, and upload the file to the printer, andby bgkdavis - Duet
Strictly speaking that what most kits do, the designs are open source and the suppliers just supply the kit of parts, but usually you get better instructions, despite the problems with the kit, you do have everything you need to build a delta printer, and you have a well supported controller, you just have to work on filling in the gaps. The support you are looking for will be in the RAMPS foruby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
try swapping the lines over put P1 before P0, it may be that the H parameter is modalby bgkdavis - Fisher
Quotehakimio Quotebgkdavis The length without the ball ends doesn't matter its the length with the ends that is critical. If you think you can precisely cut the rods and assemble the arms and get them perfect then you are probably going to be dissapointed How precise I can cut is my problem. It would be great if someone could just answer a simple question: what should be the carbon fiber rod leby bgkdavis - Fisher
The length without the ball ends doesn't matter its the length with the ends that is critical. If you think you can precisely cut the rods and assemble the arms and get them perfect then you are probably going to be dissapointedby bgkdavis - Fisher
if you used the RAMPS controller that came with the box then I cant help you mines still wrapped in the box, but the good news is the RAMPS controller is very popular and anyone familiar with RAMPS should be of help. Did you get the kingston/Sandisk forged SD card too? did you get a glass build plate? BTW if you got the heated bed, then you may want to cut away some of the MDF under plate theby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Heatbed that warps 5mm when heated to 50C...fn awesome!by bgkdavis - Delta Machines
No idea I'm not familiar with Repetier firmware, its just the behavior as you describe is very unusual, just thought it could be a firmware issue... you could try putting these two lines of code into a program file and see what happens when you run it G1 Z50 F6000 G1 Z55by bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Then its not your slicer if your G codes work in the correct direction when doing MDI yet work in the opposite direction when running a tape, then I really don't know whats going on... have you tried changing your firmware?by bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Interesting news on the glass build plate issue, I went back to HE3D web page and noticed that it says the kit does include a glass plate, so raised the question with HE3D and they replied that they will "buy a glass plate and send it".... BUY!? I thought they would have had them already....maybe its a translation error, but I kinda feel sorry for them having to ship only a glass plate from Chinaby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
you need to check the Gcode output, if there is a slicer fault it will be easy to spot in the Gcode output, post the Gcode file and ill look at it myselfby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
A tolerance of 0.02mm is a minor challenge for machinists, and its even a challenge to achieve with plastic injection molding, and would certainly be considered beyond the machine capability of a reprap, not even the filament your using is manufactured to this tolerance, and the variance in filament diameter alone will probably contribute 0.02mm variance to your final part size. To put this intoby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
OK, sounds like your slicer, check the G code itself, if you do a search for every Z parameter you should see that they increase as you progress through the file, if they decrease tehn its definately a slicer error, if they increase then its really weird, I don know if there is a G code or M code that can invert an axis in codeby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Quotenebbian Some people will say that modern 32 bit boards have amazing auto calibration routines, which is true. However if your plate is slightly non-flat (as they all are) then this non-flatness throws off the calibration routine and introduces larger errors elsewhere. Non flatness of the plate can be calibrated out on a Duet controller, the biggest problem I've found is plates having variby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
Have you checked the G code output from your slicer, this problem could be caused by a Z inversion in the slicer software can you manually enter G code with repetier, try entering G1 Z0, followed by G1 Z0.2.... does the extruder move down? IF the extruder moves down for the second command then you have the Axes inverted, and probably the jog buttons inverted too.... the two inversion would cancby bgkdavis - Delta Machines
funny thing, it actually says 20A on the PSU, somehow I got it into my head that 12*10=240W!!!by bgkdavis - Delta Machines