Thanks. Yes, I need to design self supporting part geometries especially for softer TPUs. Or add extra supports which can be cut off. Or possibly dual print supports in a second material. Also need to keep the part warm enough so each new layer sticks to the previous layer. A juggling act!by SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
Thank you for your replies. Quoteo_lampe How would you spread the heat evenly across the bed? A thick plate of aluminum spreads the heat pretty good, but with a single heat source in the center of the bed, you'd still see a difference. The heater heats the enclosure air (circulated by a fan) and the enclosure air heats the bed - top and bottom. So, the bed should be heated very evenly. Quotethby SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
What about just using the enclosure heater to heat the entire enclosure and bed together - up to say 60-80C, as required to best suit the material being printed? In other words, not use a bed heater at all. Do people think this would work for a good range of printed materials?...including TPU, PLA, ABS etc.?by SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
I'm planning to use the dual layer PC too for my large corexy too. But I plan to to bolt the PC on the outside of the entire aluminium frame (separated by a slight air gap too, using insulating washers). That way minimises heat lost from the frame and also ensures the entire frame heats uniformly to the enclosure temperature, and hence expands SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
For equal tension all around one long XY belt on a single plane (i.e. belt needs standard twist/cross-over), you can use a single effector pulley (say 20T) on one side of the effector, with the belt teeth engaged around the pulley. Then when you tension this long belt, by any method, anywhere along its length, you get the same tension all around the belt. (Move the effector around to equalise sby SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
Thanks for the update Simspeed. All the best for your new design. Please post when you get it SydneyDesigner - General
Hi again Simspeed - I was just wondering how things are going with your 80/20 bed design as I'm close to building mine. Any latest suggestions/modifications?by SydneyDesigner - General
Ah, thanks for the pics - now I understand what you are building (and why you need the trolley!). Exciting project. Are you planning to add any form of heated enclosure?by SydneyDesigner - General
Thanks for your reply Simspeed - that gives a better picture. What cartesian design is your printer based on? Sounds like you are close to getting it printing? (I'm building a CoreXY and still a way off finishing it.) I'd be wary of heating partial bed zones as the differential expansion of the heated part would be constrained by the cooler parts, and that might cause the bed to warp - perhapsby SydneyDesigner - General
Hi Simspeed ... I think this is a really interesting way of building a large heated bed. Thank you for sharing it. I need to build a heated bed of a similar size. I'm thinking of putting a thin PEI (or glass) sheet directly on top of the 20/80. So I'm just checking if you have any further advice from your experience with this design. How accurately flat have you managed to get your bed, and doesby SydneyDesigner - General
Check out the F306 printer and F306 video You could also consider Kevlar or Vectran line - I believe a 0.5 mm diameter line of these stretches about the same as a typical fibre reinforced GT2 belt (and stretches about 100 times less than 0.5 mm diameter Spectra).by SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
Thanks for your help. I'm trying to find some good examples of printers built with steel wires. But haven't found any SydneyDesigner - Developers
Thank you for your replies @VDX and @nicholas.seward - I think you have helped me to avoid going off in the wrong direction. But just to clarify, a couple more questions please. Is it impossible to get line with a stiffer elasticity modulus than the typical quoted 0.8 - 1.5 GPa for UHMWPE (Spectra, Dyneema)? And are there no lines at all that can be operated at 80C? Even if we could get line wiby SydneyDesigner - Developers
Thank you for your help. Quotenicholas.seward I tend to think that fishing line belongs on small to medium sized printers. I would classify yours as a large printer. Why do you think line might not tend to belong on larger printers like my 400-500 mm cubish printer? Is it mainly the triangulation and longer spool lengths? Or is there something else? It seems to me that one of the main benefitsby SydneyDesigner - Developers
Thanks to everyone for their contributions to this fascinating and informative topic. I'm particularly interested to hear what seems to be very successful uses of spectra/fishing line. My basic question is this. Is the consensus that (with good design) spectra/fishing line for X, Y and Z gives similar (or perhaps even better?) print precision and speed as GT2 belts? I'm not building a CoreXZ soby SydneyDesigner - Developers
Yes - I have noticed that too. Do you think a single sided X-carriage would work too, to save some weight? (Assuming that another way could be found to connect the belts to the carriage)by SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
Thank you sdavi - they are the wheels I'm planning to use so good to know they work well. I was also thinking about using single sided Y carriages like you have done. I realise you may have done it that way so the enclosure is simpler. But do you think double sided Y carriages would work any better for precision? Or would they just add unnecessary weight? Like bearwood says earlier in this postby SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
Thank you for sharing this sdavi. Which wheels are you using for the X and Y carriages? Are they the recently introduced polycarbonate wheels from Openbuilds? And are they the "full size" or "mini" wheels? Do you find polycarbonate wheels work any better than Delrin wheels?by SydneyDesigner - CoreXY Machines
Thanks again for your replies. Yes, Ultimaker does use 3mm filament with its Bowden. And yes, it does seem to produce really good detail prints, fast - achieved through many software and hardware improvements over the last year or so. I think moving-Z-platform designs like this have a lot of promise. Tantilus has already been mentioned. Who else is currently working on moving-Z-platform designsby SydneyDesigner - General
Thanks for your replies. Yes, Tantillus is an exception, with a moving-Z-platform, like Ultimaker. (Printexl is in fact a moving-Y-platform like Mendel.) I take your points @Polygonhell and @Nudel. Triangular Mendel-style frames don't lend themselves to a moving-Z-platform upgrade. So there may indeed be a bit of a legacy issue here due to what people have lying around to experiment with. So,by SydneyDesigner - General
First off, the title is just a teaser to jiggle our brain cells to discuss what I believe is a serious question. So absolutely no "Mendelian offence" intended to anyone I've been lurking in the Reprap and Ultimaker forums for nearly a year and am very impressed by both communities (I realise there is some overlap). I don't have a 3D printer yet, so I can't contribute anything particularly techniby SydneyDesigner - General
Hi again @Michael F Just wondering how you have been going with your Mondo. Have you calibrated it OK and printed any decent sized parts? Are you using a heated bed? ...PLA? ....ABS?by SydneyDesigner - General
Many thanks @Michael F, that is very helpful. I'd be very interested to hear how you go calibrating, and printing decent sized parts. When do you think you will get to that stage? Are you using a heated bed? ...PLA? ....ABS? I'm a reprap newbie (technically competent in a home workshop) so I'm concerned hearing your recommendation that the Mondo is not for newbies. I need the large build enveloby SydneyDesigner - General
Can anyone help please? I'm near Chatswood and looking to set up a larger build area reprap Mendel very soon (maybe the new Techzone Mondo if/when user feedback is favourable). I'd be interested in a Sydney user group to share ideas. (The Melbourne reprap guys seem to be ahead of us!)by SydneyDesigner - Australia, Sydney RUG
I'd like to know please, how Snomann's supply of ABS and PLA is going. Is the ABS running well in your repraps? Is the PLA ready yet and has anyone tried it?by SydneyDesigner - Australia, Melbourne RUG
I'd be really interested in more info on the Mondo SydneyDesigner - General
Hi Reprappers, I've been reading through this forum for a few weeks now and love the enthusiasm - very infectious, so I'm going to get into it. But I'm new to this and would like a bit of guidance please. I'm after a large build area printer for part designs in ABS and PLA - like the size of the Techzone Mondo (which I think has only been available for a couple of months). Has anyone had anyby SydneyDesigner - Reprappers