I've not got that far yet, but I'm intending on using the standard electronics but replacing the existing output stage with a micro stepping stepper driver chip this will allow use of all standard parts and protocols with a small change to the firmware (making it simpler). I will then be able to use a 200 step (by Ian Adkins - Reprappers
Hi Demented I have complete sets of RP parts for the Extruder see builders blog but because the half bearing are tricky to make I'm about to try a new design with the bearing cast in the original moulding while it will have a sorter life than brass bearings it will be much easier to make and can easily be replaced with the brass bearing version later if required. eD & Adrian have supplied meby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
If you want printed parts then i think the only option is commercial printing in which case volume is of no benefit as they all price around materials used (although more bucks generally helps with discount negotiations!!). Moulded parts will be ready end of next week assuming the test fit goes OK this week I will be posting on the builders blog as soon as I have a complete Hardware build. Theby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
Yes I was hoping to have done a fully assembled trial this weekend but family commitments changed that plan! but should be sorted mid this week and yes I will have all the RP parts or equivalent just need to test fit them all. I would hope complete kit of RP parts to be ready early next week. Ianby Ian Adkins - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Are we limited to a CD why not DVD? as 4.something GB is a lot of software or can it be broken over multiple discs one for operation another for development etc?by Ian Adkins - RepRap Host
I'm not quite there yet, next few weeks also, but I will have a web site supplying to UK and European RepRapers (moulded parts etc) and I will have space for large file downloads. Reece I will PM you nearer the time if this is of help. Ianby Ian Adkins - RepRap Host
Hi Steve Just read your Blog at the pace you're setting I'm going to have to change up a gear looks like you've only been building for 2 weeks! Good work indeed Ianby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
Hi Shaeeb Getting final RP parts from Ed on Friday so a few weeks after that Ianby Ian Adkins - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Hi Steve I'm collecting the final RP parts from Ed this Friday so should have a complete Moulded sets available in the next 2 weeks Ianby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
Hi I'm looking to set up supply of all parts within the UK, for UK and Europe to reduce shipping costs and time keeping the buy costs for the end user the same or cheaper by buying in bulk (small bulk) and the buyer only having one shipping cost. We're not quite there yet but getting closer every day. If you would like to Private Message me with the parts you require i would be very happy to givby Ian Adkins - United Kingdom RepRap User Group
Probably not as much help as you would like but i printed the list to PDF last month so would expect it to be current but not so convenient.by Ian Adkins - General
Is there a getting started guide or forum posting that would give me some help in finding my way round sourceforge etc as I'm trying to download the firmware C code and I'm finding bits all over the place with no idea which is the true! version or is it simple lots of peoples different versions? What are the differences between "branches", "tags" & "trunk"? I want to try and run the C codeby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
Hi Viktor I don't understand your post? are you suggesting moulding in glass? if so how do i do this as I'm happy to try anything. The Clear PU I'm using is thermoset but seems a little brittle I will be running of 10 sets of standard PU parts and carry on experiments with the clear stuff but any advise on using glass etc would be goodby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
Demented Chihuahua You still have changing mass due to the item being built and it will be different every time. You also need a lot more desktop space as the table needs 4 times its area as an overall envelope. The current design i feel is an extremely good first start and incidentally is how most of the commercial printers work The motors being used have loads of torque for this applicationby Ian Adkins - Mechanics
I'm getting close to having all RP parts available from PU resin please see builders blog these will be available via RRRF for US or direct from myself for Europe as I'm UK based. Adrian is letting me have the RP parts (I live very close to Bath )which i then copy/mould i expect to have a complete set within 1 month, and extruder kits should be by the end of this week. I have already made aby Ian Adkins - Reprappers
I very much agree with your summary of what's required for the motor control and this could also control one of Victors Tripods etc and would be very unlikely to need changing i think some work on the USB comms would be worth doing as in a)direct command move motor X 20 steps motor Y 50 steps (real time) b)Packet of data move to X5mm Y2mm then X-10mm Y20mm etc etc (not real time) would need leby Ian Adkins - Controllers
Is it worth starting a new thread to pool all the ideas regarding the control system as i agree with nophead most of this has been solved and the true breakthrough engineering is multi material 3D printing/manufacture, there seems to be a number of competent electronics people active with RepRap and while everyone has a different opinion I'm sure with reasoned discussion a consensus would be reacby Ian Adkins - Controllers
Hi Russ Yes they do and a point of interest,it is a pain to get the support material off it does breakaway but only with quite a pull and looks not dissimilar to the product material Adrian might know what it is. They also start on a very firm foam base and lay down a layer of support material to start with possibly to help the product latch on and start correctly, just a thought. Ianby Ian Adkins - General
CAN is a very robust comms solution but for DIY use it can be difficult to de-bug rs232/485 can be read easily with hyper-terminal etc, but i agree just use one controller which can easily handle four tasks and many more! then there is no sync issue if the Arduino has enough outputs it will at least satisfy this. using dedicated stepper driver chips means only 2 pins per axis + extruder Just loby Ian Adkins - Controllers
Not wishing to throw more in the mix but you know that Microchip do a free student edition of the C18 complier for the 18 range of chips these have on board USB, UART etc up to 12 bit ADC all for a few $. In the past I've used stuff similar to the Arduino and while they get you going very quickly, with a project like RepRap i can't help thinking you will quickly reach its limits and then be desiby Ian Adkins - Controllers
Hi Zach Why not use one of the all in micro stepping driver chips less board space easier setup with more flexibility (i.e. micro stepping) the IMT901 from nanotec Farnell do this chip or the A3967 if less power is required this only costby Ian Adkins - Controllers
I feel if you use a stepper controller chip like the A3967 they have spent quite a bit of time resolving all those little issues that take something from being OK to excellent (like resonance). They can also be changed from full to eighth step increasing resolution (if the mechanics allow) with nothing more than a jumper change. This allows 200 step motors to be used with the current Darwin desiby Ian Adkins - Controllers
For the future i see a non PC reliant RepRap as essential to being able to be taken up in the developing world, cheap USB sticks could be loaded at full USB speed with files that would then be read by the onboard chips this would be a processed file i.e. not a native STL so the computer would still do the hard number crunching and the USB is simply a storage device. These processed files could evby Ian Adkins - Controllers
You can also check this out have not used one but have heard good reportsby Ian Adkins - Controllers
I like the idea and have been working lately on a usb/ pic device to run G code files using a host/ slave controller such that it can connect direct to a PC or read data from a USB stick giving it up to 4GB of RAM. If i get this going I'll put up the information as a small firmware change should make it able to run RepRap but don't hold your breath!!!! it's a little way of yetby Ian Adkins - Controllers
It would be nice to think we lived in a world where the better engineering solutions would win but this is clearly not the case (VHS vs Betamax) USB is an entrenched technology that i personally have found to be very reliable Nokia are just putting Micro USB as standard on their range of Phones so I would be surprised if it all ended a few years from now. Also doesn't USB OTG the new 5 pin versiby Ian Adkins - Controllers
I have to agree with a previous posts you do miss the point. I have a fully working CNC router (able to cut metal) I could just add an extruder head then i'd have a 3D printer but why not just buy oneby Ian Adkins - General
What about a moving X, Y & Z like a docks container crane this gives full table usage the support is mainly low down and the Z is very simple. I have a small 300mm x 400mm hobby CNC router of this design and it works very well accurate to 0.01mm or better. I have been starting to look at changing the design to fit into the RepRap ethos of using FDM created parts and simple rods and i think itby Ian Adkins - Mechanics
Hi i am another person who has been following this project for a little while and decided it's time to get my feet wet and start building so Hi to everyone and i hope i can help if possible to push the project forward. I intend to build a RepStrap (not fully sure what that stands for?) that is a clone of a RepRap such that i can change out parts for RP parts as the technology allows i think thisby Ian Adkins - General