Ich habe auf thingiverse mal nach bestimmten Gebirge gesucht und dann nach deren Quellen geschaut. Dadurch bin ích auf diese Seite gestoßen: http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/srtmdata/ Ich habe versucht auf dieselbe Weise Modelle von Städten zu finden, allerdings scheint es diese Modelle nur von den großen Metropolen zu geben.by MilloMille - Allgemeines
Moin zusammen, ich habe mich lange nicht mehr mit 3D Druck beschäftigt, habe aber letzens wieder eine Idee: Da es durch Satellitendaten immer genauere topographische Karten gibt und Microsoft Flight Simulator die gesamte Welt mit Hilfe von Street View nachgebaut hat, muss es doch möglich sein seine Heimatstadt oder seinen Lieblingsgebirge nachzubauen. An die Daten von Flight Simulator kommt manby MilloMille - Allgemeines
Erstmal vielen Dank an die Community!! Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass sowas überhaupt möglich wäre. Aber ich habe nciht nur ein, sondern gleich mehrere sehr faire Angebote bekommen. Echt super Sache, aht mich wirklich gefreut. Also vielen Dank an alle aber ich brauche keine Angebote mehrby MilloMille - Schwarzes Brett
Ist alles egal. Muss nur schnell gehen. Versand werde ich übernehmen. EDIT: Einzige Voraussetzung an das Material ist, dass die beiden hälften verschraubt werden können. Farbe spielt aber keine Rolleby MilloMille - Schwarzes Brett
Hallo liebe RepRapper, ich bräuchte dieses Gehäuse von thingiverse: Gehäuse für das LS-7T Touchscreen Display und zwar am besten mit Lieferung nach Mainz/Wiesbaden bis Montag... Ich weiß das ist viel verlangt, aber wer mir ein Angebot machen kann, darf mir gerne schreiben. Viele Grüßeby MilloMille - Schwarzes Brett
I need this: Case for LS-7T printed and send to Germany (Mainz) ASAP. Please send me your offers and when you can print it for me. Thanksby MilloMille - Job Shop: I need stuff made!
Vielen Dank. Mir ist dann heute Nacht auch eingefallen dass das nicht anderes ist als zwei Banenstecker zusammenzustecken. Keine Ahnung was da gestern bei mir los war.by MilloMille - Elektrik & Elektronik
Hey Leute ich bin irgendwie gerade total verwirrt und möchte einfach nochmal nachfragen bevor ich vielleicht noch meine Elektronik durchbrate. Ich möchte Verbraucher 1 (12V/ca. 5A) und Verbraucher 2 (12V/0,5A) an den 12V Anschluss meines Schaltnetzteil anschließen. Muss ich die beiden Kabel voneinader isolieren oder kann ich sie sogar zusammen löten? Ich fühle mich gerade so richtig dumm, dass muby MilloMille - Elektrik & Elektronik
I meant changing the microsteps on the stepper by removing some jumpers and chenging the steps per mm in Merlin. Less steps per mm would propably (just guessing here) result in a little increased max feedrate but wouldnt change the current demand. For the z axis i used to work with an accelaration of 100mm/s² and a max feedrate of 5mm/s. Now i changed it to 50mm/s² and a feedrate of 4.5mm/s Canby MilloMille - General
Thanks you two for your posts. You made some very good suggestions! I am sorry for the confusion but I already am using lead screws. That was a translation error. But maybe the backlash free nuts will help. I will also check for other sources of inaccuracy The idea to get rid of the double z-axis motor seem very reasonable to me. Unfortunately thsi would mean some very serious changes to my modelby MilloMille - General
I build my first 3D Printer and I'm not quite happy with it. I chose alumium profiles for my casing, and because i already opened and closed them a couple them seem a little bit warped. When I dont use the printer for a few weeks its always a suprise to see if it will work. Mostly the z-axis with the two threaded rods wont work in the beginning. The last time I used it, I checked if the platformby MilloMille - General
Sorry guys I think I found the problem. I use an active USB Hub for powering and connecting my Keyboard, Mouse, my Display and.... the Arduino. It seems the connection from Raspberry to Arduino through the USB Hub is not fast enough. I still think its kinda wired because I ran the same setup for weeks before this, but ever since I connect the Arduino directly to the Raspberry I was able to printby MilloMille - General
But if it would be a wiring problem and wouldnt be able to run the stepper at all right? I only get this problem after i pull the power plugby MilloMille - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Marlin is already uploaded to the Arduino but I made some changes and reuploaded it again Pronterface doesnt warn me about problems with the baudrate anymore but there still seems to be a problem with it. When I try to print a G-Code my print gets randonly abortet. The Error I get looks like this: Unknown Command: "2M105" (or "F300M105") M105 is the command for checking the extruder temperature.by MilloMille - General
I have had the same problem a few times already. I mostly get this problem after I do a hard shut down (pull the power plug) while running a G-Code (i.e. because I ran into an end stop or the stepper made wired nosies) I connect via Pronterface and try to move the y-axis (its always the same axis). The stepper makes a sound like it would be moving but the axis doesnt move at all. I then shut dowby MilloMille - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
I dont know if I'm missing something but after I had to reinstall Raspian on my Raspberry Pi I cant't connect to my printer. I'll explain what I did because I have afeeling I missed something but first my set up: Raspberry Pi B+ with Rasbian 4.4.21 Arduino 2560 Mega and a RAMPS 1.4 I'm running Pronterface on my PI with Marlin Firmware Ok I isntalled the new OS with NOOBS, I did an update and anby MilloMille - General
Oh das wäre bestimmt die bessere Lösung gewesen Wobei sich bei der Version ohne Rahmen manche Leute über ein flackern beschwert haben: amazon.de Komisch das das Display genauso teuer ist wie die Version mit Gehäuseby MilloMille - Elektrik & Elektronik
Das Display brauche ich nur um einer Benutzeroberfläche darzustellen. Die Firmware habe ich bisher eigentlich soweit eingerichtet. Der Benutzer soll nur zwischen verschiedenen Modellen wählen können. Die G Codes leigen dann schon fertig auf dem Raspberry. Aber du hast recht es war verwirrend das ich mich über die fehlerhafte Darstellung des Arduinos beschwert habe. Ich denke wenn ich die Firmwareby MilloMille - Elektrik & Elektronik
Thanks gbr but i alreasy "fixed" it. After the described Problem i was scared to use the G28 function again so before every g code i homed the axis in pronterface. I changed a lot of settings in the firmware, mostly feedrates and acceleration. After a few days of testing i decided to stop Play chicken and try the G28 command again. Since then i never had trouble again. Since i changed a lot of seby MilloMille - Printing
Hi ich wollte einen Touch Screen an den Raspberry anschließen und war auch schon kurz davor mir den offiziellen Raspberry Pi Touch Screen zu holen. Allerdings sind mir dann die schlechten Amazon Reviews aufgefallen. Haupt Kritik war meist, dass die Auflösung zu niedrig ist um manche Programme im Vollbild darzustellen. U.a. bei der Arduino IDE, was natürlich ein bisschen scheiße wäre. https://www.by MilloMille - Elektrik & Elektronik
Im building a printer which just needs to print some basic shapes but it should be able to print different shapes next to each other. So lets say i have for spots, then the user should be able to say "i want to have a cube on spot 1, a sphere on spot 2 and bowls on spot 3 and 4" For that i would need subroutines or macros and "if" or other conditions. I found the M83 command which allows you to iby MilloMille - General
Ok now i have another problem. After playing with the Parameters i found a setting that fits my 3d Printer well. When i homed the axes everthing went smooth and quiet. Next i wrote a small g code to test some basic movements. The first command was G28 for homing. The z-axis didnt cause any Problems but when the y-axis started to move it went into the wrong direction at first, then it started to gby MilloMille - Printing
The Problem was indeed in the Firmware. Thanks a lot. Still have to find good feed rates and accelarations for the x-axis which has to carry a lot of weightby MilloMille - Printing
I just finished building my own 3D Printer with threaded rods on all axes. Now i wanted to set up the software but i have some problems with the homing function in pronterface. I can move the axis one by one and everthing runs smoothly. I can also home the z-axis without problems. But when i try to home x or y the steppers start to make horrible sounds and i turn them off because i fear they mighby MilloMille - Printing
Hello guys, I'm thinking about getting a Switch mode power supply for my RAMPS with Arduino and Nema17 steppers. The specs look pretty good and the Price is amazing. What i also like that there is no wiring needed like when you use a PSU. But what worries me is the high inrush current. According to the specs, my power supply would produce up to 40A inrush current. According to the datasheet of tby MilloMille - RAMPS Electronics
ok thanks a lot that makes senseby MilloMille - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
Ok maybe i just figured it out myself. Because my multimeter is very sluggish i changed the axis Speed to 5mm/min. Thats probably why the current was so low. So.. i should be fine with 7A - 10A right?by MilloMille - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
I'm working on a 3D Printer that works with 5 Nema17 Steppers (1,7A/Phase). I don't need a heated bed or a heater for the extuder. The maximum current the Printer could consume should be 17A which would never happen. Just from what i've read (this is my first printer) i should be fine with 7A - 10A if i am correct. But yesterday i measured the current when moving the different axes (just moved thby MilloMille - Stepper Motors, Servo Motors, DC Motors
I already have the standart arduino2560/RAMPS 1.4/Nema17 Setup. But if i wont achieve the dessired precsion i will try your set up. Is there a difference between having Steppers with twice as much steps and having double the microsteps?by MilloMille - Firmware - mainstream and related support
Thansk a lot for your help i did indeed own the one made in China. I can't belief they didnt include the Driver in the package or at least list the Problem in the Troubleshooting. There have to be thousands of people with this problem. Will the board have other differences as well, especailly Performance wise?by MilloMille - Firmware - mainstream and related support