Just catching up, but I've experienced similar VFA artifacts from improperly tensioned belts (too tight). I resolved most of my artifacts using a Mersenne's equation and methodology as explained here: Belt Tension Articleby obelisk79 - Printing
If you're considering ball screws for Z, I'm not sure the juice is worth the squeeze. I've printed at 0.025mm z resolution (complete overkill btw) using inexpensive lead screws with plain brass nuts. Since Z movement is generally quite slow with low accelerations, gravity maintains positive engagement provided that the lead screws were well machined. Just for peace of mind I've since switched toby obelisk79 - Mechanics
It runs hot, but not outside of it's expected operating specifications. My assembly isn't in an enclosure so I printed it in PETG, I have no complaints.by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
QuotePlecc Oh great, that's good to hear. Wow almost one meter bowden! out of curiosity, can you remember how much retraction you needed for that setup? What sort of extruder did you use? I was using a cheap single-gear extruder with blue capricorn tubing and my retraction was 6.5mm if I'm remembering right. I've since switched to my own design based heavily on this direct drive extruder: Shamby obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
All metal hotends will work fine in a bowden configuration with larger retraction. Quite a while ago, I used to run a 800mm long bowden tube with an all-metal clone volcano. It printed beautifully with only a few quirks that were more related to the bowden than the all-metal. Newer style hotends should work quite well.by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
I also quite appreciate that you've designed this in FreeCADby obelisk79 - General
How exactly are you grinding a knife edge on such small bearings? I'd like to recreate one of these but I have a few limitations. I don't have a means to precisely drill a motor shaft hollow and I am unsure how I'm suppose to grind a double-bevel on a bearing flange (I should mention that I don't have access to a lathe and that may be the key to success).by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
Another popular thing to do with inexpensive chinesium rails is to buy quality ball bearings and re-ball the carriages. Many people have found great success through doing that, although I haven't personally tried. If you're trying to stay in a low budget, aliexpress is a good source, provided you are willing to accept longer shipping/delivery times. Mellow and Trianglelabs are two vendors that arby obelisk79 - Mechanics
Cool custom printer, thanks for sharing. Enjoy!by obelisk79 - Look what I made!
Quoterq3 You can't pad all of the world's sharp edges. Nor should you. Experience is the best cure for ignorance. Wholeheartedly agree.by obelisk79 - General
People can be odd indeed.by obelisk79 - General
From my understanding, that kind of plastic blowout around the block is typically due to an improperly assembled hotend. Easy mistake to make, yet also easy to avoid. That one looks like roasted marshmallow!by obelisk79 - General
QuoteGodzilleni quote I'm going to go a bit against the grain, because putting upgrades into a printer which effectively double its original cost or more seems counter-intuitive to me. 1. v-Wheels are quite capable as a linear motion system for a 3d printer. They do require maintenance but if properly adjusted should perform equally as well as linear rails or rods/lm8uu's. It's your money, spenby obelisk79 - General
What does a loose brass nozzle have to do with non-stick coatings?by obelisk79 - General
You don't find much discussion about weight reduction on 'bed-slingers'. I can't comment authoritatively on the matter as I don't have one, but you could certainly reduce weight in several way I would think. Carriage plate for mounting the bed could be replaced with a milled or laser cut carbon fiber one. The bed surface itself: Ditch the glass, those beds aren't known to be particularly flatby obelisk79 - Mechanics
Quite glad to hear that you're doing better and thank you very much for the cautionary tale and sharing your experience!by obelisk79 - General
Just lock it. The discussion is largely off topic, and frankly just annoying. Anyone want to talk about covid or vaccines I'll gladly do so via PM. Lets keep that crap out of the public discourse on *this* website. We get enough covid and its associated vitriol literally everywhere else. Not here please. rq3, I wish you a speedy recovery.by obelisk79 - General
I have a lot of serious concerns about sars-cov2 and the lack of scientific rigor behind the vaccines along with some alarming statistics and research that is being published. That being said, I come here to read about 3D printers, not engage in social or political discourse. How about we stick with that. Ventilating your printer work area is generally a good practice many of us should take heedby obelisk79 - General
If you have a raspberry pi you can dedicate to your printer, Klipper may be an option worth exploring/experimenting with. There is likely a template configuration for that board already in its github repository you can use as a starting point. Klipper is well documented and very much expects you to RTFM before you start asking for support though. So be prepared.by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
yes it caused sticking, particularly when going from a non-motion state to moving. Once it was moving along the linear rod, it was fine. But it did cause issues on direction changes, trust me, when it happens, you will know. It was audible and resulted in artifacts in prints. I didn't use them for very long and it was a while ago so I can't really describe the artifacts.by obelisk79 - General
as long as its an open air frame this will work, but PLA will turn to putty if you end up enclosing the printer. I designed some in FreeCAD earlier this year and printed them in PETG, I found 'sticktion' to be a problem with mine, even after applying some teflon lubricant spray. Best of luck, PLA should pose less issues in regards to sticky/friction properties. Another hack-ish kind of approachby obelisk79 - General
Seems overly complex for just 70g of weight savings, another thing to consider is what additional cost would be involved with this type of configuration. Have you done a cost-benefit analysis between this (extra belts, extra pulleys etc) and a nimble or flex3drive setup? I don't believe the nimble is that speed limiting unless you are using a big nozzle like 0.8mm with comparably chonky layer heiby obelisk79 - Mechanics
A drawing would help visualize what you are proposing, it doesn't sound particularly feasible or practical to me.by obelisk79 - Mechanics
Klipper firmware that runs on most 3d printer boards also compensates for mechanical inaccuracies like orthogonality problem. That said, I agree with Mark that it's better to correct the issue than compensate for it via firmware. But at least you know you have the option.by obelisk79 - General
I think your budget and needs would dictate what printers would make a great fit for you. If you like to tinker, and want to learn about how these machines work just as much you want to print stuff then look for a quality kit based on a proven open source design that fits within what you're willing to spend. The Ender 3 printers are popular because they are inexpensive. That, combined with theby obelisk79 - General
QuoteSkrogh What made you switch from the treaded sleeve to a single, sharpened concentric race? Ease of manufacturing? Is there a performance difference? Intuitively I'd excpect a lower gripping force, but also less grinding, compared to the threaded sleeve. I think rq3 mentioned it in the other thread, but if I understand correctly, their concern was over repeatability. By using the concentricby obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
I've tried that and it offered insufficient grip, although in non-loaded testing it did drive the filament consistently and reliably, just not well enough for use on a printer.by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
Is the edged roller you are using custom cut on a lathe or something off the shelf you bought?by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
Give it a catchy name like... "The Twister" "Spiralizer" "SpinStruder" corny but memorableby obelisk79 - Tech-Talk
Thanks for the update, mind attaching a photo or screenshot of the new design? I'm in the Navy and on a ship in the middle of the ocean. Due to network restrictions, I have no current means to transfer freecad files to my personal computer from the network to look at what you've done.by obelisk79 - Tech-Talk