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Very impressed with the Marlin firmware, reasonably easy to get BORD_AZTEEG_X3_PRO working without knowing much about coding. Now I just have to get it all wired up
Firmware - Marlin
This video is from a few weeks ago, I have installed better Springs and cleaned up the 3D printed part to ring contact point, slides in nicely now and stays locked better.
Firmware - Marlin
Sorry for the slow reply. I have built the tool changer mechanism and fitted it to my printer and am now figuring out if I can get marlin 2.0 running in a tool changer configuration on the AZTEEG_X3_PRO. I have only just started looking into this tonight, things have changed somewhat since the earlier version of marlin but it looks like the pin allocations are in the v2.0 I just need to figure ou
Firmware - Marlin
I've made the first version of my G code editor and im now able to demonstrate how to print in multi materials minus the actual printing.
I still have to figure out some filament profile settings in slicer then I'm going to focus on the mechanical aspects of the tool changer, I will pick this up again once I have the physical arrangement and electronics to do the tool changing.
Firmware - Marlin
Is it possible to display more than 2 extrudes on pronterface temp graph?
After figuring out that one of the mosfets wasn't working on my Ramps bored I have managed to re-map the heater pins to digital pins, Unfortunately the Mosfet inputs are supposed to be 12 volts so I have had to power the mosfets through a relays, clickety click.
I extracted all of the #define pin lines out of the temperature sensor and heater pins section and got rid of the #ifndef stuff:
Firmware - Marlin
OK that doesn't sound too difficult, tomorrow night I might sit down and start again with a fresh copy of Marlin, that way I can document my changes. It would be nice to see Marlin managing more than two hot ends during a print. I have some hot ends I can use in a test jig if I re map the extruder and temp sensor to the heat bed ports then I can test my post processed gcode.
Im using labview to
Firmware - Marlin
Good afternoon everyone
After watching a YouTube video explaining the E3D tool changing system (Kinematic coupling concept) I haven't been able to shake the idea of making one for myself. The mechanical side off it seems relatively straight forward, I even have an idea to simplify the locking mechanism.
After spending the last 2 weeks playing around with the Marlin firmware and a controller m
Firmware - Marlin
Hey everyone I'm back again, it's been over 2 years now in which I have been printing consistently. Not the fastest and not the best quality but produced very useable things. Truth be told I brought some drones, got a little bit distracted and lost my motivation to expand it to its original intended capability. I hadn’t lost interest though, I have done a few small standard upgrades like:
Im not sure how much it weighs now but it will weigh a lot more when I slap a 600mm x 300mm x 6mm plate of aluminum on it, I haven’t done any calculations but im shore the motors will not have enough power to lift it with no gear/belt system. I was looking into a stepper with built in gearing but I heard you could get play in the gears witch would create backlash (may not be noticeable on the
at the moment i have just deleted the command out of slicer that turns the motors off after finishing the print and set the merlin firmware motor time out to 0 but i suspect when i take gear the motors down to give me a higher resolution on the z the idle holding torque of the steppers will be sufficient to hold it in place. i currently home from the negative on the z (from the bottom) so before
yer that was what i was thinking and it also has the added benefit of being able to be picked up by and inductive sensor witch is a big bonus over thick plates of glass however they seem to be quite expensive. i was thinking of getting some 6mm (or 10mm if i can) sheet aluminum cut to size and machining it down my self but i have a feeling the way the sheets are manufactured will create warping w
Yer i had noticed problems when slicing some more complicated stls from sketchup, hope u hit the nail on the head with that one. Going to try DesignSpark tonight thanks for the recommendation and yer using a 3 point adjustment makes alot more sense will most likely implement this when i get my beds cut, glad you mentioned it befor hand as it looks like they will be slightly different sizes now
Ok so I have gotten the printer up to the stage where I can print pla out of a .5 mm nozzle. So fare I am happy everything seems to be working as I hoped. I was able to stack two drivers on top of each other to run 2 steppers at highest possible current off of just 1 ramps output, and the parts I used enabled me to cool the drivers from both the top of the chip and bottom of the PCB. The belt
ok i figured it out, i think the size of my build platform in the controllers firmware was smaller then my starting point. if all goes well i know what im going to be doing for the next fue weeks
ok now when i put the one that worked through slic3r it doesn't work, the old gcode file still prints. perhaps i did something wrong in slicer.
this is the cube that prints ok
Loading file: I:\10mm_test_cube.gcode
Loaded I:\10mm_test_cube.gcode, 1599 lines
474.87mm of filament used in this print
The print goes:
- from 88.11 mm to 111.89 mm in X and is 23.79 mm wide
- from 88.11 mm to 111.89 mm in Y and is 23.79 mm deep
- from 0.00 mm to 10.10 mm in Z and is 10.10 mm high
Estimated duration: 25 layers, 0:08:26
Print started at: 22:13:34
I took out the filament and let the prit run through this time. Fount this interesting, Estimated duration: 25 layers, 0:06:51 but Print ended at: 22:05:57 and took 0:02:13
Printer is now online.
echo: External Reset
Marlin 1.1.0-RC7
echo: Last Updated: 2016-07-31 12:00 | Author: (none, default config)
Compiled: Dec 1 2016
echo: Free Memory: 5361 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
just tried again this is what the gcode window shows
Loading file: C:\Users\Nick\Desktop\20mm box n lid.gcode
Loaded C:\Users\Nick\Desktop\20mm box n lid.gcode, 3115 lines
2171.21mm of filament used in this print
The print goes:
- from 270.56 mm to 329.44 mm in X and is 58.89 mm wide
- from 282.91 mm to 317.09 mm in Y and is 34.19 mm deep
- from 0.00 mm to 21.30 mm in Z and is 21.30 mm high
I have recently just got my first printer up to the point where I can do some test prints. I used a stl file I got off the internet (10mm x 10mm cube) and was able to use slic3r and pronterface to make my first prints. First one was very messy but after calibrating the extruder I am very happy with the quality . I next tried to make a stl file in sketchup and slice it with slic3r which seemed to
Unfortunately for me all I know is labview and assembly and very basic c so I might just start with brushing up on my c and look into the ramps firmware to get what i need. Thanks for the list of applications I will definitely check them out once I get my printer up and going. I guess I was hoping for a spreadsheet with all the commands listed and possibly even a flow diagram with how to use them
I was thinking of doing to same thing but I want to do it in labview, im thinking it is possible but I cant fund much information on the communication protocols that the firmware on the ramps controller uses. Im guessing its not to hard and u can sent it commands like home all axis’s or move the x axis 100 steps up, I think there called G commands. u must be able to send it blocks of Gcode that t
Yer i want to keep all the drivers and end stops on 1 board with added drivers to do all the g code calculations and use the other one to control my multiple heat beds and other things i want to add. I plan on using this machine as more then just a printer. I also want to do PCB laser exposure and pick and place one day. I think you are right, it sounds like a hassle to sync 2 arduinos together
Trew i didnt think about the deltas kind of the same thing. With the heat bed i was planning on having 6 beds that are adjustable on 4 points each, still considering how i will make them all join together and adjust, going to use 6mm aluminum plates that i will machine flat ( i actually haven't done much aluminum work on my cnc yet, been using a band saw and hack saw). I have the DVR8825 but afte
Ok so im slowly getting there, hoping this design will get me to the stage where I can do some basic prints to improve on this design. The first thing I want to print will be a pulley reduction for the z axis steppers
I am investigating the potential for myself to wright a application like printrun to send commands to a custom ramps board. I wish to free up some resources on the ATmega1280 to let me add more stepper drivers. I have done some searches online but I just get bombarded with your standard software applications available and people having difficulty using them. I wish to use 2 arduinos 1 to handle t
This would be a great idea because it would free up a lot of resources and possibly allow for drivers/extruders
Just order the mentioned motors and couplings locally so I should have them in a few days, I will liquid cool the drivers from the underside if I have to so u can use the 2A motors. Also have the rest of the bits and pieces I need to get all the axes moving on there way from china. I’m now thinking I should use individual drivers and ramps driver outputs on the z that way I would be able to level
I have herd that the DRV8825 drivers are cooled from the underside of the ic package and there are vias on the pcb of the driver board to aid this process, perhaps it would be beneficial to cool from the underside. I could make them remotely wired in to the ramps board to give me space to mount the driver pcb underside to a larger cooled heat sink or I could just use lower power steppers.
With g
I am using 16 mm rails that are 800mm long and was also wondering this. Possibly there is a way to tune the bending out with a post gcode editor
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