I have read the thread and I do follow this topic...by zacbot - Reprappers
Hallo Repetier, ich vesuche mein Delta als leichte cnc zu betreiben... Das Problem: Die cam software produziert brauchbares code und es wird auch ausgeführt. Das einzige ist, Repetierhost geht NICHT unter 0. Das heisst, negative Z bewegung werden nicht ausgeführt. Eine Idee ?by zacbot - Software
I am also working on that... Since this morning I fighting against Repetier Host. It does not want to go below Z = 0 I have tried everything, also did what is described here I am using latest version of both Repetier Host and firmware.by zacbot - CNC Routers, Mills, and Hybrid RepRapping
Thanks for the video, it saves our time to guess what could be wrong Richrap provided two kind of carriage, one for LMU and one for bushing. I printed the one for bushing but soon I saw there is a little problem with it. It doesn t fit good and because Richrap didn t build a 3DR with bushing at that time, I thought this part is untested and is a beta. So I took the seconde one for LMU. As far aby zacbot - Delta Machines
Here is a quick update about building the 3DR Simple, but the issue I had here is general and is not related to the Delta. I wanted to get rid of the bulky original extruder with it big gear and because I had the MK7 gear in my desk, I thought it s time to use it and did some CAD work, that looks like this:; Of course coupled with housing to hold the MK7 gear....but 10 days later...1 Kg filaby zacbot - Delta Machines
Very good. And that s why, i said at the beginning of this discussion, "it is the last I will look after". I didn t say, "it is not worth to look at it". First check reflector, rods, carriage. And because they are not present on the picture of the print above, I asked for a video to see the whole machine build and all components at work. Update: But I must say, that your posts about tower pby zacbot - Delta Machines
Hallo Viktor, das is echt Klasse was du da gebaut hast! Ich bin gespannt auf die Fortschritte.by zacbot - Projekte
And I must say, I choosed to build the 3DR, because of this matter. The frame is build with printed parts, so the error marge is very very small, compared to any hand made part. Most starter will not be able to produce printed parts. It means someone else did the job. The buy it as a kit or get it from a profi. It would be interesting to know, who made the parts of the above printer. For me, theby zacbot - Delta Machines
Found a similar issue.... But at the ends repetier said: QuoteRepetier To be fair, the radius correction is not mathematically correct. It only computes the column coordinate based on the correction and uses this. I think the avr is not able to handle the correct compensation in a timely manner. So correction should really be small or it will hurt more then help.by zacbot - Delta Machines
this could help you: Delta calibration by Jay Coutureby zacbot - Delta Machines
Many thanks for the link. The thread started October 16, 2012 and seems to compares the firmware for cartesian printers. It would be nice to know, if since that time, the actual repetier firmware could resolve issues like the above and if yes how. I saw in repetier firmware option that are not in actual Marlin but don t know for which purpose they are there, like Angle of column A/B/C 210 330 9by zacbot - Delta Machines
Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Ja es ist ein 3DR Delta und arbeitet mit repetier host und firmware. Druckauftrag vom laptop. Folgendes mache ich. 1. Drucken 2. Pausieren 3. Home (während der Pause) 4. Druck fortsetzenby zacbot - Software
Hallo Repetier, ich bin von der letzten stabilen version auf 0,91 Rev 7 umgestiegen. Soweit sieht es gut aus, nur wenn ich während des Drucks eine Pause mache, dann homing, dann fortsetzen, bleibt er oben und druckt weiter ! Das heisst, ich kann abgebrochene Jobs nicht weiter drucken. Das war nicht so vorher, was habe ich falsch eingestellt im configuration tool for version 0.91 Rev 7 ? Gruss aby zacbot - Software
....Of course other approaches can be used. What is the difference between the actual repetier firmware and Marlin firmware regarding the Delta? Do they have different approaches to drive, calibrate and correct Delta moves?by zacbot - Delta Machines
I didn t change the carriage of the my 3DR. It is still the original one, just attached a belt to it instead of the fishing line. There was no problem here. I didn t notice a big difference in terms of quality, but with the belt the setup time is much shorter, the maintenance is simple and the motor steps are correct. The fishing line is cool, cheap, makes less noise than belts.by zacbot - Delta Machines
Quotepayala so that did nothing in this print. ah ok, I just thought it was the fan, cause I didn t find any other logical explanation for the fact that the printed filament has left the circle exactly there where the first fan (on the right side of the picture) is blowing and came back to the track after leaving the blowing zone of that fan. When it arrives to the second fan, this does not hapby zacbot - Delta Machines
Yes, I agree with this too and I had also my "FUN" with my printed parts.....Thats why I exluded mecahnical printed parts later in my build, like the spool for the fishing line....But look, what I mean is, even if the printed parts that holds the frame are a bit smaller or a bit larger than the original design, then there shouldn t be a problem with the geometry as long as they are identical to eby zacbot - Delta Machines
It would be helpful if you post a video while the printer is printing. A copy of your configh.h will also help. Anyway, since it is a 3DR, using printed parts, problems related to geometric of the printer are the last I would look after. All my "flatness" issues were related to the bed surface flatness, leveling of the bed, rods length (firmware and physical), joints and the reflector. For exaby zacbot - Delta Machines
Calibrate the firmware to print flat At this point, it is likely that if the firmware instructs the printer to move the carriage across the build surface, the nozzle tip will not stay true to the build surface. Even though the extruder will be at the calibrated correct Z height at each of the three tower locations, it will either be above or below the build surface at the center of the build arby zacbot - Delta Machines
Any news about this ? I also thought about a similar solution but couldn t figure out where to put the sensor...and because anything with magnet field does not work well with heat, I didn t want to go further in this direction... What about this: the hotend and the alu plate are connected to the same low electrical circuit.....for example the plate is (-) and the hotend is (+) and when they toucby zacbot - Delta Machines
I don t know if you have calibrated the printer, it is not clear in your post, but if you didnt this could help you: Delta calibration by Jay Coutureby zacbot - Delta Machines
Quotecadman97 ok , all motors are running now, but I have 1 motor that doesn't want to stop when it gets to the endstop. the led lights up, but the motor keeps going. It is my X motor I've checked the endstops to make sure that they are coordinated with the corresponding Motor. I'm feeling that its something with the config file now. I should check in the endstop area right? Mike Either the enby zacbot - Delta Machines
Spool ?? You are using the plastic spool with fishing line ? Be aware that my firmware configuration is using GT2 belt and pulley. I hadn t good experience with fishing line and plastic spool. There are other issues with this, not only the screw problem. By the way, when you start calibration with the configuration tool of repetier, I recommend to watch this very new and good video of calibratiby zacbot - Delta Machines
I hope you are testing the motors out of the frame. Correct ? And what about the firmware, did you upload it ?by zacbot - Delta Machines
My extruder is configured at 8 microstepping in the firmware. Your board is setup to run 16 microstepping.by zacbot - Delta Machines
You could also use to generate your firmware configuration file with a wizard.by zacbot - Delta Machines
Show me please how you jumpered the board for 16 microstepping with a picture. Just to be sure... :-) If a motor still brrr and not anymore plays the "police sirene" you are dealing now with something else....It can be 1. a poor connection 2. a wrong cable connection 3. the stepper should deliver more power to move the motor (use the screw to go higher) 4. is something blocking the motor....?by zacbot - Delta Machines
It times out, because the arduino software didn t find your board. You must select it in the menu Tools under board and then Arduino 2560. Further you have to select the usb port, also under tools then serial ports then portX... See my copy of the firmware...for more settings /* This file is part of Repetier-Firmware. Repetier-Firmware is free software: you can redistribute it and/orby zacbot - Delta Machines
Hi Mike I know this noise....and heard it often before I understood what the problem is. If you have the RAMPS board from Saint Smart, than chance are great that there are no jumpers on the board. And as you know, stepping can not be configured with the software or firmware, at least not for RAMPS. So, check your hardware Microstepping configuration first, then configure your firmware...Repetiby zacbot - Delta Machines
Great that you fixed it. But I must say, I hadn t yet this kind of issue and didn t try out this alu spool. For me it means either the quality of the spool fixing system is poor or the motor has to fight unusual resistence. How is the noise when printing, is it loud ? I also haven t seen rusting rods yet...Do you have a link to the rods you bought? The rust will probably dammage the bearings theby zacbot - Delta Machines